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Started by Zoratunic, July 04, 2007, 04:47:33 PM

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What is your view of America?

Very Positive, its the best country to live in, the only example of what a country should be like.
2 (9.5%)
Positive, It could be better, but not in a big way
9 (42.9%)
Neutral, no preference
3 (14.3%)
Negative, there are alot of things to improve.
2 (9.5%)
Very negative, as soon as you can, your gonna fly over to Britan, or Mexico, or Russia, or whatever floats your boat.
5 (23.8%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 20


Yes, if we don't believe in the rights our constitution gives us so much that we don't want people from other countries to have them, then thats sad. Well, then what is the so-called reason we invade contries?


I"m pretty sure that the World Wars were just to help our allies out, Afghanistan was payback for 9/11, Iraq is because they supposedly had weapons that they were supposed to have disposed of...

Mysterious F.

And every war we ever fought in the 1800s was for territory. Vietnam and Korea was becasue of the anit-communism movement.


And Iraq was oil. But in both Vietnam and Iraq, and possibly Korea, I'm not sure, they told us it was to promote democracy and give them their rights. Ya right.

Also, communism, if humans weren't such greedy slimeballs, is a great concept. (Yeah for being a Swampert)


About the kicking people out part, I meant criminals from other countries. I forget what the term used for sending them back to their own countries for trial is...


Deportation?  If it were only that simple...


This topic has certaintly spiraled into a very interesting discussion.

I didnt vote for completely positive, I voted for positive but in need of imporvement. That's just to clarify.

America is not a perfect nation. Far from it. But it is not nearly as devious as most of you make it out to be. America is a positive influence in the world, despite its flaws.

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


Correction: It USED to be a positive influence. Now it's just hated.


Used to be, huh?

Insetad of just saying that, I beg of you (cause I really am curious)- JQ, LN, or anyother person who can, please give me a logical and sane reasn how America is a devious and disgusting force.

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010

Commodore Axilon

You're the one who said that America was still a positive force in world affairs. The burden of proof is on you.


I think not. I have evidence. You guys just say its total and complete evil and you give no valid reasoning.

My Reasons:
1. Freedom of the Iraquis from a dangerous dictator
2. Portecting Kuwait back in the day from Saddam.
3. What about the million of dollars that America spends on charities for help worldwide?
4. Influencing other countries to go the democratic path, and to be free.
5. Providing shelter for those in need of a better life/ place to be generally safe.
6. And let's not forget World Wars 1 and 2.

RIP my LeafGreen team: 2005-2010


Most of those things are of the past, not today. And Lady Nintendo already gave a whole LOT of examples, the main one being that it doesn't care and openly gives the finger to other countries that are working to help the world, environment.


1. Bwahaha! They are worse off now.
2. In the past? We said it did used to be.
3. Alright, I'll give you that.
4. You mean invading other countries and forcing them to have a puppet goverment?
5. Such as the immigrants were sending to Mexico, even if they are citizens?
6. Again, we did say, "used to be." Also, blowing up Japan, wasn't that good an idea.


QuoteI think not. I have evidence. You guys just say its total and complete evil and you give no valid reasoning.

Yeah, LadyNintendo definitely knows what she stands for and i respect that.


I still don't know how people from other countries can dis America if they've never actually lived here. I read this article in Times magazine about what other countries think of America. The only ones with a positive outlook on us are some of the third-world countries.