Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 12:12 am
It pains him, Wyndisis observes. That scar, the affliction that reacts so violently to the unknown stimulus, is hurting Alpha. What's more, he summoned dark powers to surpress it. That meant... "I can help you with that," says Wyndisis.
Evil blood flows through this good man's heart. He curses it now, but Wyndisis could make him see it in a new way. Alpha will learn to see it as an advantage. He reaches a friendly hand to Alpha, who is on the floor (ooc: I am assuming he did not stand up after he pounded the ground).
There, he closed his eyes and meditated. He made himself the center of evil in that building. Instead of emanating his internal darkness, as he usually does, he draws it in. In his mind, he can feel whatever darkness exists in the other people. Of course, he feels it strongly from Shiva and Julian. He then taps into Alpha, and he is not sure what he feels, it is different, but he pulls it in anyway. He intends to pull it in so much that Alpha will feel a burden go away. That, in turn, might gain enough of his trust.
Evil blood flows through this good man's heart. He curses it now, but Wyndisis could make him see it in a new way. Alpha will learn to see it as an advantage. He reaches a friendly hand to Alpha, who is on the floor (ooc: I am assuming he did not stand up after he pounded the ground).
There, he closed his eyes and meditated. He made himself the center of evil in that building. Instead of emanating his internal darkness, as he usually does, he draws it in. In his mind, he can feel whatever darkness exists in the other people. Of course, he feels it strongly from Shiva and Julian. He then taps into Alpha, and he is not sure what he feels, it is different, but he pulls it in anyway. He intends to pull it in so much that Alpha will feel a burden go away. That, in turn, might gain enough of his trust.
DEF 12
SPL: 27
HP: 33
[NPC] The Ravenclaw Twins
DEF 12
SPL: 27
HP: 33
[NPC] The Ravenclaw Twins