The crazy(maybe) man

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Leone Level 2
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Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 4:42 pm
*Seeing that Arco is struggling K-Shat trys to relief some of his stress* "Well nice to meet you Arco." *Gives Arco a friendly pat on the back* "Don't worry about it Arco you did explain well. I will try to get along with him as best as I can. He would be a grand comrade on the battlefield, and I would really like him to be on my side. But anyway, I guess I will see you around Arco." *K-Shat quickly bows then departs on his way*
weienw Level 8
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Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 12:03 am
Arco sags in relief. A pause.

"Yes, nice to meet you too," replies the Sheikah. He squints, looking at the back of the departing Scribe. 'Darilan Somstren...'

"Yes," repeats Arco. "He does seem like a nice personage." And, he adds silently, I think our paths will cross a great many times from here on out... and there is no doubt that we'll all be grand comrades in sticky times. It seems almost... practical, to be friends with everybody. Comrades.

Instead of all this, he nods and says in his odd way, "See you... K-Shat... around."

STR 2 - DEF 3 (+ Arm. 12) - AGI 6 - INT 3 - SPI 1 - SPL: 18 - HP: 31
Master Goron Level 8
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Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 3:47 pm
The man first listened to the Deku's harsh words, but he just gave an empty stare back, it is unknown whether or not he even understood the words. A sheikah, walking to the deku, speaking, warning, talk of threats, anger, the Deku returns and begins talking to the other Sheikah, then leaves. He still has an empty look, but has has not made a sound. Silence, calm, then hammering. It stops, sudden, a pause, unwelcomed, almost angry. He then says "Hey three, there was three... the pass." Then as suddenly as he had stopped, he was hammering again, and the porch was taking shape. Or, better to say, a shape, since it didn't really look much like a porch, which could have something to do with building it on top of the pile of wood. "Well, that ain't right..." So he jumps angrily and the sticks begin to tumble from the cart rapidly. "Damn you evil wood, curse your wood-begotten spirits!" he shouts loudly as he stumbles awkwardly off the remaining stash. "I wish you weren't made out of wood anymore!"

STR- 3 DEF- 17 AGI- 5 INT- 1 SPL- 1 SPL- 7 HP- 41
shadowlink13 Level 9
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Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 2:13 pm
"Never mind the wood," says Darilan, "What is troubling you? I can't imagine wood would bother you so much. There is something else on your mind, is there not?"

DEF 12
SPL: 27
HP: 33

[NPC] The Ravenclaw Twins