The Forgotten Sage
Joined: Experience: 281
Class: Scholar // Scribe
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TP: 0
<img src="images/npcs/zelda.gif" align="right">As you enter the Temple of Nayru you spy a young girl praying at the feet of the statue of Nayru. You realize that its the Princess, Zelda, and she's deep in prayer. You decide it's best to wait until she has finished praying before you ask her a question.
When she's done, she turns to walk towards the exit until she spots you. "Oh!" she says startledly, "didn't see you there. Are you one of those new adventurers that have been flocking to the Castle?" You nod. "Ah, well, good luck on your adventures then, my father and the Kingdom appreciate your hard work."
Last edited by Narrator on Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Level 3
Joined: Experience: 139
Class: Grunt//Dragoon
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TP: 0
Rugger hearing all of this just stands there and bows his head. 'Yes you appriciated it when hundreds of my soldiers were being killed by those damned Moblins and other followers of Ganon.'
"Thank you my lady."
Rugger just shook his head as he walked away, 'No stop this, I must not think like this anymore, I have to remember my training. Besides, it was not her or the kings fault, it was mine.'
Dark Link
Level 1
Joined: Experience: 7
Class: Grunt-Mercenary
: 28
TP: 0
My Lady. You must remember me from the last adventures. Remember, I returned to the side of good. I am still Dark Link. I guess you could call me the Hero of Light.
I bow as she passes me by. Such a beautiful lady. Surely the Hero of Time must think so.
I am the Hero of Light. Do you fear me or do you fear what you have heard of me?
Level 9
Joined: Experience: 752
Class: Scholar // Scribe
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TP: 0
I have lost him. The light shut out the power within. The dark-hearted Zora glares at the three Hylians standing about in the sanctuary. In simple terms, he is pissed off, royally. His anger could give him power to take the throne of Hyrule and destroy all the evil that opposed him, but that would come later. Right now, he is fuming about his former apprentice turning to the path of light. The good still bleeds in to the evil. But-
But there is Rugger. The one he has always tried so hard to turn. He needs Rugger on his side, and right now, he thinks he has a shot at getting a new servant, as well as getting back an old one. Rugger can not, as Wyndisis has seen, forget the actions of individuals carried out in the past. He won't forget that he and Dark Link were enemies, he can't. With a little manipulation, everything will be set. Wyndisis smiles and leaves the temple.
Level 3
Joined: Experience: 139
Class: Grunt//Dragoon
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TP: 0
Rugger, after talking to the Princess, notices Dark Link has made his apperance. He looked different then the last time he saw him. He could feel something different about him. He nodded to Dark Link and then sensing something turns around. Unfortunatly nothing was there and Rugger is concerned, his thoughts run a mile a second.
'I know I sensed a presence that I have not felt in a long evil presence. I must be on high alert.'
The Forgotten Sage
Joined: Experience: 281
Class: Scholar // Scribe
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TP: 0
Zelda ruffles her eyebrows, as if struggling to recollect. "I'm sorry Dark Link," she apologizes, "I don't think we've met before."
Level 6
Joined: Experience: 298
Class: Scholar
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TP: 0
A robed figure looked about. At his feet, you can see an ordanary deky body, but where the collor would be, there is a deku head. Since it was a human Robe that Pende was wearing, one might think that Pende was actully several Dekus standing on each others sholders. He eyes a lovely girl praying and realized it was princess Zelda.
As you enter the Temple of Nayru you spy a young girl praying at the feet of the statue of Nayru. You realize that its the Princess, Zelda, and she's deep in prayer. You decide it's best to wait until she has finished praying before you ask her a question.
'Wow, she's cute. But, such a tall Deku like myself should just sneak off before he is spotted. I only was looking for directions to the location of the Exiles anyways. But, I suppose I could stay. i haven't joined the exiles yet, and not that many people know about me , after all. I might as well have a last tour before I go to my new home.'
When she's done, she turns to walk towards the exit until she spots you. "Oh!" she says startledly, "didn't see you there. Are you one of those new adventurers that have been flocking to the Castle?" You nod. "Ah, well, good luck on your adventures then, my father and the Kingdom appreciate your hard work."
"Um, yeah. A new adventurer." Pende said, shrinking into his robe to try to make himself seem shorter.
'Actully I was hoping to dismantle your society that forced me and my soon to be exiled allies to have to live in a misrable desert.'
"Yes, I'll make sure to have as much good luck."
'Though I'm not sure your dad and your pretty little face will appreciate it.'
Level 8
Joined: Experience: 663
Class: Scholar///Cleric
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TP: 0
"Lady Zelda, do you know where Link is? I need to find him and the Megatons Hammer to help a few friends."
Denning UPDATED-5/4/07-Marin Data
STR 1 DEF 12 AGI 4 INT 3 SPI 3 Will power=8 SPL 30 HP 33
The Forgotten Sage
Joined: Experience: 281
Class: Scholar // Scribe
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TP: 0
"Link," she says quitely, the name clearly pains her. "I'd rather not speak of him, if you don't mind."
Level 6
Joined: Experience: 277
Class: Grunt//Vassal
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TP: 0
Leon strides over to Zelda,bows,and says,"Hello,your highness.I am here to--" ,but his words were cut off as he sensed a peculiar feeling tinge through his body.He stands up,and says,"I should be on my way..." ,and walks away.
Dark Link
Level 1
Joined: Experience: 7
Class: Grunt-Mercenary
: 28
TP: 0
Oh, come on Zelda. Some where deep in your heart, you must know me. I have known you all my life. I was born with all of the Hero's memories. Yes, I remember you. I am the Hero, only a dark clone gone good.
*Sends some thoughts to Wyndisis.*
I know your here. My tale, when I was captured is about to be revieled. Soon. I am good now. There is only one way I can turn bad again. You know, but I will never let it happen.
*Ends thought transfer to Wyndisis.*
I am the Hero of Light. Do you fear me or do you fear what you have heard of me?
Cloud 9
Level 7
Joined: Experience: 534
Class: Scholar//Mage
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TP: 1
Narrator wrote:<img src="images/npcs/zelda.gif" align="right">As you enter the Temple of Nayru you spy a young girl praying at the feet of the statue of Nayru. You realize that its the Princess, Zelda, and she's deep in prayer. You decide it's best to wait until she has finished praying before you ask her a question.
When she's done, she turns to walk towards the exit until she spots you. "Oh!" she says startledly, "didn't see you there. Are you one of those new adventurers that have been flocking to the Castle?" You nod. "Ah, well, good luck on your adventures then, my father and the Kingdom appreciate your hard work."
Yes, thank you my lady, now i must be on my way" said cloud. He walked forward slowly and started to pray for his sister.
Last edited by Cloud 9 on Fri Aug 04, 2006 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cloud - Hyrule's Self-Proclaimed Greatest Mage
Known Abilities
Favor of the Goddesses
Fairy {Lvl 1}
Spell {Lvl 1}
Polymorph {Lvl 1}
Elemental Explosion {Lvl 1}
Train: Bow {Lvl 1}
Arcane Archery {Lvl 1}
Scroll of Fire
Level 1
Joined: Experience: 5
Class: Grunt
: 3
TP: 0
Saul: So I finally meet the legendary Princess Zelda! It has been my lifes dream to serve and protect you. As the Sheikah race has done for generation, I will remain loyal to the royal family. I will always be of service to you Zelda. For now I must be on my way.
Level 2
Joined: Experience: 99
Class: Vagabond//Thief
: 65
TP: 0
*Starts walking towards the Princess but retreats* 'No, she would never answer a question from a thief. Maybe I should find someone else.' *K-Shat does a quick respectful bow even though he knows that she would never see it, and walks back on the same path*
Level 9
Joined: Experience: 752
Class: Scholar // Scribe
: 599
TP: 0
Filthy little thief probably stole the Princess's necklace right off her neck, Darilan's mind mutters upon him entering the temple. Getting his mind off the thief he sees Zelda. He straightens himself up, and he does so in such a way that he appears relaxed. Darilan looks like he was made to stand like that. He walks over to Zelda, upright but not stiffly. When he is a few paces in front of her, he bows. "Princess Zelda. It is an honor to see you as always. My father has much work in the Castle, so I do not see him often. If you would, Your Majesty, please forward my greetings to him."
OOC: It is stated in Darilan's profile that his father is an adviser to the king.