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Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 1:36 am
by Blank
<center>Carock's Apostle #58


Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 1:36 am
by Blank
<center>Carock's Apostle #59


Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 1:36 am
by Blank
<center>Carock's Apostle #60


Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 1:37 am
by Blank
What follows is the account of one Blank Fireside upon his arrival in Hyrule.

Deadly Mask Of Fate
  • The Hylian known as Blank arrives in Hyrule in a capsule designed for burial at sea. As he crawls from the casket, he sets in motion the chain of events leading to the next great cataclysm of Hyrule.
An Explosive Incident
A Cornered Moblin
Sealing The Remains
  • A group of odd Moblins arrives in Rauru plotting deeds of explosive mischief. Blank, with the help of new friends Alpha and Denning, thwarts the Calatian Moblin of the same name. In the process of doing so, the nomad is scarred with a horrifying reminder of his past. He takes the last remnants of Blank Mid-Dao, his wretched flute, and locks it in a house designated for that sole purpose.
Seven Strange Visitors
  • Blank and Denning Rocsferd eavesdrops on a group of seven assassins, and learns of the upcoming assault on his livelihood. He quickly realizes that something is amiss, and runs off, making sure to keep an eye open for members of the assassin faction. Among the hit list are Blank Fireside, Victor Vir, Alpha Varaudo, Denning Rocsferd, Dogura Shadowclaw, Arco Pizzikin, and Reg Nocturne.
A Realm of Shadows and Secrets
What follows is an account of Hyrule's adventurers becoming involved in the affairs of Carock's Apostles and the Mid-Dao Moblins.

Part I ~ The Cloaked Goron Guard
I.I Standing By The Fountain
I.II A Cloaked Goron Guard
  • A lone hooded figure stands by North Castle's fountain. The ever-cheerful Victor Vir approaches him, not knowing what he is about to get himself into. What follows is a painful series of events. Selerovisk Barrett, the hooded Zora, sends the bard to Parapa Desert. Victor arrives at the underground hideout of Carock's Apostles and meets several allies and enemies, but not before a vicious battle against a hooded Goron named Zayxin Gorovon. He is attacked by Orias Terrian and saved by Thespin Feramute. After receiving a few answers from Darizan Dragmire - the paradoxical male Gerudo - on his whereabouts and the reason for his involvement, he is sent on a small mission to a lonely district of the ancient city. Accompanying him are Malak Shadfir, Radley Rivers, Helena Adran, and Jett Ericson.

    After handing over an important stone to Drejudar, an enemy of the Apostles, he is sent to the surface of Parapa to guard the entrance to the city, and engages in a battle with Alpha, with the help of fellow guard Mizer Adran. Alpha gains admittance to the city and becomes the newest Apostle. The pair is met by a stranger on the stairwell, who clearly dislikes Victor and knows far too much about Alpha's past. As Victor squires Alpha about the castle, the pair meets Fassix Caulin, who has been studying "Wraith" and makes the connection that Alpha is the man of his research.

    Alpha goes off alone to explore the city and meets Meridel, an enemy of the alliance. She, too, knows of his past and becomes another thorn in his side. She tries to bribe him as a means of working against the Apostles, and leaves the mage to his thoughts. He reunites with Victor, and the two are tricked into a false summon to the dungeon level of the castle. Here they are attacked by Orias, who is defeated when Selerovisk Barrett (the Zora from the fountain) and Larson Zachrian arrive to aid the new Apostles. Victor is sent to see Myst Wolfeye, and receives the Dark Power that all Apostles are endowed with.

    Victor is given a new task: search the Hospitality District for another Stone of Curse. Taking a party with him consisting of Jett Ericson, Eyra Midores, Colvin Kessler, Derix Stavard, and Thespin, he makes his way to the terrifying and empty District. Jett is killed in an encounter with another Intelligent One, and is carried back to the castle by Kessler with a slim hope of revival. Alpha arrives, and the group continues to the ancient hospital. Alpha and Victor enter alone, and battle the Oblivion Ghoma. Trish Gorman arrives to help them subdue the beast, and although the stone is not found, the group returns to the castle. Meridel appears and confronts Alpha, demanding an answer to her offer. He refuses, and escapes with a key that had appeared with the death of the Ghoma.

    Upon their return to the castle, they are met by Radley Rivers, who reports on the death of Astor Norand, one of the Apostles. Solstrem Maverick, co-founder of the Apostles, reveals to Alpha that he, too, knows of his past as Wraith, however very little of it. The Sheikah leaves the city to pursue his own goals, but the dark cloud that is the underground organization will haunt him in the near future.
Part II ~ Assassins And Traitors
II.i Ring Of Fire
II.ii The Invisible Hunter
II.iii Landslide
II.iv Explosions Above
II.v Mind Over Matter The Toxic Temptress
II.vii The Whistling Shadows
  • Seven traitor Apostles, formerly comrades in a mercenary-for-hire organization called Killtactic Assination, began a series of planned killings. In an attempt at reviving their dissolved unit, the seven assassins were to carry out hits on seven of Hyrule's adventurers. In doing so, Hyrule's defenses would be considerably lowered. For the service, Killtactic Assassination was promised to be given funding from Calatia once again as an officially government sanctioned military unit.

    Sloan Connells was to assassinate the drowsy Arco Pizzikin. He set up an impressive trap of pyrotechnics in North Forest and caught the Sheikah in a ring of fire. After being severely burned beyond repair, Arco managed to defeat Sloan. The assassin died after describing his purpose. Trish Gorman appeared and gave to Arco half of a strange pendant, telling him that they would meet again. The Sheikah, burned horribly by the battle, would begin a process of recovery and development before that time.

    Not far away, Barlum Avrum perched in a tree, watching the helpless drunk Reg Nocturne walking in the woods below him. He mounted his assault on the bumbling mage, underestimating his opponent. Reg was able to destroy all of Barlum's crossbows, and in doing so also managed to break several of the assassin's bones. Barlum fell from his perch after the destruction of the fifth crossbow, landing on his head. His neck snapped under the weight of his body and the impact from the fall. He died instantly.

    Far east, in the wide expanses of Parapa Desert, Martir Gavin let slide a large boulder from the mountain range looking out over the desert. Dogura Shadowclaw was fortunate to have evaded the landslide, and what ensued was an epic hand-to-hand battle between the two. Martir was almost victorious, but at the wrong time his illness took over his body and left the helpless Goron for dead. Dogura continued to wander the desert. far above, Myst Wolfeye ordered Radley Rivers to watch over the samurai in the days that would come.

    On the topmost plateau of the Ruto Highlands, Larson Zachrian pelted Blank Fireside with explosives from a ledge far above his target. The nomad could do nothing but stumble about, coming close to death as he set off mines and avoided bombs from above. Selerovisk Barrett was ordered to terminate Larson - it seemed that Blank was an important person in the eyes of the Apostles. He pushed his one true friend off of the cliff, watching him land and explode on his own bombs below. Blank scrambled away from the scene with his life, remembering that he had been on a hit list for some time and that this had been that moment. He wondered if Denning was safe.

    In the far reaches of tantari Desert, Denning was not safe at all. He was attacked by the psychic Zora, Feris Forego, and controlled through psycho-kinetic powers that the Zora had honed during his life. Feris would send his own soul into Denning's body and control him, leaving his own shell helpless. Denning was able to find a way to keep his own mind safe from Feris using a Shield spell, and then cast Sheild on Feris's own body when its soul had left its vessel. With no body to go back to, Feris's soul simply ceased to exist. Denning had outsmarted the wily Zora and had saved his own life.

    On the South Greens of Hyrule, the beautiful Andrea Roswell made a daring attempt at tempting the untemptable: Alpha Varuado. She was easily subdued, abd after revealing her small knowledge of Alpha's exploits, the man known as Wraith used one his custom tranquilizer darts and put the girl to sleep. When she awoke he was gone, a note in his place. The assassin lived, and returned to the castle, knowing her comrades had been killed. She knew someday she would meet Wraith again.

    In the Deku Woods, Daemon Flint used his razor stilettos to steal the life away from Victor Vir, the innocent bard and a fellow Apostle. He was largely unsuccessful, due to interference from Zayxin Gorovon and Thespin Feramute. The intervening Apostles killed the assassin, saving Victor's life. Victor explained the situation, having heard it all from Daemon before. With the assassins out of the way, the Apostles were safe again.
Part III ~ The Scholar Duel
III.i A Cloaked Human Challenger
III.ii The Youth's Decision
<center>~ Interlude ~
A Deal In The Dark</center>

Part IV ~ Massacre
IV.i Another Explosive Incident
IV.ii Another Cornered Moblin

Part V ~ The Sniper, The Snake And The Samurai
V.i A Cloaked Man Stands Waiting
V.ii Reunion

The Search For Sulvera
What follows are the events following the disappearance of Blank Fireside, and the shift in focus of the Apostles towards finding a man known as Kain Sulvera. Simultaneously, these events included the conflicts within the Apostles and the conflicts between the Apostles and other factions.

Act I
I.i ~ Staring At The Sea
I.ii ~ Rescue And Revenge

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 6:27 pm
by Blank
<IMG SRC=" ... dbook3.jpg" ALIGN=LEFT>

~~ The Talent Book

What follows is a brief compilation of why - and how - most Apostles were able to attain the skills they have learned over their lives. Do note, however, that the statistics here are what matter. It would be untrue to say that oh, perhaps Phillip Gorman, completed the Quest "Take the Cake" three times. Most Apostles never accomplished quests throughout Hyrule as you and I once did; their talents were gathered in other, unspecified ways.


Hyrulean Legacies [Total : 6]
Take The Cake '06 +1
Take The Cake '07 +1
Take The Cake '08 +1
Take The Cake '09 +1
Take The Cake '10 +1
The Grand Tournament: Participant +1

The Fun Stuff [Total : 1]
Zendal's Riddle Challenge +1

Quests [Total : 7]
Bessie Is Missing! +1
A Caravaneer's Quandary +1
The Lost Toy +1
The Taken Trophies +1
Find Din's Favourite Bracelet +1
The Lost Cuccos +1
Magical Mix +1

Monthly RPing Awards [Total : 3]
February 06 +1
July 06 +1
August 07 +1

Events [Total : 1]
Malvagio's Occupation - Unfinished
Force Of Gold III: Depths Of Darkness +1
The Cursed Masks - Unfinished

Leveling Up [Total : 10]
Achieved Level 2 +1
Achieved Level 3 +1
Achieved Level 4 +1
Achieved Level 5 +1
Achieved Level 6 +1
Achieved Level 7 +1
Achieved Level 8 +1
Achieved Level 9 +1
Achieved Level 10 +1
Achieved Level 11 +1

Total of Accumulated Talent Points: 28