[NPC] A Goron Looks Amiss

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Baka Nezumi Level 1
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Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:11 pm
"Here you go!" Baka says with a warm smile as she hands the Goron her peice of Deku Wood. "I'm sorry about your cart."
Athint Level 1
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Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 5:37 pm
"So you need me to head over into the thicket and bring you some deku wood," Athint said in his weak voice "Well your in luck goron i have already found some of this wood you need to fi your wagon." Athint kindly handed the goron all of his deku ood knowing that he only needed some of it. "Is there anything else you need?" Athint asked before setting out.
If you wish to rise thoughs in your way must fall.

STR: 3
DEF: 6(race)
AGI: 2
INT: 1
SPI: 1
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 11:20 am
The Goron squeals with delight, "Oh, thank you verrry much frriend! Herrre, please accept membership into the Gorrro-Gorrro Carrrtel as my thanks. You can now use the Carrravans to trrravel to other points on ourrr trrrade rrroutes!"

As he fits the wood into the correct spot, and prepares to leave, the axel snaps once more. "Drrrat!" he groans.

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violinist Level 1
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Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 2:12 pm
"Need help?" snarled Ara. She was in no mood to help anyone, but assked out of politness.

STR- 1
DEF- 2
AGI- 1
INT- 6
SPI- 3
HP- 20
SPL- 6
Aureliano Level 6
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Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 1:11 pm
Sir, I have the wood you needed. I hope it will suffice.
Hands over the wood
Young Hylian On a Stump Page [4]

HP 50 /// STR 5 /// DEF 17 /// AGI 4 /// INT 4///SPI 2 /// SPL 8


--Immune to Gohma's Poison
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:05 am
The Goron squeals with delight, "Oh, thank you verrry much frriend! Herrre, please accept membership into the Gorrro-Gorrro Carrrtel as my thanks. You can now use the Carrravans to trrravel to other points on ourrr trrrade rrroutes!"

As he fits the wood into the correct spot, and prepares to leave, the axel snaps once more. "Drrrat!" he groans.

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Nathael Level 2
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Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 2:36 pm
Douglas reaches into his cloak to retrieve the bundle of Deku wood. "This might help." he says, reaching out to the goron to give him the bundle.
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:31 pm
The Goron squeals with delight, "Oh, thank you verrry much frriend! Herrre, please accept membership into the Gorrro-Gorrro Carrrtel as my thanks. You can now use the Carrravans to trrravel to other points on ourrr trrrade rrroutes!"

As he fits the wood into the correct spot, and prepares to leave, the axel snaps once more. "Drrrat!" he groans.

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2343734 Level 1
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Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 1:07 am
Well i have the wood please take it.
Hands it over.
MagmarFire Level 4
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Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 6:49 am
Xokorn had been panting most of the day. Not so much as for the running workout that he had gotten, but for the extra layer of clothing that he had bought a few days earlier for protection. It certainly was useful stuff, but coupled with his black cloak, it made it quite hot inside. He wasn't complaining, though; he'd been through worse, especially with his near-death experience the other day.

His workout apparently brought him so far as to get within earshot of a troubled Goron. He was in front of a large wagon of some kind that leaned to the front--or the back. Xokorn couldn't tell either way. Whatever the case, he saw that one of the axles had snapped in two. A lot of people wanted to help out, apparently; and a bunch of them were reaching into their pockets and giving the poor Goron wood.

Wait, they're giving him wood? Xokorn thought. The wood DOES look a lot like this Deku wood that I got a few months ago... I wonder... He walked up to the Goron, reached into his pocket for the super-hard Deku wood, and handed it over to the Goron. "Here you go. Do you think this will help?"
Those who flaunt with power disappear when the truly powerful appear.



STR 1 (Base)
DEF 2 (Base) + 10 (L1 Tunic) = 12
AGI 4 (Base) + 3 (LV3 Deku Agility) = 7
INT 3 (Base) = 3
SPI 3 (Base) = 3
HP 53
SPL= (LV[4] x Base[3]) + SPI[3] = 15

Staff DMG = 9


LV1 Fire--DMG = 9
LV1 Life
LV2 Exceptional Health
LV3 Deku Agility
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 10:15 am
The Goron squeals with delight, "Oh, thank you verrry much frriend! Herrre, please accept membership into the Gorrro-Gorrro Carrrtel as my thanks. You can now use the Carrravans to trrravel to other points on ourrr trrrade rrroutes!"

As he fits the wood into the correct spot, and prepares to leave, the axel snaps once more. "Drrrat!" he groans.

Xokorn and...um...mr. numbers...have earned one TP.
Sovelis Level 18
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Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:36 pm
OoC: I can't believe I never did this quest! I feel stupid....

IC: Seeing a Large goron in need, Sovelis walked over to him. "I think you have to much in your cart, mabye thats why your axel keeps breaking. If you had some Iron or Steel axels, that wouldn't be a problem. But since there aren't, here's some wood to replace your axel with." The Last Tempest said as he handed over a bundle od Deku wood.
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:42 pm
The Goron squeals with delight, "Oh, thank you verrry much frriend! Herrre, please accept membership into the Gorrro-Gorrro Carrrtel as my thanks. You can now use the Carrravans to trrravel to other points on ourrr trrrade rrroutes!"

As he fits the wood into the correct spot, and prepares to leave, the axel snaps once more. "Drrrat!" he groans.

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zoratunic Level 1
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Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:45 am
Hernandi saw the stressed Goron, heard of his predicament, and said, "Take my bundle of Deku wood, I don't need it."
I assure you, the equipment is fairly safe.- Hernandi
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:06 pm
The Goron squeals with delight, "Oh, thank you verrry much frriend! Herrre, please accept membership into the Gorrro-Gorrro Carrrtel as my thanks. You can now use the Carrravans to trrravel to other points on ourrr trrrade rrroutes!"

As he fits the wood into the correct spot, and prepares to leave, the axel snaps once more. "Drrrat!" he groans.

Hernandi has earned one TP.
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