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What do you want for christmas?

Started by JDog, November 25, 2007, 01:48:06 PM

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Twilight Wolf

I thought of something else I'd like to get for Christmas: A Sega Master System. They're not that expensive (they're about fifty bucks), and they usually come with two controllers, a light gun, all of the necessary cables, and a lot of them come with a bunch of games. My parents would probably be willing to get me one as a Christmas gift, too. The thing is, however, that I have no idea what games I'd like to get for it, and I also have no place to put one, currently. I'll have to do some thinking about it.
What, you expect me to say something witty?


Umm... I really don't know as I don't ask my parents for anything, really... (To be changed if I think of something)

But I want this cute ChocoCat shirt from Hottopic. Or you could all do the unoriginal Gamestop/Hottopic giftcard thing.


This Christmas, I wish for a fiance who won't cheat on me.






Man, it's times like these where I feel so powerless... Sorry, Tacheon... I've no other idea of how to provide condolences other than saying, "You okay?" :-*

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.


It's better to have found out she cheated BEFORE you got married, though. If you had to divorce, you'd lose half of your money/belongings. /:

But... man, I feel bad for you. >:

Hi no Seijin

Makes my wish for a more reliable Internet connection seem trivial.
Best.  Cane.  EVER!
Secretary of Lolcats; I won the MagmarFire Award for 2/21/08!
Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!  Filler.Filler.Filler.Fillah!


"All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth"  ;D jk.

I know I won't get it, but I wish I could have all this stuff.
1) T.V. for my room
2) Computer for my room or a laptop so I don't have to share with my sister
3) A gamelink cable
4) Someone to play FS with
5) OoA, OoS, and the original LoZ, so then my collection will be complete
6) Vaati Plushie (if they had any, but they don't)  :(
7) iTouch or Video iPod
8) A fluffy puppy

But that's never gonna happen.  ;)


I'm wishing for quite a few interesting movies...

1. 2001 - A space Odyssey
2. Spirited Away
3. Castle in the Sky
4. The Crow
5. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
6. Stephen King's Kingdom Hospital (Series)

My current DVD collection is quite nice in its array of strong, classic films like Dr. Strangelove, A Clockwork Orange, and Goodfellas. What can I say? I know what isn't crap.


Yeah, I have it and Castle in the Sky already... on VHS.

So I'll just go off with the DVD's :D


I love those two films.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is meant to be good, I think we've got it on DVD, and we definitely have the book. I should read it.


Aha, I already got two gifts for Hanukkah~ sort of. (as a note, I don't actually celebrate Hannukah; I just happen to be a Jew.) I got Loveless volume 4, and a toaster oven.

You see, the oven thing was hilarious. I burst out laughing.

Anyways, I just got a slew of presents to put under the tree, and I'm hiding my sister's birthday presents (her birthday is in January, and it's just easier to send both presents at the same time) in my closet.

For Christmas... eh, I don't want anything else other than what I've already said.

Oh yeah, and I'm only giving gifts to my dog Karma, and my cats. I... don't do the whole "gift-giving" thing for people, sadly.

But I'm saving up my money for a collar/harness and dog tags for Karma~ and maybe some cans of wet cat food for my cats.