Force of Gold VIII - Castle Liberation

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Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 12:33 pm
Dogura's charge is instantly readied against by his target, and the Hakiem brings up his own weapon - a Bronze Sword - in an attempt to deflect the Hylian's ferocious attacks. But the Hakiem soon feels his guard slip as the Vagabond's blade slices through him (15+6[Roll+AGI]), dealing 9 DMG. Try as he might, the Hakiem himself cannot mount a counterattack (14+5[Roll+AGI]), and is forced to disengage and jump away from the man.

The elements swirl around Fang Gengai's fingertips, before a significant choice is made. The tiles beneath the group suddenly begin to shudder, and with a mighty roar several of them fly upward as the very Earth itself launches forward to strike down the mightiest Hakiem in the room. Throwing his arms before him, he responds with Sheikah swiftness and braces him fully against the attack. As the muddy burst dies away, the Sheikah is nowhere to be seen - he has avoided the attack completely (20+5[Roll+SPI]).

And he appears directly behind Fang, lashing out with his Iron Sword. His blade pierces into the man without difficulty (7+6[Roll+AGI]), dealing an intense 12 DMG to its target. Satisfied, the L3 Hakiem leaps away to prepare against any more attacks coming his way.

One of the L5 Hakiems spots Raven coming in for the captives, and immediately positions himself in the Sheikah's path . . . only to be intercepted unexpectedly by Pyre's abrupt charge. The Hylian's blades pierce into his skin and deal 13 DMG (4+5[Roll+AGI]). The Hakiem immediately reaches out with his own Deku Sword and tries to get his revenge, failing miserably as he realizes the attack to his own form had hit the chest muscles on his right side (1+4[Roll+AGI]). He gets out of the way, and quick.

Noval wastes no more time, drawing his decorated Iron Sword and hurling himself straight into the path of the L3 Hakiem. Unlike Fang, he manages to slice into the assassin considerably, dealing 12 DMG of his own (12+2[Roll+AGI]). Before he can attempt a counterattack, Skye flies forward, scratching away at his face for several seconds before he can shoo it away and stagger backwards. The hawk flies back to where both Koura and Calla await, grinning at their little combo technique, Hawk Team.
Hawk Team: can only be used if Koura and Calla are together. By communicating with Skye, once per round they are able to send the hawk straight into a foe's face, either negating one of that enemy's attacks or dealing 10 DMG. The enemy cannot dodge this.
'Well, there's one reason she brought Calla along,' Alpha thinks to himself as his staff crashes downward into the second Hakiem L4, taking out a full 10 HP (20+6[Roll+AGI]). 'I wonder what else that Rito has up her sleeves,' he thinks as he leaps away from the counter. But this little distraction causes him to get a slash in his leg, and he loses 7 HP of his own(15+5[Roll+AGI]). Landing, he decides that the wound isn't too deep and won't hinder him at all.

As Raven reaches the captives, Shada appears beside him as well, readying her own attack in case anyone should approach. A second L5 Hakiem does so, and is promptly slashed apart by her Twin Deku Daggers (10+7[Roll+AGI]), dealing 11 DMG. His counter slashes through her as well (19+4[Roll+AGI]), leaving behind a small mark on her shoulder as 6 DMG is dealt.

All of the captives are bound and gagged, and a good many are also asleep. But those still awake quickly begin to move and attempt to talk anyway when they see the Thief coming to help them. Most of these are kitchen staff, but one stands out from the rest of the prisoners: wearing some shining Chainmail and with a sheathe at his waist - empty, unfortunately - sits the calmest of the prisoners, one of the Hylian Knights by the look of him. Right next to him, and equally calm, sits a Zora in a simple brown robe. Perhaps a Cleric?

Hakiem L5 #1: 7 HP
Hakiem L5 #2: 9 HP
Hakiem L5 #3: 20 HP
Hakiem L5 #4: 20 HP
Hakiem L4 #1: 21 HP
Hakiem L4 #2: 20 HP
Hakiem L3: 28 HP

Fang: 41 HP, 10 SPL
Alpha: 46 HP
Shada: 35 HP

OOC: Oh, and here's this stuff for any who are wondering:
General Richarn Noval: Grunt//Vassal
Hylian, Order
STR – 3; DEF – 17; AGI – 2; INT – 1; SPI – 1; SPL – 21; HP – 71
Items – Iron Sword, L1 Chainmail
Abilities – Royal Spirit L3, The King's Banner L3, Elemental Burst L2, Exceptional Health L2

Calla: Scholar//Scribe
Rito (treated as Human), Neutral
STR – 1; DEF – 13; AGI – 2; INT – 5; SPI – 4; SPL – 30; HP – 20
(Known) Abilities – Shield L3, Hawk Team (Combo with Koura)
Last edited by Alpha on Wed Feb 07, 2007 10:38 am, edited 2 times in total.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Zelda Veteran Level 13
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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:38 pm
Dogura was satisfied with his attack, which connected fully, and busting through the Hakiem's defences. A grin appeared on his face, but dissapeared as quickly as it formed. Fang had been injured, and although they were old rivals, he didnt agree with what had happened. That Hakiem seems to be the strongest of them all... This is where I have to think put my mind to use. He evaded Fang's attack so easily, it almost scares me... Almost... Dogura thought for a moment, and deicided that it would be best to try a new tactic with this certain enemy.

The samurai sheathed his sword, but only long enough to form enough energy within his hands. Lifting his arms into the air, he was leaving himself completely exposed to an attack at any given moment. He chanted a few words, hoping that this would rid them of the Lv3 nuisance, for a enough time to destroy the other Hakiems [Calm Beast]. Fang was annoyed with the creature, and intended to strike again, that is, before he realized that Dogura's spell was nearing completion. He prepared to intercept any enemies that may attempt attacking the samurai during the spell cast.

The battle was really heating up. Dogura had always enjoyed a large battle, and so did Fang. Fang was crazy enough to enjoy a slight dose of pain from time to time. Watching his comrades selflessy support eachother in the thick of battle touched Dogura, and even Fang to a certain extent. It was at that time that Fang realized that even though they werent the closest allies, all they had to rely on was eachother. Fang hadnt expected the Hakiems to be so powerful, but Dogura had prior experince and Knoledge with the greivences. It was then that Fang decided that he would do his best to watch out for the team, as he waited at Dogura's side for any attackers.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
Dogura's Home
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Hi no Seijin Level 9
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Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2007 6:57 pm
Rose stayed in the back for now. She followed the L3 Hakiem's movements, waiting for a good chance to hit. After Noval strikes, she muttered, "Bhi'Din Ignisto." A ball of fire formed and rushed towards the Hakiem, exploding once it got there. But instead of seeing if it hit, Rose headed into the fray, ready to defend herself against an attack.
STR 3; DEF/AC 21 (includes AGI); AGI 5; INT 3; SPI 2; HP 62; SPL 20
Damage from Sword: 8 (12 with Dual Wield L1); Damage from Bow: 4
"I don't like seeing people get hurt for no reason. That's why I joined the Tarm Army. To protect the people of Holodrum. Nobility, commoners, human, Hylian, Goron, Deku, man, woman, young, and old. It doesn't matter as long as I'm able to protect them."-- Rose Hillmound
Red Fury Level 6
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Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:12 am
He is glad that someone has his back as he starts to free the hostages, and is pleased that the someone is Shada; he expected the Hakiems to be involved in the fighting and not pay much attention to him. So he procceeds with his self appointed task with more haste than he had wished. Had he more time he would have talked to them about what they know, but at this point he wanted to get them out of the way.

Using his dagger to cut the ties that bind them, he frees two members of the kitchen staff and tells them to move to the sides of the room to avoid the fighting. 'Keep low and move slow.' He told them, not wanting them to attract unwanted attention. Only after freeing those two did he spy the gleam of chainmail and noticed the other unusually dressed Zora next to him - for kitchen staff. He promtly shuffled along the floor to free the two, hopefully helpful, hostages.

STR 2 - DEF 11 - AGI 6 - INT 3 - SPI 1 - SPL: 5 - HP: 30
Pabru Level 8
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Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:51 pm
~When his blade sank into his foe, Pyre didn't allow time for celebration. The hylian jumped back, out of the way of the clumsy counterattack, and took stock of the situation. Most of the party was concentrating on the L3. He decided that overall the L5's together were more of threat, so he chose to pick a few of them off first.

He didn't go for the one he had just attacked, but once again attacked the L5 nearest to Raven to defend him from any Hakiems. Pyre didn't charge forward this time, but slinked through the battle to manuever behind the assasin.

He concentrated, and then released a burst of speed, flying forward, daggers leading. He landed with his right foot, using it as a pivot to spin, cutting in a circle with both daggers. [dual wield L1]~
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Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:30 pm
Dogura's Innate Check fails (4+7[Roll+INT]), and his spell is rendered useless. Not surprisingly, since the Hakiem is a Sheikah, not a beast/animal. One would probably wonder what the heck was going through the Hylian's head at the time. The Hakiem target certainly became confused. This man, Dogura, was supposed to be rather smart - did he know something about the technique that even the Hakiems were unaware of? Not wanting to wait to find out, he leaps straight for the man, but is unable to maneuver around Fang's strong guard (4+6[Roll+AGI]) and is forced to back off . . .

. . . barely catching Rose's words with his ears as they are muttered. The Fire Spell nearly blasts into him, but his heightened senses and abilities once again allow him to completely avoid the magical blast (20+5[Roll+SPI]). He appears directly before the female general's form, slashing away with his sword. Fortunately for Rose, he is once again unsuccessful in this regard (8+6[Roll+AGI]), and is unable to break her guard.

Raven's freed captives nod hesitantly and with fear as they follow his instructions. Moving carefully around the kitchen, they silently sneak through one of the three doors out of the room, this one leading to the right of the storage room the group had entered from. Since there aren't any screams or yells, it can hopefully be presumed that the room is safer than the kitchen.

But for now the group is still in the kitchen, and one of the uninjured Hakiems L5 charges forward. Shada once again moves into his path, defending Raven with two quick swipes of her twin daggers. The blades slice through him (2+7[Roll+AGI]) and deal 11 DMG to him. As he backs away and attempts his own attack on the female Sheikah, which fails (5+4[Roll+AGI]), the knight nods his thanks to the Thief as his mouth is freed.

"Ah, thanks a lot, buddy!" he says jovially. "It's kind of boring not being able to speak, you know. And General Noval's here too; you certainly keep some powerful company." The Zora gives his companion a glance of agreement as he too is set free, and, while rubbing his wrists, he simply nods his thanks to Raven. Glancing around the room, the knight reaches up and scratches his head. "Got any idea where my sword went? Or my buddy's staff?"

Pyralin's two blades fly through the air at the Hakiem L5 that he had targeted previously, once again slicing into his skin (5+5[Roll+AGI]), this time piercing his neck and slaying the man permanently. All throughout the room, the Hakiems feel a sudden surge of anger as their tribe's unique ability kicks in: the Avenging Strength. A boost in Strength and Agility in the last thing that the Hakiems needed at this point . . .

OOC: For those of you who don't listen to my advice and chose not to read the Hakiems' profile:
Avenging Strength – whenever a fellow member of the Hakiems Tribe is killed, a Hakiem gains +1 to STR and AGI. This ability can stack on top of itself.
L1 Applies - held by Hakiems L5
L2 +2 bonus - held by Hakiems L4
L3 +3 bonus - held by Hakiems L3
L4 Bonus applies to all stats - held by Hakiems L2
But Koura isn't about to allow that to stop her. Once again launching the Hawk Team with Calla, Skye latches onto the first Hakiem L4's face and starts pecking away with her beak and slashing away with razor sharp talons to deal 10 DMG. However, the moment the bird soars away he identifies its owner and launches his retaliatory strike. His Bronze Sword slices through the Gerudo (15+7[Roll+AGI*]), dealing a mighty 11 DMG without difficulty.

Hakiem L5 #1: eliminated
Hakiem L5 #2: 9 HP
Hakiem L5 #3: 20 HP
Hakiem L5 #4: 20 HP
Hakiem L4 #1: 11 HP
Hakiem L4 #2: 20 HP
Hakiem L3: 28 HP

Fang: 41 HP, 10 SPL
Alpha: 46 HP
Shada: 35 HP
Rose: 41 HP, 13 SPL
Koura: 20 HP
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Hi no Seijin Level 9
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Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 9:50 pm
Rose cursed under her breath as the Hakiem she had just tried to put on fire attacked her. After blocking the L3's attack, she struck out with her own sword, hoping to land a blow. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that Koura was being attacked. She cursed again; she was a bit preoccupied with the L3 Hakiem, but she began to edge towards the Golden Gerudo anyway.
STR 3; DEF/AC 21 (includes AGI); AGI 5; INT 3; SPI 2; HP 62; SPL 20
Damage from Sword: 8 (12 with Dual Wield L1); Damage from Bow: 4
"I don't like seeing people get hurt for no reason. That's why I joined the Tarm Army. To protect the people of Holodrum. Nobility, commoners, human, Hylian, Goron, Deku, man, woman, young, and old. It doesn't matter as long as I'm able to protect them."-- Rose Hillmound
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:58 pm
Alpha wrote:"Welcome to North Castle," the general calls out softly from behind. "We'll be starting our tour in the kitchens."
As they entered the kitchen, Nogare did not act very surprised. He knew the King's Residence well enough to know that it would lead to such a place. He guards areas near here. In fact, some of his shifts had been around this area, and he had a descent sense of direction, so he knew where he was. Though he was never exactly ever in this room. Though he would have much liked to take just, maybe, a piece of bread, or some old meat over in the corner, he didn't take it. It would be selfish, and stealing was not one of his hobbies or habits. He was well rested and had eaten a bite of some food and some water Ainafea had for him, and he found that to be enough.

Though he saw that they were cautious, and followed suit. He was on guard, his keen eyes scanning the room. Alas, he was not the first to spot something.
Alpha wrote: ...But even her Sheikah senses can hardly pick up the sole noise coming from beyond the door: heavy, fear-filled breathing. She quickly tells the others, allowing them to decide how to use this information.
Nogare didn't speak, for he knew it would be unwise, in case the others could hear them.

But Kasei's foolishness brought more foolishness to them than any he had seen. Oh brilliant! He just HAD to do that, didn't he. I'm going to kill him... as I have intended for so long... Nonetheless, he knew he needed to act fast. He quickly held his blade out as would be done with a two handed sword, and was ready for the attack that may come.

He ignored Shada's rage, and kept his eyes on the door. Nogare waited, though, even as the Haikems charged through the small door. He knew the other could weaken them, and he could make an honorable kill upon them later.


The first Haikem was down, and many of the others had been cut at, and took in their pain. This was enough waiting for him.

He made his move. His blade went so fast, that a gust of wind flew from where he was, and made a few pots and pans fall from their places, and his loose brown hair flew behind his head as though it were sucked back. His wooden blade had been carved into a different design, much like a katana, which was very aerodynamic, and went with extraordinary speed. With Nogare's trained accuracy, he was able to keep well-balanced in the dense room of food. A few of the bandages fell from his body as he seemed to soar at his target; that being a L4 Haikem (#1).

OOC: I swear, I will burn down my friends house if I get less than a 5. I've said Nogare's this skillful... if it turns out that he misses, or causes little damaged, I'm going to be pissed :evil:!
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Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:00 am
Dogura's failed spell left him with experience. Never had he used the technique in combat before. He now understands what power it holds. When he was nearly attacked, he was surprised to see Fang's valor. Never had he expected Fang to intercept the blow. Dogura grinned, and remembered the old days. "Alright Fang, remember the old routine we worked out?" Fang grinned in unision with Dogura. "The one we never had a chance to perform?" Dogura confidently glared in the Lv3 Hakiem's direction. "The final act!!" Fang's eyes returned to their glow, and he lifted tiles overhead the samurai. The tiles formed a bridge to the Hakiem. Not a bridge for walking... But a bridge of shadow! Dogura sank into the shadow, and moved in with lightling speed, preparing to strike the foe in a vulnerable point: His throat. Dogura leapt out of the shadow, and thrusted with all of his might. (Thats drawing 3 out of my SPI Alpha) :)
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:07 pm
OOC: I'm assuming you meant your Willpower, ZV. :wink:

Rose's blade fails to penetrate her target's defenses (9+4[Roll+AGI]), as he masterfully parries each attempted slice to one side of his form. Sensing an opening, however, he takes a quick swing of his own sword, but the strike is barely avoided (9+9[Roll+AGI*]). Not wanting to take his chances, the Hakiem swiftly disengages and leaps backwards.

Noval's eyes dart back and forth throughout the room as he takes in the six Hakiems that still stand. Having a L5 Hakiem fall first was not exactly the most tactically sensible way to conduct this fight; with their Avenging Strength, strategy suggested getting rid of the ones most empowered by it first.

His gaze falls upon Dogura's sword as the Hylian charges forward, striking the L3 Hakiem with all his force (10+6+3[Roll+AGI+Will]), delivering an damaging, but not fatal, 9 DMG as the blade is forced away from his target's neck by the Iron Sword and instead into his shoulder. He immediately swings the sword at Dogura, but the attack is ineffective with his newly injured limb (4+9[Roll+AGI*]).

This is it, Noval realizes. It's the perfect opportunity to strike the L3 down, and the general takes full advantage of it. With a mighty warcry, he focuses energy into his hands, calling forth a bright, shining light sphere. Hurling the Elemental Burst of Light straight at his foe, Noval is pleased to see that against his weakest element he stands no chance (5+5[Roll+SPI]). A full 27 HP is lost, or would have been if he'd retained that much earlier. Instead, he falls to the floor in utter defeat.

Once again, the rage amongst the Hakiems increases as their Avenging Strength pushes them past their old limits. Nogare is the first to encounter their increased skill, as his sword flies forward to crush the first Hakiem L4. But it seems that this new power is not enough to save the man, and the knight's blade pierces straight through him (13+[Roll+AGI]). Another Hakiem falls, and the remainder once again gain a boost in speed and strength.

Back to back, Alpha and Shada see Noval's tactic and decide to follow suit. The two members of the Shadow Folk call upon the power they too are weakest against, firing off a pair of powerful Elemental Bursts of Light, Alpha's aimed at the remaining L4 Hakiem and Shada's at one of the L5's. The brightness in the room is blinding as the two attacks collide and disintegrate any chance of their targets' survival (7+4[Roll+SPI], 3+3[Roll+SPI]), dealing 23 DMG and 22 DMG respectfully.

And while they may be gaining power swiftly, the two remaining Hakiem L5's suddenly feel an extreme lack of confidence pervading their minds . . .

Hakiem L5 #1: eliminated
Hakiem L5 #2: 9 HP
Hakiem L5 #3: eliminated
Hakiem L5 #4: 20 HP
Hakiem L4 #1: eliminated
Hakiem L4 #2: eliminated
Hakiem L3: eliminated

Fang: 41 HP, 10 SPL
Alpha: 46 HP, 33 SPL
Shada: 35 HP, 19 SPL
Rose: 41 HP, 13 SPL
Koura: 20 HP
Noval: 71 HP, 15 SPL
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Hi no Seijin Level 9
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Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 7:38 pm
Two more left, Rose thought. Let's change that. She quickly looked both Hakiems up and down. She went to the one she deemed the stronger of the two (#4) and dashed over, slicing horizantally as she closed in on the Hakiem.
STR 3; DEF/AC 21 (includes AGI); AGI 5; INT 3; SPI 2; HP 62; SPL 20
Damage from Sword: 8 (12 with Dual Wield L1); Damage from Bow: 4
"I don't like seeing people get hurt for no reason. That's why I joined the Tarm Army. To protect the people of Holodrum. Nobility, commoners, human, Hylian, Goron, Deku, man, woman, young, and old. It doesn't matter as long as I'm able to protect them."-- Rose Hillmound
Pabru Level 8
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Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:03 pm
The number of Hakiems had thinned greatly, and now the tide was completely behind the party. Pyre let a small smile creep onto his face, but wasn't just going to stand there and grin. He rushed at the practically uninjured Hakiem, and planted his feet whipping both hands forward, releasing his daggers point-blank. [ummm... I guess just count as DW L1 again...]

Rose had made her attack at the same time, making this attack even more effective. At least one of the attacks would have to hit.
The ill-fated "explorer" club prepares for its first and last adventure.


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Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 8:44 pm
Dogura smirked, content once again with his connected attack. Fang also smirked, and the duo shared a mental high five, and prepared for the next attack. Dogura looked over the two Hakiems, and thought over his options. He knew for a fact that with another successful shot, he could take out Hakiem (#2). With this bloody image clouding his thoughts, he rushed in for the kill of the injured Hakiem.

Fang's mood was all but content. Had he landed even a single blow so far, perhaps he wouldnt be so blood thirsty. With Rose and Pyre already attacking, he knew that the situation didnt require his full strength. His eyes glowed, as they always do when he prepares to attack, and he commanded power. The pipes shout out from the walls, and a large cyclone of water appeared over the Mage's head. With a sweep of his hands, he shot the water with incredible force straight for the vulnerable, and doomed, Hakiem (#4).

OOC: And Alpha, because I used water as his attack, that doesnent mean that it has elemental effects. It only narrates that his attack consisted of how he attacks. Also, yes, I was referring to my WillPower. You see, I was unsatisfied with that post anyways because my bus was going to arrive at any minute, and I was in a real rush. I didnt have time to consult the rules, and I assumed that it was Spirit. Sorry Alpha, and thanks for catching that.
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Red Fury Level 6
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Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 7:03 am
'Sorry, I don't.' Raven relpied to the mans questions. 'If the Hakiems took them chances are they'll be either chucked in a storage room along with the weapons of anyone else they've captured or they may have left them somewhere in the next room; depends on what they do under the circumstances.' Raven's memory flashed back to him as he said this and he remembered that when he was captured they placed all their weapons on a table not too far away from the cells.

He was about to start untying the yet unreleased hostages, but then he had some questions for the man. 'I have some questions for you; do you know if they're any more knights in the castle that have or may have been caputured, also, what are you and your buddy doing down here in the first place.'

STR 2 - DEF 11 - AGI 6 - INT 3 - SPI 1 - SPL: 5 - HP: 30
Nogare, son of Greyblade Level 11
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Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 9:08 am
OOC: Yay! I'm not going to burn my friend's house down anymore :D.
Alpha wrote: His gaze falls upon Dogura's sword as the Hylian charges forward, striking the L3 Hakiem with all his force (10+6+3[Roll+AGI+Will]), delivering an damaging, but not fatal, 9 DMG as the blade is forced away from his target's neck by the Iron Sword and instead into his shoulder.
I thought I'd point that error out... :roll:...

IC: With a quick retraction of his arm, Greyblade's son unsheathed his blade from the Haikem's stomach, and as his left leg is forward, he leans most of his wait on his back leg, making a perfect back-stance. He turned, ready to counter-attack any enemy that would next come at him, blade pointing towards them.

[Dodge Check]