The Monthly Best RPer Awards

Moderator: Royal Guard

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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 3:08 pm

Worru! You dissapear, and then only post here?! I KEEL JOO!

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Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:42 pm
Awww, Worru! Do you have any idea how funny Anna can be when she's pissed off about this kind of stuff?! She's been on a rampage for days, and it's hilarious! I was even pushing for Alpha to vote for some random people to increase her rage (and my laughter)...

Fine...spoil my fun... :P XD jk - I guess it is about time we got this little matter concluded, isn't it? ;)

... Wait, first things first. *grabs Kasei's knife* No stabbing, please. Honestly, Kasei, your fire works 100 times better, so I don't see why you'd be wanting him stabbed... Unless it's stat based. Then you have a good reason to conserve your SPL... Hm...

Nominated by: ZV
Confirmed by: Brizzy
Confirmed by: Worru

Nominated by: Sukotsutsu
Confirmed by: Kuro Rinku
Confirmed by:

Nominated by: Nogare
Confirmed by:
Confirmed by:

NPC Dungeon Master
Nominated by: Kasei
Confirmed by:
Confirmed by:

Nominated by: Pabru
Confirmed by: Kesmi (retracted...?)
Confirmed by:

At any rate, the Best RPer for the month of August 2008 is officially Sabertache! Congratulations, Saber, and enjoy your new TP!
Kokiri Wolf Level 7
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Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 9:03 am
Hmm, yeah, sorry I haven't been on. I should have made a semi-triumphant return earlier this month, but my laptop's fan crapped out on me and I had to send it in (again) to get the fan replaced (for real this time). However, I should be getting it back soon, and then I'll feel comfortable about wasting potential hours away in front of HA2 trying to catch up and do my share of behind the scenes mod work. So Kasei, please don't punch me because my laptop is a piece of crap. T_T

Also, I happen to know RG Sam in real life, and he said that the workload at his job should be lifted up soon, so in about a week or so he'll be able to devote a bit more time to his RG duties. Not that he did much anyway. >>

As it's too late for me to vote for August RPer of the month, I would just like to congratulate Saber on what is most likely a job well done. And to counter the following point Brizzy made.
Brizzy wrote:...Another thing about rper of the month should be character and while Alpha is a interesting character, he's not solid. If you really look into the posts and the different locations, things don't match up all the time, but that's understandable, NO ONE is perfect....
Things concerning Alpha (the character) doesn't match up all the time because Alpha has a complex and enigmatic history. Alpha (the RPer) is just keeping us on our toes. So Alpha does have a solid character in Alpha, but his strength in writing is to keep us wondering what's going to happen next and blow our minds away when he reveals something we never expected. I would not hold that against Alpha.
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Aria Sinwater {The profile's 7th part has been updated. 07/16/09}
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Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:00 pm
Should've probably replied to this back when the discussion was still going on, but I was a bit busy with college exams and the like, so . . . you'll have to excuse me. I'm currently in a lull-period, though, and abruptly felt like posting here when I saw HNSheila's comment. ^_^

First off, I appreciate the nomination/confirmations, Pabru and Kesmi. Makes me feel like I actually accomplished something major in August (actually, posting it made me feel like I accomplished something major, but your posts here were excellent strokes to my ego. And I'd never turn away strokes to my ego! :D . . . unless HNS was making them. Then I'd think he's up to something . . .)

Second off, congrats to Saber. You've earned it, as always, my friend. ^^
Brizzy wrote:Alpha is a sweet and awesome cool guy.. what not, but he doesn't do much. Yes, his posts are good and that one was huge, but he doesn't get involved in many topics. Nor does he make many, so how he improves the activity of the site, I'll never know. In any case, that is all still about POSTs and POSTING, which is not what RPer of the month is supposed to be centered around. Sure, it's a part, but not a whole. Alpha doesn't help with any one else's character work or storylines, in fact, he hardly chats outside of HA2 ic. Another thing about rper of the month should be character and while Alpha is a interesting character, he's not solid. If you really look into the posts and the different locations, things don't match up all the time, but that's understandable, NO ONE is perfect.
Haha, personally I actually agree more than I disagree with this stuff, Bri . . . I don't get on half as much as I'd like, and when I do get on it often seems like none of the topics I'm in are active enough to require a post from me yet. So I let procrastination take hold and decide I'll post there later.

A few things I'd like to note, though. Just FYI.
Yes, his posts are good and that one was huge, but he doesn't get involved in many topics. Nor does he make many, so how he improves the activity of the site, I'll never know.
Quite true, yes. A lot of the time when I see a new topic I try to decide if it's something Alpha (or maybe Shada) could reasonably get involved in. Oftentimes, it's not, mostly because Alpha isn't really one who's interested in helping other people accomplish their goals. Having a not- or even an anti-people-person is a bit of a challenge when there's all these topics which would require him to be social. Hence why in JaR and the Seed Quest, I've at least tried to have the Sheikah take on more of observing role - he'll watch over the main people participating in the topic, help them where he can, but he isn't interested in being acknowledged for his assistance. He does it because he thinks it's something that needs doing.

And, unfortunately, no, I don't make many topics. Most of my energies are/have been/will be focused mostly on Alpha's main storyline, and that means that until one topic is concluded I won't often make another one. My "Reminisces of a Sheikah" topic is an exception to this, but you can see how well that one's running right now. Topics without any major action or conflict fade quickly, and I only one to have a single action/conflict topic of my own running at a time.
Alpha doesn't help with any one else's character work or storylines, in fact, he hardly chats outside of HA2 ic.
Well, yeah, but then no one ever really asks me for help with characters and storylines. And I actually do things that no one ever notices . . . I won't say unless you really want some examples, but rest assured that there are times when I make Alpha do certain things because I'm trying to solve or create a problem that ought to help the other RPers with character development or storyline explanation.

As for not talking much OOC . . . I don't really care to do that. When I'm writing for HA2, my mind is trying to tune in completely with my characters'. Yes, I will probably have multiple personality disorder by the time this is all said and done, but that's hardly relevant now, is it Beta?

No, of course not.

Alright, cool. Anyway, an OOC comment may be necessary from time to time, but it really interrupts my train of thought when posting or reading posts. That's the main reason why I so adamantly oppose completely-OOC posts, or even those little music links Kasei and Nogare are so fond of. I don't hate the music or the comments themselves (actually, a lot of the time the music is pretty darn good :P), but the interruption in the story that I'm trying to read is quite annoying and I see no reason for it whatsoever.

Besides, there are other places where OOC talk can be made much more effectively: the forums or AIM/MSN. When I'm on HA2, I'm here to read or write a story, and so I don't bother with any topics that lack such a thing.
Another thing about rper of the month should be character and while Alpha is a interesting character, he's not solid. If you really look into the posts and the different locations, things don't match up all the time, but that's understandable, NO ONE is perfect.
First off I'd like you to make sure you've all read HNS's post, because he pretty much nailed it on the head. Go ahead; I'll wait. ;)


Okay, that should be long enough. Truth be told, the reason I often give my characters such mysterious characters is because I enjoy figuring stuff out as I go along, rather than simply planning it all out bit by bit. When I made Alpha, I wanted his past to be malleable so that, as ideas popped into my head, I could transform it as I went along.

I do that with my topics, too. I normally have no more than a general idea of what I want to have happen when I start them; for instance, here is the entire plan I had for FoG 8:

Hakiems invade North Castle. The Adventurers go to help. Noval ends up being revealed as the Golden Hylian.

That's all I had planned from the start. Everything else that I did was based either on ways to make those three things come about or as a result of what people posted. I'd have never added in that part in the Triforce Chamber if Nogare hadn't been so adamant about them needing to make sure that the Triforce was safe, for example. Since I don't take the cartoon series into account when designing timelines and the like, the idea of the Triforce of Wisdom being in the castle and being at risk never occurred to me, so I didn't worry about it . . . a fact that, had I designed everything from the start, would have been very difficult to cope with.

For both stories and characters, I like things to start simple and watch them grow immensely complex . . . which, I admit, often makes it so things don't perfectly match up from post to post. Part of it may very well be a simple case of "I know something you don't know!", and that little piece of knowledge that I have yet to reveal is going to be the puzzle piece that you need to understand why I've done what I've done. But I'd be willing to bet that you're more right than wrong in seeing a contradiction or two.

Actually, I'd rather appreciate it if people would tell me what inconsistencies they've noticed. After all, since I don't have every little detail planned, it's often not that hard to come up with some way to rationalize and explain it . . . provided I know it exists, of course.

AND that's really all I have to say about that. ;)
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Kokiri Wolf Level 7
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Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 2:47 pm
Uh oh. No one has posted in this since September. So we're missing, what? Two RPers of the Month? D'oh! ><

Unfortunately, I'm in no position to be nominating anyone, as I barely get on anymore. I blame you all for not posting regularly in StS. And I blame the other mods for not keeping me in the loop. Or trying to include me in the workload now that I have a half-way reliable computer (you know my situation, Sabertache!). Then again, I haven't seen Alpha in, like, forever, so I guess I shouldn't be blaming him. Not that blame sticks to that guy.

Anywho, I think you all better get on the ball and start nominating people for September and October. You know you want the Talent Points!
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Aria Sinwater {The profile's 7th part has been updated. 07/16/09}
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Kuro Rinku Level 6
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Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:56 pm
Right when we were caught up and on track, we fall behind again. That ain't good. But, I didn't post just so I could ramble, I'm posting to nominate someone and get us on track (hopefully). I nominate Pure Innocence. She remained pretty active throughout September, her posts were long and well written, and she's given her character a distinct personality. So, that's it.
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Shiro Level 1
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Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:06 pm
I've studied the rules for this site and everything and I,ve been doing somethings and I've found this: "The magic Rper of the month award!"

But, It is a little behind I seen, so here is my post. Ummm, will Kuro I agree to your vote for Pure innocence. She has very good post, a good character and personality. I've read some post and a topic by pure innocence. One of them, I seen when I was traveling. It was
ghostly touch
Sukotsutsu and Pure innocence were the main posters till Kasei join with nothing more then a OOC: Pure innocence wins my vote. That is two votes, one more! Congrats! :)
Lost internet.... can't get on!!!

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PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:57 pm
*falls down dead*

No, not really. But I'm in serious shock! Me? ME? I-I'm amazed! Just by getting votes too! If I really do win, I seriously drop dead.

If I did more posting with other people and their posts, I would vote for someone, but sadly I'm a loser that talks with people that are only on once a month or so. So, my post was nothing.

*hangs head in shame*

"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Arrika Level 9
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Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:02 pm
I vote for PureInnocence too.
A Wedding
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Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:14 pm
I nominate Leth. He helped get my Guild going, after 3 stationary months. We've also been helping each other with our stories for HA2. With the wisdom of Leth's knowledge of the literary world, his power in thinking up ideas, and the courage in asking for help at times, he deserves the full Triforce :)
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:36 pm
... Ahem. Your Friendly Neighborhood Royal Guard has arrived to haul this stifled award back into the norm here at Hyrule Adventures II. That's right, after 3 months without a winner we have decided that the delay cannot be had more another day! And so, without further ado, it is my pleasure and privilege (take that, Anna!) to confirm the Award for the month of October. Seems so long ago, huh?

Nominated by: Kuro Rinku
Confirmed by: Shiro
Confirmed by: Arrika

Nominated by: Nogare
Confirmed by:
Confirmed by:

Sorry if your nomination wasn't intended for October, Nogare, but that's what we'll treat it as until the month you actually meant to vote for comes along.

That being said, it looks like PureInnocence has won the long sought-after October '08 award for Best RPer of the Month! Congratulations PureInnocence, and enjoy that new TP. Oh, and please don't drop dead. It'd be a shame to lose such a talented RPer, and I'd have to give your TP to, oh, let's say... Alpha! And we all know that would just make him too darn happy, y'know?

Right. Moving on!

Let the nominations and voting commence for November '08. Think back to it and give us your nominations to the best of your ability, alright?

Also, we (the Royal Guard) would like it to be known that RG Anna's temporary RPer of the Month Award stand-in - RG Gus Borealis - has been fired and/or executed. Cheers!

-RG Luke
Persona Level 2
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Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:25 pm
I have no clue if this is still open or not, and though I'm new, I would like to nominate Sabertache. As I said, I'm new to the forums so whether I'm allowed or not, or have good judgement is another matter, but I do know Saber went out of his way to welcome me to the site, and he seems all-round pretty active, which is an important component in a roleplay-forum. His writing, itself, is not horrible, pointless rambles and seems decently thought out. I particularly liked the post up in the mines, with Saber's 'lame' magic, which is a pleasant change from characters who can do absolutely everything.

Sure, I haven't seen any of those in HA2 in my brief time here (so far ;D) but I still think it's nice to mention it.

So I nominate Saber, if I might be so bold.

He's active, friendly and because you don't get a reward for being friendly, not a bad roleplayer at all.
<center>Hyrule Gossip Rag, Issue #π: This week, Alpha has hugged /yet/ another girl! How will everyone react? Read more to find out.</center>

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Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:41 pm
Ah, unfortunately Persona, all that you've mentioned about Saber seems to pertain to January, so he's not really eligible for the November 08 award. However! Keep all of those thoughts in mind, because when this month comes to a close (and when we've caught up on November and December), you can certainly nominate him for the January award.

That being said, come on guys, let's get the voting for November done! We don't want to skip it altogether, but we will if we don't get a nominee soon :wink:
Leth Level 9
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Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:50 am
O.O I was nominated????

Wow, this is a first. I'm really touched! Thanks, Nogare, even if it didn't count. :wink:

I would nominate someone while I'm here, but I don't remember who posted what and how good it was and who posted the most often from november. So I can't really help now. :oops: When we're current again, I can vote!

*irony* we won't be current if we don't vote... and i'm not voting because it's not current... >.<
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
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Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:30 am
... Huh... well, I suppose it's time for the Februrary vote, isn't it..

... Considering there was very little activity this month, this is gonna be tricky... <<...

Okay, I vote Keychain is between Leth again for his devotion to the Hero's Guild and his encouragement and nagging to keep at it, Keychain for her own activeness in HA2, or perhaps Zero, because he's new to the forum but his own topic is actually pretty interesting :P.

... Leth, Keychain, or Zero...

... Leth, I voted for you last month, and you already have more TPs than either of them... Sorry ><...

... Keychain, you said that you were probably going to be coming on less and less...

... Zero's pretty new..

Well, I was prety new when I won the RPer of the Month for my first (cuoghcoughandlastcoughcough :P) time. So I vote Zero!
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