[Ancient Temples Arc Part I] The Desert Colossus

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Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:09 pm
Dogura's muscles bulged, and the aura he was giving off would have put a Darknut on edge. With a mighty heave, he worked alongside the others to shove the block aside, clearing the way for the adventurers. Dogura cleaned his hands by clapping them together, and continued forward. "Ahh, Dogura... Even with my magically enhanced strength, you're still a step ahead of me." Darkin grinned, picked up their belongings, and trotted through the doorway.

When they emerged into the next room, two things were easily recognizable. The trap, first of all. Dogura always hated the noise they made when they scraped across the floor. He decided he would give Kagari a hand, and attempt to help get rid of the dangerous moving object.

[Disarm Trap L1]

Darkin on the other hand was sitting back watching the action. He didn't have much of a desire to do anything until the time ultimately called for it.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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Abel Level 5
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Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 9:10 pm
L new he was weak and wasn't needed to help push the rock It was obvious that he didn't do much. Eventually he saw Kagari and Dogura headed over to disarm the trap and decided he might as well help to.

Disarm trap LV1
You are, all of you, vermin. Cowering in the dirt, thinking... what? That you might escape the coming fire? Your world will burn until its surface is but glass!"

DEF 3 +2 sheild +14 [chainmail] = 19
HP 41 + exeptional health 1 = 51
Will 2
Train spear
Sabertache Level 11
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Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 2:23 am
"This is quite the place."

Sabertache closed the door behind him as he entered the room, approaching the group. "Those of you who don't know me, I'm Sabertache..." He glanced among those who were gathered. Settling on the dark-skinned women, he nodded. "I had some trouble finding the way. I apologize. You have my assistance from now on."

Removing his eyes from the Gerudo, he made a mental check of the familiar faces--Eberron, Aria, Dogura and Da--

"You two!"

The shock was evident, so evident that there were exclamation points at the end of Saber's sentences. "Darkin, Dogura, you're here! This is great! It will be just like old times...although I'm not sure we ever actually went through a temple together before!"

Over the shoulders of Aria and Katharina, something caught the mercenary's eye. An eye, in fact. He hadn't seen anything like it before, though it certainly gave off an eerie vibe, with the way it swiveled on the spot, round and round forever. Yet there was a door past it...it must be some kind of sentry. Saber smirked and brushed his hair out of his eye. Seemed almost like some kind of game. Get past it without it seeing you. Like some overbearing maid. Getting low to the ground, the mercenary ran as fast as he could to the door, reaching for the handle to swing it open at the first chance he got. [Sprint]

HP: 44/44
SPL: 14/14
Will: 9/9
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.



Sword DMG: 10
Spell DMG: 15
Kokiri Wolf Level 7
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Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:30 am
OOC: aldkjf;lkadfjla sdkjf;ladkfjakjfd d

I don't need three people to use Disarm Trap on a single trap! There are other checks you can use.

Also, welcome back, Man Saber. So nice of you to attempt to give Sprint a use; I'll find one. However, there is no door (at least one I remember) between the giant block and this room.

Nier's attempt to disarmed the trap was just successful, making Dogura's and Lawliet's attempts quite unuseful. However, as all three of them moved, they attracted the attention of the Beamos as it swung back around the room. Nier [12 roll + 3 AGI] and Lawliet [11 roll + 3 AGI] failed to remove themselves out of the way of the line of fire, and purplish-white plasma seers into the skin, dealing each 11 DMG. Dogura, however, is nimble enough to dodge the beam [18 roll + 6 AGI].

Saber's presence was quite a shock to Aria and Katharina, as they thought they had everyone with them. "Must be the mercenary the twins wanted to send for," Katharina said, clutching her chest to make sure her heart was still in the right place.

While Sabertache does make it to the door, which, having no handle, opens up for him by some ancient magic that still resides in the temple, he still takes 11 DMG despite his speedy sprint [6 roll + 3 AGI + 5 Sprint]. The two Gerudic women followed, but both of them failed to avoid the beam as well, each taking 11 DMG [Aria 4 roll + 5 AGI, Katharina 5 roll + 3 AGI]. On the way into the new room, Eberron also failed, taking a similar 11 DMG [1 roll + 4 AGI]. Braylor, Kasei, Simon, Kamiko, and the Azure Plume, however, are all successful [respectively, 18 roll + 8 AGI, 15 roll + 7 AGI, 15 roll + 2 AGI, 20 roll (who cares what the AGI is), 14 roll + 6 AGI].

In the next room, rectangular in shape, there was a depression before them. At each short end, it's a rather sharp drop, though survivable, and the long ends have ramps leading up to alcoves. And scattered throughout the room, within reach, are five silver rupees. But also quite within reach of the adventurers are four boulders rolling up and down the ramps. It's a rather effective obstacle that blocks their way to the alcoves as well as the other side of the room, where it is easy to see the hole that leads into a smaller room.

Aria - HP: 31/42 SPL 15/15
Katharina - HP: 42/53 SPL 21/21
Lvl: 7; HP: 42; SPL: 17; STR: 2; DEF: 16; AGI: 5; INT: 3; SPI: 2; Will: 9
AC: 21; Spear DMG: 14; Bow DMG: 10; Bomb DMG: 7; Spell DMG: 12
Aria Sinwater {The profile's 7th part has been updated. 07/16/09}
A Lone Tent (Aria's Home)
Sabertache Level 11
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Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 7:41 pm
Legs pumping madly, Sabertache laughed triumphantly as he made it to the door unscathed. The laughter soon became a cry of pain as he felt a sudden burning on the back of his leg. Unable to find a handle, he began to panic, leaning heavily on the door to try and push it away. Luckily enough, the door seemed to open of its own accord, and the mercenary fell through.

Still not fast enough.

Covered in cold sweat, he rolled onto his hindquarters as the other filtered into the room, many with similar injuries. He lifted his calves and observed the bright red patches of skin where the eye had scored him. Though he winced at the sight, he had to admit it certainly hurt a lot less than it looked.

Getting back to his feet, the Nomad took in the new challenge before him. What a challenge it was, as well. It was the kind of cruel situation that Fate always seemed to bestow upon the adventurers of Hyrule, an obstacle that seemed incredibly unnatural, seemingly placed by some omniscient controller. Just a day in the life.

And, of course, there were silver rupees there. Just one would prove invaluable to staying alive in Tantari. Was it worth the risk? Those boulders seemed...well, were dangerous, there was no question.

What the hell.

Throwing caution to the wind, the Nomad tried his darndest to skedaddle to the nearest rupee, whilst avoiding the path of any large rock. He then fell, shocked, into the depression. Getting back to his feet and dusting off his scraped knees, he once again commenced the skedaddling. [Dodge Check]+[Sprint]

HP: 33/44
SPL: 14/14
Will: 9/9
Last edited by Sabertache on Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.



Sword DMG: 10
Spell DMG: 15
Eberron Level 5
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Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:56 am
OOC: Not only do I get no messages saying that people have posted, but I rolled a 1? And my roll for pushing the block wasn't much better either... I sense bad things ahead for Eberron... XD

IC: Eberron yelped as pain rushed through his body.

"Ow ow ow ow!"

Stopping at the entrance to the next area he panicked for a second searching for a way to pass through the door before it opened for him. Rushing inside, he stopped and took in a deep breath.

"Oh, you are kidding me..."

Boulders rolling from side to side like some kind of sadistic obstacle course.

"I presume these traps are new additions courtesy of our kidnapper friend."

Eberron winced as he thought about how much being hit by one of those would hurt. Goron's were not meant for acts of great speed or dexterity, and he was hardly a great exception. Quietly wishing for some divine intervention to save him from the almost inevitable crushing sensation of boulder on Goron, Eberron rolled into a ball and did his best to avoid the weighty objects. Occasionally uncurling, to change direction swiftly and throw himself through the air, Eberron decided it would be safer and more practical to head straight for the other side of the room and the exit.

HP: 41/52


HP: 42 +10 (Exceptional Health) = 52
STR: 6 +3 (Goron Strength) = 9
DEF: 3 + 2 (Deku shield) +12 (Jerkin) = 17
AGI: 2 + 2 (Deku Agility) = 4
INT: 1
SPI: 1 +1 (Zora Spirit) = 2
SPL: 6

HP: 42 +10 (Exceptional Health) = 52
STR: 6 +3 (Goron Strength) = 9
DEF: 3 + 2 (Deku shield) +12 (Jerkin) = 17
AGI: 2 + 2 (Deku Agility) = 4
INT: 1
SPI: 1 +1 (Zora Spirit) = 2
SPL: 7


Unarmed Combat -L1 : 5 +9 (Strength Bonus) 14

Bow -L2: 5+9 (Strength Bonus) 14

Deku 1H Sword: 5 + 9 (Strength Bonus) 14

shadowlink13 Level 9
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Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:14 am
So that's what we're supposed to do, Braylor thought, as Saber sprinted toward one of the silver rupees. He followed suit, but took extra precautions, such as jumping into the corner of the depression and running along the top of the ramp. For each boulder that it was necessary to pass, he waited until it rolled in front of him and went down the ramp before he ran across its path. Once he was close to one of the rupees, he tried to get to it by using his incredible speed to stay out of harm's way.

HP: 52/52
SPL: 10/10
WILL: 9/9

OOC: Oh, God, I am so slow at writing.

DEF 12
SPL: 27
HP: 33

[NPC] The Ravenclaw Twins
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Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:34 pm
Dogura decided to leave the trap be, and darted to the other side of the room. Perhaps he should have warned the two who were working with him that the Beamos has noticed them. Darkin spread his wings, and flew across the room, landing safely on the other side. When they passed through the doors, they came to a room where boulders rolled back and forth as if they were living organisms with the intent of slamming into one of them. Silver rupees were scattered along the room, and the duo nodded to each other. Darkin lifted off, and took flight towards one of the nearby rupees.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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Kagari Level 4
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Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:23 pm
Nier imagined the pain of the crushing boulder. He looked away from it and dashed away as fast as he could. He used a much speed as he could gather in his body. For a very lazy person, he was actually very althletic. Being a sheikah helped also. He though of something to calm his mind as he ran. Nothing.... could was thought up.

"Crap," He yelled as he tried to think. I wish Eberron or Dogura could stop this boulder or shatter it, but I don't need any hurt comrades... like abel from the Beamos, he thought. . THe pain was going through him, but he was going to be ok. It was just a small burn he was saying to hisself.
Stand up for what's right, even if your standing alone!

STR 2/DEF 1+2/AGI3+3/INT3/SPI1/SPL 4(base x lv+spi) 3//HP: 30+10(exceptional health)40
calm beast lv1
Swim Lv1
shield Lv1
Train bow l1
train boomerang lv1
Abel Level 5
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Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:30 pm
L saw the silver ruppes and pretty much started to drool. He looked at the silver ruppys and couldn't control himself he took of like a racing dog as he was prepared to take the rupee.
You are, all of you, vermin. Cowering in the dirt, thinking... what? That you might escape the coming fire? Your world will burn until its surface is but glass!"

DEF 3 +2 sheild +14 [chainmail] = 19
HP 41 + exeptional health 1 = 51
Will 2
Train spear
Kokiri Wolf Level 7
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Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:56 pm
OOC: *headdesk several times*

Why aren't you people using checks?! I can't do everything for you.

Also, Kagari, Abel is using Lawliet; be careful about referencing the RPer. Abel, you're inconsistent with your spelling; it's "rupee." Remember to look through your posts first so you can catch as many mistakes as you can.

Saber dashed for the first alcove, just managing to dive into the safety of the hole [7 roll + 3 AGI + 4 INT + 5 Sprint]. Upon touching the rupee, it rapidly shrunk into nothingness, immediately reappearing above the portal on the other end of the room.
"I presume these traps are new additions courtesy of our kidnapper friend."
"This is an ancient magic, Eberron," Katharina replied. "This is a room that was sometimes used to test speed and agility."

Eberron, however, doesn't seem to be speedy enough. He is hit by the first boulder [3 roll + 4 AGI], taking 20 DMG and being prevented from going any further.

Braylor, however, is just as lucky as Saber [8 roll + 8 AGI]. The rupee he touched vanished and unvanished in the same fashion as Saber's did.

Darkin, being able to fly, had no problem avoiding the rolling boulders, at least until he has to dive into one of the alcoves in the side of the room [10 roll + 3 AGI], and he, too, takes 20 DMG. But at least he was smacked right into the alcove, and the rupee he crashed into moved to above the doorless doorway.

Nier is able to pass the first boulder without difficulty [14 roll + 3 AGI]. However, the second boulder deals 20 DMG to him and he is prevented from retrieving the silver rupee [11 roll + 3 AGI].

Lawliet similarily dodges the first boulder [13 roll + 3 AGI], but the second boulder defeated him as well [7 roll + 3 AGI], dealing 20 DMG.

Aria - HP: 31/42 SPL 15/15
Katharina - HP: 42/53 SPL 21/21
Last edited by Kokiri Wolf on Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Lvl: 7; HP: 42; SPL: 17; STR: 2; DEF: 16; AGI: 5; INT: 3; SPI: 2; Will: 9
AC: 21; Spear DMG: 14; Bow DMG: 10; Bomb DMG: 7; Spell DMG: 12
Aria Sinwater {The profile's 7th part has been updated. 07/16/09}
A Lone Tent (Aria's Home)
shadowlink13 Level 9
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Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:18 pm
The Deku stood in shock as the rupee disappeared. Then he saw it reappear above the doorway. He now understood the purpose of what they were doing, or so he thought. Thinking of what Katharina said about the room testing speed and agility, he, being the speedy little Deku that he was, took it upon himself to retrieve the silver rupee that Nier failed to grab [Dodge Check (Second Boulder)].

HP: 52/52
SPL: 10/10
WILL: 9/9

DEF 12
SPL: 27
HP: 33

[NPC] The Ravenclaw Twins
Sabertache Level 11
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Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:13 am
It was all Saber could do to prevent himself from bursting into tears as the delightful currency he had tried so hard to retrieve vanished before his very eyes. Resting in the alcove for a short while, he looked about desperately, and saw the rupees appearing, one-by-one, above the door on the other end. It clicked, and he stood with new resolve.

Surely I can stay ahead of the next boulder as well...I'm almost there...

From up in the alcove, the Nomad waited for the next boulder to reach the top of the other side before dashing down his own slope, picking up speed and heading for the next alcove, eyes constantly looking for a new rupee he could snag on the way there.

[Dodge Check]

HP: 33/44
SPL: 14/14
Will: 9/9
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.



Sword DMG: 10
Spell DMG: 15
Eberron Level 5
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Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:39 pm
Feeling the expected crunch, Eberron pulled his battered body off the floor and to a safe spot while resting. He was going to die if this kept up. Which seemed more then likely. He just wasn't up to this sort of thing. But he couldn't die, not here... Glancing around Eberron winced as he dropped to the floor, clutching his left side as he fell to his knees.

"Umm... guys, I suggest going ahead. I may take a while getting past this."

if I get past it at all...

Noticing the boulders, Eberron decided that there wasn't much he could do other then take his time. Perhaps if he observed the movements of the boulders long enough, he might notice some form of pattern or regular movement that would give him a clue as to how to get by. Or a magic switch which stopped them moving. That would also be nice. The way things were going, it looked more likely then finding a way of getting past any obstacles in this dungeon. Staring intently at the boulders and the room around him, Eberron did his best to try and find a pattern amongst the confusing movement.

Awareness check

HP: 21/52


HP: 42 +10 (Exceptional Health) = 52
STR: 6 +3 (Goron Strength) = 9
DEF: 3 + 2 (Deku shield) +12 (Jerkin) = 17
AGI: 2 + 2 (Deku Agility) = 4
INT: 1
SPI: 1 +1 (Zora Spirit) = 2
SPL: 6

HP: 42 +10 (Exceptional Health) = 52
STR: 6 +3 (Goron Strength) = 9
DEF: 3 + 2 (Deku shield) +12 (Jerkin) = 17
AGI: 2 + 2 (Deku Agility) = 4
INT: 1
SPI: 1 +1 (Zora Spirit) = 2
SPL: 7


Unarmed Combat -L1 : 5 +9 (Strength Bonus) 14

Bow -L2: 5+9 (Strength Bonus) 14

Deku 1H Sword: 5 + 9 (Strength Bonus) 14

Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:50 pm
Dogura winced as Darkin was rammed beak first into the wall. Darkin slowly rose from his awkward fall, and was quick to fly back to Dogura's position. The Rito looked completely drunk, as he landed, and stumbled over to the samurai. He looked Dogura in the eye, slapped his hand, and toppled over. Dogura looked onward, and decided that it would time to try his own luck. Dogura hopped down into the pit, and darted across as quickly as he knew how, grabbing for the first silver rupee within his line of sight.


STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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