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New Zelda Info!

Started by Red_Fury, April 21, 2005, 11:18:52 AM

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Well, now that you mention it, I guess that I did stretch the page, but since i don't have an avatar, it fits alright. Maybe a better alternative would be to use the HTML way:

Scans from the latest Nintendo Power mag:

Which seems to be unsupported by YaBB... any way that you can turn HTML on, Jack?


New Zelda footage:

Apologies for the cameraman.

Some game info on the Forest Dungeon:

When the lantern is equipped a yellow bar appears on the sceen which shows you how much Lantern oil you have. Also the oil needs to be stored in a bottle.

Deku Seeds are back - although now they look like large walnuts and are larger than Links head.

Bomb flowers are in the game although different than we have seen them before. When Link nears them they run off and Link needs to catch them before he can pick the bomb.

The Deku Babas attack by biting which results in them enclosing Link's body in their mouths, where they hold for a while until Link can shake loose.


You may want to check that link cause it did not work for me when I clicked it.


Thanks for the info, Bg. As the first link is either temporaily (or maybe permently) out of action try this link instead:

To download the video click on the button marked 'Free' at the bottom of the page.

Edit: I just found out that link is also unreliable :sigh:

Try this Link:

and if that doesn't work here is a pic of what all the fuss is about.


Quote from: Red_Fury on May 29, 2005, 02:45:31 AM
Thanks for the info, Bg. As the first link is either temporaily (or maybe permently) out of action try this link instead:

To download the video click on the button marked 'Free' at the bottom of the page.

Edit: I just found out that link is also unreliable :sigh:

Try this Link:

and if that doesn't work here is a pic of what all the fuss is about.

The third link worked for me. Two words.

Simply beautiful.

I could ask for nothing more.


QuoteTry this Link:

Yeah, that one worked for me too, but I don't know. I didn't really get it, but that was cool seeing footage of the game before it's even out! I like it!! 8)


New Zelda Footage
Follow the link:

Check out the ones that say updated and improved and especially the greatly extended ones. As you'd expect they are large files so I wouldn't recommend viewing them if you have a 56K.


 :o ;D Those were absolutly beeeeeuuutiful!!! Lol I like how monsters explode when Link kill's 'em!

Boy, Red_Fury, Where do you find all this stuff!?!


QuoteBoy, Red_Fury, Where do you find all this stuff!?!

The latest stuff I found on the forums over on and I'm sure you agree that some of the newfootage was enlighting or at the least very interesting. The majority of the stuff I find by hopping through various Zelda sites and through many forums following links and testing downloads so I know that they work and the information is valid. Nothing worse than finding out that it's old or false.

Talking of information: click on the Zelda Headquarters link under Affiliates and check out the headlines.

Just in case they change this is what it says Twilight Princess will ship November 11th from Nintendo and the street date is November 15th. This is subject to change.


I finally got a chance to check out the videos you recommended at, Red. Awesome, awesome--thanks again. They really are worth the watch... the character relationships are so super/hilarious!

Anyway, looking forward to Novemberish...


In gamnestop, it says on a board, coming 11/02! Hmmm...

Darth Wyndisis

ok i dont have much time to type this cause I just threww a bunch of gassoline on mya computeer and lit it.  I went to and tried to play the movies.  so wonce again i am left in the dark about this TP stuff, all cause of my flipping computer not being able to play wmv files.  Why the frig wont my windows Media Player play its own stupic files.  oh crap it is geting  hot, gotta ron in a few secs it is making me so mad not being able to wathc those vidios i hate modern tecnonlogy somuch son of a BeEStiNNG!


Try to see if you can save the movies to your computer, then right click and "open with" Winamp (assuming you downloaded and installed it as recommended in that other thread XD). Because I'm pretty sure you can watch movies with Winamp...

I'm thinking maybe your Windows Media Player is old or bugged or something. A reinstall could be in order...


New Zelda Info
Follow the link for the interview:

Main points:

Link is the one those that can transform when he's in the Twilight Realm
Possible chance of romance between Zelda and Link.
Link is 17.
There is a chance that the game will be compatible with a Gameboy Adavance.

Here's a part of the interview that interested me:

CN: What exactly is the Twilight Realm? Is it the same world in a distorted form?
EA: Well, when you see the "Twilight" in the game, Hyrule is covered by darkness – a world where humans can't survive in the same way. That's why Link turns into a wolf [when entering the twilight realm]. I'm not saying that anyone who enters the twilight realm will turn into some kind of monster, but Link has a gift that lets him become a wolf. As you play the game, you'll discover clues about Link and why this is happening to him, and how he can return to his normal self.

Appartently there is something about Link that means that he transforms where he enters the Twilight Realm, a gift, as Eiji puts it and that he will be able to be his normal self in the Twilight Realm.

Master Goron

Good stuff as always Red.
Clears up some stuff, but that paragraph you pointed out is bugging me. Listen to this:

"a world where humans can't survive in the same way"

Say what? But it also said this:

"I'm not saying that anyone who enters the twilight realm will turn into some kind of monster"

So what happens to the other humans?