Level 14
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OOC: Thanks.
IC: "Bandage," whispered Bou to Worru. "Who the hell is he?"
Level 14
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Class: Vagabond Ranger
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TP: 2
"He's a shifter." whispered Worru, "A friend of mine. He hates Rugel, since the guy killed his grandfather, Shadow Tail." He then stood up, his eyes a deep red. He then started marching around their table, singing "HAM, HAM, HAM, HAM, HAMMILLY HAM, HAM, HAM!" He continued on like this for quite a while.
STR 2 DEF 13 AGI 6 INT 1 SPI 1 HP 61 SPL 29
Level 14
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Class: Scholar//scribe
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TP: 1
"No comment," said Orpheous, in an nonchalant tone, pulling his hood over his head.
Level 3
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Class: Grunt//Dragoon
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Rugger hearing nothing from the group, sighed as he stood up.
"Well I guess you have nothing to say, that is fine. I respect your privacy. Maybe one day we will meet again lads."
With that Rugger made his way towards the door, on his way flicking a rupee from his fingers onto the table. He then looked back at the bar and nodded his head. Pulling his hood over his head he made out towards whatever directions the winds directed him.
OOC: Glad you guys learned your lesson about spamming but please keep it up, I am sure by this time tommorow my post will be buried 2 pages back by your one line posts.
Level 14
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Class: Vagabond Ranger
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TP: 2
OOC: Breathe in, breathe out, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Don't think of Rugger...Calm down...DON'T try to kill him...I'm sorry my friend. If you think all my posts are one line, Then I'll leave. Hope I never see you again, unless I go to the bad place when I die.
IC: Worru got up, paid for his meal, then left.
STR 2 DEF 13 AGI 6 INT 1 SPI 1 HP 61 SPL 29
Level 14
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Class: Scholar//scribe
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TP: 1
"Bye, Rugger," said Orpheous to the leaving man. "Man, I wish I knew why he thought I was evil," he thought to himself(no one liner).
Zelda Veteran
Level 13
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As Worru and Rugger left, they came face to face with a group of shady looking men. Six of them in fact. Two Hylian, one human, one Shikah, and two Gorons. The men were wearing black jackets, and sun glasses. The men laughed, and joked, until they came face to face with Rugger and Worru. "Get outta me way scum!" Who seemed like the leader of the group shoved the two aside, knocking them into a table. They sat down in the booth behind Dogura, and one of the Gorons banged on the table repeatedly with a heavy fist. "Hey! Can we get some service here??" He shouted, his friends chiming in. "Yeah, some drinks, get us some rum!" The shiekah waitress that had waited on Dogura's table came out, and glared at them, as she pulled out a pad and pen. "May I take your orders?" She asked through clenched teeth.
The men snickered. A large goron hand shout out, and grabbed her by the neck, pulling her closer to him. "Aye... You're a pretty little girly arn'ch ya." His sour breath swept across her face. "Let me go!" She cried, as something made the Goron draw back. Darkin was behind the woman, both fists glowing with rage. The woman fell to the floor when the Goron let go of her. One of the waiters, a Zora rushed out from the kitchen, and helped her up. "Are you okay?" he asked, as they headed back for the kitchen. Two of the men at the table hopped over the booth, and stood in their way. "Where do you think you're going?" One of them asked, both of them sneering. Dogura was confident that Darkin could handle the man, for he had rather walked over to Rugger and Worru, to make sure they were okay. "You all right Worru? Rugger?" The samurai questioned, glancing at the men.
OOC: Now, now if you guys want to fight, then you're going to work as a team, and do it RP style.
Level 14
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Class: Scholar//scribe
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Orpheous drew his trusty pool que, but he waited for someone else to attack first. For he didn't want to fight, he wanted to relax, but these punks needed to be dealt with.
Level 14
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Class: Scholar//Mage
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Alpha has simply sat back and listened for the rest of all the things that Rugger had been saying, every now and then allowing his eyes to flicker over to where Sovelis and the others sit. The Sheikah recognizes Sovelis, but the two with him are a mystery to him. Then suddenly it seems that everyone is leaving . . .
. . . and a gang of people are coming to take their place. Unfortunately, they seem to lack the manners of those they are replacing. Alpha glances around, seeing Darkin confronting those who had knocked over the waitress while Dogura goes to see if Worru or Rugger need help. One of the two men he'd not previously encountered draws his weapon and tenses, as if reluctant to be fighting.
"Where do you think you're going?"
Then the Sheikah's head jerks around, falling upon the two employees. Being jerks, Alpha can understand, but one should have the courage to leave the weak out of it. "Weaklings," he mutters under his breath. He leaps into the air, flipping around to land right in between the two men and the innocent Zora and Sheikah, facing the predators while shielding the prey from them. "I could ask you the same thing: where do you think you're going?"
"Get out of here," he whispers as he half turns his head towards the two threatened workers. "We can handle these thugs." His voice picks up a bit. "Isn't that right, Darkin?" Without warning, his cape flies open, and his staff appears in hand from beneath the fluttering fabric. He, like Orpheous, makes no move to attack, but rather stands prepared in a stance that shall allow him to defend against any oncoming weapons, should the two he is protecting not flee so that he may be released to simply dodge it.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Level 14
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Class: Vagabond Ranger
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TP: 2
"Yeah, I'm okay." says Worru to Dogura. He draws his sword, and follows Orph's example.
So, I guess I have to work with this Rugger guy...Next time, I eat and run.
Level 14
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Class: Scholar//scribe
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The door opens. A man in his late teens enters, his head buried in a book. "Simon," thought Orpheous to him telepathically, with a tone of anger mixed with fear.
"Oh," replied Simon, but out loud. Great now everybody is gonna notice me, he thought to himself.
Orpheous threw his galley oar to him, and he made a grab for it.
While this whole thing was happening. Alexander and Bret stood up, branishing a sword and a staff. However, they, too, did not attack. Bou, also, prepared his sword of Zega Moon.
Level 3
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Class: Grunt//Dragoon
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Rugger was taken aback by the whole episode, the few drinks he consumed obviously not helping his ordeal. However the moment he hit the ground, the Dragoon sobered up and one again felt his anger reaching boiling tempatures. Then he saw what the the group was doing with the poor waitress. Something inside Rugger snapped and all he could see was black and white. He sees Orpheous, Alpha, Worru, and Darkin ready to attack and knows that these men made a terrible mistake to enter this tavern and cause trouble.
Rugger pulled out a wooden dagger that he had stored but was basically useless and flung it at the table where the instigators sat. The dagger landed square in the middle of the table. When the group looked over to wear the dagger was sent from Rugger smirked.
"Oh no, we still have some business gentlemen. I believe I" Rugger then looked over at Alpha and Darkin, and then even at Worru and Orpheous and nodded, "and these fine men have to teach you a lesson on manners, you never even said 'Excuse me' before"
With that Rugger took off his cloak and hood revealing a simple blue sleeveless tunic. His arms large from his days training outside of Hyrule but covered with scars from his adventures in the REF. He grabbed his sword and twirled it around before walking over to the group and kicking over their table, looking at them all Rugger again smirked and stood in attack position.
"Lets play!!"
Level 14
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Class: Vagabond Ranger
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TP: 2
Worru gripped his sword tighter, as he saw Rugger's actions. He now had respect for the man, one whom he had thought was just a blowhard. Well, we've got about, let's see...like nine warriors, against their...six people. Odds are with us, but I'm still for the chance of them pulling out a secret weapon...
Level 11
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Saber dragged his feet into the cafe slowly, his hair sandblasted and blown back from the trip across the desert, all to hunt down a cuccoo thief. He sat down on a chair, weary from his trip, not noticing the scene around him in his stupor. "I'll have a tall glass of Lon Lon, with some TekTite on a Bokobaba seed bun, maybe some--" He looked up and noticed the waitress didn't seem to be paying attention to him. He looked around and finally noticed the fighting going on. "Well now. This could prove interesting." he muttered as he stood up and unnattached his saber from his belt. He grabbed the hilt, but left it strapped into it's sheath--no use spilling blood in a cafe. The question now was who would he fight for?
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.
Sword DMG: 10
Spell DMG: 15
Zelda Veteran
Level 13
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Class: Vagabond//Ranger
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OOC: Wow! Lots of posts! And a beautiful post from a new member as well! I like you Sabertache! You seem to be a tad "experienced"
IC: The four men that were still seated at the table hopped over the table, and drew their weapons, all except for one of the Gorons, the one who had caused trouble with the waitress. He seemed to be the leader of the group, and he sat back as his men prepared to fight. "These men cannot fight. Crush them, and then tie them up good." The goron called from the table, leaning back. He was munching on a weed, and seemed overly confident in his men's abilities. Dogura stood up, and eyed the men. It was then that the action began!
One of the men dropped a smoke bomb, and then another. Before the smoke could reach the ceiling, one of the men was seen darting at Darkin from behind. It was then that the man was sent flying from out of the curtain of smoke. He skidded to a halt near one of the tables, and stood back up, but barely. The smoke cleared away from Darkin, as he had obviously casted a light spell. His eyes, glowing yellow with rage, he thrusted a fist at the man, releasing a light bomb that hit the man, and sent him flying through the window. During the confusion, two men shot out of the curtain of smoke, holding the employees, that they most likely planned to hold hostage. They stopped dead in their tracks in front of Alpha and Saber. Their exit was blocked, and so they headed straight for the broken window. While all of this was happening, the two remaining men assulted Worru and Orpheous, one which was a Goron wielding a large axe with a band tied just under the double sided blade. The other was the human who assulted with a longsword.
It was then that the leader, the goron, stood up, and grabbed something that was slung from his back. He drew a large mallet, and frowned. He seemed to be the only one with formidable skill by the way he was standing. A perfect stance that covered both offense, and defense if nessicary. He stood directly across from Rugger, as he held his mallet ready for battle. "I won't let you wankers take us out!" He rushed Rugger, the ground trembling with each hefty step he took. He raised his mallet, and brought it down...