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Navi or Tatl?

Started by violinist, March 24, 2007, 05:34:27 PM

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Who do you like better?

5 (23.8%)
13 (61.9%)
3 (14.3%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 20


Tatl. Not because I hate Navi, because I don't, but because her little rude comments to Link made my day...


Yeah, I loved how when you'd ask for help about an enemy, she'd act so... rude. "Oh my GOD, you don't know how to kill an Octorok?! D<"


tatl it has to be becuase she does'nt keep bothering you like navi




Penguin dude 2

Collabortion, why do you hate MM? It was my fav Zelda until TP. Anyway, Navi is the worst partner in any game, and never shut up. Tatl was cool, and was better than even Midna, Collette(Tales of Symphonia), and Milly(Baten Kaitos Origins). And Milly was the best character in the entire Baten kaitos series, and they've lasted me around 170 hours.


If we are talking about best partner in any game
1.Midna :TP
3. Daxter:Jak and Daxter
4.Falco,Peppy, Slippy: pretty much every Starfox game (wait thats 3)


Quote from: Penguin dude 2 on April 09, 2007, 07:35:24 PM
Collabortion, why do you hate MM?

I didn't like the way the time-travel worked, didn't like the constraints, didn't like the map, the dungeons, the characters, the sidequests, the transformations...Well, I just plain didn't like it.  ;)


Quote from: collaboration on April 10, 2007, 06:17:15 PM
Quote from: Penguin dude 2 on April 09, 2007, 07:35:24 PM
Collabortion, why do you hate MM?

I didn't like the way the time-travel worked, didn't like the constraints, didn't like the map, the dungeons, the characters, the sidequests, the transformations...Well, I just plain didn't like it.  ;)
Ok here are the main problems with MM
1. The dungeons are unimaginitive. They are basically square rooms with very little theme (especially Woodfall Temple).
2. The annoying save system. You always have to find a check point. Plus, if you turn off the game without saveing (or if it freezes) you start back in day one. TP has the best save system in a LOZ game so far, but still has a few flaws. Pokemon Yellow had the ultimate save system (even though the game sucked, like all Pokemon games except Stadium and Stadium 2) where you save and when you turn on the game again your in the exact same spot. And that game was made for GB in like, 1995, 3 years before OOT. Come on Miyamoto, take a hint from Pokemon.

Other than that, I see no flaws.


All Pokemon games are like that. Plus Zelda isn't Pokemon. Sometimes its vital to be able to restart from the beggining.


And TP didn't even have a new save system, it's the same one they always used :-\except in MM because they had to change things to make it work right, and I think they did a good job of giving the game a unique but still good personality.


neither, I hate both LOL


Quote from: Shikamaru Nara on April 13, 2007, 11:02:45 PM
And TP didn't even have a new save system, it's the same one they always used :-\except in MM because they had to change things to make it work right, and I think they did a good job of giving the game a unique but still good personality.
No. OOT you would always start out in your house as a kid or the Temple of Time as an adult no matter where you saved from (unless you were in a dungeon). MM you would start whatever owl statue you saved at. I can't remember WW (I only played it from blockbuster, I never owned it).

TPs worked well. If you saved in Hyrule field, you started in Hyrule field.

Fierce Deity Link

Quote from: Iron Knuckle on March 30, 2007, 03:12:15 PM
Quote from: Fishalicious on March 30, 2007, 02:36:39 PM
Quote from: Iron Knuckle on March 29, 2007, 01:42:56 PM
"Hey, look, listen." At least with Midna and Ezlo they only talk when you hit a button.

Sometimes Midna automatically talks. >> Oh well. I actually ended up disliking her towards the end. Not hate, but I didn't like her anymore. xD Ezlo's pimp, man.
I didn't stop disliking her until later in the game. She treats you like crap until you and Zelda save her.
Isn't that the truth!! Oh wait...I'm late on this topic...hmmm...


I already voted, but on the other hand I Despise Navi's "hey, listen, hey,hey, listen" comments.