[Quest] A Goron Under Attack

Moderator: Royal Guard

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Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:52 am
A crashing sound comes from deep within the woods. Just beside the main path, a Goron crashes through the bushes, running as fast as his legs will carry him. He suddenly collapses, but continues trying to crawl away.

From behind him can be heard the cries of those he flees from. The sound of several Bokoblins slice through the otherwise silent forest, just as the Goron fears their blades will slice through him. As three Bokoblins finally find the path that the Goron now occupies, he lets out a frightened yell. "Someone, help me!"

OOC: This will make use of the stats system. If your stats are not a part of your signature, then please add them; it will make it a lot easier for us Royal Guards to keep track of stuff.
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 12:03 pm
... huff... huff... Nogare finally reached his goal, and witness the weary Goron, his face filled with red and sweat, from running away from the bokoblins that his friend told him about. why was no one coming to help? did they suddenly have an ,life or death threat if they came or something. He could have killed Denning right after, too. But his good weapons were lost on his way to North castle, his first day here, in New Hyrule. This would now be the Bokoblin's final chase, he swore. he drew his deku dagger and sheild, and charged towards the three. "In the Name of Din, I Will kill you fell creatures! I will kill you and your master, when the time is right!" The battle began, one strong versus three weak (by the looks)... But suddenly, he sees, from the corner of his eye, he sees a sheikah running from to his right, from behind a tree, and is a sheikah pulling out a staff. he doesn''t think about it. he continues to charge, ready for battle.

EDIT ON MAY 28: I was away for the whole of the battle, so I didn't do any more fighting, so just read two posts ahead, then come back and read this one...

IC: Nogare fell to the ground, shocked by the sudden pain. He was whipped in the solarplex, where the air was knocked out of him, and he fell to the ground, holding his stomach hard. He could not hear the noise of the battle, and he was uncontuse very quickly. All he could only sense a Hylian approching nearby, about to join the battle; the same one he saw in the Courtyard. But he could not see who it was before he fell into a painful sleep...
Last edited by Nogare, son of Greyblade on Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:15 pm, edited 12 times in total.
Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 5:41 pm
After searching through the woods, Alpha hears the Goron's yell and rushes to the area. There he spots the Goron, a group of Bokoblins, and a warrior he's never met before charging the group. Whipping out his staff from beneath his cape, the Sheikah charges one of the Bokoblins, swinging his rod at the foul beast.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 7:30 pm
OOC: Woah. You guys don't waste any time, do you?

Okay, and for my own personal reference, the Bokoblins' stats are as follows:
STR: 6
DEF: 8 (Light armor included)
AGI: 2
INT: 0 (Hmmm...)
SPI: 1
HP: 24

IC: Nogare rushes at the Bokoblins and his dagger strikes true. He rolls an 8, which combined with his AGI of 3 is 11. This barely beats the Bokoblin's defense of 10 (DEF + AGI), and the dagger slashes through its target, dealing 7 DMG.
The Bokoblin quickly tries to retaliate against the Vagabond's blow. It rolls a 13, and its AGI increases the total by 2 to 15. The man's totaled defense of 4 is quickly overwhelmed, and the Bokoblin's stick lands hard, dealing 6 DMG.

Bokoblin 1: 17 HP
Nogare: 24 HP

Alpha rolls a 13, and his AGI brings it up to 17. The Bokoblin's defense crumbles instantly. The Sheikah's staff hits fast and hard, dealing 10 DMG.
The Bokoblin takes the blow and spins around, immediately swinging its own staff. It rolls a mere 1 however, for a total of 3 against Alpha's 16 DEF roll. Alpha's near instantaneous reflexes whip his staff around to block the stick.

Bokoblin 2: 14 HP
Alpha: 53 HP

The Goron slowly rolls onto his back and scoots backward as the two warriors attack the Bokoblins. "Oh, thank you all so much!" he cries to the adventurers.

OOC: Now, you two, please allow the other RPers to join in before you go wailing on these three again. Thanks. :wink:
kamakaziplumber Level 9
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Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:02 pm
Having caught up with the group a little later than expected, Victor found that the others had started the fight without him. Not bothering with any greetings, the Bard promptly pulled out his bow and fired an arrow at the Bokoblin who hadn't been hit yet. As the arrow flew towards his target, Victor watched it nervously, hoping and praying that it would hit...


"Tis music that soothes the savage beast, but the dagger that causes long slumbers."

Lying are ruins of silver and gold,
Lying are ruins of edifice old.
Hidden in the sands of a cooler sun
Waiting is a Wisdom meant only for one...

-- Here's a link to it. Sign-ups are closed!

STR = 2 DEF = 15 AGI = 3 INT = 6 SPI = 1 SPL = 20 HP = 61 WILL = 9 Dagger DMG = 7 Boom DMG = 6 Spell DMG = 17

RIP Onogoron: Jul 1, 2009 - Jul 1, 2009 - Jul 4, 2009 - ...
Blank Level 11
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Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 9:34 pm
From the treetops comes the figure of Blank, sword drawn and ready. He plans to manoeuvor a clean downward stab, but thinks again and lands on his feet, springing at the nearest Bokoblin. With the usual grin planted on his face, he slashes out violently, aiming a kick at the beast as his sword swings forcefully through the air.
A Collection of Profiles
Str :6 Def :17 Agi :4 Int :4 Spi : 1

Physical Damage Escape Rate : 17 + 2 (DEF + Agi) = 19

Spl :12 HP :51
Willpower :9
1H Deku Sword DMG : 5 + 6(Str) = 11
Dual Wield DMG [1H Deku Sword] : 11(1H Deku Sword DMG) X 2(L3 Dual Wield) = 22
FIRE DMG : 10 + 4 + 1 (Level + INT+ Grunt Base) = 15
Waddles Level 2
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Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:09 pm
Waddles quickly rushes to the scene. Finally, after intense searching through the forest, he lays his eyes upon the Bokoblins. They surround once again the goron. Waddles reveals his staff and sets his eyes upon the strongest of the Bokoblins. He reaches into his inner self, finding the words and strength to cast the next spell. Closing his eyes, Waddles chants a few simple words under his breath, and his staff begins to glow an oragish-red. All within a fragment of a moment, Waddles raises the staff to chest level and in a spinning motion fires a bright orange flame directly towards the bokoblin. It bolts through the air with tremendous speed, chasing its own sound. All that is seen from the others is a blast of inexplicable light, nearly blinding to a direct look from the eye. The flame bursts towards the enemy...

(Spell: Fire)

STR 1 DEF 2 AGI 1 INT 6 SPI 3 SPL 9 HP 23
Willpower 5
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:36 pm
Victor rolls a 10, which combined with his AGI of 3 is 13, which is a hit. The Bard's arrow flies true, smashing into the Bokoblin and piercing through its armor, dealing 12 DMG.
The creature, enraged, forgets about the Goron it had been chasing and charges straight at Victor. It rolls a 12, which is boosted to 14. It slices past Victor's DEF of 3 and strikes him hard, dealing 6 damage.

Bokoblin 3: 12 HP
Victor: 35 HP

Blank's charge catches the first Bokoblin by surprise, but its reaction is quick. Blank's roll of 4, added to his AGI of 2, is a mere 6. The Bokoblin rolls out of the way, and Blank's attack fails.
As the Bokoblin completes its roll, it leaps back at its attacker, stick ready to strike. Yet it only rolls an 11, for a total of 13. Against Blank's DEF of 17, the creature's attack is completely useless.

Waddles' Fire Spell rushes towards the same Bokoblin, who drops his stick as it raises its arms in a lame attempt to defend against the attack. It tries to resist, but only rolls a 7. When added to its SPI, it only comes to 8. The flames envelop the Bokoblin, dealing 10 DMG to it.
The creature immediately leaps away from the hot fire, slapping at his fur as some of it smolders. Angered, it grabs its stick from the ground and charges, swinging it furiously. It rolls an incredible 19, which totals 21! The stick nails Waddles in the side, dealing 6 DMG.

Bokoblin 1: 7 HP
Blank: 35 HP
Waddles: 17 HP

OOC: FYI, at this point, the three Bokoblins' HP are at 7, 14, and 12, respectfully.
Dream Illusionist Level 6
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Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 1:39 pm
Tayro soon arrived at the spot. He gazed at the battle, already initiated.
Aww... They started without me!
Annoyed, he gave a mean look to all of those present, and went charging on the Bokoblins.
"Hehe... Let's begin!"
STR: 1 // DEF: 12 // AGI: 3 // INT: 9 // SPI: 3 // HP: 53 // SPL: 41

Tayro Wind
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Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:05 pm
OOC: Oops, my bad. I should've told you guys to specify which Bokoblin you're attacking (thanks to all who were already doing that). My bad. Could the rest of you please start?
Tayro, I'll just have you attack the strongest one left, okay?

IC: The Bokoblin, with a greater AGI than the newcomer, lunges at the Hylian with its stick. It rolls a 10, for a total of 12, which gets past the Tayro's DEF of 2 and deals 6 DMG.
Tayro's charge, however, is not wasted. With a roll of 11, which brings his total to 12, he too slips past his opponent's DEF and strikes. But without a weapon, he only does damage equal to his strength, which comes to 1 DMG.

Bokoblin 2: 13 HP
Tayro: 17 HP
Last edited by Royal Guard on Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Marin Level 8
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Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:20 pm
Denning stumbles into the fray through though weeds and branches when he finnaly arrives he sees the fray and decides to attack, he with staff in hand attacks the one to the left.
Denning UPDATED-5/4/07-Marin Data

STR 1 DEF 12 AGI 4 INT 3 SPI 3 Will power=8 SPL 30 HP 33
kamakaziplumber Level 9
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Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:26 pm
Victor, glad that his arrow hit its target, lifted his fist into the air and cheered for himself. Feeling a tad bit better about his abilities, the Bard prepared another arrow for flight, aiming at the same Bokoblin as before. Pulling his string almost to the point of snapping, he then released the arrow and watched as it soared through the air, mouthing another silent prayer...


"Tis music that soothes the savage beast, but the dagger that causes long slumbers."

Lying are ruins of silver and gold,
Lying are ruins of edifice old.
Hidden in the sands of a cooler sun
Waiting is a Wisdom meant only for one...

-- Here's a link to it. Sign-ups are closed!

STR = 2 DEF = 15 AGI = 3 INT = 6 SPI = 1 SPL = 20 HP = 61 WILL = 9 Dagger DMG = 7 Boom DMG = 6 Spell DMG = 17

RIP Onogoron: Jul 1, 2009 - Jul 1, 2009 - Jul 4, 2009 - ...
Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 3:36 pm
Alpha watches as yet more people enter into the fight, glad that this ought to be easily finished. Mentally trying to figure out which one is still strongest, he finally gives up on the smart approach in exchange for the aggresive style. He swings his staff around as he charges forward, bringing his rod down with incredible force when he's near enough to the second Bokoblin.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Royal Guard Protector of the Realm
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Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 4:00 pm
Denning rolls only a 5, and even with his AGI he only comes up to 9, compared to the Bokoblin's 10. The Bokoblin's stick deflects the blow, and the Cleric's staff slices harmlessly through air.
The Bokoblin rolls an impressive 20, which is already enough to get past Denning's defense of 16. Its stick strikes quickly at Denning's chest, dealing 6 DMG before it leaps away.

Bokoblin 1: 7 HP
Denning: 27 HP

Victor's arrow slices through the air with speed and accuracy. With a roll of 8, his total is 11, just enough to beat the Bokoblin's DEF, but just barely. The arrow strikes the Bokoblin right in the forehead, dealing 12 DMG and finishing it off. The Bokoblin falls to the ground, and within seconds a ghastly flame absorbs it, leaving no trace of the evil creature behind.

Bokoblin 3: 0 HP
Victor: 35 HP

Alpha only manages to roll a mere 1, which totals a weak 5. The Sheikah's charge is completely wasted, as the Bokoblin rolls out of the way just as his lunge has thrown him off balance.
The Bokoblin's roll of 19, for a total of 21, bypasses Alpha's DEF of 16. As the Bokoblin completes its roll on the ground, it spins and slaps its stick right on the Sheikah's back, dealing 6 DMG.

Bokoblin 2: 13 HP
Alpha: 47 HP

The remaining two Bokoblins huddle together as they realize that they are outmatched. But with an INT of 0, they aren't smart enough to run away.
Blank Level 11
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Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 9:39 pm
Seeing that the second Bokoblin has been weakened, Blank charges in another wild show of swordplay. Ducking to avoid any possible attacks, the nomad rolls right between the monster's legs and springs to his vertical stance in an instant. In the split-second afterwards, Blank grips the hilt of his weapon tightly, pulls the sword behind his head, and jabs fiercefully at the Bokoblin's unprotected skull.
A Collection of Profiles
Str :6 Def :17 Agi :4 Int :4 Spi : 1

Physical Damage Escape Rate : 17 + 2 (DEF + Agi) = 19

Spl :12 HP :51
Willpower :9
1H Deku Sword DMG : 5 + 6(Str) = 11
Dual Wield DMG [1H Deku Sword] : 11(1H Deku Sword DMG) X 2(L3 Dual Wield) = 22
FIRE DMG : 10 + 4 + 1 (Level + INT+ Grunt Base) = 15