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Level 13
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OOC: Thats 3 rupees for every meal  I thought maybe I could make some money off this deal XD
Just donate three to your host ZV. (that rymed)8)
At that very moment, the doors on the far side of the room swung open, and waiters and waitresses shot off in all directions of the room, delivering a glass of water to each table. A large Goron appeared at Worru's table, and smiled, handing him a larger menu. Meanwhile, the Sheikah waitress had again appeared at the larger party's table, this time delivering the food they had requested. At that very moment, another Waiter, this time a Zora emerged from the kitchen, and arriving at Kasei's table, placing a large menu and a glass of water in front of him.
Further more, as if this wasn't enough service, the doors opened, but nobody was in sight. Suddenly, two menus shot up from under the table, and landed in front of Rugger and Orpheous. Small wooden fingers pushed two cups of water up onto the table. A small Deku-scrub was wearing a tiny little apron, and seemed to be smiling through the tube shaped mouth of his. "How may I serve you?" seemed to ring through the resturaunt, as the waiters and waitresses awaited orders, their pens ready.
Dogura eyed Darkin, wondering just what he had said. The waitress smiled at Darkin and asked, "So we're doing dinner here thursday right?" Dogura's jaw seemed to drop to the floor. The waitress dropped her pen, and she smiled, bending to pick it up, Darkin reached under the table. Dogura watched as Darkin slipped the woman a yellow rupee. She took it, and stood up, walking casually away from the table. Dogura smiled at the food in front him, deciding to let his friend feel sly for once. Picking up his fork, he shoved a large piece into his mouth, and chewing it until it was flavorless. He was hungry, and had wished he had ordered something more than a salad...
OOC: Also, I'm going to assume that Dogura has not met Rugger yet. May I take all of your orders?
Last edited by Zelda Veteran on Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Level 3
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Class: Grunt//Dragoon
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Rugger looked on the man and could sense the pain in his heart.
"I see, I apologize for having you recollect such a terrible memory. I know as much as anyone the difficulties and challenges with trying to redeem oneself. No matter what you perform, it still never feels like it is good enough. I feel your pain as I am also guilt-ridden and still struggling to seek redemation."
Sometime during their conversation, menus appeared. Rugger did not even need to read it and simply order his meal from the waitress.
"Just some fried Cucco for me, thank you."
He sat there trying figure out what else to say to this man that seems to have the same broken heart as Rugger, yet he might as well wait to see if he had anything else he wanted to say.
Level 14
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"Why order my dear waitress," said Orpheouusr, looking sly. "I.....G......E.......T.......F......R.........E......E.......F........O......O......D."
Orpheous looked at his menu and started to talk about the food. He had prehaps one of the most beautiful voices, ever. Probably more beautiful than a sirens. But since this voice of his was so dangerous, he only used it when reading stuff into or out off pages. He eventually focusd on the fried Cucco. Then, after a while, there before them was fried cucco on a plate.
Level 18
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Sovelis came out of the restroom. "I think I clogged the toilet..." he mumbled as he sat back at the table with Dogura, Darkin, and Rose. "Hey Orpheous...Is that Rugger Cole? Wow....never thought I'd see him agian...WAITRESS! Can I have a salad, some fried cucco, and a Goron ale please?" he said as he dug out a blue rupee. "Keep the change."
Level 18
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Kasie ordered his meal. " a fried cucoo and some zora wine, please..."
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Level 14
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Class: Vagabond Ranger
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TP: 2
"Three triple cheeseburgers, ketchup only, Three orders of giant cheese fries, and lots of Root Beer."
STR 2 DEF 13 AGI 6 INT 1 SPI 1 HP 61 SPL 29
Level 14
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"Yes, it is Sovelis," said Orpheous.
Level 14
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Class: Vagabond Ranger
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Worru looked at Sovelis, Orpheous, and the cloaked man. Who is that guy? he thinks, never seeing the man before.
STR 2 DEF 13 AGI 6 INT 1 SPI 1 HP 61 SPL 29
Level 3
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Class: Grunt//Dragoon
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The cafe seemed to suddenly become a popular abode and the Dragoon began to feel uncomfortable. 'Many faces...none that I know of although it may be best to stay around a little longer and try to gather information on what has been happening around here recently.'
He simply sat looking at his meal and began to picking at it and keeping an open ear for anything that could prove to be useful. He then looked at Sovelis and inquired to the man, "By the way, why did you never expect to see me again?" Rugger then looked over to Sovelis after hearing one man place an order, "Excuse me my man, what the hell is a 'triple cheeseburger', or a 'ketchup', or 'cheese fries'? I know of no such food in this land or it borders. Has there been some new delicacies created in my absence or is the man simply crazy?"
Hi no Seijin
Level 9
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Rose takes her food graciously. She quickly eats, as if Dogura or Darkin might steal her food at any second. She ignores Sovelis's presence. When she is finished eating, she places a few rupees on the table. "This should pay for my food," she told Dogura. "If it isn't, let me know the next time I see you and I'll pay for the rest. Hate to leave without you guys, but I think I saw a passage up in the mountains earlier, and I want to check it out. See you later, Dogura. Darkin." She got up and headed for the cafe's exit, cautiously weaving around waiters, waitresses, and patrons.
STR 3; DEF/AC 21 (includes AGI); AGI 5; INT 3; SPI 2; HP 62; SPL 20
Damage from Sword: 8 (12 with Dual Wield L1); Damage from Bow: 4
"I don't like seeing people get hurt for no reason. That's why I joined the Tarm Army. To protect the people of Holodrum. Nobility, commoners, human, Hylian, Goron, Deku, man, woman, young, and old. It doesn't matter as long as I'm able to protect them."-- Rose Hillmound
Level 14
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Class: Vagabond Ranger
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TP: 2
"My good man, I have to be crazy. I'm alive, and in Hyrule." Worru says, since he has never met Sovelis, and he wouldn't know if he was crazy or not.
STR 2 DEF 13 AGI 6 INT 1 SPI 1 HP 61 SPL 29
Level 18
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"A triple cheesburger sounds good to me....I thought you disapeared a while ago, when people disapear in Hyrule, they don't re-apear most of the time." Sovelis said as Rose left. "I guess she don't like me to well, didn't even say anything to me...Guess some people just don't like outsiders.Oh well..." Sovelis munched on his fried cucco and sipped his goron ale. "Thats good stuff."
Zelda Veteran
Level 13
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The waiters and waitresses took down all the orders, and dissapeared into the kitchen one at a time. Dogura, his mouth full of salad couldn't manage to say goodbye, as Rose left the establishment. Darkin, jolly as could be, wolfed down his food, and spitting food everywhere, was able to manage a, "See you around Hillmound!" Dogura swept the food off the table, and seemed to lose his apetite, as he dumped the remaining salad in the garbage.
Last edited by Zelda Veteran on Fri Mar 16, 2007 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Level 18
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Class: Scholar//Mage
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"Whats wrong Dogura?" Sovelis asked as he chomped on fried cucco.
Level 3
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Class: Grunt//Dragoon
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Rugger was growing tired of the banter floating around him. He began to look around and he noticed a girl that appeared to be leaving. At that moment, a bright light flashed in front of his eyes and a piercing noise echoed inside his head. Suddenly...all was quiet, 'What the hell was that, what happened'. Rugger staggered and regained composure. He began to look around again and looked at the men who joined him. Yet he saw something different about them. He was also hearing things differently now.
He staggered to his feet, trying to stay composed. He forced a smile as he looked at the group, "Would you please excuse me, I need some fresh air."
Rugger then began to stumble towards the door. Trying to block the thoughts and images flooding his mind. He never even noticed the girl he saw earlier as the two collided at the door.