OOC: Thank you for the fine introduction, Saber. You'll see the ploy and purpose here in a bit.
IC: Sin is a very powerful thing. And nothing was quite as moving to most as lust. And this establishment happened to be a center of lust, as well as greed and pride, two of the other deadly seven, lust already being with them. Three extremely powerful and deadly sins.
This was in one of the customer's subconscious. It wasn't nagging him, if anything, it was pushing him to stay. He lived a life of crime and infamy. The name he called himself was Ross. He had light orange hair, almost appearing blond from a distance. Despite his age, he was short, a foot shorter than most other Humans who are in their mid-twenties. What he lacked for in life, he made up for in popularity with the lady's and skill in killing. Throughout his life, he had been part of several programs and syndicates. Currently, he was with the Masters of Destruction. The same division as Vilk. The two had even been on missions together.
Ross had actually invited his enigmatic friend to be with him tonight, but he had stated that business comes before pleasure. Little did he know that he could possibly pull off both here tonight. It appeared somebody on their wanted list was right in the general vicinity. Worru. However, Ross was too busy to even notice the kid who was also short for his age.
Girls sat to his left and right, the one directly to his left was the only one he was currently giving his attention to. The others proudly waited there turn. This man happened to be not only one of the more attractive customers, but one of the best tippers as well. And there was just something about him, something that made him irresistible.
"Oh, you're so muscular," stated the girl, Cloie, who was heavily leaning to his left flank. Her hands caressed his skinny, yet still, obviously muscular upper chest (that is probably as far as I go). His tunic and cloak were tossed at the side, and it would be a good guess that his pants would soon be on the floor as well, in a back room somewhere. Or maybe he could catch one of the girls heading off her shift. The sky was the limit if he were able to get one of these fine ladies in a place somewhere off the premise of this establishment.
"Hey, did you hear, a kid just fell from the skylight of the Harlot. "He is really short, has kind of reddish hair, um... and he seems to be a ranger of some kind," stated a patron of the inn (seven degrees of relativity).
Valentine happened to be sitting in a chair in the lobby when this caught his ear. A boy, who happens to be really short, and a ranger, fell the the skylight at the Harlot. Sounds like something somebody he knew would do, but who. And the description sounded familiar too. Damn it, it just didn't seem to click with him (no, he isn't stupid, just hasn't seen Worru in a while, and the kid fell into the deep recesses of his mind).
"Sounds like Worru," mentioned Simon Grendel, who was sitting next to Valentine. It took a while for it to click with Simon too, but at least he got it. "Maybe we should go," stated the scribe enthusiastic to see his good friend. The fact the location had a harlot had nothing to do with this enthusiasm, he just wanted to see Worru (no sarcasm involved in the last sentence).
"Well," stated Matt, who was sitting at one of the other chairs, "I don't think dragging you into a harlot would be the best idea. You kind of look like a teen."
"I AM nineteen," retorted Simon. "So that would explain why I look like a teen. But I got what you meant, I look younger than I actually am. I think they'll let me in though. I am sort of tall."
"I suppose your right," answered Matt, getting the point. In his own mind he was getting worried. He needed to stay loyal to Evey. And yet at the same time, he had been flirting with a Gerudo not to long ago. She was so turned on by him, she even offered herself to him. Did he accept? Hell no, he couldn't. She was beautiful, a witty person to talk to, and no doubt great in bed, but he was already committed.
Being committed did have it's perks though. He had somebody he could always rely on. Well, not now, because they were in different dimensions, but when they were less far apart, he knew he could count on her for anything at all.
"Well, off to see the wizard then?" asked Valentine. "Somebody's got to look after the kid."
After reaching their agreement, the interested Valentine, the enthusiastic Simon, and the nervous Matt approached the Harlot. Then, once reaching their destination, they walked straight through the front door.
Instantly, the group caught the eye of a few of the workers, three to be more precise.
"Look at the guy in the combat jacket," stated one of the girls. "I hear they call him Valentine. He looks so..." she giggled, not finishing her sentence.
The second girl pushed the first out of the way, "I don't care. I want that guy in the black shirt. AND I KNOW HIS NAME IS MATT. I heard all about him from Holly, you know the Gerudo. He is funny, and handsome, and he's mine. So none of you get in my way."
The third of the trio of late-teen girls added, "Fine by me. I guess that leaves me with my dream boy. Simon Grendel is just so cute. I can't wait to get him alone and..." she cut herself off with a lustful giggle as well.
The giggling girls soon sneaked behind the trio, observing their movements.
"Well, Worru has to be around here somewhere," stated Simon, paying no attention to the 'entertainers'.
"Good thing these girls don't seem to share my tastes. Or else, this could turn out horribly," muttered Matt so only he could hear himself. Still they were attractive enough to make Matt shutter as he realized that he was under dressing them with his eyes, which actually wouldn't take long at all. He snapped out of it, and too looked for Worru.
Valentine was scanning the room, making sure he could find Worru. His eyes did not linger on ANY WOMAN AT ALL. He must have shared the same mindset as Vilk. Sure, he was committed guy, but, they were experiencing a rocky relationship right now. It would be like his girlfriend would have to know...
As he began to convince himself, he started to linger on all the merchandise for sale.
Then, he happened, the trio of giggling girls seemed to appear out of nowhere. Each of them extremely beautiful in their own right, and clad in scanty clothes.
"Hi, name's Demeter, but YOU can call me ... Demi," stated the first girl to Valentine, saying the last bit more seductively, the pause before saying 'Demi' being the nail in the coffin. "I noticed you come in, and I wanted to know if I could help you with ... anything?" she asked, pausing again just for that added touch.
"Sure," stated Valentine happily. "I really need some help with this problem I get when I'm around lovely ladies such as yourself. I was hoping you could help me practice," he stated. It was teasing her, and could tell. Their relationship wouldn't go that fast by any means. However, she understood that he wanted to spend time with her, and she whisked him off to a table in the corner.
"Hello, I am Millisent, but I'd adore it if you called me Mili," stated the second girl, hugging Matt to the point a piece of paper couldn't fit between them. She quickly let go. "Sorry, I'm quirky. I just really wanted to get to know you. I've heard so many great things about you."
God, she got me. I just love the quirky ones, was the thought running through Matt's own mind. She continued, "I was also hoping you could give me some insight as to the Hylian market system. You see, I have this theory..." she stated, whisking him off. Clearly he got his choice as well, a quirky, good looking, intelligent girl.
The third went up to Simon, and just before she could lead him away as well, he spotted Worru. Rushing over the the boy who appeared to be in a fainted state, Febi, the other girl, followed him. Once he reached his destination inside the harlot, Febi clung to him like a drape.
Ignoring her, he looked down at Worru. "Is he alright, I'm a good friend of his and I just couldn't bare it should he have even broken a bone? He and I go way back. I hear he fell the skylight, am I right?"
OOC: Finally, it is done, took me like two hours to type this sucker.
EDIT (July 20th, 2009): I realized some of these names were inaccurate, so I modified them. Millisent is now Febi, and Febi is now Milisent, but, really, all they did was switch names. Oh, and each of them goes by a four letter alias for a reason...dun Dun DUN. Anyway, I hereby retrograde Worru's next post after this to say Febi in stead of Millie, even though he probably won't edit him himself. Also, instead of changing the names in my next post, I'll let you do it in your own head. Have fun.
Last edited by
Orpheous(anew) on Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:30 am, edited 2 times in total.