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My CLANNAD Playthrough

Started by The Glamour Nazi, April 15, 2010, 04:30:56 PM

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Which Arc Should I do First?

Sagara Misae Arc
2 (50%)
Fuuko Ibuki Arc (Needed for afterstory)
1 (25%)
Nagisa Furukawa Arc (Leads to afterstory)
1 (25%)
Kyou/Ryou Fujibayashi Arc
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 4

The Glamour Nazi

Okay, I've recenetly imported (and patched in English) the game "CLANNAD" some of you may have heard me talking about how pure epic win and condensed awesome good it is.

So I was wondering, would any of you be willing to follow me on a playthrough of the game/Visual Novel.

If so please tell me if you want it to be a video playthrough or with screen shots.

Also, vote on the poll to decide which arc you want me to do first.

Note that all the arcs aren't immediately there, and this will practically be a blind, so bear with me.

Please vote or respond. If you want it as a Video lets play a link to a video thing would be nice.

Water Within

OMG I love Clannad. How did Pea-Tear get it on his laptop anyway?
Autumn is a second spring, where every leaf is a flower.

The Glamour Nazi

May have bought it from Japan. I did. Who knows.

Anyway to answer all the questions you asked...

1 To do Nagisa's arc all the way through (FYI Nagisa is the girl you end up with that's canon) I have to do Fuuko's Arc first.

2 My playthrough/let's play will be done with screenies and copied/transcripted text. unless I can get someone to tell me a video capture thing and where to get it.

3 If you have any other questions post them here.

Water Within

I can't actually BUY it though. When Pea-Tear's comp is fixed, I get to borrow it to watch Clannad.

Autumn is a second spring, where every leaf is a flower.

The Glamour Nazi


It was originally a game...

It's called a Visual Novel.

I've actually bought the game (it was 82 dollars but well worth it) and got an english translation patch for it.

The game is extremely long with 13/14 different arcs, meaning at least 14 playthroughs not counting game overs.

Now in order to keep this easy I'll save before Every choice. I might just go and let you all choose what I do, but that won't advance us far in the arcs. So I probably won't.

Any other questions?

Edit: Yes it will be PRACTICALLY blind, I've only fooled around on the game for a few minutes/hours.

Pea-Tear Griffin

You have remember she's kinda not too smart about this stuff XD
Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat

The Glamour Nazi

Oh, it was information for everyone.

It'll be a learning experience.

Pea-Tear Griffin

I know but she's kinda n00bish
Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat

The Glamour Nazi

I'll start it when I get 5 votes.

Pea-Tear Griffin

Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat

Hi no Seijin

The Magical Purple d4 of Decision Making tells me to vote for the first choice.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!

The Glamour Nazi

Quote from: Winry Rockbell on April 15, 2010, 08:39:42 PM
The Magical Purple d4 of Decision Making tells me to vote for the first choice.

That's a plus 2 to Sagara Misae.

The Glamour Nazi

dubble post

Note, this is no longer a blind playthrough. I've experience most of Nagisa's arc, all of Misae's, all of both the twins, and All of Tomoyo's (Which is a really really good arc, I can see why she's the one that got the sequel)

I've also experienced almost every conversation chain for the first two months of the game...

Just letting you know.

The Glamour Nazi

tripple post

Okay lets get something straight. I love this game. I'm completely psyched about getting my copy and I want to share how great and emotional this is. It beats out the Anime by like >9000.

Moving on...

I've beaten many more arcs now...

Since no one is interested I'm not going to listen to the votes so I'm just going to do who I want when I want and I'll tell if you ask about the arc.

So the ones I still have to do are:

Miyazawa Yukine

Sunohara Siblings

Ichinose Kotomi

Furukawa Nagisa (I'm doing this last)

and Tomoyo a second time (This time for Misae's light and to see Fuuko Ninja)

So if you're interested in any of the arcs tell me and I'll play it again and transcribe it and post some pics of the stuff that happens.

Pea-Tear Griffin

What OVER 9000!!! That's impossible!
Kotomi is kew
Go n-ithe an cat thú is go n-ithe an diabhal an cat