Force of Gold VIII - Castle Liberation

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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:37 pm
OOC: I don't suppose I might be able to join up? I just need to know whats happend so far (probably a lot to ask, considering all the FoG episodes alpha has done) and what those wierd creatures are. RG himself has siad that FoG is a very important; I want to be in on it. :D Hope that's not to much to ask?..
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
HP 61; SPL 19; Will 9; Def Rating 21
STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

Exceptional Health L2, Goron Strength L3, Deku Agility L2, Bow L4, Track L1, Disarm Trap L1, Calm beast L1, Arcane Archery, Shadowmeld
{Arrow: 15dmg, 11+d20 cth}{knife: 10dmg, 8+d20 cth}
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 7:47 pm
OOC: Sure, Leth! You're welcome, I'm sure. I don't have time to share the details.

IC: Nogare's eye flinched. Despite the terror that Kasei has caused, Novel's words were nonetheless true. But he figured it was suprising that he would allow them to simply let the Haikems take the Triforce. He knew he had to protest. "Sir! We can't let the Haikems have the Triforce, no matter if it takes our lives! We must go! Not only will be leave the King to his doom, we will loose the Triforce to the enemy! When that happens, they will be that much closer to obtaining all three. The Exiles of Mount Death are already moving their forces through Calatia, seeking out Sir Link, for the Triforce of Courage is in his heart. The Triforce of Power was lost when Ganon was defeated, and for all we know, they may know where it is! That can't happen! We must either die trying to defend the Triforce, His Majesty, and the Princess, or lose hope! Please!" His volume was harsh and sudden. If they get the Triforce before I get the Blade... then all hope is lost, doubtless.
Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:22 pm
OOC: Yeah Kasei, no kidding :P

IC: Dogura was completely silent at this point. The frantic exchange of words between Noval and Nogare was still ringing in his ears. Could the enemy really be so close to domination? I must speak. I have to do everything in my power to... What am I saying?... I shouldnt care about anyone's life but my own. Im a Shadow Prince!... Just what have I become? This could possibly take my life. Could it be possible that love for these people will be my downfall? I dont like what love had turned me into. I've been hanging around these do-gooders for a bit too long... Dogura stepped out of the light, and into the shadow of a nearby tree.

Although I'm not for either side, these people have befriended me. I will not betray their trust. If I'm anything, Im a man of my word. Besides... I am known for invading their base. My face was not forgotten, im sure. It may be benaficial to destroy as many of them as possible in the time I have. Dogura leaned against the large tree he was standing under, and looked up into the gloomy sky. A trickle of rain evaded the branches of the baren tree, and landed on Dogura's forehead. The samurai winced a little bit, and then closed his eyes. Something is wrong... definately wrong. I have a feeling today will be marked in history books....
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:33 pm
OOC: Alright, I've already told Leth this in a PM, but for anyone wanting a summary of my storyline thus far, the final few posts on my profile do contain such a synopsis. If you want any real details, you'll have to either PM me or go read the topics (there are links to each topic there as well).

And great work Kasei! That was definitely one of your best posts . . . at least, of the ones I've read. :D

"Alpha's coming," Shada responds to Kasei bluntly, still firmly remembering the big pain he had been in the Hakiems' base. Noval seems to be fine with including the Rebel Flame in their little group, but the Sheikah only hopes that he will take things seriously. "He's getting help for us."

Noval nods to Jack, not sure where this boy has come from. It hardly matters why he has chosen to help, though, and so he calmly says, "Thank you, my good sir. We appreciate any help you can give us."

Then Sir Blade's words hit him. "Nogare," Noval says, trying to maintain his calm, "did you not hear me? If the Hakiems want the Triforce, then they already have it. If the Hakiems came to kill the King and the Princess, then they already have. Whether we go in now or wait an eternity, that fact will not change. But we will be going soon enough, when we actually have the strength to make a difference in this fight. We can leave now, without the aid Alpha has promised, and it's true, we might be able to succeed. But our chance of success - of actually living to have a chance to save King Harkinian and Princess Zelda from this danger - will not be high at all. I would much rather go later when my life is not certainly forfeit."

Dogura may have been the first to notice the slight drizzle that came upon the town, but soon enough the light rain can be felt by all. General Noval sheathes his sword at his hip, but keeps his hand positioned so as to be prepared for any surprise encounters that may arise. 'A good sized force we have gathered,' he thinks pleasantly. 'We may indeed survive this after all . . . as soon as Alpha arrives.' Without realizing it, his gaze joins with Shada's as they both scan the surrounding area for a sign of the Sheikah's presence.

OOC: I'll give Leth and anyone else who comes along time to join, then I'll bring Alpha in and we can start things going.
Last edited by Alpha on Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 10:56 pm
OOC: Time to bring an NPC I scrapped into play. He will come in handy later, and this will be a good oppertunity for the members to get to know him.

IC: Feeling the rain begin to fall, Dogura slightly smiled. He enjoyed a good rain. It seemed to cleanse the soul, and relieve stress with the soft sound it makes when it hits the trees, and the ground. Dogura's eyes lit up, and in a quick, almost blinding speed, Dogura sliced the air with his sword. A tree root squirmed around as if alive, and wilted, falling to the ground. A new voice erupted from the other side of the tree. "Alert as always..." Dogura imediately faced the tree, senses elete. A man in a black trench coat appeared from around the tree. Dogura held his sword to the man's neck. "Fang Gengai..." The man smiled mischeviously. "Guilty as charged... Dogura Shaodwclaw..." There was a long silence, followed by a crisp wind, which carried rain along with it.

"So is this how you greet a man around here?" Dogura frowned. "Dont play innocent with me! The things you've done will never be erased. What buisness have you here?" The man followed suit, and frowned along with the samurai. "Why... A man cant visit his closest friend in a- Dont mock me!!" Dogura cut Fang off. "Alright, alright." Fang began, clearing his throat. "As you well know, Hakiems have invaded our dear castle. As you also may know, they plan on getting their hands on great power." He paused, and sneered. "If they gain ultimate power, that puts the meaning of my existance to an end." Dogura's eyes widened. "Y-You're insane! A madman!" Fang then smiled wider.

"What are you saying Dogura... You know you want it too... Unlimited power... Think of it." The samurai seemed to drift off for a moment, before making a small cut on the man's shoulder. "Dont toy with my mind. I have a path to follow!" Fang smiled once more. "Alright, whatever Dogura. But if you ever decide to change your mind, you know where to find me." "BE SILENT!" Dogura shouted, widening the cut previously made on Fang's shoulder. Fang winced a little, before Dogura let the man free. "You had better not try anything funny Fang..." Fang continued his innocent smile, muttering "Okay, okay... Trust me... this time..."

OOC: Alakazam! There you go, Fang Gengai. I only said Alakazam because i dont know how to spell "Voila" 8)
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:48 am
The rebel flame watched all of this with interest...then, suddenly, he had a pain in his stomach. No, not again. kasei thought, then leaned over and puked right on the street. He got up, but not before puking a second time...this time, blood came out. He stands up, but then only kneels down again, coughing up more blood and vomit...he stands up once more and smiles! "Heh, I'm alright, "he says, before collapsing, blood filling the street...

OOC: nice, huh? now ya got a sick guy on your hands...

immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Marin Level 8
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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:44 pm
Denning's constand wandering to and fro the Castle has made it so he knows little of what goes on in any one area, and had no clue what was going on when he ventured back into the castle courtyard, he saw some people he knew, like Nogare, some people he didnt, like the guy with the nice looking sword, and some people he really didnt like all too much, like Kasie, why would all these people be together?

Denning ventured closer, pulling his cloak tighter as he got closer, and pulling his hood farther and farther down. He looked around and saw people as if they were going to attack something or other, but why in the castle? What was going on?

Denning needed to find out was going on soon, and so went to one of his old friends, Nogare.

Quietly, Denning wispers in Nogare's ear.

"Greetings, Nogare, hope you dont mind me asking you this, but what in the goddess is going on?'
Denning UPDATED-5/4/07-Marin Data

STR 1 DEF 12 AGI 4 INT 3 SPI 3 Will power=8 SPL 30 HP 33
jarod the dark mage Level 8
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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 1:34 pm
"You shouldn't ruin this beatufil deccor... Kasei"

says Azador as he walk to his sick friend,

Azador lays his hand on kasei's shoulder

might this help..?


kasei's body began to luminate,
as it is trying to heal any wounds or piosen kasei had
Azador Greenfield&Edward Ricardius
level 8
str =4 + staff ( 9) = 13
def =5 + tunic ( 10 ) = 15
agl =4
int =9
spi =3
hp: 33
spl: 28

fire - elemental burst lvl2 - shield lvl2

"I Remember the comfort felt in the dream....
Cherishing every moment....
But I lust for so much more..." - Azador -
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:28 pm
Kasei shrugs his shoulders on the ground, and gets onto his knees. Very slowly, he starts to stand... "Eh, thanks Azador, your help is appreciated, but I can handle myself..." Kasei almost falls over again, and sits down, already looking better...he then spots Denning, an old enemy, perhaps as old as Nogare, Great, the mercenary thinks, another pain in the butt comes... "Thanks again, Azador.. but may I ask, where is Alpha? I miss the guy, and if Shada's here, Alpha can't be too far away, right?"

immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Pabru Level 8
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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:58 pm
Pyralin walked forwards towards the small gathering. After the captain had run into the informants house, he had been worrying. It would be bad for everyone if North Castle fell. He wasn't sure why the Hakiems would want to attack, but he swore that he would die trying to protect to the castle. He hoped it wouldn't come to that, but he was prepared just in case. He wore a black shirt with a red leather jerkin over it. Around his waist was a brown leather belt. On the belt were two pouches. One was his wallet, and held his meager supply of rupees. The other held a number of throwing daggers, to be used for ranged combat. On the other side of the belt was a small sheath which held the hylian's dirk.

He wore red cloth pants, with no special decoration, and wore worn leather boots. Pyre's fingers played along the pommel of his blade. He was ready for action, but knew that it was best to wait until Noval said to move out. Nothing would be won by making hasty desicions. The party didn't even know the Hakiem's full strength.

He looked around at the others in the party. A few looked even less experienced than he was, but mostly veteran adventures from around Hyrule were gathered in the courtyard. From that perspective, it seemed like they had a chance, especially with people like Alpha leading them. Speaking of Alpha, Pyre didn't see him. He looked around, but assumed that he was just preparing. Since most of the people that were just with the informant were also there, Pyralin assumed that the sheikah was coming as well. In the end, he just stood waiting at the edge of the group, not saying a word aloud, but nodding at Noval.
The ill-fated "explorer" club prepares for its first and last adventure.


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Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 10:56 pm
Noval watches carefully as Fang approaches, immediately launching into a heated discussion . . . or maybe 'fight' would be the better word . . . with Dogura. The samurai had already been on edge before, and Noval certainly does not want to know what this added influence will do to him.

Then the cloaked Sheikah walks up, whom Noval instantly identifies as the renegade cleric, Denning. This is starting to get out of hand; indeed, they needed as many men as they can find, but now known criminals - nay, confirmed Exiles - are starting to join up. First Kasei, now Denning . . . who would come next? Wraith? The general has to stifle a laugh at this; it is known to the man that these two people can be trusted in a fight, if nowhere else, and pretty much the only confirmed part of this mission is that there will be fighting.

"I already said that, Kasei," Shada says, allowing herself a moment to cool off before replying to him. Not only was she annoyed by Kasei's past antics, but she was starting to worry about what could be taking her fellow Sheikah so long. "He went to get reinforcements. We're waiting for him to arrive before we start trying to penetrate this . . . wall . . . of Hakiems."

As Pyralin arrives, Noval nods back to him, adding in a smile to the motion. Now then . . . where is Alpha?

OOC: Jarod, again, I ask you to put more effort into your posts. Other than Julian, who has decided to delete his original posts and start all over, no one else has given me any reason to request this.

PS: Tomorrow, Alpha arrives. I'm going to PM Leth to make sure he knows the time frame, but if he doesn't post IC before tomorrow (late tomorrow :wink: ) then that's just . . . too bad for him.

PSS: Also, if you could, I'd appreciate it if everyone would send me your characters' stats and skills via PM. The majority of these fights will be stat-based, so I want to look over the stats beforehand and make sure they're all accurate . . . I think I've seen a few people who are a little confused as to how the stats work. Also, it will give me a good reference point during the fights, so I'm not scrambling all over the topics to find a list. 8)
Last edited by Alpha on Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:44 pm
Alpha wrote:Then Sir Blade's words hit him. "Nogare," Noval says, trying to maintain his calm, "did you not hear me? If the Hakiems want the Triforce, then they already have it. If the Hakiems came to kill the King and the Princess, then they already have. Whether we go in now or wait an eternity, that fact will not change. But we will be going soon enough, when we actually have the strength to make a difference in this fight. We can leave now, without the aid Alpha has promised, and it's true, we might be able to succeed. But our chance of success - of actually living to have a chance to save King Harkinian and Princess Zelda from this danger - will not be high at all. I would much rather go later when my life is not certainly forfeit."
Noval's words were like a slap in the face with a stone hand. "Then that's it?" he laughed to himself. "I really thought you'd be willing to give your life for Hyrule's future. The king and princess are more important than our own lives! If you were the man I thought you were, you would go there, and cut down the enemy, no matter how much pain you took, and no matter if your life was taken or not. And if they are dead, avenge them! If you won't, the I will disobey your orders for staying, because that would not be His Majesty's will!" He then turned his head away, and began to leave. He took no note at all of Shada's words.

OOC: Is that good RPing? I just want to be sure I'm on the right track. And I'm gonna use two NPC, Mrust, and Rothereb. Savvy? :D
Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 1:50 pm
As cold as Noval's words might have seemed to the son of Greyblade, Nogare's response makes the general's blood boil in fury. It takes every ounce of willpower to keep his sword was drawing and slicing straight through the man's face, but even the veteran warrior lacks the self-control to keep from bringing forth his fist. Even as Nogare's head turns away, Noval's punch connects and sends him to the ground. As his body rebounds off the cold stone walkway, the general's hand swiftly reaches forward and snatches the knight by his collar, hauling him up as his left hand jabs straight into his stomach. He positions Nogare so that if the attack results in him throwing up, the mess will go over his shoulder.

His eyes might as well be cold, hard ice. His smile is gone completely, and his expression has transformed to that of a feral beast being barely restrained. His voice is low and harsh, practically a angered growl. "NEVER question my loyalty, Blade!" He purposefully leaves off the title of 'Sir', hoping that Nogare will catch the intended insult. "I will gladly give my life up for that of King Harkinian and Princess Zelda's!" As he pauses, others might happen to hear the cry of a hawk flying overhead. Strange; hawks aren't normally seen around here.

"But listen to me well, my dear fool: I have not rushed in there because I don't want to die for nothing. You have seen battle, but not of the kind I have experienced. I have been at war before, alongside those who think the way you do." His tone becomes mocking. "They are willing to fly into battle simply because it brings honor to King and country if they succeed. There have been times when the King himself has been in danger, and knights have charged forward in a futile effort to secure his passage.

"And do you know what the King later said about those men? They are heroes, yes . . . but they are also fools, for wasting their lives when they could have lived on, to serve Hyrule further. But because of their impatience, they lost their life for no reason. One can be a hero without dying, Blade, though your 'learned' mind may not be able to conceive of such a thing.

"I do not charge into that castle because I did not want to die for nothing. Without the assurance of success - nay, with the assurance of failure - the only possible outcome is dying in such a foolhardy manner. But if my death will allow others to reach, and thereby save, the King, then do not ever doubt that I shall perish with joy in mine heart, for then I am dying for something." (OOC: Basically quoting Jack Bauer. Heck yeah. 8)) He pauses. "And if you cannot learn the difference, then go ahead and leave - I do not want someone with that line of thought under my leadership." He releases Nogare and pushes him to the ground, turning away as he exhales his anger with forcedly calm breaths.

"So . . . what exactly am I missing here?"

Shada turns away from the heated exchange, a grin instantly forming on her lips. "Keyru!" Emerging from the shadows is Alpha indeed, a wearied look on his face. Glad as she is to see him, the lack of accompanying forces is a bit surprising. "Uh . . . where exactly is our 'help'?"

Alpha chuckles to himself. "Up there," he says, calmly pointing skyward, to where the hawk soars around. A shrill whistle abruptly resounds throughout the area, and the hawk turns towards its origin, a figure standing on the rooftop of a nearby inn. Cloaked in both a cloak and in shadows, a dark hand emerges from the robes and allows the hawk to come to a rest on the forearm.

Another shadowed figure leaps out of the shadows, landing on the first person's shoulders and spreading out her arms - a Rito's wings sprout forth as Calla descends, with Koura in her grasp. Skye squawks softly in greeting to the group as Koura lands on the ground softly and Calla releases her talons from the cloth. "Hey guys!" she says cheerfully, as if she doesn't know the situation at hand, giving Shada a look.

"You brought Calla?" Shada asks, puzzled. Alpha simply shrugs. "They ganged up on me on that part. I wasn't going to, but it made sense to have Skye scope things out from the air . . . and apparently, Rito can communicate with birds quite well." He looks to the daughter of Horohn, who is listening carefully to the hawk's noises. "What's the word, Calla?"

The Rito makes a face as Skye finishes up. "Hakiems, everywhere. There's a big gang of them around all the entrances, even the windows." She looks to the Sheikah. "We're going to need another way in."

Noval, still in a rather foul mood after Nogare's insult, merely turns away from the main entrance. "That's where I come in. Follow me."
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:55 pm
OOC: Okay, I'm just gonna change a bit of what happens to Nogare, to prevent people from underestimating him... :twisted:

IC: I know I have spoken poorly to Noval, and I must await the worst, though. I have spoken poorly of him... and must keep my promise. I will not fight back
Alpha wrote:As cold as Noval's words might have seemed to the son of Greyblade, Nogare's response makes the general's blood boil in fury. It takes every ounce of willpower to keep his sword was drawing and slicing straight through the man's face, but even the veteran warrior lacks the self-control to keep from bringing forth his fist. Even as Nogare's head turns away, Noval's punch connects and sends him to the ground.
Nogare's face batted the cement ground. His face winced in pain. But he took it in, and made no effort to fight back. She would not want me to... he told himself in his mind.
After that, Alpha wrote:As his body rebounds off the cold stone walkway, the general's hand swiftly reaches forward and snatches the knight by his collar, hauling him up as his left hand jabs straight into his stomach.
As his solar plex was walloped, he didn't still made no effort to fight back. He stubbornly made no effort to defend himself... he just hung there... just like those years ago...

"Where is it, fool!" A Daria, hands, squeezing muscles as thick as the lad's own body, clutched around his neck. "Speak up!"

The Hylian made no effort to either change his answer or defend himself. "I will never tell, no matter what you do to me," he jeered.

The Daria snorted in furstration. "You!" he shouted at another guard of Death Mountain. "Give me the whip! This boy doesn't know how to speak up."

A twisted whip, with piercing spikes, was handed to him. The torture room had hundreds of such terrible things. The monster tore it from the other guard's hands, and lashed the youth thrice. With each lash, a howl of agony roared through the jails. "You gonna speak of kid?! Where is it?! ... Where's the Turiluve?!"

Again, he said nothing.

"Why don't we just shove your head in the boiler?" He nodded to the other guard. The lad said nothing, and only stared down at the floor, eyes twitching, and teeth clenched.

The guard brought forth a barrel of water, steaming hot. The Daria went on. "This water has been in a metal pot, hanging over the crater for the past week. It is now, as you can imagine, very hot. Are you sure you don't want to tell?"

The boy made a mocking snort.

"Hmph. Okay then." Instantly, his head was heaved into the boiling water. Now, in Hyrule, there wasn't such thing as Celsius or Ferienhiet, but on Earth here, we would be able to measure that heat to being a hundred or two degrees Celsius. When his face was lifted out, it was quickly shoved back in. This happened many a time, and finally, after the final one, he was cast him to the ground. His face was burned and scarred, his nose burned out of shape, his eyes bleeding. He gasped for air, which hardly came to him... not as much as he needed.

"Tell me where the hell it is!"

Finally, the young man spoke... but not the words that the Daria wanted. "Heh... you want everything, don't you."

"Don't you play games with me, boy!"

The fellow spoke no more words that night. The Daria snarled. "Put him in the cell. Starve him for seven days! Then we'll start sticking the dagger in under your toe-nails, until you speak up.

So the boy was thrown into the cell... and he wouldn't eat for the next week, just awaiting his next day of torture...

Thus, rather than listening to Noval's choler, he saw the vision... the past never would leave his mind, no matter how hard he tried. Though, his consiousness came back in time for him to hear Noval growl these words...
Alpha wrote:You have seen battle, but not of the kind I have experienced.
Nogare could only chortle under his breath at that sentence. But such a statement was expected; no one knew who he was... not even his closest friends. He should have said that very thing to Noval... but he didn't.

Nogare lets Noval shove him down. Though Noval was right, in a sense, but again, why wait? The most strong fighters were here waiting, while the weak die without aid from the strong. But he didn't speak on, though he wanted... something in him held him back.

He pushed himself to his feet as he realized something; no other soldier wouldthink the way Noval did... there was something about him... some aura... a dark feeling. Was Noval evil? Or was it just the hatred between them at this time...?

It was then that Alpha came! He, though, was disappointed about how few reinforcements came, but what could he do? A few more strong had come... that would be fine. He was eager to say, "Alright, let's get going; we've waited long enough!" but, again, he didn't. He just spun his sword through his fingers, to show more than say that he was ready for battle.
Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:14 am
Dogura watched the frank exchange of opinions between Nogare and Noval, clutching a fist. Nogare had been a friend to the samurai since his earliest days in North Hyrule. Although the Hylian wanted badly to aid his friend, Dogura knew well the rules of war. A lower rank soldier was never to disobey orders from a superior officer. Arrggg.... Damn Nogare and his burning will to defend. He should really know better. Dogura contemplated these thoughts within himself, before Noval finished his lesson. The samurai was a bit surprised at how fast the man had calmed down afterword.

Sweet reinforcements. Although the samurai was cloaked in shadow, he sensed the arrival of an ally. And not just any ally, no, the man for whom they were waiting for. Alpha had arrived on the scene, in time to miss Nogare's beating. Dogura immediately became concerned when he noticed the other allys that Alpha had promesed were no where to be found. Fang sensed Dogura's mood relax upon the arrival of the shiekah. Who is this man? He seems to hold a certain higher status of this mission. Is he merely a key to the door of opertunity? He seems interesting. I expect surprises out of you...

After Alpha's hand had penetrated the air above him, Dogura felt incompetent for not noticing the the presence above him. The samurai's head shot up into the sky, surprised that he had been snuck up on. The hawk had landed on what seemed to be a building statue. A man, cloaked completely in black served as a landing post for the hawk. The next person Dogura was to notice was Calla and Koura, decending down upon them. It would be a miracle if the growing group had not already been spotted. Noval broke the short silence with the fact that he knew an alternate route into the castle.

"You heard the man." Fang stated, passing Dogura by, as he followed Noval to the designated area. Dogura smiled, remembering the "good ol' days" spent with the mage. "Indeed, I heard him Fang. Do you in any way doubt my senses?" Without turning fully around, Fang slightly smiled. "It's about the only thing about you that I do trust." With these words, the Vagabond took syncronized steps along side Fang, both of them eyeing eachother wearily the whole way.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
Entrance to Hell
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