Should've probably replied to this back when the discussion was still going on, but I was a bit busy with college exams and the like, so . . . you'll have to excuse me. I'm currently in a lull-period, though, and abruptly felt like posting here when I saw HNSheila's comment. ^_^
First off, I appreciate the nomination/confirmations, Pabru and Kesmi. Makes me feel like I actually accomplished something major in August (actually, posting it made me feel like I accomplished something major, but your posts here were excellent strokes to my ego. And I'd never turn away strokes to my ego!

. . . unless HNS was making them. Then I'd think he's up to something . . .)
Second off, congrats to Saber. You've earned it, as always, my friend. ^^
Brizzy wrote:Alpha is a sweet and awesome cool guy.. what not, but he doesn't do much. Yes, his posts are good and that one was huge, but he doesn't get involved in many topics. Nor does he make many, so how he improves the activity of the site, I'll never know. In any case, that is all still about POSTs and POSTING, which is not what RPer of the month is supposed to be centered around. Sure, it's a part, but not a whole. Alpha doesn't help with any one else's character work or storylines, in fact, he hardly chats outside of HA2 ic. Another thing about rper of the month should be character and while Alpha is a interesting character, he's not solid. If you really look into the posts and the different locations, things don't match up all the time, but that's understandable, NO ONE is perfect.
Haha, personally I actually agree more than I disagree with this stuff, Bri . . . I don't get on half as much as I'd like, and when I do get on it often seems like none of the topics I'm in are active enough to require a post from me yet. So I let procrastination take hold and decide I'll post there later.
A few things I'd like to note, though. Just FYI.
Yes, his posts are good and that one was huge, but he doesn't get involved in many topics. Nor does he make many, so how he improves the activity of the site, I'll never know.
Quite true, yes. A lot of the time when I see a new topic I try to decide if it's something Alpha (or maybe Shada) could reasonably get involved in. Oftentimes, it's not, mostly because Alpha isn't really one who's interested in helping other people accomplish their goals. Having a not- or even an anti-people-person is a bit of a challenge when there's all these topics which would require him to be social. Hence why in JaR and the Seed Quest, I've at least tried to have the Sheikah take on more of observing role - he'll watch over the main people participating in the topic, help them where he can, but he isn't interested in being acknowledged for his assistance. He does it because he thinks it's something that needs doing.
And, unfortunately, no, I don't make many topics. Most of my energies are/have been/will be focused mostly on Alpha's main storyline, and that means that until one topic is concluded I won't often make another one. My "Reminisces of a Sheikah" topic is an exception to this, but you can see how well that one's running right now. Topics without any major action or conflict fade quickly, and I only one to have a single action/conflict topic of my own running at a time.
Alpha doesn't help with any one else's character work or storylines, in fact, he hardly chats outside of HA2 ic.
Well, yeah, but then no one ever really asks me for help with characters and storylines. And I actually do things that no one ever notices . . . I won't say unless you really want some examples, but rest assured that there are times when I make Alpha do certain things because I'm trying to solve or create a problem that ought to help the other RPers with character development or storyline explanation.
As for not talking much OOC . . . I don't really care to do that. When I'm writing for HA2, my mind is trying to tune in completely with my characters'. Yes, I will probably have multiple personality disorder by the time this is all said and done, but that's hardly relevant now, is it Beta?
No, of course not.
Alright, cool. Anyway, an OOC comment may be necessary from time to time, but it really interrupts my train of thought when posting or reading posts. That's the main reason why I so adamantly oppose completely-OOC posts, or even those little music links Kasei and Nogare are so fond of. I don't hate the music or the comments themselves (actually, a lot of the time the music is pretty darn good

), but the interruption in the story that I'm trying to read is quite annoying and I see no reason for it whatsoever.
Besides, there are other places where OOC talk can be made much more effectively: the forums or AIM/MSN. When I'm on HA2, I'm here to read or write a story, and so I don't bother with any topics that lack such a thing.
Another thing about rper of the month should be character and while Alpha is a interesting character, he's not solid. If you really look into the posts and the different locations, things don't match up all the time, but that's understandable, NO ONE is perfect.
First off I'd like you to make sure you've all read HNS's post, because he pretty much nailed it on the head. Go ahead; I'll wait.
Okay, that should be long enough. Truth be told, the reason I often give my characters such mysterious characters is because I enjoy figuring stuff out as I go along, rather than simply planning it all out bit by bit. When I made Alpha, I wanted his past to be malleable so that, as ideas popped into my head, I could transform it as I went along.
I do that with my topics, too. I normally have no more than a general idea of what I want to have happen when I start them; for instance, here is the entire plan I had for FoG 8:
Hakiems invade North Castle. The Adventurers go to help. Noval ends up being revealed as the Golden Hylian.
That's all I had planned from the start. Everything else that I did was based either on ways to
make those three things come about or as a result of what people posted. I'd have never added in that part in the Triforce Chamber if Nogare hadn't been so adamant about them needing to make sure that the Triforce was safe, for example. Since I don't take the cartoon series into account when designing timelines and the like, the idea of the Triforce of Wisdom being in the castle and being at risk never occurred to me, so I didn't worry about it . . . a fact that, had I designed everything from the start, would have been very difficult to cope with.
For both stories and characters, I like things to start simple and watch them grow immensely complex . . . which, I admit, often makes it so things don't perfectly match up from post to post. Part of it may very well be a simple case of "I know something you don't know!", and that little piece of knowledge that I have yet to reveal is going to be the puzzle piece that you need to understand why I've done what I've done. But I'd be willing to bet that you're more right than wrong in seeing a contradiction or two.
Actually, I'd rather appreciate it if people would tell me what inconsistencies they've noticed. After all, since I don't have every little detail planned, it's often not that hard to come up with some way to rationalize and explain it . . . provided I know it exists, of course.
AND that's really all I have to say about that.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56