Master Search IV - Shada

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Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 4:20 pm
Arco's sagging body shows that he truly does understand what they're up against, and gives Alpha some hope. 'If he understands, then hopefully most of the other do too...and if they really do comprehend this, then they won't underestimate the Hakiems. It gives them a slightly better chance of survival.

I just wish we could figure this all out. We still need some way of leading them into our trap...'

Alpha sighs again and jumps up to sit on a large tree branch. He needs more breathing room so he can think...

OOC: For those who have forgotten, Part 5 is to be posted this Tuesday, Sept. 27. I'm still procrastinating with the writting of it, as we still haven't decided on how to lead the Hakiems up into the mountains. You can still influence the rest of Master Search by replying and telling me your ideas.

Just in case everyone's mental capacities are gone, I do have a backup idea. But I'd really prefer to let you guys help. So...reply! You have three days!
Last edited by Alpha on Wed Feb 01, 2006 11:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
weienw Level 8
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Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 12:01 am
OOC: Argh sorry about the delay, I've been wanting to 'visit' Hyrule for some time now...

Arco peers up at where Alpha is perched, and holds the stare there, until--after a while--you realize he isn't actually staring at anything at all. After some time passes, he murmurs, "So we need to lure them up above Ruto..."
Then that flicker--well, more of a jitter--in his eyes, again.

Therefore, those... ack! Just say it.

Arco refocuses himself with some discomfort before speaking again. "I don't know if you've heard it before, but I knew someone once who said:

'Therefore, those skilled in moving the enemy use formation that which the enemy must respond.
'They offer bait that which the enemy must take, manipulating the enemy to move while they wait in ambush.'"

A pause, then a deep breath. "Maybe we--you--could send um, Zaboorak a challenge letter? 'Meet us--me--East of New Peaktop tomorrow at noon?' Would he meet us even on our own terms and grounds?"

STR 2 - DEF 3 (+ Arm. 12) - AGI 6 - INT 3 - SPI 1 - SPL: 18 - HP: 31
Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 7:48 am
"Zaboorak? No, he wouldn't. He's too smart for that. I don't even know how we'd get such a letter to him, anyway."

"Um, Alpha," Shada says. "It's time."

Alpha's eyes widen. "By the flames of's been one month. Alright, you guys get into position," he says to everyone present. "I've been thinking about this; I might have a way to get them there. I hope it works." He turns to Shada. "Shada, go get Master. Tell him to meet us in the Ruto Mountains as soon as possible. I'm going there now to make contact." The female Sheikah nods, then takes off to the south.

Alpha turns and heads north, hoping that his idea works. 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend...let's just hope they follow that doctrine too...'

OOC: Alright, I'll post Part 5 in Ruto Town sometime today. That one is not meant to be replied to, just read. Almost immediately afterwards, I'll post Part 6, where we'll have the big battle.

Get ready. 8)
Last edited by Alpha on Wed Feb 01, 2006 11:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Red Fury Level 6
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Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 11:33 am
No-one listens to their elders anymore. He thinks as Shada and Alpha head off to set out their plan. At the same moment he hears a noise behind him and suddenly disappears as a sword cuts through the empty space where he once stood and embeds into a nearby tree with a heavy thunk.

The moblin tears the sword out of the tree and looks around for his intended victim.

'Oh. You missed.' The man said sarcasticly, his country accent now gone.

Turning around sharply he saw the man standing behind him, he tried to swing his sword but found that there were too many trees for him to be able to fight properly. Realising this the man said 'Let's continue this elsewhere.' and ran through the woods the moblin following behind him.

STR 2 - DEF 11 - AGI 6 - INT 3 - SPI 1 - SPL: 5 - HP: 30
weienw Level 8
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Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 11:12 pm
For a moment Arco stands there, watching Shada and Alpha leave. Then, with the sounds of what seems like a casual fight behind him, he too leaves the area, moving north-east. Thoughts boiled dry to a hazy focus on the coming battle, he moves through the fauna with his head slightly bowed.

Get into position? But where? If we're all in the same place, and we may not be the ones waiting for them...

Once more, something comes to mind, causing Arco to stop walking and stare up at the mountains resting far off north.

Generally, in battle, use the common to engage the enemy and the uncommon to gain victory.
Those skilled at uncommon maneuvers are as endless as the heavens and earth, and as inexhaustible as the rivers and seas...

The Sheikah smiles slightly, glances at his rough hands, and starts moving again, this time with a much quicker pace.

STR 2 - DEF 3 (+ Arm. 12) - AGI 6 - INT 3 - SPI 1 - SPL: 18 - HP: 31