Hey there, Persona/Alias is here. Well, I'm here. I admit I haven't been here much, having just taken my finals. And to be honest, I need to get a nicer Specialist and Primary English Mark, so I probably won't be in here that much. Right now, I'm on Holidays, so I have some time to sort things out.
One reason I haven't been on here very much, aside from finals, is outright difficulty with my character. Thankfully, I have a past in mind for her, but I still can't settle on her age to be honest =/ I don't know her backstory, or how she behaves, or why she does things, which makes her insanely difficult to work with.
So, I don't like making nonsense posts with an all-but bipolar character. ///
Plus you guys are REALLY intimidating D: I mean, not all of you sure, but there are some really strong writers here, and I get way nervous posting here. Tayro does his best to persuade me, but to be honest, you guys are a bit scary.
Or sometimes... a bit laughable. I don't mean to be insulting or anything, but there's a lot of run-of-the-mill hero!desu types in here, and that bothers me. Sure, I can't write all that well, and my character doesn't make sense xD But, erm, well. I just see so many basic fantasy heroes, and it really bothers me when they make one post, with more than a hint of godmode littered in it. I'm obviously not talking to some people on here, there are quite a few really good people (who scare me silly).
But then there are all these 1-2 paragraph heros/anti-heroes and they really REALLY annoy me. Would it kill people to have some actual bad guys? Or not even that, some more... interesting characters. I mean, there are some REALLY good people, but your majority of people seem to be a large collection of fantasy gary-lues, with cookie cutter abilities, and different names.
It's kinda' difficult to get into a roleplay when every character is trying desperately to make it about how THEY are so GORRAM special AND will SAVE the world with their LEET SKILLZ PLZ. Maybe I'm being judgmental?
Plus, there doesn't seem to be strong character-profiling procedures, probably because of all the stats thing. -hands cookies out- I feel outright nasty posting this though.
<center>Hyrule Gossip Rag, Issue #π: This week, Alpha has hugged /yet/ another girl! How will everyone react? Read more to find out.</center>
STR;2 DEF;1 AGI;6 INT;3 SPI;1 Hp;41 Mp;2