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Messages - zinger193

N64 Games / Re: LoZ couples
August 09, 2009, 01:23:05 PM
I would say that my favorite pairing is LinkxZelda, and maybe thats just because that's the cliché pair throughout the series. If I had a second choice it would probably be LinkxSaria thanks to the Ocarina of Time Manga, which I know isn't completely cannon, but it does make them seem like a better couple. I have to say, OOT is probably the only Zelda game I can think of with these many choices for pairings...
N64 Games / Re: favorite side quest in oot/mm
August 09, 2009, 01:17:41 PM
I do think that MM had way better sidequests. And I also agree that the Kafei and Anju one was definitely my favorite.
General Discussion / Re: The Welcome Thread
August 05, 2009, 04:43:21 PM
Well, hello everyone  ;D my name is Emily but you can call me Zinger if you like. I'm 15 and I've been playing (or watching my Dad play in the beginning) Zelda for as long as I can remember. TDC has always been one of my favorite Zelda sites and I finally decided to join the forum. I know, it took me long enough, I've been coming here since Jack was around xD If you'd like to know a bit about me, I enjoy playing video games, especially Nintendo and I watch TV every once in a while, usually Avatar: The Last Airbender or M*A*S*H. Music takes up the majority of my life, I play the flute in band at school and I love rock music. My favorite bands/artists are the Beatles, Rooney, All-American Rejects, Michael Jackson, and Coldplay just to name a few. I also enjoy reading fantasy, such as The Chronicles of Narnia.