Level 6
Joined: Experience: 280
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 315
TP: 0
Quest for the Lost Pages, Part VII
You have arrived at the spot Brin pointed to on the map. Brin stands outside a huge stone entranceway carved into the rock face. Above it, carved into the rock is a roll of parchment and a quill, and below, written in Hylian is "Temple of the Forgotten Legends". So this is where the last page is supposedly hidden, you think. Brin sees that a few of the voluteers have already arrived. "Okay, everyone, here we are, at the doorstep of the Temple of the Forgotten Legends. As soon as everyone arrives, we'll get this quest started!"
Level 18
Joined: Experience: 3353
Class: Boss//Final Boss
: 587
TP: 5
doesn't look very temple-ish!
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
jarod the dark mage
Level 8
Joined: Experience: 718
Class: scholar // mage
: 854
TP: 2
Brin.. !
there you are...
You should have said something when you left!
it took my a while to have found you!
oh..never mind it
hmmm.. so this the temple.. it looks creepy...
Azador Greenfield& Edward Ricardius
level 8
str =4 + staff ( 9) = 13
def =5 + tunic ( 10 ) = 15
agl =4
int =9
spi =3
hp: 33
spl: 28
fire - elemental burst lvl2 - shield lvl2
"I Remember the comfort felt in the dream....
Cherishing every moment....
But I lust for so much more..." - Azador -
Level 6
Joined: Experience: 280
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 315
TP: 0
"Okay, so almost everyone's ready now." says Brin as he sees Kasei and Azador arrive. "Yes, Kasei, it may not seem like a temple from the outside, but we haven't gone in yet."
jarod the dark mage
Level 8
Joined: Experience: 718
Class: scholar // mage
: 854
TP: 2
shall we go inside then...?
azador peeked inside.. a bit dark..
azador picked up some sticks.. FIRE!
here...everybody some candles
Azador Greenfield& Edward Ricardius
level 8
str =4 + staff ( 9) = 13
def =5 + tunic ( 10 ) = 15
agl =4
int =9
spi =3
hp: 33
spl: 28
fire - elemental burst lvl2 - shield lvl2
"I Remember the comfort felt in the dream....
Cherishing every moment....
But I lust for so much more..." - Azador -
Level 18
Joined: Experience: 3353
Class: Boss//Final Boss
: 587
TP: 5
allow me... kasei caused a large flame to appear in midair, illuminating the whole temple...
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Level 4
Joined: Experience: 168
Class: Scholar
: 56
TP: 2
Xokorn, having arrived a few minutes ago, took a peek of his own. "Wow...! This place is creepy! ...Neat!" He marched inside, looking behind to try to usher the others in.
Those who flaunt with power disappear when the truly powerful appear.
STR 1 (Base)
DEF 2 (Base) + 10 (L1 Tunic) = 12
AGI 4 (Base) + 3 (LV3 Deku Agility) = 7
INT 3 (Base) = 3
SPI 3 (Base) = 3
HP 53
SPL= (LV[4] x Base[3]) + SPI[3] = 15
Staff DMG = 9
LV1 Fire--DMG = 9
LV1 Life
LV2 Exceptional Health
LV3 Deku Agility
Level 6
Joined: Experience: 280
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 315
TP: 0
"Ok, enough of us are here. Let's get the final Quest for the Lost Page over with!" Brin, Kasei, Azador, and Xokorn enter. It is dark inside, only lit by Kasei's fire. "It's exactly how my grandfather described it!" says Brin. "except... ruined."
You are in a large, circular room, with long stone pillars stretching up into darkness, and a marble checkerboard floor, which is covered in dirt and dust and bits of debris from some of the pillars that are no longer standing. There are remains of old stone tables and wooden chairs, and even candleholders. There are four doors in this main room, one to the left, one to the right, one forward, and one being the entrance that you just entered through.
Brin points to the door directly ahead of us. "According to the stories my grandfather told me about this place, that's the entrance to the library. That's where I think we'll find the last Lost Page. But there's something here that wasn't in the stories my grandfather told me about this place."
Now he points to a large jagged chasm streching across the middle of the room. Standing on the edge of it, you see that it goes down farther than anyone can see, even by Kasei's light. "I think its too far to even use the Jump spell to get across. But there is another entrance to the library somewhere, but I don't remember where. So guys, what do you think we should do first?"
Level 18
Joined: Experience: 3353
Class: Boss//Final Boss
: 587
TP: 5
THIS! kasei puts a seal on the ground, and is instantly on the other side...
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Level 6
Joined: Experience: 280
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 315
TP: 0
But then, all of a sudden Kasei trips on his way to the library door and tumbles into the abyss...
Level 18
Joined: Experience: 3353
Class: Boss//Final Boss
: 587
TP: 5
fire surrounds kasei, and he is back at the library door... see? piece of cake!
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Level 6
Joined: Experience: 280
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 315
TP: 0
OOC: we're not supposed to get to the library that soon into the dungeon...
Level 18
Joined: Experience: 3353
Class: Boss//Final Boss
: 587
TP: 5
IC: its locked! and the door won't burn!
OOC: o.k.?
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Level 6
Joined: Experience: 280
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 315
TP: 0
OOC: yeah, good idea!
IC: "It won't burn... We'll have to try the other doors." Brin heads off in the direction of the door to the left.
Level 4
Joined: Experience: 168
Class: Scholar
: 56
TP: 2
Xokorn followed close by, scanning the room for any signs of enemies. Keeping his incantation for Fire in his mind, should he need it, he opened the door for the party. Still ready for ambushes, he jumped into the adjoining room and...
Those who flaunt with power disappear when the truly powerful appear.
STR 1 (Base)
DEF 2 (Base) + 10 (L1 Tunic) = 12
AGI 4 (Base) + 3 (LV3 Deku Agility) = 7
INT 3 (Base) = 3
SPI 3 (Base) = 3
HP 53
SPL= (LV[4] x Base[3]) + SPI[3] = 15
Staff DMG = 9
LV1 Fire--DMG = 9
LV1 Life
LV2 Exceptional Health
LV3 Deku Agility