OOC: Who is still here?

Moderator: Royal Guard

How active can you be? (Please post regardless of your answer)

I'll post 24/7!
I can get on a few times a week.
I'll get on every so often.
I'd like to get on. I just don't have time...
Not even sure why I bother coming here any more.
This place should go ahead and die already.
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Aureliano Level 6
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Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 12:54 am
I would like to request a list of active posts and their locations.
Young Hylian On a Stump Page [4]

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Persona Level 2
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Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:00 pm
Hey there, Persona/Alias is here. Well, I'm here. I admit I haven't been here much, having just taken my finals. And to be honest, I need to get a nicer Specialist and Primary English Mark, so I probably won't be in here that much. Right now, I'm on Holidays, so I have some time to sort things out.

One reason I haven't been on here very much, aside from finals, is outright difficulty with my character. Thankfully, I have a past in mind for her, but I still can't settle on her age to be honest =/ I don't know her backstory, or how she behaves, or why she does things, which makes her insanely difficult to work with.

So, I don't like making nonsense posts with an all-but bipolar character. ///

Plus you guys are REALLY intimidating D: I mean, not all of you sure, but there are some really strong writers here, and I get way nervous posting here. Tayro does his best to persuade me, but to be honest, you guys are a bit scary.

Or sometimes... a bit laughable. I don't mean to be insulting or anything, but there's a lot of run-of-the-mill hero!desu types in here, and that bothers me. Sure, I can't write all that well, and my character doesn't make sense xD But, erm, well. I just see so many basic fantasy heroes, and it really bothers me when they make one post, with more than a hint of godmode littered in it. I'm obviously not talking to some people on here, there are quite a few really good people (who scare me silly).

But then there are all these 1-2 paragraph heros/anti-heroes and they really REALLY annoy me. Would it kill people to have some actual bad guys? Or not even that, some more... interesting characters. I mean, there are some REALLY good people, but your majority of people seem to be a large collection of fantasy gary-lues, with cookie cutter abilities, and different names.

It's kinda' difficult to get into a roleplay when every character is trying desperately to make it about how THEY are so GORRAM special AND will SAVE the world with their LEET SKILLZ PLZ. Maybe I'm being judgmental?


Plus, there doesn't seem to be strong character-profiling procedures, probably because of all the stats thing. -hands cookies out- I feel outright nasty posting this though.
<center>Hyrule Gossip Rag, Issue #π: This week, Alpha has hugged /yet/ another girl! How will everyone react? Read more to find out.</center>

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Sakiko Level 8
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Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:26 pm

If you read up on some of the HA2 characters in detail, you'll see that they're the opposite of "cookie-cutter" heroes. Not mine, of course (because they're all weaklings and all that) Yes, I only said that so you will feel encouraged to post more!! :)
There is nothing to lean on. Memories fade away with time. People die. Friends become enemies. There is nothing, nothing in the world that lasts.
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Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:02 pm
I hope I'm not cookie-cutter :lol:

Honestly, we encourage activity no matter how good or bad your writing is. As long as you're making an honest effort, we really don't care. It's when we see one sentence posts, no punctuation, and several misspelled words that we tend to get annoyed. Trust me- your writing is FINE, and I feel that most of the time, it's better than my own. Nobody here is gonna hate you if your posts are bad- unless you post something about how bad posters annoy you. NOW you'll be watched and flamed by any of the players here that feel they're "less skilled". Just be careful what you say, okay? :wink:

(and also we still have a topic going kthnxbi)
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:17 pm
Persona wrote: But then there are all these 1-2 paragraph heros/anti-heroes and they really REALLY annoy me. Would it kill people to have some actual bad guys?

Bad guys

Bad Guys
You aren't here long enough to know this; but almost everyone here who was here for a great deal of time has set up some form of villian for their own characters or for Hyrule in general. Some examples may be in order;

Three years ago, each and every one of my characters was evil (including Kasei). However I re-did my entire storyline and instead I have the main villain named Jormund followed by lesser minions and some competent bad guys.

Alpha has a rather awesome villain by the name of Zaboorak (god I hope I spelled that right [Alpha edit: you did! 8)]) and an entire tribe of bad dudes called the hakiems. They're the main enemy of a long list of stories Alpha has made that most people here would love to be apart of.

Other people have stand-alone jerks. Sovelis, for example, was evil for a time, and Dogura had some split-personality disorder he was working with but I think he's fine now. Darilan and Wyndisis (both by the same player) are both notorious jerks from a long time ago that have remained in the hearts of hyrule as grade A jackasses from long ago.


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shadowlink13 Level 9
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Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:13 pm
Kasei wrote:Darilan and Wyndisis (both by the same player) are both notorious jerks from a long time ago that have remained in the hearts of hyrule as grade A jackasses from long ago.
Actually, Darilan was a good guy in the early days of HA2. Him working for Wyndisis (and now secretly against Wyndisis) is a fairly recent development.

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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:36 pm
Way to kill the mood. On that note Link is not here and Ganon is not the main enemy. Anything else we need to point out?

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"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Leth Level 9
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Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:31 pm
Well I actually haven't had a lot of time on the computer AT ALL lately, so now I'm not sure how often I can get on in the future. We'll just have to wait and see
Heard of necromancers? I'm the necropostmancer. I'll never give up on this website.
Leth - New and Improved!
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STR 5; DEF 13; AGI 8; INT 3; SPI 4

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Cloud 9 Level 7
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Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:30 pm
Oh my god it's been forever since i've been here. I changed so much, it's humbling/chilling looking back on some of my roots as an RPer here.

HOWEVER, even though i've meen MIA for so, soooo long (I'm sure i've been all but forgotten. xD), I can't, in good faith, say that i'm back. BUT, i'm here, i've decided that i'm going to check up here much more often, and try to hang around to replenish a lot of the activity.

((Looking back on a lot of my old posts, I was soooo horrible. I've improved so much, and I really hope to share that with all of you. :D ))
Cloud - Hyrule's Self-Proclaimed Greatest Mage

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Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 3:53 pm
HO. LY. CWAP. It's Cloud. Yet another person I never expected to see make a return to HA2, it's been so long.

Freakin' awesome.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


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Cloud 9 Level 7
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Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:23 pm
Hehe, I could say the same thing. In a conversation with some friends online, we all started to talk about or roots as Role Players, and I immediately thought of this ol' place. I decided to give it a looksie, and here I is. xD

I hope to RP again here, it'll be so freaking amazing. :D
Cloud - Hyrule's Self-Proclaimed Greatest Mage

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Sovelis Level 18
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Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:18 am
still kinda avoiding HA2 for personal reasons... and always to busy with work.
DarkLink Level 2
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Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:30 pm
I just found the email so i think i can stay on the site.
I am Anon, the wandering soul...
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INT 1(Base)
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DekuScrub13 Level 1
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Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 6:44 pm
Hey guys, I'm back!
Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:21 pm
We're dead and WHAT is the deku doing here?

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"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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