[Location] Temple of Nayru

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Sheng Long Level 2
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Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:10 pm
On the side of the temple there is a splash of writing in heavy black letters
I was dancing in a costume made of straw...
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Omni-Link Level 1
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Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:08 pm
Narrator wrote: A massive statue of Link is erected in the middle of the small plaza just outside the doorway, with a shining white sword held in his hand.
a familure face looks up at the statue of Link

"Were are you Link were are You? i've been searching for awile now i want to find you brother. "
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Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 2:32 am
James looks at the statue of link and says in ancient hylean:Knil esaelp evig a ngis ot r'uoy niotacol
STR:1 + 1(talent Point)=2 D EF:2 AGI:1 INT:3(BASE) + 3(RACE) = 6(TOTAL) SPI:3(L x BASE) + 3(SPI)+2(TP) = 8(TOTAL) HP:20

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shadowboat Level 1
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Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 9:51 pm
Chapter 4, The confetion.
The battle with the person, who turned out not to be the thing he waqs looking for, Weralgae continues to walk around the castle. He was still weary from the fight, mostly because he was not used to fighting without his sword, but he did not rest.He continued to look, now through the temple Quarter. The temple was maybe one of Hyrule's many wonders, thought Weralgae. He passed by the statue of Link, the great Hero. he smiled, remembering the days, when he was younger, when the great hero just came from nowhere, and suddenly saved Hyrule. But the smile soon faded. There were people everywhere, praying and walking around. maybe it was here. he was not sure that it really was a beast, but it sure looked like it by the way he was cut up. He looked ahead and saw an empty area where he would be alone. he prayed for all that he had killed who were good, but thanking for the power that he had while he killed the evil. he cared not for either, though. He soon was done, and seeing that there was no one here that looked like a monster, save for Deku Scrubs, he headed out. [/i]
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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 10:54 am
kasei gazes at the statue, wondering about his past

will we ever meet for real, link?

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Sovelis Level 18
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Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:52 pm
Sovelis Stays outside of the gateway,Feeling the power inside the temple area thrills him, yet he cannot enter, for his gift willnot allow it, it causes pain to be so near this sacred site, for the curse still is with him. He bows to the temple and turns to leave." Forgive me, for what i have done," He says as he walks away, into the night...
Worru Level 14
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Posted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 6:36 am
Wandra walked into the temple, and took out his tablet. Let's see...Ah! Here it is. Nayru, Goddess of Wisdom, perfect for what I want. He walked up to the shine, kneeled down, and prayed, "Nayru, I pray that you give me the wisdom that I need for my quest. Mena." Wandra stood up, and began to wander around the temple to see what things it had to offer.
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Aureliano Level 6
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Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:17 pm
Nayru, since she has her own temple, she must be a Goddess. I'm sorry, Nayru, I am not familiar with local religion. Please forgive me, I promise I will learn more. I bow down, and mutter a simple prayer from my hometown Goddesses: Alexandria, Aphras, and Legsas, hoping Nayru would understand.
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joshua130746 Level 4
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Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 12:23 pm
I walk up to the temple and draw my blade,get down on my knees, cover my eyes with my free hand, and bow my head in prayer.

"My lord bless me along my journey and allow peace to return to Hyrule"
Race: Hylian
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Str: 2
Def: 1+2 (deku shield)=3
Agi: 3
Int:3 + 3 (Race Hylian) =6
Spi: 1

"No evil can stand before me."
"Fear not the darkness."