Jackal and Rabbit
Saber's Storyline
An Innocent Query
A merchant is murdered in the Castle Courtyard, and a small boy stumbles across the body. Hearing the child's scream, Saber runs to the body and is trauamatized by what he sees. On the back of the man's neck is a rabbit foot stamped in the victim's blood--the same mark that the gang left on his father and mother. He goes into a sort of trance, unable to believe that the gang he has been hunting is so close. Dogura tries to find out what is going on, but is unable to read the thoughts of the mercenary.
JaR Part One--The Hunt Begins
Saber sits by a lake, preparing to go off after the bandits by himself--almost certainly a suicide mission. However, Rose from Tarm arrives and finds out what he plans to do. He tries to push her away, but she insists on going, and silences his resistance by telling him of how she lost her husband Baris and was put in much the same situation. Then Dogura comes, but before they get much of a chance to talk, Darkin and Alex appear, chasing Sakon, who had stolen some of their flammable powder. The thief gets away, but not before dropping the powder. They are filled in on the situation, and Saber tells them that he really has no idea where to look. They agree to help with the search, however, and they set off for the castle.
Part Two--Gathering the Pack
Just before entering the castle, the trio is beset upon and joined by Orpheous, Kasei, Kesmi, Pyre, Blank, Worru, and unbeknownst to them all, Alpha, who kept watch from a distance. They cross the drawbridge as night falls, and all wonder whether or not this search will be fruitful. Aside from Dogura and Rose, nobody really knows
why they're investigating this murder.
Part Three--Scenting the Prey
Investigating the alleyway, no clues are found. However, when the group decides to take a look around a room overlooking the alley, they find a piece of silk caught on a broken shutter. Could it be a clue? Before they find out from the innkeeper just who stayed in that room a month ago, he is suddenly murdered. A group of assassins fill the room and attack the assembled group.
Outside, Alpha watches the group leave the alleyway and decides to investigate himself. He runs into Yassen, one of the gang who was tasked with patrolling the area. After Victor, happening upon the scene, mistakes Alpha for a mugger, the two find themselves fighting Yassen and his buddies. Though Victor is knocked out in the battle, Alpha summons Wraith and sends the enemy packing, picking up a small black box Yassen dropped as he ran--a stamp.
Inside the inn, the battle rages. Lerick, seemingly the leader of the group, holds his own for quite some time against the large group, but eventually has to retreat. As his cronies continue to assault the party, a fire is started by mistake. The group vacates the inn as quickly as possible, and Saber takes off in the direction he believes the assassins to have escaped to, followed by Worru, Orpheous, Simon, and Matt. Alpha pursues the mercenary as well.
Part Four--An Unexpected Acquaintance
Rushing through the forest towards the North, Sabertache is assaulted by a Goron with a seemingly deformed back and a heavy mace. The attacker is warded off by several adventurers, some of which follow the mercenary, brought back from the brink of death by the Cleric Roy Hobbe, to Ruto.
Worru's JaR--The Hyrule Harlot
Attempting to get into a...'gentleman's club'...the young hybrid Worru manages to crash through the roof, upsetting the table and spilling the drink of Yassen, fresh from the fight at the Inn. In a fit of anger, he strikes at the child and is ejected from the club by the 'staff' and other adventurers.
Part Five--A Stroke of Luck
In Progress
Upon entering Ruto, Sabertache and company head for an inn. On the way, the mercenary spies a man in a familiar robe ahead of him, leaving the Hyrule Harlot in an angry mood. Chasing him into a house, the party meets an eccentric, well-dressed man named Michael, who had just moven in the day before and was quite shocked at the sudden traffic. Saber and Hobbe follow Michael out back, where the trail seems to disappear at a cliff face. Up above them, Rose (In dragon form with Sheila and Seth on her back, and Burlo clutched in her claw) spies the mercenary and descends to join the trio.