OOC: guys, in case you didn't know, the surround spell is from Fable, and a few of those Anime shows. It summons a powerfulcircle around you and, if you train hard enough with it, it can kill everyone around you, blowing them to pieces. It's cool. Here's an example...
http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid= ... 98&q=Fable
It's a lot like the bombos medallion, but it's with will power.
IC: Blank's hit cuts Nogare just moments before he was able to unleash the power spell. ... But alas, it enough not to stop it. The spell flew out of Nogare. But it didn't get far, for Denning stopped it just in time. Nogare falls to the ground, breathing hard, struggling to survive from the spell. It was then that Kasei's arrows stuck. 1... 2... but the third luckily missed, but still it finished him off. His struggling stopped.
Just then, Rotiart began to laugh. His fingers stopped to move. "I'm suprised that you fools are so merciless that you'd kill your own friend this is uneared of. I had been controlling him the entire time!" then, the boy began to bubble, as though he were a humanoid Chuchu. He glew a blackish-red colour, and took the form of a sphere. It then took the shape of a grown man, then back into a Goron, then a Goryia, then back into a bubble. "Haha! You payed no attention to my name, did you! Haha! See you all at Hyrule's destruction and ruin! Hehehehehehehehemwahahake-
kekakkeyaakakhakaeytatatatatatakakaka!" He vanishes before anyone can recover from their astonishment.
So it is that now, the son of Greyblade was defeated... and the battle was one.
Marin wrote:Denning thinks as he hears the name.
"Simple, Traitor. But I should wait...I dont want everyone to know, ill wait for Nogare to get back, but Blank should know too."
Denning walks over to Blank, and wispers in his ear
"Rotiart, Traitor...all too easy."

You forgot, didn't you...
You didn't see anything...
IC: After everyone had recovered from their suprise, they came out from behind their protection from Chaos Blast, still on guard. People from around the town slowly came out of their homes. Many wept. Many came to see who had fallen. Many of the knights and guards were only wounded, but were unable to stand for now. Many were wounded so badly, that they would die in a matter of hours. The medic of Ruto rushed over from the East, bearing equiptment to heal the wounded, such as hearts, and fairies, and Elixir Soup.
It was not until the healer came went an older man, who was not a fighter, showed out a name. You didn't pay attention to what it was, for the sight of him weeping was too painful. He fell to soldier's side, and tried to repeat it, but sadness took over his words. This was taking place quite near you, and he looks up to you, saying, "... no father should have to witness this... their only son... killed in a war..." He continued to weep.
Victory did not raise your spirit in the end... only sadness... only loneliness... only death...
A man aproaches you. He is a soldier, bearing a sword and sheild.
OOC: *Du nu nu nuuuuuuuu!* Enter Aldo, from the Legend of Zelda, the Crystal Trap!
IC: He looks to you. "I cannot believe that... all of this would happen... Ruto has always been a town of peace... Never would it have been thought that this town would be attacked... before all the others..." He looks down upon Nogare. "I would give my life to see these people living on... not laying in ruin... I will give my life... to avenge them..."
You suddenly think of Nogare! Is he alright?!