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Possible Hyrule Termina connection

Started by Master Dragmire, March 25, 2007, 02:24:46 PM

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Master Dragmire

In MM, there is a goron in clock town that goes by your name, followed by a -goro. Could it be the same "Link" from OoT? It may seem like a bold idea, but I always found kind of ridiculous that Termina is a completely different dimension. They're refrences to Hyrule all over the place.

Commodore Axilon

And he just happened to mature to adulthood in about a year, right?

Also I'd like to see some of these numerous references to Hyrule, please.


I already created a thred on this (unfortunantly we got off topic around the 3rd page). Its somewhere in the N64 section. I have more proof to add there are about 6 reasons.

Master Dragmire

wow, ur asking for it......

4.Kaepora Gaebora
5.Happy Mask Dealer
6.Returning  masks
7.Many returning enemies
9.Gossip Stones
10.Gold Skulatus
11.Goron is Mountain Village refrers to "Dodongos Cavern"
12.Great Fairies
14.Hero's Bow
16.Lens of Truth
and the list goes on.....

Commodore Axilon

Do you know what the words "Parallel Universe" mean?

Master Dragmire

Uhhh, what does that have to do with anything?
Parallel could mean, in the geometric sense, two lines traveling in the same direction. Or , in the sci-fi sense, opposite of the perspectives orignal world in all forms of reality, or just a few.

Now, which is easier to beleive?
1.Termina is a parallel universe in some aspects from Hyrule, even though people can somehow travel between them easily,


2. Hyrule and Termina are on opposite sides of the world, or parallel.

Number 2 is supported by my theory because in the begining sequence of MM, Link falls a very very very long way down a mysterious opening in the world of Hyrule, which cause him to fall all the way down to Termina.


                 |    |
--------------- OPENING---------------------------------------------------


Commodore Axilon

Then how do you explain the fact that alot of the characters look exactly the same as their OoT counterparts? A country of clones seems highly improbable, especially considering the setting.

And P.S. Termina is never actually referred to as a "Parallel Dimension," I was just using it as an explanation for your list up there. It's not some official term that you have to rationalize.

Mysterious F.

1. - 3. Just because they are in the game doesn't prove they are in Hyrule's dimension.

4. It has NEVER been stated that the owl is Kaepora Gaebora. If this is true, than the LA Owl is Kaepora Gaebora, meaning so would the Wind Fish.

5. This IS the exact same one from OOT, he's just going through dimensions. If this was true, the OOA Happy Mask Dealer would be the same as the OOT one.

6. Then that would mean TWW is at the same time as OOT/MM, because 4 of the masks are in the figurine place.

7. I don't even NEED to explain this one.

8. Holodrum and Labrynna also use rupees. It is the traditional Zelda currency.

9. Gossip Stones could be used by any land. If this was true, then that means America is really Germany because we use automobiles, which the Germans invented.

10. These count as #7.

11. In the Oracles, when you upgrade you sword to level three, it's called 'Master Sword'. This is certainly not the MS from OOT. You can use ANY name more than once. Also, when did he refer to it.

12. I don't need to explain this. More than one place can have fairies, and the more powerful Great Fairies.

13. - 16. Then EVERY single weapon in the Zelda series that has the same name is the same? I doubt that every weapon is the same one just used a bunch of times.


Quote from: Kannochi on March 27, 2007, 07:55:26 AM
1. - 3. Just because they are in the game doesn't prove they are in Hyrule's dimension.

4. It has NEVER been stated that the owl is Kaepora Gaebora. If this is true, than the LA Owl is Kaepora Gaebora, meaning so would the Wind Fish.

5. This IS the exact same one from OOT, he's just going through dimensions. If this was true, the OOA Happy Mask Dealer would be the same as the OOT one.

6. Then that would mean TWW is at the same time as OOT/MM, because 4 of the masks are in the figurine place.

7. I don't even NEED to explain this one.

8. Holodrum and Labrynna also use rupees. It is the traditional Zelda currency.

9. Gossip Stones could be used by any land. If this was true, then that means America is really Germany because we use automobiles, which the Germans invented.

10. These count as #7.

11. In the Oracles, when you upgrade you sword to level three, it's called 'Master Sword'. This is certainly not the MS from OOT. You can use ANY name more than once. Also, when did he refer to it.

12. I don't need to explain this. More than one place can have fairies, and the more powerful Great Fairies.

13. - 16. Then EVERY single weapon in the Zelda series that has the same name is the same? I doubt that every weapon is the same one just used a bunch of times.
1-3: Ya it does.E.g. The paralle universe the twighlight realm is populated with a compleatly diffrent species. Termina isn't. Unless the Gorons, Dekus ect. found the portal like link did (this is highly unlikely except in the case of the Dekus) than they must have come by boat or foot or something to Termina which means it must be in the same dimention.
4. It was never stated it was Kaepora, but it can't be the owl in LA. The LA owl never existed. It was all the wind fishes dream. The only things in LA that existed were link and the wind fish.
5. Its unlikely the HMS found the portal in the lost woods. He probly came the smae way as the Gorons ect.
6. You gotta point there
7. The twighlight realm had diffrent enemies
8.You gotta point there
9.No. The gossip stone were made by the Sheikah only. Only the Sheikah knew how to make them. And if some nonsheikah learned, I doubt they would put the Shiekah logo on it.Thus the Sheikah had to have made it.  Since the Sheikah (like I've already stated) didn't use the portal they had to have come over land or sea.
10. Same as 7.
11. Your example is quite diffrent. The goron would have to have seen or heard about it. This means that the Gorons that came from Hyrule passed down stories of Dodongos Cavern. He refered to it when you give him the serloin rock.
12. Good point
13. good point

Commodore Axilon

Quote from: Iron Knuckle on March 27, 2007, 01:38:21 PM
1-3: Ya it does.E.g. The paralle universe the twighlight realm is populated with a compleatly diffrent species. Termina isn't. Unless the Gorons, Dekus ect. found the portal like link did (this is highly unlikely except in the case of the Dekus) than they must have come by boat or foot or something to Termina which means it must be in the same dimention.

The Twilight Realm has to be the same as Termina why exactly?

Quote5. Its unlikely the HMS found the portal in the lost woods. He probly came the smae way as the Gorons ect.

And why is this, because you say so?

Quote7. The twighlight realm had diffrent enemies

Once again: why does the Twilight Realm have to be the same as Termina?

Quote9.No. The gossip stone were made by the Sheikah only. Only the Sheikah knew how to make them. And if some nonsheikah learned, I doubt they would put the Shiekah logo on it.Thus the Sheikah had to have made it.  Since the Sheikah (like I've already stated) didn't use the portal they had to have come over land or sea.

How do you know the Sheikah didn't also live in Termina, same as the other races? (Hint: Parallel Universe) I always assumed that the Ikana were the Terminian counterparts of the Sheikah.

Quote11. Your example is quite diffrent. The goron would have to have seen or heard about it. This means that the Gorons that came from Hyrule passed down stories of Dodongos Cavern. He refered to it when you give him the serloin rock.

And there couldn't have also been a Dodongo's Cavern in Termina? Naming a cave after the animals that live inside it is a one-in-a-million thing, am i rite?

Master Dragmire

ok, if it is a parallel dimension, I also find it hard to believe that the other races are there. The characters looking exactly the same (some with the same names) only makes my theory more reasonable.Uhhh, the reason the masks could be in TWW is that  OoT is connected to every game in both timelines. If I am correct, a parallel dimension, is another dimension with twisted and opposite aspects than the original dimension. Also, It has never been stated that it is a parallel dimension, but a parallel world. (Trust me on this, I staring at the back of the MM guid ebook.)
To Kannochi
1-3.Well you can't honestly believe that another dimension just happened to have the same races can you?
4. Again, you're telling me that Termina just happens to have a giant owl that flies around helping heroes?
5.OK, so how do you explain him knowing that there was an alternate dimension and knowing how to get there? (you can't between dimensions)
6.See above
7.Ok, I guess you don't need to, but you'r gonna lose the argument.
8.Holydrum and Laybrynna are on the same continent as Hyrule.
9.Germany's not an alternate dimension
10.This counts as number 7 :p
11.He refers to Dodongo's Cavern once you bring him food. He calls the food Rock Sirloin from Dodongo's Cavern.
12.I guess so.
13-16.Every other Zelda game hasn't been in Termina.

Commodore Axilon

Quote from: Dragmire on March 27, 2007, 02:40:43 PM
The characters looking exactly the same (some with the same names) only makes my theory more reasonable.

How on earth does that make your theory more reasonable? You think there's an entire country with people that look exactly the same as people from another country? Please explain to me how that's realistically possible.


Quote from: Commodore Axilon on March 27, 2007, 02:59:53 PM
Quote from: Dragmire on March 27, 2007, 02:40:43 PM
The characters looking exactly the same (some with the same names) only makes my theory more reasonable.

How on earth does that make your theory more reasonable? You think there's an entire country with people that look exactly the same as people from another country? Please explain to me how that's realistically possible.
This is a mute point. The only reason the look the same is becuase Nintendo didn't have time to make extra character modle. They made the game in only a year and a half which is very short for a game. If the deadline for MM had benn 2002 instead of 2000 than it would have compleatly diffrent characters.

Commodore Axilon

So then all the new character models were just figments of my imagination then?

And even if this were true, it still doesn't change my point. What's in the game is in the game. They decided to release it with these characters, so as far as I'm concerned these characters are canonical.

And there's also their official artwork. That has to count for something, doesn't it?


*starts dancing*

It's astounding, time is fleeting
Madness takes its toll
But listen closely, not for very much longer
I've got to keep control

I remember doing the TIme Warp
Drinking those moments when
The blackness would hit me and the void would be calling
Let's do the time warp again...
Let's do the time warp again!

It's just a jump to the left
And then a step to the right
With your hands on your hips
You bring your knees in tight
But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane,
Let's do the Time Warp again!

It's so dreamy, oh fantasy free me
So you can't see me, no not at all
In another dimension, with voyeuristic intention
Well-secluded, I see all
With a bit of a mind flip
You're there in the time slip
And nothing can ever be the same
You're spaced out on sensation, like you're under sedation
Let's do the Time Warp again!

Well I was walking down the street just a-having a think
When a snake of a guy gave me an evil wink
He shook me up, he took me by surprise
He had a pickup truck and the devil's eyes.
He stared at me and I felt a change
Time meant nothing, never would again
Let's do the Time Warp again!

It's just a jump to the left
And then a step to the right
With your hands on your hips
You bring your knees in tight
But it's the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane,
Let's do the Time Warp again!

And that's all I have to say about this matter.