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map please!

Started by DarkZelda, January 31, 2006, 07:31:26 AM

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Shadow Ganon


i started a topic bout it. :)

Shadow Ganon


Shadow Ganon

u just love a smiley face don't ya medli. soon they will all be miserable, as not even computer generated graphics will be able to create happiness once i am in control


i expect protection from your master! you promised!

Shadow Ganon

fair enough, I'm a villain I dont make promises, even when i do i don't mean them.

p.s. sorry i didnt wanna break out ov character, he is meant to b twice as evil as ganon lol


Shadow Ganon

lol, I am the most evil creation of the whole of Hyrule, and i dont even come from hyrule


really? where do you come from? ;)

Shadow Ganon

I come from a naighbouring land of which we do not speak its name. It is the same land from which Kaepora Geabora came from


where'd he come from? ;)

Shadow Ganon

the same land as me.


Shadow Ganon

ok i'll b honest I can't think ov a name for my world lol