OOC: Quick Question

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Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:23 am
Congrats on leveling up, Saber! :P And good to see that you got my message, Nogare. I agree with you -- even if just in terms of motivation, my writing has definitely suffered without some daily RPing.

So, um... Did anyone even look at my last post? :? Asked a question of everyone. Would very much appreciate answers.
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Sovelis Level 18
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Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:08 pm
Alpha wrote: So, um... Did anyone even look at my last post? :? Asked a question of everyone. Would very much appreciate answers.
Interested, but no ideas
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 1:18 am
Alpha wrote:We probably won't start the party for another week or so - I want to give people time to see this, as well as to get those pesky final exams out of the way. In the meantime, does anyone have any ideas for the topic? Location, NPCs, events, etc.?
My answer to this inquiry:
-Location? Come on, we've been holed up in North Castle too long. Let's go out to North or South Hyrule, get some fresh air. Maybe the Zoras of Laruto Falls wouldn't mind seeing us and giving us some Christmas presents. Besides, it's not like we've really RPed in their Domain at all. I say they send us an invitation! Let's voluntell them to invite us! :D That's my vote.
-NPCs? I say let's not go overboard, but yeah, I think our heroes can bring along some guests. :) I say cap it at about 3 or 4?
- Event?? Someone suggesting an event? I vote yes with both hands slamming the desk... Then solemnly a hasty clean up to get the Coca Cola out of the wood before it soaks in ANYWAYS I'm down. Event, with stats, etc, but I've got a suggestion for it; each of us designs a room, and we go through each one to reach the end. Think Philosopher's Stone. (Or Sorcerer's Stone for Americans). Have them simple, short, and fun! :D And more than anything creative with lots of detail and feel; it's time to bring out the long lost writer out in all of us!!

Let there be a Happy Hyrulean Holiday of epic, and let it be a rebirth not only for a new year's prelude, but also to REBUILD OUR LONG ABANDONED HOME!!! *raises cup in a toast*

:DDD sorry. Enthused.

Edit: I see no answer other than 'yes' in the poll. :) This is quite the turnout.
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Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:52 am
Nogare, son of Greyblade wrote: each of us designs a room, and we go through each one to reach the end. Think Philosopher's Stone. (Or Sorcerer's Stone for Americans). Have them simple, short, and fun! :D And more than anything creative with lots of detail and feel; it's time to bring out the long lost writer out in all of us!!
Now THAT sounds cool as hell. I'd be pretty excited to see what you all come up with. Excellent thinking Nogare. As far as NPC's go, I think 2 should be the limit (that can fight). Things get out of hand when we're trying to calculate for too many NPC's.

I'd say that we should try to keep it a little lighthearted. For instance, instead of the quest be, "survive so nobody dies" we could make it something like,

"Queen Rashadaburbensmerch of the ancient Phoenix Gerudo Tribe once sealed away the most delicious cake ever created for a special occasion. She hid it behind several floors of trials, however, before she could find an occasion special enough to merit the consumption of the cake, a rival nation attacked, and set her kingdom in flames. The cake still remains under perfect preservation via vitality spell deep inside a mountain. All there is to go on is a treasure map that Taint looted out of a chest deep beneath the sea, but the adventure sounds just interesting enough that everyone comes together to seize the fabled Golden Kingdom Cake."

I'm not being serious obviously =P
But you get the gist of it. It'd be cool to run a story that isn't all doom and gloom. It's something fun that everyone agrees to do. Know what I'm sayin?" :o
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Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:35 pm


No one suggested an Event. :mad: That was never proposed, it was never even considered. I asked for ideas on 'events' (lowercase, notice. You and I have had enough discussions in the past about Events that you should have figured out that little bit of syntax by now), that is, little . . . um . . .

Occurrences? I guess that's a good enough synonym.

. . . little occurrences that might take place during the Christmas party. Such as . . . well, actually, I didn't have any ideas for any such events (see? Lowercase again), which is why I was asking for suggestions.

Not to mention... *massages forehead* ...that that wasn't even what I was requesting an answer to. Thank you, Sovelis, for actually reading my posts, specifically this one:
Alpha wrote:Well . . . I suppose . . . if you really wanted a story born from all this . . . I guess I can cook something up for us.

But first, I'd need to know if this is something everyone wants, or just a couple people like Leth. It'll help me figure out how big to make this. Once I've gotten a few more opinions, I can come up with a few ideas, shoot 'em to ZV, and get something going. :)

Let me know (preferably soon :P)!
Had you actually read my posts thus far, Nogare, I have no doubt that (a) you've had known what I was referring to, and (b) it would have been obvious that I was not talking about trying to force an official Event out of this small get-together that I expect will only last a few weeks (if even that long) before everyone loses interest and focus due, in no small part, to the many issues of the Real World that all of members face these days. I respect our fellow RPers' real lives and struggles too much to force them to carve out weeks of time, dedication, and focus, which an Event would certainly require.

*forces self to end rant here*

Edit: I should probably note that I'm more annoyed because you didn't read my posts, rather than because of your suggestions. :P
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Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:45 pm
>>; There WERE question marks in both places dude. I'm sorry that I skimmed a bit. I got it, no Event, just events. Plus all you asked is if people were interested beyond Leth. I think I show that I am. you can understand my misinterpretation, no? Answer is yes, I am interested. And I actually moreover think I'll be able to stay fairly active for the next while too. Won't be the first to go anyways.

Anyways, ZV I think that setting sounds awesome. If it's too serious it starts losing its fun. I'm down for whatever gets conjured up! :)
Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 5:42 pm
Cool. Glad we're on the same page again. :)
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Pabru Level 8
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Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:46 pm
I think we should start off with some light-hearted, free-form party RPing? If nothing else just to oil the old RP wheels: it looks like a couple of us are decidedly rusty! Besides there's something entertaining about a break from combat especially in this Holiday celebratory get together sort of thing. AND that ensures that if anyone wants to drop out they don't hold up the whole thread (we ARE going into finals season after all... Alpha you should share some of your post-grad computer knowledge with me).

But after things get going makes sense to transition into "events." Nogare's idea definitely sounds entertaining, I'd be hella down for that. I think the overarching theme here is just that it's ducking awesome to be back.

EDIT: Full agreement with Saber's post below.
Last edited by Pabru on Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Zach98o Level 1
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Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 3:09 am
I've been writing here and there, but I'm iffy on my RPing skills honestly.

But I guess a party can do wonders. Especially for Zach. :)
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Sabertache Level 11
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Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 8:51 am
I'd be down for making something bigger out of it, assuming we still have enough people posting by then. I mean, we're not going to do South Hyrule or anything, but having it become something more than just a talking party will probably keep more interest.
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jarod the dark mage Level 8
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Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 1:47 pm
You can count me in as well.
An HA2 reunion like this should be entertaining.

As for ideas, I agree with Pabru's suggestion.
Since it has been a while since we last RPed.
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Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:06 pm
Good to see you two again, Zach and Jarod! :D

Pabru's proposal seems like a solid compromise for this. We'll go with that, then -- simple RPing to start things off, and then we'll [somehow] transfer into a more action-oriented event ((not Event :P) ... (at least, not necessarily...)).

Meanwhile, Leth, if you or anyone else wants to do something more actiony from the get-go, you're free to have your characters encounter something or someone that results in such action. I only ask that you avoid using circumstances that would force others to get involved without their RPers' consent. Example -- I might want Alpha to talk to people, but if a massive battle starts it would horribly inconsistent with his character for me to make him stand on the sidelines. So...none of that. :P
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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 11:36 pm
DIN I leave this place for a week and there's a whole discussion!

Anyways, I'm all for it. I suppose I could find my old roleplay fingers and put them to the keyboard again. I've been keeping my typing skills steady with a few projects that I've been seeing to in real life, so I should be relatively fine in that regard.

As to the party itself - hell yeah! We need one of these every year, even if nothing else happens. I, personally, believe the party itself should be something less formal, something fun and fanciful without too much focus on a particular triviality. After all, if we'd set this up with some sort of bigger event behind it, then the majority of us would split before we get the topic off the ground!

I'll be largely available for the holidays, so the least I could do is show up. It's nice seeing such memorable individuals on the board again. Hello, everyone!

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Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:03 am
Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 11:34 am
Kasei! Good to see you again, dude! :D
Nogare, son of Greyblade wrote:Loving the turnout. So we've got 10 people... the league seems set.

So my question is... When do we get this show upon the road?
Plan ATM is to start this weekend. This is Finals week for several of our members and we wouldn't want them to feel left out.. ;)
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