Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1397
Class: Grunt/Vassal
: 233
TP: 4
After becoming a knight of the Hylian army, he turned on his heels to face something that he never hoped to see; a Deku Scrub. Nogare approached the Deku creature. He hated these creatures, but knew that his father would not want him to kill it, and he would regret it if he did. He saw him yelling about a Great Deku Tree. He had read a book once, called the Ocarina of Time, that said that The Great Deku Tree lived in Kokiri Forest. The Deku seedling took his place. He approached the Deku, though he hated them dearly, asked, "Umm... did the Deku Tree not live in the Kokiri Forest?"
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
The Deku continues to hop around, though now it takes on a more annoyed form. "The Kokiri Forest? No, no, no, that was a looooong time ago. Centuries ago! Now he lives in the Thicket! If you don't believe me, go see him yourself!"
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1397
Class: Grunt/Vassal
: 233
TP: 4
Nogare looked at the ground, frowning, hating the idea that the Deku was being so annoying. His rivalry began when he was a child, He was almost killed by a laughing Deku, before his mother was killed by the Deku himself. His father only had scared it off. He winced at the memory. He retained himself, though. "I suppose I have been reading too many of those stories. I shall go check." he said with his forehead almost sweating. Was this the same one who killed his mother? "Good day." He said hastily, and hurried away, not crying, but still noticeably sad. Some stared at him, but most people ignored him. He had seen the Goron with the broken Caravan, so maybe he could get some wood from there for him.
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
The Deku Scrub blinks a few times as Nogare stalks off, then simply shrugs his shoulders, completely oblivious to the man's negative attitude. And so the bouncing begins once again...
OOC: Nogare, I'm using the timeline found in TDC's Compendium, so HA2 would take place over 1000 years after OOT.
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1397
Class: Grunt/Vassal
: 233
TP: 4
OOC:Yeah. I edited today, so it actuallty conects to my story, no matter what timeline.
Level 1
Joined: Experience: 29
Class: Vagabond//Ranger
: 25
TP: 0
Yoko walks up to the Deku Scrub and said "Thank you for your infomation, I would go to Deku Woods if I know where to go, can you tell me how to get there?"
STATS: STR: 2---DEF: 1---AGI: 6---INT: 3---SPI: 1---HP: 31---SPL: 2
Physical:[STR+Dagger]= 7 DMG
Calm Beast
Disarm Trap
Yoko's Profile
Level 6
Joined: Experience: 268
Class: Grunt//Vassal
: 99
TP: 1
The one with free wood. No thanks, I've been ther before, and am waiting to recieve my membership from the kind Goron.
Level 2
Joined: Experience: 67
Class: Vagabond
: 133
TP: 0
Lyos' brow becomes furrowed as he muses over this new information. Perhaps...
Hey brothe, wasn't that big, bear looking thing looking for some deku wood?
They are called gorons, Hurin, and yes I was just thinking the same thing.
Well the what're we waiting for? Let's go!
Thank you mister scrub! Hurin called after the unusual living advertisement as the two strode out of the square towards the castle gates.
Great Deku Tree, hmm maybe...
Lyos Svara
Hylian, Vagabond//:?:, L2
STR:2 DEF:15 AGI: 3 INT:7 SPI:2 SPL:7 HP:32
Spells: 11
Dagger: 7
No man is a failure who has friends.
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 206
Class: Grunt
: 87
TP: 1
Eberron looked slightly shocked.
"A big tree? A big deku tree?"
Pondering for a moment he sat down next to the little scrub.
"I was there earlier... I got some wood from a big tree for a new friend I met. He wanted to fix a carty thing."
Taking his hat off so he could get a more direct look at the scrub, Eberron was pleased to notice that the sun had begun to fade and was finally not blazing into his eyes. Though it may have been the fact that he was now lower and not able to see the sun directly any more. He wasn't sure.
"Can I ask what a deku tree is. I saw lots of big trees. But this one must be special, right?"
HP: 42 +10 (Exceptional Health) = 52
STR: 6 +3 (Goron Strength) = 9
DEF: 3 + 2 (Deku shield) +12 (Jerkin) = 17
AGI: 2 + 2 (Deku Agility) = 4
INT: 1
SPI: 1 +1 (Zora Spirit) = 2
SPL: 7
Unarmed Combat -L1 : 5 +9 (Strength Bonus) 14
Bow -L2: 5+9 (Strength Bonus) 14
Deku 1H Sword: 5 + 9 (Strength Bonus) 14
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
The Deku stops his hopping, looks up at the Goron, and suddenly screams so loudly that people blocks away can hear it.
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 206
Class: Grunt
: 87
TP: 1
Eberron stepped back, alarmed by the fierce little shrub. His eyes were wide and he fell over backwards onto his bag, his hat hitting the ground with a thud to the left of him. Struggling to bring himself back up, he looked around nervously; not particularly keen on the attention he had attracted.
"Umm... that is... I didn't mean to say something wrong I..."
His face begining to take on a scarlet hue, he forced himself up with one last heave and stood up in front of the deku.
"I'm sorry, I'm new here and... I don't know anything about trees. Or wood. Or new things. Like new people."
He picked his hat up and placed it back onto his head, shifting it up and down as was his nervous habit.
"Maybe you could tell me... or I could go see this tree or... Have I done something wrong?"
HP: 42 +10 (Exceptional Health) = 52
STR: 6 +3 (Goron Strength) = 9
DEF: 3 + 2 (Deku shield) +12 (Jerkin) = 17
AGI: 2 + 2 (Deku Agility) = 4
INT: 1
SPI: 1 +1 (Zora Spirit) = 2
SPL: 7
Unarmed Combat -L1 : 5 +9 (Strength Bonus) 14
Bow -L2: 5+9 (Strength Bonus) 14
Deku 1H Sword: 5 + 9 (Strength Bonus) 14
Level 2
Joined: Experience: 60
Class: Grunt//
: 47
TP: 5
Deku tree? Free stuff? I better get over there now!
I am Anon, the wandering soul...
STR 3(Base)
DEF 3(Base) +2(Deku Sheild) = 5
AGI 2(Base) +3(Race) = 5
INT 1(Base)
SPI 1(Base)
HP 40
ShadowFang (1h Deku Sword) 5 dmg+3str
Train L1 Bow (1 TP spent)
Find Sustenance (1 TP spent)