Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 4:21 pm
A dim light flows from the dusty window of a small wooden house in the town. This night, things are quiet. The sounds or crickets chirping, the fresh, clear air, the light of the moon, all sounds of a calm summer night keep things calm.
Likewise, inside the house, three men are in the serenity of meditation. They sit on the floor in a triangle around three candles. What they are focusing on is something like the afterlife. They are searching for souls. The souls they are searching for are located in voids placed throughout Hyrule. It is difficult, but they somehow to spread their minds everywhere, scanning for those they seek. Their reasoning for it now is unclear to them, but they know they must do it, because the Goddesses told them to. Dangerous times are coming, and the souls they seek can help them.
So far, their wandering minds find nothing. After a while, they all begin to feel tremors, but they come to understand that it is the ground shaking; a minor earthquake? The trembling of the earth grows greater, and they are sure it is not that which they seek. So they turn themselves away from it. After more meditating, the find nothing, no one.
Outside walking down the dirt road is a group of Dark Acolytes led by Wyndisis' selected officer, Hylian Cavlin Kreias. With him are two large Gorons with large blades which to them are quite small, two soldiers covered in black armor and armed with spears, and four Zoras. One Zora, who wears a black vest like the other three, has a double bladed sword. Each of the opposite extending blades are like that of a machette, but they have a slight curve. The blades are also single-edged. The other Zoras carry loaded bows and a quiver with several arrow. They all go to the door of the building. They all stand to the sides of the door. The bowmen move in front of the door, bows ready to fire while the Zora with the sword turns the doorknob and lets the door swing open.
The meditating people come to reality about the same time as each other, and that is when the door swings open and they look into the eyes of stern Zoran bowmen. The Zoras move in, each one aiming a bow at a person. Next the black armored soldiers file in along with the Zora with the double-bladed sword. After them is the Gorons and finally the Hylian officer. As the meditators are surronded, the Gorons approach them. One Goron grabs the heads of two of the men. Each of his massive hands swallows them up. It looks as though he will crack them like eggs, and it feels that way to the captives. The other Goron takes the odd man the same way, one large hand around the cranium. "Well done, men," Cavlin Kreias says, "Take 'em away." The big Gorons handle them roughly, but their faces remain solemn as they are carried off into the night.
Likewise, inside the house, three men are in the serenity of meditation. They sit on the floor in a triangle around three candles. What they are focusing on is something like the afterlife. They are searching for souls. The souls they are searching for are located in voids placed throughout Hyrule. It is difficult, but they somehow to spread their minds everywhere, scanning for those they seek. Their reasoning for it now is unclear to them, but they know they must do it, because the Goddesses told them to. Dangerous times are coming, and the souls they seek can help them.
So far, their wandering minds find nothing. After a while, they all begin to feel tremors, but they come to understand that it is the ground shaking; a minor earthquake? The trembling of the earth grows greater, and they are sure it is not that which they seek. So they turn themselves away from it. After more meditating, the find nothing, no one.
Outside walking down the dirt road is a group of Dark Acolytes led by Wyndisis' selected officer, Hylian Cavlin Kreias. With him are two large Gorons with large blades which to them are quite small, two soldiers covered in black armor and armed with spears, and four Zoras. One Zora, who wears a black vest like the other three, has a double bladed sword. Each of the opposite extending blades are like that of a machette, but they have a slight curve. The blades are also single-edged. The other Zoras carry loaded bows and a quiver with several arrow. They all go to the door of the building. They all stand to the sides of the door. The bowmen move in front of the door, bows ready to fire while the Zora with the sword turns the doorknob and lets the door swing open.
The meditating people come to reality about the same time as each other, and that is when the door swings open and they look into the eyes of stern Zoran bowmen. The Zoras move in, each one aiming a bow at a person. Next the black armored soldiers file in along with the Zora with the double-bladed sword. After them is the Gorons and finally the Hylian officer. As the meditators are surronded, the Gorons approach them. One Goron grabs the heads of two of the men. Each of his massive hands swallows them up. It looks as though he will crack them like eggs, and it feels that way to the captives. The other Goron takes the odd man the same way, one large hand around the cranium. "Well done, men," Cavlin Kreias says, "Take 'em away." The big Gorons handle them roughly, but their faces remain solemn as they are carried off into the night.
DEF 12
SPL: 27
HP: 33
[NPC] The Ravenclaw Twins
DEF 12
SPL: 27
HP: 33
[NPC] The Ravenclaw Twins