[NMC] The Secret Summoning.

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Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 5:04 pm
The Goryia glared at Azador. "Then you'll be dead! I'm not falling for that one! Do you think I would believe you will really get your friend?! Trust you not... alas, I can hunt you down if you turn me in. I have good will power, so I'll be findin' out if you'll be telling them guards. Thus, I can telepathically drive you mad, and kill you. When ever I want. So you'll be dyin' anyway, you pig!" He looked away, as though he didn't care.

That was the last of the Goryia seeing Azador in Rauru...

Ok, who's all coming for the fight...

There's Kasei, Raven, Grenada... that ain't enough! More need to come. 3 people from Rauru, and the Master have be killed before I even lead! I can't afford that. There must be more...

Just then, a twisted smile grew on his face. He looked outside the alley. A few people, a group of teenagers, about 16 of them, were laughing and talking to each other as they passed by the alley. the Goryia suddenly used some sort of movemebnt with his hands, and their expression changed from happy to mindless. They limped over into the Alley. "No good in laughing, you dogs."

"We apologize, sir. We shall obey your will..."

"No..." He smirked deeper, "You obey... the Master."

"Yes. We serve Master!"

He grinned. "Maybe a few more will walk by, and we'll be on our way... :twisted:"

EDIT: He waits. Knights pass by. "Heheh... watch this..." he says. He gathered them to join his summon. "Good. Now, I have just enough. I cannot control any more. 35 is all that my will power can handle. Now, follow, slaves. You must meet... Master
Cobra... :twisted:." He smirked, and began to walk away. Who in the world could this 'Master Cobra" he speaks of?!

Only time will tell...

OOC: OK, just to confirm that everyone is prepared, I need you all to reply to this. OK? So I will know when to put up the topic of the council.
And look at Today's Crazy Seer, just in case... 8) ... you know...
Master Goron Level 8
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Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 12:26 am
OOC: Yep, I'm here still.

IC: Grenada looks to Azador with a smirk, eyes large with tiny slits for pupils.

"The way I see it, you'll be dead, so we'd be even, perhaps in even better condition, so I think you're lucky he doesn't kill you right here."

Grenada watches the Goriya begin to leave and his brow closes tight around his eyes when he sees this- what looks to be- mind control. He is happy he's on the side of the Goriya, mind control is not his happy place, well not really place, but thing. In any case, he wonders who Master Cobra could be, but this thought passes as he prepares his mind for whatever could come next.

STR- 3 DEF- 17 AGI- 5 INT- 1 SPL- 1 SPL- 7 HP- 41
Red Fury Level 6
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Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 5:24 am
Raven who had planned to leave the scene is drawn back in again. The name that the Goryia had mentioned was familiar to him. Could it be him... He slipped out the shadows and reappeared amongst the group. What is this strange power that he has over people, telepathy, I've never heard of something as brutish as a Goryia use that and not to such great effect. He decides to stay with the group, his appointment won't wait but he can always rob him another time, and find out who Master Cobra is and what the secret to the Goryia's power is.

STR 2 - DEF 11 - AGI 6 - INT 3 - SPI 1 - SPL: 5 - HP: 30
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 7:43 am
all of these people, and noone has noticed? the royal guards aare pathetick!

immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
jarod the dark mage Level 8
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Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 10:56 am
Azador nods at Grenada.. I might be lucky, I don't mind..
But you..you're a traitor...
those exiles you're working for will destory hyrule completly,
a thing I that won't gona happen when I'm around....

I hope i see you at the battle field.. maybe i will spare you heheheh....

Azador walked to town center with a grin on his face..
He was ready, and preparing for the battles that could come...
Azador Greenfield&Edward Ricardius
level 8
str =4 + staff ( 9) = 13
def =5 + tunic ( 10 ) = 15
agl =4
int =9
spi =3
hp: 33
spl: 28

fire - elemental burst lvl2 - shield lvl2

"I Remember the comfort felt in the dream....
Cherishing every moment....
But I lust for so much more..." - Azador -
Sovelis Level 18
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Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:04 am
Sovelis walks up to the group of his freinds. " What is going on?" he asks Azador.

OoC: GM, are you mad at me for poking the Deku king? 8)
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 2:26 pm
OOC: Oh, RF, you will be extremely suprised to whom this 'Master Cobra' is. Oh, yes, so suprised. Suspense will startle him, precious... :shock: ... Oops. I was talking with myself again wasn't I? :oops:

No, I don't mind if you poked the Deku King. But if you poked the bartender's wife... I still won't really mind. ... But the bartender sure will...

Oh! You ment Master Goron? Well, I'm the GM, so, sorry about that... :roll: (GM stands for Game Master.Look it up in the Rules Set)

Now, on with the Exiles... :twisted:

IC: "I wouldn't mind changing my mind, Azador... :twisted:" his evil grin became a frowbn quickly.

"Now, let's go! We've not got much time! I'm sure He will like to meet you all..." As he begins to walk away, leading you out of Rauru, to the East, you can't forget how he emfesized the word 'He'. He said as though it were a name...

You look up suddenly as you hear him hiss, "Come! We must go... to the