The Yuletide Celebration

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Arrika Level 9
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Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2012 9:56 pm
"Right. Back to the ballroom, then."
So businesslike. But not cold, nor had he protested...

Arrika lingered for a moment at the moonlit garden, the string quartet, the women in their fine dresses. She had not been here long, but she would miss this.

Picking up her skirts, she caught up to Alpha and followed him to where the rest of the adventurers were gathering.


"Where is the little rat?" Rhyss was growing increasingly impatient, his gaze roving over the crowd hungrily for Netta.

An announcement was made for the adventurers to meet, and Rhyss picked out Arrika in her crimson dress with ease. He snorted. "Why would they bring a thief up there? Are they going to publicly arrest her?"

"Why don't you get your wolf to sniff her out?" Mirielle asked.

"A wolf? In a ballroom? On top of that, can you imagine how they'll panic when they realize it's actually a chimera?" Seth retorted mercilessly.

"Just a suggestion," Mirielle snapped. "I doubt you'll just spot her, Rhyss. Such a dreadful little slip of a girl."

"I'll find her," Seth said suddenly.


"She'll come to me," the thief insisted. "I just have to be alone." And with that, he darted away.

"What if he escapes again?" Mirielle asks Rhyss when Seth had gone.

"I've got Hiyagi patrolling the perimeter," Rhyss said dismissively, referring to the wolf, and the witch laughed darkly.
A Wedding
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PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:26 am
OC: I try to keep checking to make sure I reply, but as it turns out, for some odd reason, I'm not getting the emails to tell me there's a reply! All going to my spam box. Trying to fix it.

IC: Keychain pushed herself back on to her feet. She felt fairly light headed. And only from one glass of wine. She stumbled a few steps before colliding with someone. Not sure who it was, Keychain only mumbled a quick sorry and found her way back to the wall.

She rested her head on the wall, feeling her feverish intoxication start to diminish. With a sigh, Keychain smiled. Her eyes drifted closed. A content smile began to spread across her face. Then suddenly the announcement vibrated through the air and pierced through her skull. She groaned. "Don't the headaches come the day after?" she grumbled.

However, despite her woozy state, she couldn't help but to laugh. Keychain was leaning against the wall, inside the ballroom. Come on, were people really wandering? Then again, she lost track of where Arrika and Alpha went. So maybe people were drifting outside and into different areas. Probably to places that they didn't belong. Maybe just to get some fresh air. Oh man, she needed some fresh air.

Aqua was most likely having the time of her life.

Ignoring her upset stomach, her spinning head, and plain terrible state, Keychain bolted upwards. Where did Aqua go? She hasn't seen Aqua since she had danced with Kasei.

"Excuse me," she asked to the nearest person to her, "Do you know where a very tall woman with short brown hair, dark skin, very plain clothing is at all?" Seeing the baffled look on their face, Keychain just went to the next person. And then to the next person.

Her stomach began to knot up. Aqua had promised to stay by her side, to protect her! Aqua was her best friend, she wouldn't just disappear.

"Excuse me, excuse me, could you help me out?" she asked with hysteria in her voice. Pure fear was on her face.

She just hoped Aqua didn't get drunk and was passed out somewhere.
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Sabertache Level 11
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Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:32 am
If you accept, give that note to Fledge Writewing.
Saber took the envelope from Darkin's...wings...and turned it over delicately in front of his face, his eyes scanning the creases. He was tempted to open it up and read it, but he had two conscious objections against the impulse; the first being that the contents were fairly obvious, the second being a lack of literacy.

Joining a group? With a good cause? And led by people who functioned as what Saber assumed were friends?

How the hell was he going to get out of this?

Pulling the nomad card was an easy enough excuse. But who was he kidding, he was really a nomad in title more than nature and everybody around him knew that. He had a knack for getting sentimental, and a shift in his character would raise suspicion. How would he have responded to this years ago?

He would accept.

Damn it.

His brown eyes floated up to Darkin, meeting the Rito's for a few seconds. He used to idolize the mage. Well, didn't he still? He probably did. It would be strange to stop looking up to somebody you spent a considerable part of your life admiring. Though after Dogura disappeared, things got more complicated. He just didn't feel like sorting these things out anymore.

Oh, wait, they were expecting a response, weren't they? His jawline slid back as he swished his mouth around a bit, breaking the dry seal his lips had formed during Taint's speech.

Thankfully, he didn't have to say a word. Somehow, the frenetic spirit of the room had been channeled into a singular focus.

As he sidled through the packed room, his trained feet sidestepping through the flow of bodies with relative ease, he tried to collect his thoughts. Always thoughts.

His thumb rubbed the hilt of the wolf's head dagger vigorously. Making decisions was always so difficult.
"I have no demon, no aura, no secret Godlike ability, no invincibility, and I'm not an unstoppable swordsman. I suppose I'm a rarity in Hyrule; They sure make them differently here than where I come from."SABERTACHE--Updated yet again.



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Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:44 pm
He was freezing cold, and more tired than he had felt in years.

The horse galloped beneath him, their destination finally in sight after many days of riding through the frigid winds of winter. How long had it been since he had laid eyes on the North Castle? What had changed in the time that he was away? It was impossible to say, and a part of him looked forward to seeing such things...even though he knew his time would not be spent sightseeing, as it had been when first he'd come to the town as a child. 'The mission comes first.' It always came first.

Despite his exhaustion, he still perked up in surprise to see the drawbridge lowered, even this late at night. Not only that, but torches rested on either side of it, and a further path of them looked to lead all the way up to the castle itself. 'Wait, is this...' Right, he had seen this setup once or twice before: the annual Yuletide Ball must have been tonight.

'Hope the King doesn't mind me interrupting...'

* * *

The moment the clock struck 8:15, the King stepped forward, right to the edge of the stage prepared for this portion of the evening. Clothed in his finest royal robes, Harkinian II truly appeared a king in all meanings of the word -- from the kind confidence of the gaze he passed over the guests, to the strength portrayed in his steady stance, to the purple and golden tones of his clothing. He looked upon those gathered in the Golden Ballroom of Nayru that night, and smiled at them all, leaving none without a feeling of warmth, acceptance, and gratitude.

"This is but one of the legends of which the people speak."

His words echoed throughout the hall, the acoustics of the room such that all could hear.

"Long ago, the Triforce lay hidden within the Sacred Realm, sealed away by the great Sages of Hyrule. Through trickery and deceit, the thief king Ganondorf obtained the Triforce of Power for himself, and soon after Wisdom and Courage when the Hero of Time fell to his hands." He paused, letting the weight of the history lesson sink in -- it was a tale all had been told since birth, but his tone lacked the matter-of-fact attitude of the classroom. In its place existed a mournfulness that touched all present, resonating in their hearts. "But through the Hero's efforts, the reawakened Sages sealed Ganon away, until such a time that a new Hero could rise and end the Imprisoning War once and for all."

The king gazed out over his subjects, bringing a solemn expression and voice to bear. "We live, even now, in the aftermath of that world. Though Ganon was sealed, though the next Hero destroyed the beast and his Dark World, the scars of the beast exist all throughout the realm to this day. Perhaps they shall never heal; perhaps Hyrule shall be forever tainted by his touch. This is the truth, one which each and every one of you have faced in your lives."

* * *

He galloped through the streets, voice crying out to all in front of him to make way. Most heeded his call; those who did not soon found themselves leaping to the side as the horseback rider tore through the festival. Every now and then he heard people screaming at him for his recklessness, but he was always out of earshot before he could utter an apology. At least he hadn't hurt anyone.

The entrance to the castle itself was coming into view, otherwise he might have slowed his steed to a trot. As it was, he kept right on going, right through the gate and the guards surrounding it. That action knocked a few of them down...but he could only hope they would forgive him later.

He was nearly at the main entrance when he spotted a familiar face among the guards, one who was only now emerging from the castle in order to investigate the cries of the gatesmen. "Captain Collonius!" he called out, and just in case the man had not recognized his voice, he brushed back the hood of his winter cloak to reveal his face.

If he hadn't been so tired, he probably would have found Collonius' expression hilarious.

* * *

"Yet still we live."

The King's words were spoken with such force and conviction that, though many had lowered their heads in sadness at his prior concerns, now all found their eyes drawn up to His Majesty's, to the fire that dwelt within them. It was a blaze that threatened to burst out at a moment's notice, to spread to each and every man and woman in the room, and light the same flame in them as well. "The world is full of horrors, yet we have not faded as Ganon would have us. Look at a map of the known world, and you will see -- even with the Eastern Isle overtaken, even with the South still in the midst of war, even with Ancient Hyrule lost to Ganon's hordes, Hyrule lives on. Not only that, but it thrives! It succeeds against odds which even a god might find overwhelming. And do you know why?

"Because we do not give up." He glanced over the businessmen and women. "We see a challenge, and we band together to overcome it, rather than giving in to the base desires of greed, or laziness, or hatred." He turned his eyes to the Hylian Knights, those guarding him and those interspersed throughout the crowd. "And we never -- we never accept something as impossible." He looked down at the Adventurers gathered before him, an action the entire crowd joined him in as he motioned towards them.

"See here, standing before you all -- men and women who have no obligation to this land. No oath binds them to its protection; no chain of command exists to keep them here. Mere adventurers, they once were called, and rightly so. For who among them had reason to take up arms and defend our home, or to go off and fight alongside our greatest warriors? Who among you would have expected ordinary men and women to undertake tasks which even the Hero would have seen a challenge? Who among you would have expected them to survive?" Harkinian slowly hung his head, his next two words a whisper tinged with shame. "Not I."

Then his voice bellowed again, "Yet here they stand, renowned the nation over for their exploits, and rightly so! They have stepped forward, and seized destinies of which none would have thought they had any right to take part in."

With a motion of his hand, a curtain at the edge of the platform opened slightly, and from behind it stepped the Princess Royale of Hyrule, Zelda. A shimmering sapphire dress flowed behind her as she proceeded across the stage to her father's side, one with no straps or back, held up only by the golden shoulder armor she wore, and wearing only a simple necklace and crown for accessories -- yet none would have defined her as anything short of 'breathtaking'. In her gloved hands she held a jeweled cup of wine, which her father took from her with a smile, and she stepped back before receiving her own glass from one of the guards.

"These Adventurers stand before us now," Harkinian continued, "each of them a living testament to Hyrule's strength, will, and unity. We have weathered countless storms, and doubtless more exist on the horizon. But we shall weather them as well. And, together, we shall thrive again!" The entire crowd was caught up in his speech by now, and a chorus of exuberant cheers resounded through the hall to a deafening degree. Yet somehow, the King's final words rose above even that as he lifted his cup into the air. "Drink with me now, all who would stand against the darkness! For Hyrule, for the will and the strength of her people, and for the peace that every one of us will forever fight for!"

With that, King Harkinian II took a long sip of his cup, and the room went silent as all those present joined him. It was a silence all reveled in, for within it lay the silent determination of all who stood there: Yes. We pledge ourselves to forever fight for the peace of Hyrule.

And then the silence was shattered.

The uproar from just outside the ballroom arose in a sudden flurry of astonishment, dozens of voices from those meant to screen the visitors suddenly resounding in unison. Harkinian passed off his cup to one of his knights and, with deft hand motions, sent a number of guards out of the room to investigate the matter for himself -- and moments later, their own voices were added to the clamor.

"M-m-my lord!"

That was the herald, the same who had spent all evening announcing each guest as they arrived, and whose voice many had believed was just about finished for the next month. It made an admirable comeback now, as the man burst back into the room after seeing to the commotion for himself. Amidst the concerned and questioning mutterings of the crowd, his voice rose up above them all once more.

"A-a-a-a-" He took a breath and swallowed hard, just as the doors burst open once more to admit the exhausted rider. A brown cloak hung about his frame, but his face could be seen by all. It sent a sudden shock throughout the room, and even the King's mouth hung slightly ajar at the sight. The herald had plenty of time to compose himself once more, and to make his proclamation: "Announcing!


"Your Majesty," the Hero of Hyrule called out, "I must speak with you at once!"

That's right.

I went there.

Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:44 pm
OOC: How the hell am I even supposed to reply to that? Goddamn you!
RG Edit: :twisted:
Kasei Edit: I somehow missed the entire Paragraph to Princess is wrong with me.


The King is being nothing short of generous with his words, tonight... Kasei nodded his head as Harkinian spoke, eyes never leaving the King. True, there were many dangers he had faced since returning to Hyrule, many challenges he would not overcome.

He remembered his original mission; safeguarding the kingdom in secret. Kasei was to blend in with the people, become a mercenary, his past or goals known to no-one. But then events spiraled out of his control; Jormund Gobi reappeared in the land, the Hakiems tribe made their move, Sovelis - a man from another world - caused trouble, and Zaboorak, one of the Golden Ones, had turned on his comrades. The Seven Stars, the servants of the gods, had no choice but to act... choice... Indeed, The Rebel Flame - no, The Glimmering Shadow - would justify his actions with those words. If he and the others had not intervened, would the world be worse of, or better? Kasei did not know, nor did he care to; he liked the world the way it was...

He raised his head as the Princess appeared. Beautiful, radiant, elegant - she was a jewel, the sapphire at the center of the Kingdom. None in the room could take their eyes off of her. "All for your future, your highness..." He said, under his breath. There was nothing else to it; the entirety of his actions, everything he had done, was for the safety and future of the kingdom...of its' legend...
Kasei wheeled around, eyes wide. Had he heard that correctly? Impossible, there was no way. He eyed the man, the center of everyone's attention. He half-smiled for a moment, before a sudden realization came to mind; why would the Hero be here?

"This...this cannot be good."
Last edited by Kasei on Fri Dec 28, 2012 6:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:18 pm
Keychain stopped in her search. She listened to the King's words. They absorbed through her skin. The words were ones that didn't vibrate against her skull. Yes, she knew the story. Even when she was raised anywhere nearby, she still knew the story.

A smile spread across her lips. Oh yes, the world was still affected from the touch of Ganon. But they were willing to fight. Everyone in that very room. Even Keychain herself, even at that very moment she could feel the buzz of magic itching underneath her skin.

When princess Zelda stepped out, Keychain looked down at her very own dress. Compared to the princess, she felt like as if she was dressed like Aqua. She looked at Zelda with awe.

When the silence was broken, Keychain stood on edge. She glanced around, trying her best to figure out what in the world was going on. Everyone was in an uproar. And then she realized why.

Keychain's eyes grew wide as she heard the words. She heard them, but she couldn't believe. Link was there. The swell of people around her began to crowd. They all wanted to see the Hero. Keychain had never seen the Hero before. She tried her best to look, even jumping up and down to try and get a glimpse of his head. She hated the fact that she was so short.

A hand clamped on her shoulders. She peered at who it was. Aqua, sober and somber, was staring at the Hero. Or in the Hero's direction. She looked down at Keychain and smiled. Before Keychain knew it, Aqua lifted her up above everyone.

Keychain allowed a gasp to escape from her lips. The Hero! She stared with wonder at him before Aqua dropped her back down on her own feet.

"I bet now you wished that those heels in your closet weren't collecting dust," commented Aqua. "You are heavier than what you look, by the way."
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
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Sovelis Level 18
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Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 4:18 pm
OoC: Meh.... hhonestly, no idea what to type anymore. I'll try to put something here. eventually.
Worru Level 14
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Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 10:41 pm
Though it had taken some work to move the almost-frozen boy from his spot in one ballroom over to the other, the guards had placed him along with the other adventurers. He was mostly paralyzed, eyes wide as he stared off into space, even as an attendant squeezed a cup into his stiffened hand.

Personally, Worru was currently still reeling back from the fact that not only was he considered an adventurer worthy enough to be invited by the King, but he was considered worthy enough to stand along with the King himself as well as some of Worru's own personal heroes.

It had all been quite a lot for the boy to process, and it had rendered him mostly paralyzed as his mind, and heart, raced. His throat had gone dry, his knees had gone weak, and his stomach was so filled with butterflies that he was worried that if he opened his mouth, they'd fly out and ruin the entire mood.

At least, he felt that way until the Hero himself entered the ballroom, and he quickly snapped back into the real world, with such a jolt that he spilled some of his wine onto his sleeve. "Wh-what?" he asked, under his breath, as he glanced from Link, to the king, to the crowd, and to the faces of the other adventurers.

The night had just begun, and he was finally getting into the groove of things.

OOC: does anyone else want to start making normal topics elsewhere and just roleplay like normal, because writing for worru again has gotten me really eager for some regular ha2 roleplaying

send me a pm if you're interested, or get me over aim or skype or somethin'
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Orpheous(anew) Level 14
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Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 3:21 am
OOC: I have a long way to write to catch myself up. But I intend to do it. Bear with the post as I try to cover.

IC: Miles away, in the southern reaches of Papara, where the desert started to reach the mountain, there lay a fishing village. As one could imagine, they made their living not through the fishing industry, but through the shipping industry. While they themselves did not have the resources to sail the great-like sea, the village itself was a hive of activity in the busy season, and where there is sailors, there is way to make money off those sailors. Living expenses, port taxes, last minute food stuffs, boat repair, all of these were daily charges one could see in this village. The village's main food supply however, as is assumable, was fish. The name of the village was Ralrun. And it seemed that they were close to applying for a township.

In Ralrun's large inn, the Bobbing Line, there was a guest who wasn't a sailor, nor was he a local. This made him perpetually odd. Ralrun had seen it's fair share of traveler's, but it was rare to see one that stayed for as long as the guest at the Bobbing Line. However, the guest was kind. He helped the village with things, doing odd jobs here and there, and very seldom did he take the payment offered to him as compensation. Initially, the village was hostile to this drifter, this transient who thought he could come in and act like a local. But, before long, he'd won them over. Now it seemed he was getting tips and free foods left and right. And indeed it wasn't long before he was offered a room at the Bobbing Line, free of charge, if he helped served as a maintenance person. This job involved make sure that the old building didn't fall into dilapidation.

He often thought about paying passage to get a shipping vessel to take him out of Hyrule. But, whilst he lived here, it seemed that he had that opportunity whenever, so no need to rush the decision. It'd been a while since he thought about it. But he couldn't help wonder again of the possibility of traveling before he had fallen asleep. However, his sleep was soon troubled with uneasiness. He awoke, in a cold sweat in his dark room. Remembering that goddess-forsaken town with that goddess-forsaken mission. Ruto Town. Remembering that expedition out to that bloody Sheikahn Isle. Remembering those Sheikah. For some reason, the thought disturbed him now, when it hadn't bothered him in the last few months. Sure, he had thought about it since the isle, but it had been a long, long time. He looked across the room, to see his familiar beaked mask hanging on a rack. He hadn't worn it since around the time he came to stay in Ralrun, but he liked keeping it as a memento. Perhaps the time had come to don it again. He had received a letter to come to this ball-thing in North Castle. He had adamantly refused. He still did. But if he left now, perhaps he could still catch some of the other adventurers, seeing as how that appeared to be the point of the extra invitations this year, to get adventurers to attend, before they left North Castle. He had to.

He packed his travel things quickly. Perhaps he had planned on leaving before now. Or maybe he was more entranced with the possibility of sailing away than he realized. He grabbed his mask gently with his hand, not forgetting it as he walked out of the room. He had stayed in this village for months, he knew they wouldn't mind if he took a few days absence. He had gone to sleep early, and the inn was still bustling as he went downstairs. The bar/restaurant area was alive with the noise of sailors. He spoke to the innkeeper briefly, and the innkeeper gave his transient guest a nod. The man donned his mask and stepped out the door in one deft motion, to be expected of a thief. He wouldn't been in North Castle for a few more days, and the journey would be arduous, but Thealter was going back.


Meanwhile, in North Castle, Simon wasted no time enjoying the festivities. He drank lightly, talked often, danced fluently, and flirted when the opportunities approached. Just because he was already thinking about another girl, who wasn't currently present, didn't mean that he couldn't be nice to the young women of the court. Additionally, flirting with the right people opened up avenues of information, not necessarily state secrets, but Simon definitely had new insights into the on goings of the Royal Family, or at least their involvement with the state of Hyrule. Economic nuances, military movements, civil development insights, research into the sciences, all of this information Simon managed to get himself caught up on via flirting and, of course, small talk. The young man small talked to anybody who'd spare him the time. Of course, he kept a lookout for other adventurers, but saw very few and spoke to none.

Orpheous however, had better luck. He made it his goal to wonder around the party. He of course, saw it when an unfamiliar man (Zach) who definitely had an adventurer feel to his movements stepped into a sitting room for guests, where there was a fire cackling. He didn't fail to not, before the door closed, who was sitting next to the fire already. It was unmistakably the Tempest, Sovelis, but Orpheous couldn't believe his eyes. He continued to wander, and it didn't take long to see Kasei seated off to the side of a ballroom. As he continued his wanderings, he Saber, Taint, and that Rito he had often spotted years ago with Dogura, Darkin was it? Oh well, Orpheous wasn't going to greet anybody, not just yet.


A young man slicked back his smooth black hair as he stared into mirror. Two green eyes looked back at him. Two green eyes full of sharpness and purpose. They seemed warm, and friendly, even as he stared at himself. Behind those eyes lurked something else. Something not warm or friendly in the slightest. His physique was impeccable, and it was clear that he might have spent a large amount of time grooming to look as handsome and healthy as possible. He had a face that had won the trust of entire villages, had woe over countless women, had secured some of the most lucrative business deal in Hyrulean history. And yet, how many had he lied to with those well-kept lips, how many had he talked into doing horrible and unspeakable acts of evil? How many lives had that impeccable man ruined?

He drew his soft hands out of his pockets, practicing the charismatic had gestures one could throw into conversations to win over trust. Those slender fingers tapped against the legs of his pants and he lowered them, and he gave a soft laugh to the solitude. He himself had procured a sitting room in the palace, and had carefully jammed the door with a chair. Of course, with those pointed ears, he could hear anybody coming and could quickly move the chair should somebody wish to enter the room. After all, it would look suspicious if somebody stumbled upon a jammed door to what was supposed to be a public area at a party. Well, maybe not too suspicious. He didn't need the pointed ears though, it helped, but he would've heard it anyways. All his senses were keen.

As far as everybody at the party knew, his name was William Jamesworth. This wasn't too far of a stretch from the name had already called himself before he had taken on his cover five years ago. The young man who appeared to be in his mid-twenties "was" the son of Hylian tycoon Henry Jamesworth, a recluse who lived in Rauru Town. William Jamesworth had gone on an extended trip outside of Hyrule, but had "returned" back to his father five years ago. And life continued as normal at the Jamesworth home. William would go across Hyrule, doing business for his father, and his father would manage his wealth from the center of operations at his manner. Of course, seeing as what the Jamesworth's did for the economy, they were naturally invited to the events at North Castle annually. But this was William's first year attending. He was hoping he'd be able to see some of these adventurers. And he was looking forward to meeting the King. He smiled at himself in the mirror, or rather, smiled at the mirror. The smile was cool, collected, and calm. Again, a smile so warm and inviting that it was positively terrifying if one had known the history of the man calling himself William Jamesworth. He straightened his apparel, and he unjammed the door before stepping back outside and making his way back to the party. His stride was confident.


Miriam Winifred, or, as she preferred, just Winifred, had come to the ball-like event tonight on the arm of nobleman Naarus Bryte. The fact of the matter was that, despite their apparent closeness, she was merely a friend that he had talked into coming with him as his date to the festivities. After all, she was renown for her beauty, it would look impressive to have somebody of her physique accompanying one to an event like this. Naarus Bryte was therefore, one of the envied of the hour. He danced with Miriam, laughed with Miriam, partook in gala-stylized foods with Miriam. And she in turn enjoyed his company. It was relaxing for her. She could forget about those months of uneasiness, waiting for a letter, or any word from a particular someone. She could enjoy herself. And perhaps, now that the adventurers seemed to regather here, perhaps she could see the target of her thoughts again.

It happened around eight o'clock. A teenage boy entered the party, apparently doing his best not to draw attention on himself. She could practically hear the boy's heart race under that baggy embroidered raiment. She was currently seated, with Naarus by her side, and the two finally weren't surrounded by people trying to gawk at her. She gasped under her breath, "It's him." And the woman now calling herself Winifred, but whose name was actually Silvia, did her best to go unnoticed amongst the crowd. The last thing Worru should have to worry about was her at a place like this. As she was to understand, adventurers had came to the festivities. He would already have to deal with all the old faces. No need to add one more to the mix. Naarus seemed to understand that one of the new arrivals seemed to cause her a bit of confused feelings, and he squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. She smiled and turned to her partner for the evening. Better to forget the boy was there, they could talk at some other date in time.


By now, Simon was worn out, and exhausted. He hadn't realized how much strain and pressure this chit-chatting on a high society level was going to cause him. It went against all his humble upbringing, and it was tough to keep up with. He sighed, taking a seat in the ballroom. There, he met a gentleman, William. William had a soft air about him, and he was dressed like a nobleman, but a traveled nobleman. Simon couldn't help but wonder if this William was perhaps an adventurer himself. William assured him that he was no adventurer or hero, he was just the traveled son of Henry Jamesworth. They talked about traveling and the different places to see around Hyrule. He brought out Simon's inner adventurer, and Simon felt that he didn't have to necessarily be formal around William. This put Simon at ease. Simon even talked about his own village of Galfin for a bit before William stated that he had to meet somebody in Nayru's ballroom, the two were in Din's ballroom at the time. It was nearing eight. William commented that he had lost track of time. Simon in turn was understanding. As William left, Simon thought to himself, what a kind and well-mannered young man.

Orpheous found himself back in the Golden Ballroom of Nayru. Still, the clock was practically ready to chime eight. As he watched for people, his eyes found King Harkinian. Of course, he knew the King was present, and greeting people, but when Orpheous saw him in person, after all this time, he felt in awe. The King appeared to be well, and Orpheous saw in Harkinian's eyes the drive to lead Hyrule through these dark and uncertain times ahead. Then, he saw a man approach Harkinian. Two men actually. The first was a richly dressed noble who appeared in his forties. The other man, appeared to be his son of around twenty. The King greeted the father-figure as though he knew him, but like it had been a long time sense he'd seem him. The father gestured over to his son, who in turn smiled at the King who turned to him.

The son shook the King's hand, and in that moment, Orpheous could sense something was wrong. The son's expression was relaxed and confident, and his eyes were warm. And yet, Orpheous sensed an aura about him. Something that chilled his bones. Orpheous wanted to get up, to go over to the King and pull him away from this dark aura, and yet, the moment passed. The aura disappeared, and the King went off to greet other guests. The father and the son duo went off down a hallway to some other part of the palace open to the public.

Orpheous was tempted to follow. But then he heard something. At first he thought it was verbal, but within an instant, he knew it to be in his mind's ear. Telepathy.
"It's one of you guys, isn't it?"
Orpheous was at first baffled by this. This telepathy made no sense to him personally. Therefore, Orpheous deduced he was not the intended recipient of the telepathic message. There seemed to be hostility in it. Orpheous thought of those whom he knew could speak with telepathy, as Orpheous had thought, given the nature of the hostility, the message wasn't sent by a regular attendee, but by an adventurer, and a rather talented one at that. Telepathy sure wasn't easy, and this particular message was sent out to anybody who had the power to pick it up, it wasn't sent specifically to the mind of the intended target. This more than likely meant that the person using telepathy was inexperienced or a little rusty. A third option was also likely, that the original sender wanted others to hear and catch on. Then again, maybe others wouldn't hear. Nobody else seemed to react, even the adventurers Orpheous saw out of the corner of his eyes. Perhaps it was Orpheous' own mind, highly trained in the art of telepathy, that allowed the scribe to pick up the message where others could not.

Out of all the adventurers in his mental filing cabinet, there were a few who had telepathic abilities. So Orpheous at first had some trouble putting together who sent out the message. But then, Orpheous guessed it. Orpheous studied language and linguistics. He would never in a million years forget someone's speech patterns if he spent enough time around them. It sounded a little more direct that he was used to, but Orpheous was fairly certain the mental phrase was shot out by none-other-than Alpha. Then, he caught the tail end of the message.
"... I hate you."
Orpheous didn't peg Alpha to particularly liking anything, and, he guessed Alpha hated a lot of things. However, the intonation suggested a different idea to Orpheous, and that whatever his target was, it had managed to irk Alpha in a new way. All in all, the conversation put Orpheous' mind in a state of preparedness, but it was clear from the of the short telepathic bursts that nothing was directly to fear yet.

And yet it felt like the hairs on his neck were standing up. It definitely felt like something was going to happen here tonight. Orpheous just wasn't sure what. The clock struck eight. Orpheous was quickly approached by an attendant and given this message.
"You are one of the Adventurers, correct? Please, follow me. His Highness has provided you a place of honor for the toast."
Orpheous followed the attendant, and he stood in front of the stage, not before checked by guards to insure that he was indeed, an Adventurer. Well, they could tell by his scruffy appearance that he was, they just needed to check which one he was. Simon scurried into the room, and was sheperded into the place of honor as well. The guards needed to check who Simon was, but mainly because he didn't actually look like an adventurer. Initially, he was placed a few feet from Orpheous, but he quickly scooted over to his master's side, as the two awaited the the toast to begin. Orpheous smiled at Simon, but his eyes told the apprentice to be on the look out for danger of some kind. The two were handed glasses of wine.

Then the King spoke. Orpheous thought himself good with words. Orpheous knew that his own voice was, for the most part, unrivaled in beauty. And yet, as the King spoke, delivering his heart to the masses in Nayru's Ballroom, Orpheous felt shame for himself as a scribe and speaker. Even as Orpheous heard the King use the rhetorical devices that leader's used, the promises, the talk of overcoming and thriving, it all felt real and genuine to the Wordmancer. And that's saying a lot, seeing as how in his homeland, people spoke empty words all the time. It took a lot to root out somebody who was just talking big and somebody who meant what they said, especially if they were a pro-big-talker. And yet, as a politician and a king, Harkinian seemed to be honest and forthright. This alone was enough to win over Oprheous. The beautiful language was, however, appreciated as he gave his speech.

Orpheous couldn't help but soak in the King's words. When his daughter was unveiled, for lack of better words, Orpheous could only stare at amazement at Princess Zelda. As the King's only child, according to Orpheous' understanding, this would likely mean that she would one day inherit this country weathering all these terrible storms. And yet, Princess Zelda, standing there, seemed just as capable as her father. The Royal Family never ceased to amaze.

The King finished his speech, and both Simon and Orpheous drank to the toast, as did the others in the room. To Orpheous, it felt like he was recommitting his dedication to Hyrule and adventuring, Simon felt similarly. Orpheous, and probably Simon too, felt like clapping after that greet speech, but they realized such things weren't exactly appropriate in this kind of event. But some other commotion broke out.

It was coming from the screening area, in other words the courtyard of the West Entrance. Orpheous prepared himself for the worst, but that didn't seem to come. The King sent guards, and, of course, their voices joined in the clamor. Yet no fighting could be heard. The herald entered, and it seemed like he was about to say something. Then, right as the herald was preparing to announce, the figure entered Nayru's Golden Ballroom. With apparently common brown cloak, only the young hero's face gave away his identity. The face that could be seen in artwork, both paintings and sculptures and sketches, everywhere in Hyrule. The Link that had single-handedly retrieved the Triforce of Courage. The Link that had gone into Death Mountain and fought Ganon and his hordes. The Hero of the age.
"Announcing! SIR LINK, THE HERO!"
Simon's jaw had dropped fully, while Orpheous muttered under his breath. "Could it be?" Indeed, it seemed so. Then, Link spoke. The Hero, who looked rather exhausted and, after some deduction, Orpheous pieced together, who had been riding on a steed at rapid speed, as though in a hurry, needed to speak to the King. Immediately. Orpheous gazed at the Hero, eager to know just exactly what it was that Link knew. What was so urgent?

OOC: Wow, that was a long post. If you read it all, thank you for sticking with it. Also, this topic. It's outstanding. Every post is so marvelous to read, so much texture and sweet written goodness. And now, with the appearance of Link and that speech before hand. Well, needless to say, the retconning that has now happened seeing as how HA2 is now following the official Nintendo timeline of Legend of Zelda. But, wow, that last RG post. Phenomenal.
Orpheous' Stats
STR-3; DEF(rating)-18; AGI-3; INT-5; SPI-3; SPL-42; HP-53

Orpheous' DMG
Deku Staff-12; Deku Boomerang-8(+1 chance to hit); Bomb-9; Magic-21

Orpheous - profile

Manning a defense - ongonig topic in my storyline

The Third Battle:Skirmish in the Highlands - ongoing war topic

Gossip Isle Expedition - ongoing piece of ZV's story

Into the Deep - ongoing Crusade topic
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Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 4:20 pm
The speech was downright awe-inspiring. The crew felt their spirits rising as the King spoke. The roar of the crowd around them, the feeling of empowerment through his words. Katsuro had never heard the King speak before, and his hair was standing on end.

"Wh-what power!" Katsuro called out.
Taint smiled at the boy, and rested a hand on his head, "That's why he's the King!"

By the end of the speech, everyone's spirits were soaring. Dogura, who was standing next to the King felt empowered. He looked upon the people below them, and all of their eyes were bursting with vitality.

For the first time, the samurai felt like Ganon was fighting a battle he couldn't win. Perhaps it was the King's words- or perhaps it was what happened next.

"Announcing: SIR LINK, THE HERO!"

Everyone look on in awe.

Dogura couldn't believe what he was seeing. This... This is game-changing.
He felt... frightened. As powerful as he was, Link held a piece of the triforce. The samurai knew that somehow, Link always found a way through. To fight against him would be stupidity. Not bravery- not courage- but stupidity.

Taint, Katsuro, Darkin, and Lilly all huddled together in witness of the hero's return. Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable. No words were uttered. They all knew what one another was thinking. Nothing needed be said. They could all feel it.

Lilly analyzed the man's aura from across the room. She lifted her hands to her face, which had gone numb from the hero's spirit.

"His spirit... It's... so warm..."
"Your Majesty, I must speak with you at once!"
The mood in the room shifted. Lilly looked to her husband, who had a concerned look on his face. "Taint?" She muttered.

The Zora looked down at her, then back to the hero. "Lilly... This might not be good news."
"He looks..." Katsuro began, "...concerned." He finished, finally finding the right word. Darkin nodded, "Indeed. We should too, be concerned, if the hero himself is such." Darkin's feathers were shuddering. "This isn't good."
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 7:00 pm
'Quite the compliments he's giving us,' Alpha thought to himself as the King spoke, unable to keep the small smirk from his face. It was true, everything that he said, but he spun it in such a way that the normally dark truths were transformed into a joyful and hope-inspiring string of words. 'Takes a very wise man to do something like that.'

Alpha raised his glass along with the rest of the crowd, and drank from it alongside His Majesty, only to be interrupted as by the commotion and the...rather shocking turn of events that followed.
"Announcing! SIR LINK, THE HERO!"
He nearly spit out all that wine he had just drunk, so amazed was he -- the Hero? HERE? For once, his height -- six feet even, which usually just made him stand out in a crowd -- played to his advantage, as he was able to see past most of the crowd and spy the legendary green cap that all in the kingdom -- no, the world -- could use to identify the Hero. Yes, if he had had any doubts about the herald's announcement, this sight put them to rest. The Hero was here... Incredible...

Probably a bad thing, but incredible nonetheless.

* * *

No probably about it. This was bad. VERY BAD.

Kyune's blood all but drained from her face when the announcement was made, and Serul soon felt her eyes on him, looking for confirmation. He nodded a single time, for once feeling all joviality and mirth banished from his mind. In a second, everything changed, and the sight of such unfathomable danger sent his mind down a very different path from what he was accustomed.

He actually became serious.


Here... The man's telepathic voice was hollow, as if he could barely form a cognitive thought. No surprise there, given the fear that could be seen on his face when Serul glanced in his direction. W-what do we do?

Retreat, the Zora wasted no time in saying. Kyune, inform Lord Ganon of the situation. Request permission for immediate withdrawal. Ulfer, I'll work my way over to you two. Once we have approval, we're gone. Understood?

A trio of confirmations followed, and Kyune swiftly left his side. He had to admire her for the direction she chose -- not fleeing to a far-off corner of the room, but instead moving with the crowd as it surged towards the Hero. Caught up in that crowd of bodies, even if Ganon's malevolent aura bled through the telepathic transmissions no one would be able to identify where it had originated from -- or, at least, not before he managed to get to Kyune and get her out of here too. And with many people also trying to get closer to and a better look at the Hero, her movements would not stand out in the slightest.

His motion, on the other hand, might, because he turned and moved in the opposite direction, towards Ulfer and their Rito teammate. It took a minute or two, seeing as how people kept trying to push him back the other way, but eventually he arrived. A moment was taken to confirm the two were alright and unsuspected as of yet, then a sudden thought struck him. He glanced back towards the stage where the King stood over to one of the knights.

Shadowclaw. Suggest immediate withdra--

W-we're staying.


Lord Ganon says the Hero's presence is...negligible. He could tell she was gulping after that one. The mission is too important; we're to stay here until it is complete.

We don't even know who our target is!

Then you had best figure it out, Serul Tarduck.

He froze, saw the other three do so as well. His connection with Dogura was still open; the samurai might have heard everything so far, but he couldn't determine Shadowclaw's expression from here. If it was anything other than vein-freezing shock, however, Dogura was failing to understand the seriousness of the situation. The Assassins had long been ordered to never engage against agents of the Goddesses -- even the White Wing Order was off limits to them, and Serul had no doubt he could have slain them with...well, not with ease, but without much difficulty. To even be in the vicinity of the Hero was a taboo that sent his blood to red ice.

Nevertheless... A-as you command, Lord Ganon.

Their master's only response was a mental, single-second vision in Serul's mind's eye. He saw Lord Ganon sitting on his throne, gazing at him with an irate expression. There was no mistaking the look in his eyes -- it was one that had never been given to him, but he'd seen it handed out to millions of other servants to the Dark Beast's will. Failure will not be tolerated, it said.

And for the first time in a long time, Serul Tarduck actually felt fear.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
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Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:11 pm
Before the samurai could forge another thought, a telepathic link was made with him. He immediately recognized the frequency. Javelin. His eyes widened as he received the message.

Shadowclaw. Suggest immediate withdra--

W-we're staying.

Someone had cut him off. He recognized the voice, which confirmed his earlier suspicion that Javelin wasn't alone. It also confirmed that the Zora had managed to locate him. His blood chilled when he realized that there was no hiding from Javelin. The very idea that he was exposed like a raw nerve to the monster was a terrifying tribulation. He didn't know why he was fearful of Javelin until now. The samurai could likely crush him if he so chose- but the realization of the samurai that he was never truly hidden was a world-shattering epiphany.


Lord Ganon says the Hero's presence is...negligible. The mission is too important; we're to stay here until it is complete.

We don't even know who our target is!

They'd left the telepathic link open. From just one slip-up, the samurai deduced a novel's worth of information.

So this is a mission. Ganon is definitely overseeing this. It made the situation that much worse. This mission was also supposedly of great importance. Whatever they were here to accomplish, it would have to turn the tide significantly for Ganon to call the presence of the Hero 'negligible'. Not only that, but by the word 'target', it solidified the idea that they were here to kill someone. Someone who was unmistakably important, to be sure. The deductions didn't end there. Also from the words 'target' and 'mission', he was able to put together exactly the reasons why he wasn't being included in this.

These were Ganon's assassins. The samurai never had a role to play in a mission like this. He was a reaper after all. This situation suddenly got delicious.

Then you had best figure it out, Serul Tarduck.

Dogura smiled down at the Zora, and then he waved back, mimicking Javelin's fanfare wave from earlier.

A-as you command, Lord Ganon.

Sounds like you've got work to do, Serul Tarduck.

He communicated back, using the Zora's name, information that had first been withheld from him. With the Hero here, he had much less to worry about. He'd still be watching Serul and Hauntress. At this point however, he had help. Link would be by Harkinian and Zelda's side. The samurai could protect others whom he felt were important enough people to be assassinated. For now however, he would simply observe from the stage.

OOC: Didn't have time to proofread this. I gotta hit the shower, and head to work. I'll be watching this topic from my phone. :wink:
STR-4; DEF-18; AGI-6; INT-9; SPI-3; HP-83; SPL-27; WILL-9
Dogura Shadowclaw (Profile)
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PureInnocence Level 6
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Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:35 pm
OC: I just have to say, I will miss you guys when college starts back up again! Being an art student keeps me up during the darkest hours of the night.

IC: Keychain peered around the place. She couldn't help to think there was something important that was going to happen. With a simple pat on Aqua's shoulder's, Keychain was placed back down on the ground. The air was suddenly becoming heavy and dark.

"Aqua, do you think that there are people here that we shouldn't trust?" questioned Keychain, peering up at her tall friend.

"There always are," Aqua remarked. "Don't worry, though, if a fight breaks out, I do have your staff."

"You. . . where the hell did you fit that?"

Aqua gave a simple pat to her leg. "I strapped it in. Don't worry, I won't allow you to lose your favorite weapon."

Keychain didn't say a word. Instead she peered around the place. She took a simple step forward-towards the Hero. Aqua grabbed her arm roughly, as if she knew what was churning in her head. "Remember when that one person tried to approach an Elder? They pretty much had their hand cut off. I don't know how sweet the Hero is, but I don't think he would like it if you approached him."

Slowly, Keychain nodded her head. Instead she looked around, trying to find a friend of hers to communicate with, to get more of an understanding of why the Hero was there. But from everyone looking far more baffled than her, she would have guessed that they too didn't know why Link was there.

But she needed to talk to someone!
"There is a world between us as we stand apart, but together we unite something stronger. Bravery and ignorance go hand in hand, as well as the friend standing next to you."Keychain
Level 3 Scholar:
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Kasei Level 18
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Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 6:55 pm
"If there was ever a time to be terrified, this would be it."

A smile came to the boy's face; he stood at the edge of the light, in the very corner of the room. He had always been there, watching the party through his green eyes. At his side, a flicker of movement heralded the appearance of five others: Anna, Alfiey, Gor Gigan, Xanatos, and Silva, the Seven Stars had assembled. Their sudden appearance went unnoticed by anyone in the room; they had been there the entire time, after all, even if the guests never knew.

"This is certainly an unexpected turn of events." Xanatos, the Hylian, said, rubbing his hands together. "...But it doesn't necessarily mean something bad has happened. You were impatient to call us out; things seem to be well under control."

At this, the Zora, Anna, spoke up. "He hasn't been heard from for the longest time, now. For him to be here, in such a panic, can only mean bad news. Or what, do you expect him to be so upset because of something minor? Perhaps there is a discolored tree out front that ails him."

The boy raised his hand. "All of you, calm down. We're not here to speculate. That's his job." He sneered, motioning towards Kasei. "No, we're here to make sure nothing goes wrong. At the first sign of trouble, move out." He commanded, with his eerie smile back on his face.

"This is going to much fun."

immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
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Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:05 pm
It took several moments for King Harkinian to recover from the shock of seeing Link -- but when he did, he threw his arms into the air and smiled wide. "Our great Hero! How good to see you again!" Without another word he hopped down from the stage and moved through the crowd, its members begrudgingly parting before him as he pushed his way to the boy.

He at last arrived at the entrance to find Link already down on one knee, head knelt. "Your Highness, I--"

"Oh, get up, boy! No need to dirty yourself on these floors." When Link looked up in surprise, obviously unused to the lack of decorum -- by Nayru, what was Queen Seline forcing him to do back in Calatia? -- Harkinian reached down and pulled him to his feet, before placing a hand on his shoulder. "How long has it been, my boy? Three, four years? About time you came for a visit!"

Link was still trying to cope with the informalities, it seemed. "I-uh-well-that is-" He stopped for a second, took a breath and shook his head to clear it. "Your Highness, I need to speak with you at once."

"All in good time, lad. Come, come, you look like you could use a rest first." Harkinian wrapped an arm around Link's shoulder and began pushing back through the crowd again, leading Link towards the exit in the back, which led to the rest of the castle. "No doubt it was a long ride from the battlefields of Calatia, and I look forward to hearing how that effort goes, but there is plenty of time for a serious conversation on the morrow."

Finally, Link seemed to catch on. "Y-yes, Your Highness, I suppose I could use a rest."

"Say nothing more! Your old room is still waiting for you, as always." He nodded to a few of the guards who had been on stage with him, and they moved to join the king and Hero as they passed through the find Zelda already on the other side, smiling wide at her Hero. The last thing the rest of the crowd heard before King, Hero, and Princess left the room was his bellowing laughter at the pair's blushing face.

* * *

Darkness. Pure, all-encompassing darkness. It was here that he created his greatest plans, here that he oversaw the most important missions, here that he could allow his true power to flow forth from behind the dam of 'Existence'.

Mortal beings, be they of the living world or rotting corpses whose souls wandered his hellish kingdom, could never comprehend his true nature or design. They knew him solely as 'Ganon'; once he had been called the Dark Lord, a King of Darkness... Now, he was known throughout Hyrule as a being felled by a twelve year old brat. True, said brat was divinely blessed, but it was fortunate for them to refer to him even as 'Prince of Darkness' in this age. Part of him hated them for the demotion; part of him pitied them for thinking him worthy of it.

Before him and his seat, in this dimension that only the greatest of gods and demons had access to, sat the chessboard-like platform on which he could view his plans as they came to fruition. Tonight's series of missions was becoming more and more convoluted as time passed; no doubt a deity or two had taken note of his recent activity and was moving to intervene.

A toothy smirk formed on his face. They would not see through his designs tonight.

He lifted his finger away from the figurine of a Zora, one just to the side of center stage. With that loss of physical contact came the loss of his telepathic link to Javelin, as he sat back to consider the Assassin's reluctance. It was completely understandable, of course; the Hero was a force to be feared. Javelin did well to recognize that fact. But to express his disagreement by purposefully leaving the connection to Shadowclaw open, exposing the mission to the samurai...

After a moment, Ganon deemed it not worth punishing Javelin for. If things went badly, Shadowclaw could be activated to aid the Assassins; him knowing even these scant details would prove beneficial at such time. Almost humorous, really, his actions thus far -- the samurai, like the deities moving to intercept him, was too focused on the Royal Family and its guests. Too focused on the knights, the kings, the queens of the game.

None realized what a mere pawn could do...

* * *

It had taken him two hours to finally sneak away from the party unnoticed. Two long, dreary hours where his orders echoed through his head even as his date chatted or danced with him or as decorum dictated he do with others. Now all that echoed was his footsteps through the emptied halls, and he thanked his dark master for the courtesy. His briefing had contained the locations of all knights stationed between the party and his destination; thus far, however, none had been there. Whether at the party toasting with the king, or rushing off to investigate some rumor about the Hero suddenly showing up...things were going easily. Too easily.

Contrary to the laypeople's wisdom, in his experience 'too easy' was a sign of imminent success rather than imminent danger.

He crossed through another corridor, stopping at its end to peek around the corner in search of another guard post; they too were gone, meaning that the last of his obstacles had been overcome. By the Hero, no less, if things were to be believed. Surely Ganon was watching somewhere, reveling in the irony of the situation.

A few steps later, and he at last stood at the door. Even he, a man who'd never used magic in his life, could sense the pulse of power from the many seals cast over this place. Normally he could never had even opened the door, much less stepped inside without raising a hundred alarms...

But then, normally he didn't have a special wand granted him by Ganon... One wave, and the magic seals collapsed before him.

Of course, he, a man who had never used magic in his life, did not sense the dark aura that such an item released...

* * *

Artorius's head snapped in the direction of the castle's inner chambers as a dark wave washed over him. He quickly glanced around, seeing few of the soldiers still in the room; most had either returned to their posts or gone after the Hero. 'Whatever that was, we need something more...'

...But of course.

It took only a moment to walk over to where the Adventurers had been gathered together, and to look into their eyes. Doubtless many of them had also sensed the dark aura; few, however, knew the layout of the castle as well as he, so they likely did not realize its origin point.

"My good Adventurers," he said with a smile -- though he did not hide the worry in his eyes, "I wonder if you might come and help me out with a matter." Without even looking for a response, he turned and walked over towards the small exit the King had used, pausing only to tell the guards beside to allow the Adventurers to pass.

Objective: Follow Sage Artorius

* * *

They sat at a table in Link's room, guards all ordered to wait outside with the Princess while the King and the Hero conversed privately. Zelda seemed a bit annoyed by the arrangement, but even she had no need to hear these things. "How bad is it, then?"

Link said nothing for a moment, collecting his thoughts and choosing his words. Then, "We received your message two weeks back. I was dispatched the same day to give the reply."

"...Is it as we feared?"

The boy nodded. "Of the three caravans you sent to us in the last six months, none have arrived. I rode back along the route they used; there was no sign of wreckage, but I did see small traces of battle." He narrowed his eyes. "If it was the army of Valaryn, they would have used such a position for a sneak attack, to catch us off guard from behind. Stopping a few small caravans won't win them the war. There has to be another force at work here."

"And the messenger made it without difficulty?"

"He reported a smooth journey, and I can report the same."

"I see..." The King trailed off in thought, playing with one of the rings on his hand. That alone had troublesome connotations, which he would reflect on later. For now... "So, a hidden third party. Perhaps one that wishes for Calatia to fall to Valaryn... No..." He shook his head. "Were that the case they would have also attacked your armies from behind. In that case...a third party seeking for Calatia to neither gain or lose ground."

"Someone who wants to prolong the conflict." Link nodded. "Queen Seline shares your thoughts. And we all know one candidate for that..."

Harkinian leaned back and nodded briefly, not feeling any need to say the name. Ganon. As long as Calatia remained at war, everyone had always believed the Hero would remain absent from Hyrule, allowing the Dark Beast, or at least his remaining forces, a chance to gain an upper hand over Hyrule once more. Link's presence now was likely temporary, and it was his first visit in years; thus far, the belief was well founded. But one thing made him hesitate... "Seline did not select you to deliver this message solely because of our prime suspect..."

Link paused, and slowly nodded. "There was one other matter. It happened over a month ago, but Her Highness wanted to be absolutely certain of what had happened before alerting you. Though, with all the seals placed over that box, there was always only one possibilit--" He cut off.

Harkinian felt it as well -- a dark aura steaming up through the castle from one of the lowest portions of the castle. Link was already grabbing his sword and shield by the time the King rose from his seat...

OOC: Apologies for the length. Had a lot of stuff to say this time... ^^;
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