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Started by Zoratunic, July 04, 2007, 04:47:33 PM

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What is your view of America?

Very Positive, its the best country to live in, the only example of what a country should be like.
2 (9.5%)
Positive, It could be better, but not in a big way
9 (42.9%)
Neutral, no preference
3 (14.3%)
Negative, there are alot of things to improve.
2 (9.5%)
Very negative, as soon as you can, your gonna fly over to Britan, or Mexico, or Russia, or whatever floats your boat.
5 (23.8%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 20


Actually, it would be a good idea to leave. Because us being there actually would recruit terrorists.

Also, we were called terrorists in the revolutionary war.
(actually my ancestors were in Ireland and Mexico, but whatever)


I'm not saying we shouldn't have attacked Afgahnistan. They did 9/11, so taking them out was our business.


You get attacked by a few "punks" and so you attack a country? That could've been handled with a LOT more care.

I agree that you cannot leave Iraq now. It wasn't the most stable and safe country in the world to begin with, but now it's complete mess. There is no government (well, not one who will be able to keep the power). We got involved and we can't just leave now after making the mess worse. If we'd leave, I can guarantee several parties (among which Hussein's followers) will start fighting eachother for power at the cost of everybody else. While I want this to end, just leaving is not the solution.


Well, we couldn't just sit back and let them do more attacks.

It seems like Iraq is a mess we'll never be able to pull out of. This isn't one of those wars like before, where there's a definite target, like Germany or Hitler, and once that's taken care of the war's over. Here...we have no target, no goal. We just fight the rapidly growing terrorist force.

Mysterious F.

Goal = Remove terrorism as a major international threat, or as some people like to think, get oil

Yes, we can't leave Iraq now. Afghanistan is not what it used to be anymore, we've made it BETTER, as now there are more rights and a non-terrorist country, Iraq will just take years, at least another 5.

Well, look on the bright side. At least we have a few allies in the Middle East: Israel (duh!) and Jordan, even if they aren't active allies.


Honestly, Israel doesn't have much to spare...they're busy with their own war...

Mysterious F.

Exactly. And Jordan.... well, Jordan is very advanced considering it being in the Middle East, which isn't exactly full of highly developed nations.


If the middle east could just get past the constant stream of wars that are based on religion...

Mysterious F.

Basically, that means destroying Al Queda as a whole and killing Osama Bin Ladin.

Commodore Axilon

If you think Al Qaeda is the only thing in the Middle East motivated by religion, then I'm afraid you're seriously mistaken.

Mysterious F.

Al Queda is the most notable of them, you know. And Al Queda is only using religion as a disguise, the leaders in truth want domination over anything possible, and to destroy the US.


If we don't leave Iraq, it won't get any better.
Maybe leaving isn't the "moral" thing to do, but really, we can't do anything about the fighting any more than we can stop Israel and Pakistan.


Quote from: Whocares on July 07, 2007, 12:07:19 PM
Goal = Remove terrorism as a major international threat

Whoa, okay, I do believe I said this before: Terrorism isn't going to stop with a war. It'll just make terrorism a much bigger problem.

And we can't really leave now; we've got ourselves stuck there. Sort of like a fishhook in a fish's mouth; it's stuck and it's not getting out by our own doing. Maybe if they let us "off the hook" we can get out.

Everyone deserves equal rights, whether or not they're from America or not. /: It doesn't matter if you're, oh say, black, gay, female, from another country, etc. We all deserve the same rights; we are human after all.


Well, we couldn't just sit back and let them do more attacks.

And, have the attacks since then stopped? Well, I guess we could then get rid of that horrible security system that by now must have blown up more socks lunch boxes than actually something dangerous.

Was war the only answer? An eye for an eye? What if careful diplomacy would have been the answer? I doubt the muslim-rest of the world border would never have become this big. I doubt Al-Qaeda and similar groups would have gotten this many followers and half-followers if that war had not labeled Muslims as "terrorists".

Destroying Al-Qaeda won't stop the religious war.


I'm not saying the war was the best answer, I'm just saying that sitting there and doing nothing wasn't a good idea either. Diplomacy counts as doing something.