Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:29 pm
A lone hawk circles over a clump of stones that lay in the desert. It's the only distinguishable feature of this particular patch of rocks; littered throughout Parapa are hundreds of similar buildups, making it nearly impossible to tell one group from another. But Skye had been here once, and she remembers it quite clearly. This is the place Koura wanted to go to: the Shrine of Spirit.
The Gerudo is not far behind Skye, and the hawk soon comes down to rest on her gauntleted left arm. Stroking her feathers, she whispers words of thanks to her old friend before moving inside the piled up stones. "Over here!" she calls back to the others. Approaching her position, you see that one of the stones was long ago hollowed out, and stairs were placed within it. The stairway descends into a hidden cavern that you cannot make out very well this far away. Koura begins her way downward.
"So what is this place again?" Alpha asks as he follows. "You called it the 'Shrine of Spirit'?"
Without turning around, Koura nods as she grabs a torch that is somehow still burning fiercely – though it’s obvious no one has been here for years – and continues down. "You all know of the legendary Temples of the Sages, yes? Well, somewhere in Hyrule’s history the Temples were all destroyed, presumably by the Great Flood.
"When things began to settle down after the Hero of Winds defeated Ganondorf, people decided the Sages still needed some place to focus their energies. So the Shrines were built all over Hyrule for them. This one was created for the Sage of Spirit, but it, like all the other Shrines, was abandoned several years afterwards. No one’s quite sure why. Anyways, these days even the Sages themselves don’t remember the Shrines’ locations. Only reason I know of this one is because my step-mother and I came here when we were exiled from the village."
Stepping out from the stairs, the group enters into a large room. Square in shape, there are tan tiles that seem to be colored way too closely to sand…which you had just finally escaped…oh well. On the far wall from the stairs stands a large statue that rises the full twenty feet to the ceiling: an ancient sculpture of the legendary Colossus. By the statue’s feet is a doorway leading further into the Shrine. Koura puts a hand up as soon as she notices some of the group eyeing the path. "That door leads into a giant labyrinth. There’s no telling what’s down there. If we’re heading deeper into the Shrine, we need to be exceedingly careful."
Alpha nods in understanding, but still walks forward to the doorway. He cups his hands around his mouth. "Master!" he calls out into the passages. "Master, are you here?"
There is no answer.
The Gerudo is not far behind Skye, and the hawk soon comes down to rest on her gauntleted left arm. Stroking her feathers, she whispers words of thanks to her old friend before moving inside the piled up stones. "Over here!" she calls back to the others. Approaching her position, you see that one of the stones was long ago hollowed out, and stairs were placed within it. The stairway descends into a hidden cavern that you cannot make out very well this far away. Koura begins her way downward.
"So what is this place again?" Alpha asks as he follows. "You called it the 'Shrine of Spirit'?"
Without turning around, Koura nods as she grabs a torch that is somehow still burning fiercely – though it’s obvious no one has been here for years – and continues down. "You all know of the legendary Temples of the Sages, yes? Well, somewhere in Hyrule’s history the Temples were all destroyed, presumably by the Great Flood.
"When things began to settle down after the Hero of Winds defeated Ganondorf, people decided the Sages still needed some place to focus their energies. So the Shrines were built all over Hyrule for them. This one was created for the Sage of Spirit, but it, like all the other Shrines, was abandoned several years afterwards. No one’s quite sure why. Anyways, these days even the Sages themselves don’t remember the Shrines’ locations. Only reason I know of this one is because my step-mother and I came here when we were exiled from the village."
Stepping out from the stairs, the group enters into a large room. Square in shape, there are tan tiles that seem to be colored way too closely to sand…which you had just finally escaped…oh well. On the far wall from the stairs stands a large statue that rises the full twenty feet to the ceiling: an ancient sculpture of the legendary Colossus. By the statue’s feet is a doorway leading further into the Shrine. Koura puts a hand up as soon as she notices some of the group eyeing the path. "That door leads into a giant labyrinth. There’s no telling what’s down there. If we’re heading deeper into the Shrine, we need to be exceedingly careful."
Alpha nods in understanding, but still walks forward to the doorway. He cups his hands around his mouth. "Master!" he calls out into the passages. "Master, are you here?"
There is no answer.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56