Level 14
Joined: Experience: 2362
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 4043
TP: 1
Approaching the gates to the Castle Courtyard, you spot a single, caped figure glancing into the courtyard. His cape is black, his shirt is black, and his pants are black. But his hood is down, allowing his gray hair to move slightly in the breeze as his eyes look inside. But not everything is in dark colors . . . no indeed. In his right hand he holds a sword that gleams in the moonlight. The hilt itself is golden and holds several jewels, but this blade is not meant for decoration.
No, at this point in time, it shall be put to very good use. General Noval, of the Hylian Knights as well as the Royal Elite Remnant, hazards one last look inside the gates to the courtyard. "Four of them . . ." he says softly, in a tone that is in no way lacking angry annoyance.
Before you can reach him, you spot a female Sheikah dash to his side. Shada whispers into the man's ear of what Alpha has concluded, and he reels back in shock. "King Harkinian? A Golden One?" he whispers in surprise. "Well, we've got our hands full getting to him. Look in there: there are many Hakiems, but there's also something I wasn't anticipating: Moreks."
Shada glances inside, and cringes at the sight of the mutated canines that stand there, with black goo oozing from within them. "We don't know how to beat those creatures," she says softly.
Noval shakes his head. "Nor do I. Well, we could -" Suddenly he senses someone behind him, and turns back to face you. His features relax as he sees you aren't a Hakiem, and he waves for you to join the two of them if you wish.
OOC: Alright, welcome to Part 8! Anyone is welcome to join up with this group; however, I do have one requirement: you must put effort into your posts. I have asked RG to delete any posts that consist of horrendous grammar, spam, one liners, etc., and he did do so for Part 7. Don't think he won't do it again.
Oh, and credit for the title goes to ZV.
Last edited by Alpha on Mon Jan 07, 2008 12:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Zelda Veteran
Level 13
Joined: Experience: 2018
Class: Vagabond//Ranger
: 1626
TP: 0
Birds escape from where they were perched. Rain clouds seem to hang over head, as a figure makes his way over to the group. The ground seems to tremble with each step. Not that the samurai is heavy, but he's in a dangerous state. He looked like one of those people you would try to avoid. A symphony seemed to play in the heads of on lookers, as the Vagabond drew near. He stopped between Shada and Noval, not batting an eye. "So... Moreks huh?..." Dogura asked, staring at the castle. He had obviously heard them talking while he was approaching.
A crisp wind blew past Dogura, as he turned and stared Noval in the eye. "I have some un-released rage. When will we begin the liberation? I itch for a battle." Dogura almost felt the urge to leap into battle right that moment. But he decided it wise to follow orders. Thinking about all he had been through did everything but quench his thirst for battle. Normally, Dogura would be a solitary being, not existing for battle. But something that crept within the confines of his soul needed blood to be supressed. Dogura was potentially dangerous to anyone around him when in this state. "Describe the situation to me as best you can."
Level 14
Joined: Experience: 2362
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 4043
TP: 1
Noval gives Dogura a second look after the blood-thirsty man finishes speaking, breaking eye contact in the process. Something is lurking within him . . . and it doesn't seem pretty.
Well, at least there's a horde of Hakiems for him to take out his rage on. "Within, I spot about fifteen Hakiems, mostly just blue scarfs, but there's at least two blacks within there as well." So, a lot of Hakiems L3, but at least two L2. "They're scattered all over the place - wouldn't normally be too big of a deal, even if the odds are against us. But we can't simply charge inside. Moreks are invincible - at least, we've never managed to figure out how to negate that impenetrable ooze of theirs." He glances back behind them. "But perhaps we won't have to. Are any others coming?"
Shada nods. "Keyru ran off, saying he was going to get some help. We should definitely wait for him to get here with whatever reinforcements he's bringing."
Noval nods in agreement. "Alright, we'll wait until he arrives. Then we'll move in."
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1397
Class: Grunt/Vassal
: 233
TP: 4
OOC: I hope I didn't make up my deaf dog with that shreik  !
IC: Nogare trembled away from the scene, and over to where they were. "General!" he exclaims. "Where were you? They've broken through..." Bandages were across his bare chest, as well as around his arms, around his feet, and across his face, which seem to have no purpose, because new blood is spattered over them. When he noticed the gaze upon them, he shrugged. "Don't mind me. This is from last week's battle in Parapa. I wasn't able to get my chainmail on in time. But this is not my blood..." he looked back. He stared towards the enemies, and drew a shaking breath. "It is more our own allies blood than the enemies'; I had a hard enough time defending myself as it was." He stumbled forward, expecting the support of Belegcam. His face was grim. "Have you ever lost an arm or leg? A friend? Your family? I long for something much like all of those..."
Quickly realizing that Belegcam was of none of their concern for the moment, so he changed the subject with a chuckle. "I've got some fight in me left." The humor became serious very quickly. "What orders. We need to recruit more men... they are too strong. I can handle them for a time, but I cannot defend alone the whole keep."
OOC: Alpha, say Noval and Nogare know one another. Why wouldn't they? The soldiers and the general should know one another well, shouldn't they?
Dream Illusionist
Level 6
Joined: Experience: 376
Class: Scholar // Mage
: 357
TP: 1
The moon up there looks so calm and relaxing today. - Tayro thought as he casually walked on the wide and welcoming streets of North Castle Town. It was rather funny how this city functioned so differently during the day and the night. During the day, it wasn't one of the boy's favorite hangouts. Many distinct people with diferent goals and tasks walked around the streets, providing little space for one to traverse carelessly. Silence was also something unprovided, the sound coming from the various people conversing or the merchants yelling their products to the masses. All in all, it was not a very welcoming place for one who desires to relax and be on their own. During the night, however, it was hard to see someone around, besides from the occasional Castle Guard who would not very politely tell him to go home, and that a kid his age shouldn't be walking around alone at night - something he just hated. Besides, at night, it was somewhere perfect to be with the civilization, and at the same time in a calm place where one could enjoy the view - it being provided from the different buildings that somehow match together quite nicely, or the beautiful moonlit sky with many star patterns watching over the residents. The only sound came from the occasional cricket, or some drunken customers of the local bar. The flames residing in oil lanterns attached to the various buildings in the town swirled in excitement, lighting up the path to North Castle - the place in which the mage apprentice should have been in quite some while... but at the same time a place where he didn't want to go.
As soon as he left Damera - or Gorodo -'s antiques shop, the Hylian had but one target in mind: food. It had been quite some hours since the last time the teenager had actually something to eat, seeing he had rejected the kind offer of the delicacies in the Royal Elite Remnants' headquarters. Now, he was getting the full effects from his previous choice, and let's just say it wasn't a nice pictures. Seeing he couldn't remain with so much hunger, the boy quickly started scanning the streets for an open Inn or restaurant to get something on his stomach to quiet him down. He had learned that people could stay a live wiythout eating anything for a whole week, though that feat seemed impossible to him right now - he was famished, and nothing comparable to a day had passed. Finding soething open, he quickly darted in. Having reached his goal, the boy relaxed a bit, and took his own while as he ate something marvelous. The taste was absolutely divine, the texture was just perfect. Tayro believed it was the finest dish he had ever had the pleasure of eating... and at the same time, that reminded him of how the Royal Family proably ate even grander dishes than these, and for free, too. His hatred enlarged. Leaving the restaurant - with an almost empty wallet, by the way - he still didn't go to the castle yet, first deciding in taking a casual stroll around the town. The town at night was far more welcoming than at day, and he took his own time in seeing the different buildigngs and seeing (closed) shops and their merchandise. There was a particular staff that interested him much, that was similar to a steel rod but with a red orb on top. Of course, when he looked to the price, he quickly forgot about that idea - it costed more than anything he had seen before. Taking a look at the description, he also found out that it didn't work so well as a weapon, and was in fact something only to exhibit.
Only quite some time later did he get himself on the road towards the castle, and not without some reluctancy. He was not too keen on the idea of going to help the Royal Family, the same ones who were ready to send their people to the war as they sit back and relax. To him, they were asking for it, and it wouldn't do them any bad to actually fight for their lives... but there were various factors that led him to actually go there. As a first, his friends would probably go and check out the Hakiem-infested Castle, thus putting them all in a rather dangerous situation. Second, he would also have the pleasure to show those Hakiems a lesson, after all that they have put him through before... a very enticing idea. Number three, he might find his friend Coby around there somewhere, and, even if they were on opposing sides, he didn't see a reason not to find him and have a chat... and find out if he really had been brainwashed. Last, but not least, it would be a way to find out if they are really connected with the fake Wraith. Tayro sighed and looked up to the sky. The moon up there looks so calm and relaxing today. - he thought, as he continued on his path to the castle.
As he approached the gates, the Hylian teenager could already feel the tense atmosphere around him. The man was indeed right - something was definitly not right here. Four figures stood out in the area, and none of them wore the Hakiems Tribe's usual clothing. With care, the boy approached them, finding out as he got nearer that they were his companions, yet he was one of the first people who had been in the informant's place to actually arrive. As he got there, he could count General Noval, Shada, Dogura - who had an eerie atmosphere around him - and Nogare. "Hey there." - he told them, not speaking too loudly as to warn anyone of their presence. As the mage apprentice looked casually at the other side of the gates, he spotted something rather... undesirable, and that gave him the desire of bringing all that he had eaten at dinner outside again. He quickly looked towards his companions, and tried not to glance at the mutated canines.

STR: 1 // DEF: 12 // AGI: 3 // INT: 9 // SPI: 3 // HP: 53 // SPL: 41
Tayro Wind
Last edited in 06-10-11
Currently revamping
Zelda Veteran
Level 13
Joined: Experience: 2018
Class: Vagabond//Ranger
: 1626
TP: 0
OOC: Thanks for emphasizing the eeire wind about Dogura guys, It will be good later.
IC: As he watched Nogare and Dream Illusionist arrive, he nodded to them in a sort of silent greeting. He turned and stared at the Moreks for a long time. They cannot be impossibe to destroy... Dogura thought, listening to the quandry they were in. Dogura glanced at Noval, and began speaking. "Although the Moreks are strong, they're still not very smart. I recall baiting them with something as simple as a snack. Although they may seem indestructable, so did Dodongos. However, like the infernal beasts, the Moreks may be vulnerable on the inside. I suggest a poisonous type of food."
With those words, Dogura turned completely around. "Perhaps we should fight smarter, rather than harder..." Shifting his weight, Dogura realized that he had his hand tightly gripping the hilt of his blade. So hard in fact, that his knuckles were turning white. A little surprised, he inconspicuously let go of it, in hopes of nobody noticing. What is going on with me?... The urge is growing stronger... to... Dogura stopped, and looked at the clouds, which normally relaxed him. Storm Clouds. The samurai's eyes widened, as desperately tried to get ahold of himself, and relax. "T-Tayro!" Dogura tried to start convorsation to take his mind to a different place. "How are things with you? Y-You doing alright?.."
OOC: Yes, im having fun with this.  And who would have thought that Reluctance was a word?
Level 14
Joined: Experience: 2362
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 4043
TP: 1
"Sir Nogare Blade! Good to see you, man! You will have to forgive my absence; I was . . . dealing with some business of mine, and just learned of what has happened." He then notices the many wounds the Hylian sports, but is relieved by his words. "Yes, I read your report about what happened in Parapa - good work, as always. You'll be a general yourself in no time." After Nogare's humor is gone and he requests orders, Noval simply nods in affirmation. "I agree, we'll need some more men to aid our cause. Alpha has apparently gone for reinforcements; I can only hope that the people he brings with him are strong and capable fighters."
A grin forms on his face. "And I see another one of our talented allies approaching!" he says happily, while keeping his voice as quiet as Tayro's greeting. That makes five accomplished warriors gathered thus far, plus Alpha and whomever he brings along with him. Noval slowly nods as he glances back to where the gate stands, several yards away where none of the Hakiems within can spot them. Then his gaze moves up above, where the moon shines strong. It is only about thirty minutes after midnight; fortunately, this means that practically no one is awake and wandering the streets.
Turning to Dogura, the General nods . . . somewhat. "I like the way you're thinking, Dogura; however, we don't exactly have any poison on us right now. Plus, I doubt that those Moreks will be willing to disobey their masters when told to attack us. If we could kill all the guards before they spotted us, then it'd be feasible; as it is, we need a different route. I know of several such paths that will lead inside North Castle, and when Alpha and his allies arrive we'll take one of them."
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
jarod the dark mage
Level 8
Joined: Experience: 718
Class: scholar // mage
: 854
TP: 2
Azador was sitting down on the ground next to a tree,
thinking, and watching Alpha and his companions from a distance
"ahh.. It's alpha again.. I havn't seen him in such a long time..
He might know something.. that my Hakiem friends would like to know..
I still wonder why people search for the triforce.. it only corrupts men.. but then again, if the hakiems succeed they would be most powerfull.. and they might give me my old strenght back...
and men would once again kneel for me!
he thinks
erghh..Why are humans so foolish? "
Azador Greenfield& Edward Ricardius
level 8
str =4 + staff ( 9) = 13
def =5 + tunic ( 10 ) = 15
agl =4
int =9
spi =3
hp: 33
spl: 28
fire - elemental burst lvl2 - shield lvl2
"I Remember the comfort felt in the dream....
Cherishing every moment....
But I lust for so much more..." - Azador -
Red Fury
Level 6
Joined: Experience: 253
Class: Vagabond// Thief
: 222
TP: 1
Raven silently walks towards the group that has gathered, looking over the necklace he had managed to 'acquire' from Gorodo's shop in the momentary confusion. As he drew closer to the group he quickly put it away with the other items he had 'aquired' from the last three days.
When he met with the group he wondered what they were doing just standing around. If the royal family was in trouble, like they said, shouldn't they already be making their way into the castle. He looks into the castle courtyard to see why they have yet to move and sees similar deformed, if not the same, dogs they had encountered before. That seems like a good reason.
'So are we going in the secret route, an underground tunnel, a small crawl space in the outer wall?' He asked excitedly. 'Any chance we'll be going past any treasure rooms.' He inadvertently blurted out. Before regaining his composure and pulling the hood over his head.
STR 2 - DEF 11 - AGI 6 - INT 3 - SPI 1 - SPL: 5 - HP: 30
Level 14
Joined: Experience: 2362
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 4043
TP: 1
OOC: Nice to see everybody joining - I'm just surprised HNS hasn't hit us with his ninja skills yet . . . Anyway, serious tone again. Jarod, I'm going to have to ask you to put a bit more effort into your posts (is it really that hard to capitalize stuff?). I've asked RG to restrain the deletion powers because Azador needs some more time with the Hakiems.
And also Jarod, Alpha's not here - he's not even in the vicinity yet.
Noval nods to Raven as the vagabond approaches. "That is correct, Raven. We'll need to go an alternate route; right now, we're just waiting for Alpha and whatever reinforcements he's gathering to arrive."
Shada turns towards the many paths that lead away from the group, wondering where Alpha could be.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Hi no Seijin
Level 9
Joined: Experience: 850
Class: Vagabond//Ranger
: 0
TP: 0
OOC: My ninja skills were being used elsewhere. But I am here now. Now the fun will really start. XD
Rose finally caught up to Noval and Shada. Damn city streets, she thought to herself. Could they possibly make them any more confusing? She eyed the Moreks, keeping her distance. She noticed that Alpha was no where in sight, so she concluded that he went to get help. Hurry back soon, Alpha, she thought. Once Noval is available, she said simply, "I'm here. What's the plan for when Alpha gets here?"
STR 3; DEF/AC 21 (includes AGI); AGI 5; INT 3; SPI 2; HP 62; SPL 20
Damage from Sword: 8 (12 with Dual Wield L1); Damage from Bow: 4
"I don't like seeing people get hurt for no reason. That's why I joined the Tarm Army. To protect the people of Holodrum. Nobility, commoners, human, Hylian, Goron, Deku, man, woman, young, and old. It doesn't matter as long as I'm able to protect them."-- Rose Hillmound
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1397
Class: Grunt/Vassal
: 233
TP: 4
"Sir!" Nogare interupted. "We've wasted enough time! We need to get to the t... tower! Now! We've waited long enough! Alpha will find us: he can clearly see make his way to the keep when he sees which way the enemy is going. And besides, if he does come later, we can traqp the enemies between Alpha and us, and take them out if we can. But we need to hurry! Before they get the Triforce of Wisdom! Link is in Calatia, so who will protect the Triforce? Maybe some guards, but what happens if they die! We may already be too late! Come on!" He spins his sword in his hand, ready for action... ready for battle. And by the looks of things, he is much more trained than he was when they were taken captive in the Haikems' hideout.
Level 14
Joined: Experience: 2362
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 4043
TP: 1
"Ah, Lady Rose," Noval says with a slight nod in her direction, greeting her again. 'It seems that most of them decided to follow us afterwards . . . we are merely missing the young Pyralin and Blank at this point, and of course Alpha as well. With Nogare supplementing our little task force . . . this could work out well after all. And of course, there is him to consider . . .' At this thought, his gaze shifts momentarily in the direction of the tree where he had noticed Azador perching himself some time ago, but he forces his eyes to return to the newest member of their forces. "According to Shada, Alpha will be joining us shortly -"
Then Nogare's words reach his ears. He stops mid-sentence, allowing a short sigh to escape his lips. Allowing his little speech to end before he makes his response, the general contemplates the soldier's words. The man's reasoning is indeed sound - even though Zaboorak's current objective is not the Triforce of Wisdom, the idea that the Zora would be tempted to snatch up its power is not an unfounded assumption.
Of course, this soldier is basing his logic on flawed assumptions. Noval nearly allows a smirk to come upon his lips as he remembers months previous, after Dark Link's final defeat at the hand of the Hero, when he had personally overseen the Triforce's removal from that tower to a much safer location. But that is classified information; it would not do for anyone to discover that fact without due cause, and the calming of fears is not reason enough to warrant such a divulging of facts.
With a sharp turn, Noval draws himself up to his full height. "Sir Nogare Blade," he says in an almost casual way, but with a cold, sharp tone that practically forces fear and obedience on those who hear it. "If the Hakiems are after the Triforce of Wisdom, then rest assured that they already have it - undoubtedly they obtained it even before this group's arrival. No guards, even from my own special forces, could stand up to the sheer amount of assassins that must have invaded the castle.
"So we have a choice: we can either rush in to join the dead, or we can await a short while more in the hopes that more able-bodied warriors come forth to aid us, including the one being who has spent his entire life fleeing from these fiends and has survived - a feat, I need not remind you, that the majority of us, myself included, could hardly hope to accomplish." He eyes Nogare, allowing the coldness of his voice to slip into his sight. "I think we have sufficient reason to wait, don't you?"
A sudden flicker in the air alerts him to yet another newcomer - again, not Alpha. Potentially, this one is not even an ally. Turning back to face the dark streets leading to the North Castle's main entrance, he bites his lip in annoyance. Whether or not he intends to offer his aid, Nogare is not going to like this . . . and Noval isn't sure that he will, either. "And Nogare," he speaks again, much more softly and understanding, but still in a demeanor constituting an order. "Until this approaching man gives us reason to attack, I shall have to order you not to raise your blade against him. We need all the help we can get, after all."
Holding out a hand in peaceful, though conserved, greeting, he says softly, "Here comes Kasei . . ."
OOC: Lol. Kasei requested an announcement of his arrival, so ta-da! There you go, Kasei. Just . . . make sure you follow the little rule of my first post. I'm not making exceptions for anybody on this.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Level 18
Joined: Experience: 3353
Class: Boss//Final Boss
: 587
TP: 5
OOC: Thanks, alpha...and as promised, here goes nuthin:
IC: "So you knew I was coming, eh, many thanks for telling nogare not to attack." Kasei says as he emerges from the shadows. Something was different about him, you notice, he had a darker look about him, darker than when you last saw him in the base...he looked tired, and slightly sick, as i he was ill. The shiekah mercenary looked like he had been through hell...
"What's up?" The rebel flame says, then nods to everyone in turn; Nogare, Shada, the mystery person (Raven, who had never met kasei before now), Rose, Noval, Azador, Dogura and Tayro. a whole crew, the unlikeliest group he had ever seen, all in one place. "so, uh, I guess I'm late for somethin, eh? The last time I saw something like this was at the hakiems' base- "
-He stopped talking, he doesn't even want to recall that horrible place...but then he truly realizes who is missing, someone he had not seen in a while..."Alpha - where is he?!?" The mercenary looks around, hoping to see Alpha coming towards him, to see that face, but he looks in vain...
OOC: there, probably my longest post, ever...
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Level 7
Joined: Experience: 449
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 33
TP: 0
The auburn staining the labyrinth skipped playfully beside the debonaire character, making sure to keep at his side...away from the darkness that trailed him. Lanterns laced his path as he took his nightly stroll through the twisted curves of Hyrule's pride and joy...the slums. The lights dimmed and ran ahead as he soon found himself in the cracks where light dare not enter. Where light runs and hides. Where else but the boundary between poverty and noble gaits.
The protagonist to this story in a story is a boy garnished in fine laces. The white collar masquerade was tainted with grime at the ruffled sleeves. He carried the night's colors on a vest hanging over the white of his shirt. His pants, torn at cardinal points bled into the black of the street and from this brief discription i should hope the reader sees him as a drunken prince charming of sorts.
Mumbles precipitated from his bowels and is maw and painted the pauper's want for food and humble shelter...anything would be better than the life of poverty striken wandering...especially after tasting what real luxury was before hand.
Over the irritated grumbles sounds began to tickle his ears. Ever growing whispers and hushed tactical speak where catching his intrigue and led his ears rather then his eyes through the barren streets.
His mind began to inch away from his stomach and stayed plastered on the glints in his eyes. There they were, men of valor and fight...undoubtly something to keep the mind away from trivial hunger.
He edged near the group, weary of their weapons and harsh countenances...and with a less then confident voice he uttered his name.
'Jack Mocking'(pardon my recycling) the thought of a 'hello' never occured to him as needed...desperation for some entertainment was a blanket hiding him from common courtesies and he would rather fight with excitement in his blood and die then keep on walking...and he was willing to lie to prove he could fight.
'See you need some help. I'd be glad to be of service.' he uttered as a dagger left the confines of his was nothing fancy.
STR = 1 DEF = 12 AGI = 1 INT = 3 SPI = 4 HP = 54
SPL = 22 WILL = 9 Staff DMG = 10 Spell DMG = 12