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What the frick is this?

Started by Twilight Wolf, March 31, 2008, 11:22:20 PM

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Twilight Wolf

Did anyone notice that the banner at the the top of the website has been changed? Here's a screenshot of what it used to look like. (I realize it's not the most recent, but it's good enough.)

Here's what it looks like now. Screenshot.

Oh jeez... I sincerely hope we're not being hacked. I actually changed my password, in fact. Mods, be on the lookout for suspicious activity.
What, you expect me to say something witty?


The scary thing is, we actually have been getting wierd messages lately. I'm a bit frightened myself. 4chan has been taking down Zelda sites lately, after all. We should probably set up a meeting place for if this whole thing gets crashed. I vote the ha2 talk forums. Bookmark it just in case.

Twilight Wolf

What do you mean by "weird messages?"

Anyways, I'm not sure if it's a full-on attack yet or not... Only the banner has been changed, to my knowledge. If it is, though, damn, isn't it typical that this happened the very day Gamefreak, the only one who has the keys to the forum, leaves for a week to go on a field trip?

Oh, and I've bookmarked the HA2 forums.
What, you expect me to say something witty?


If it were 4chan, at least they're not posting porn all over the place.

Twilight Wolf

Exactly why I said "Mods, be on the lookout for suspicious activity."

Too bad Jack's not here. He could save us all!
What, you expect me to say something witty?


*looks at banner* Holy crap! That's new! :o

what teh crap...?

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


Guys, let's start searching through the new members list and see if we find anything...


Good idea.....maybe we can ask KP whats happening.

But something is definately not right..


He still hasn't gotten on AIM yet, he probably won't for a few hours...

and dude, you need to clean out your inbox...


Quote from: Shika on April 01, 2008, 09:00:48 AM
and dude, you need to clean out your inbox...

Yeah Ive been meaning to get around to that, thanks for the reminder  ;)


God, they got the front page now too, it seems. I don't think that's KP's announcement, it sounds unlike him, they must have hacked his account. It's got links to the other sites, I hope they didn't screw with those too...


D:  What... what happened to TIK?!  The popups say I changed it, but...  :\

Rev Rabies

I got a couple odd messages... but nothing too bad



hmm... u do know that it's april fools day...

what if the whole field trip thing was just a set up to this! the ultimate april fools joke! MUAHAHAHA. good one... very funny, but u didn't fool me!!

Twilight Wolf

Quote from: alex on April 01, 2008, 01:21:15 PM
hmm... u do know that it's april fools day...

You know, I thought of that too. It's a pretty tasteless prank, especially since so many Zelda websites have been hacked recently.

I noticed something about the main page. I was at "Legend of" last night, and I think it might be either them or someone posing as them behind this. For one thing, our banner is now "Legend Of Zelda.Com." On the April 1st entry on the main page of our website, there are many references to, and lines taken from, LOZ.Com's April 1st entry. Check it out for yourself, the similarities are unmistakable. Plus, the article on our main page is written like they are talking about us.  Also, as Shika said, it doesn't seem like KP's announcement.

Or, theory number two, KP is behind all this. I doubt this is the case.
What, you expect me to say something witty?