Level 14
Joined: Experience: 2362
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 4043
TP: 1
"Hey Grenada," Alpha says as he spots the Deku mercenary. "Interesting little fight they've got going, isn't it? Victor's telling the truth; apparently Denning's renounced King Harkinian II." He jerks a thumb at the Zora next to him. "Julian and I have bet ten rupees. I favor Denning, he's siding with Victor. Want to join in?"
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Master Goron
Level 8
Joined: Experience: 651
Class: Grunt // Mercenary
: 1368
TP: 0
"I don't know, give me a minute..."
He turns his back quickly, but then decides that's not smart, and turns back. Still, this was bothering him.
'Denning, against the king? It doesn't make sense... after I said I'd kill the king, he was extremely angry, even to the point of rattin' me. Now he's totally reversed. Maybe he's pledged allegiance to the gerudo King... he does know Gerudic...'
He almost convinced himself that it wasn't the Gerudo, because Denning was the one who was going to kill him in the first place, but he erased that thought from his mind. Denning was different now, it was a possibility.
"OK, 10 on Victor..."
He lets out dully, he didn't really seem to be watching the fight or worried about the rupees he bet. His eyes were dead set into the horizon. He wanted to wait and talk to everyone when this was over.
STR- 3 DEF- 17 AGI- 5 INT- 1 SPL- 1 SPL- 7 HP- 41
Level 8
Joined: Experience: 663
Class: Scholar///Cleric
: 862
TP: 0
Ignoring the Deku, Denning looks into the sky, an alarmed look appears on his face, as if he had forgotten something.
"No, Evan, he's almost ready, I've got to end"
Denning looks to his side, he sees the three spectators and then hears an all to familiar voice.
Denning, If you do and would slay him, they would surly kill you, we are not powerful enough to slay them all, let me do it, I will get us to him.
"Yes, great idea. Deoxolips, come to me!"
Denning glows red, then is skin white, his voice shadowed by a deep whisper.
"Haha, I am sorry Hylian, but I have pressing matters to attend, far more important than slaying a Hylian rat! Heya!"
Dennings body is encircled by a great shield he jumps up and drives himself into the earth, he disappears into the sand.
Denning UPDATED-5/4/07-Marin Data
STR 1 DEF 12 AGI 4 INT 3 SPI 3 Will power=8 SPL 30 HP 33
Level 7
Joined: Experience: 449
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 33
TP: 0
Julian's eyes widen in shock as the cleric dissappears beneath the desert sands. His mouth stands slightly ajar as he takes in what he just witnessed.
'Denning has grown stronger, much stronger than the last time I saw him. But why did he leave so urgently? He would have surely defeated Victor; I'm positive. Perhaps he left in fear of us. Whatever his reasons are they will surely lead to trouble. Trouble that I do not want to take part least not now.'
Julian's eyes jerk towards Alpha's. His face now solemn and stone cold.
"Alpha, you said that you fought him before. Did he ever do...that?" Julian says curiously, almost forgetting the previous wager completely.
OOC: I win! Ha, ha, ha! Don't worry you can just rp giving me the rupees Alpha. I don't need them anyway.
STR = 1 DEF = 12 AGI = 1 INT = 3 SPI = 4 HP = 54
SPL = 22 WILL = 9 Staff DMG = 10 Spell DMG = 12
Level 9
Joined: Experience: 861
Class: Vagabond/Bard
: 738
TP: 3
Victor watched Denning disappear under the sand, and once he was sure the fight was over, he sheathed his dagger. Then he turned to look at the group watching, a triumphant smirk etched on his face.
"Looks like I win. Well, Denning loses, anyways. Forfeit and whatnot. Probably running away to his 'king.' Fool..."
Then, proceeding to put his boomerang away, he spoke again:
"I must say that it was pretty easy. I mean, he hardly put up a fight!"
He brushed the sand from his shoulders and walked towards the onlookers. Turning first to the Deku, he said:
"Now you know the truth, my leafy little friend: Denning is against the king. He should be removed from the Hylian Knights, the filthy traitor. Prancing around proclaiming someone else king. He's utterly mad!"
Victor outstretched a hand towards the Deku.
"I am called Victor; what is your name?"
"Tis music that soothes the savage beast, but the dagger that causes long slumbers."
Lying are ruins of silver and gold,
Lying are ruins of edifice old.
Hidden in the sands of a cooler sun
Waiting is a Wisdom meant only for one...
-- Here's a link to it. Sign-ups are closed!
STR = 2 DEF = 15 AGI = 3 INT = 6 SPI = 1 SPL = 20 HP = 61 WILL = 9 Dagger DMG = 7 Boom DMG = 6 Spell DMG = 17
RIP Onogoron: Jul 1, 2009 - Jul 1, 2009 - Jul 4, 2009 - ...
Master Goron
Level 8
Joined: Experience: 651
Class: Grunt // Mercenary
: 1368
TP: 0
"My name? Umm, Grenada..."
He still seems like his mind is somewhere else while he reaches up to shake Victor's hand. With a smile, though, he cheers up.
"I take it you are a vagabond, Victor. Haven't seen you around before, have you been here long?"
After waiting for the response, the deku turns and addresses the group.
"This business with Denning is serious, it has me worried. Not so long ago in Rauru, Denning was extremely outraged when by a comment of mine..."
He looks away as if to say: 'we're not going to talk about that, though', before continuing on.
"Now he's verbally attacking the king. He's also turned to a new king, possibly the Gerudic king. He does know gerudic, so it's a possibility. Do you guys know anything?"
STR- 3 DEF- 17 AGI- 5 INT- 1 SPL- 1 SPL- 7 HP- 41
Level 9
Joined: Experience: 861
Class: Vagabond/Bard
: 738
TP: 3
Shaking Grenada's hand vigorously and then releasing it, Victor speaks:
"Well, I've been around for quite some time, but I don't exactly call out for attention. It's perfectly reasonable that you haven't seen me much."
Then, returning to the topic at hand, Victor tries to remember some details from his short discussion with Marin.
"Well, his "king" seemed to be his master as well. I don't know if this Gerudic king has anything to teach him....wait, what new Gerudic king???"
OOC: Remember, Master Goron, none of us have seen the Gerudo king yet. You have to fill us in.
"Tis music that soothes the savage beast, but the dagger that causes long slumbers."
Lying are ruins of silver and gold,
Lying are ruins of edifice old.
Hidden in the sands of a cooler sun
Waiting is a Wisdom meant only for one...
-- Here's a link to it. Sign-ups are closed!
STR = 2 DEF = 15 AGI = 3 INT = 6 SPI = 1 SPL = 20 HP = 61 WILL = 9 Dagger DMG = 7 Boom DMG = 6 Spell DMG = 17
RIP Onogoron: Jul 1, 2009 - Jul 1, 2009 - Jul 4, 2009 - ...
Level 14
Joined: Experience: 2362
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 4043
TP: 1
Alpha looks at the spot where Denning has driven himself into the sand. "No, Julian," he says cautiously, "he never did anything like that before." He considers what he has seen in the past few moments: Denning staring up into the sky, muttering a few sentences, then taking on an entirely new level of power. 'This does not bode well for us, I fear...'
He finally snaps out of his thoughts in time to hear Victor asking about the Gerudic king. "I haven't heard about any new king for the Gerudo." Saying this, Alpha makes a mental note to start learning a few of the other languagaes in the world; maybe he could have known about this before hand.
Realizing that he's forgetting something, he pulls out another ten rupees, then hands one group of rupees to Julian and another group to Grenada. "Guess I lost, even if there really wasn't too much of a fight..." Though his words would seem light and only slightly upset normally, a tone of worry flows through them as he continues wondering about Denning. 'Or is it Deoxolips?'
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56