Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 2:13 am
Suddenly, you fall to the ground. The world around you disappears. You feel like you are burning alive. As if the pain is about to peak you feel yourself cooling and freezing. Your so cold....then you resume normal tempurature and you begin to crumble into dirt. As you cry out for help, nothing but dirt comes out of your dirt made body. Just as you feel your life leaving you the wind picks up and you swirl around in a giant huricane. Odly enough your body is normal again....except for the fact that you are watching your body parts swirl around you in the whirl wind. You fall the the ground and your parts attach themselves to the cooresponding places. You open your eyes and look around. Everyone else has seemed to have suffered this effect. The comotion with the crowd begins and you wonder what had just happened.
OOC: Now you can comment on the currnet incident.
OOC: Now you can comment on the currnet incident.
I am the Hero of Light. Do you fear me or do you fear what you have heard of me?
I am the Hero of Light. Do you fear me or do you fear what you have heard of me?