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Sorry guys.

Started by TP Zelda, October 07, 2007, 10:23:20 PM

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TP Zelda

i may not be on alot cuz the other comp aint workin. i keep losing connection to AIM and MSN too soz  8)

Twilight Wolf

You know, it could just be a fluke... the same thing happened with the laptop I'm using once, but it works fine now. Before you panic, try shutting off the computer for a while before turning it back on.
What, you expect me to say something witty?

TP Zelda

eh, maybe. i restarted it  :D but i prolly shud SHUT IT DOWN for A LITTLE BIT

Twilight Wolf

Yes, you probably should. A restart isn't quite the same as a hard shutdown... Give it a try, anyways.

I'll wait.
What, you expect me to say something witty?

TP Zelda

its workn now i lock this now =p