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Started by Darth Wyndisis, June 02, 2005, 09:17:30 PM

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shadowlink said that macker was a fairy well whatever i want there so i woulnt know anyways my bad :P  

Master Dragmire

8-bit Theater
Fighter-Overkill much!!

Blackmage-The giants gone aint he??

Fighter-But so is the whole forest!!

Blackmage-Er,well you know-you cant make an omelette with out destroying a forest or something..

Darth Wyndisis


Colonol Curtis:  "These mothers are as harmless as a fox in a henhouse, and I'm here to kick some ass!"  


"as a spy i respect that you have another life besides killing me, but come on collecting stamps?!"~rossil

Master Goron

I finally found two worthy of this...

OK, so I was at a barbeque for my school's orchestra and someone asks "Why exactly are we having a barbeque?" so my friend replies "To build a great comradery between the orchestra" Who says comradery anyway?

Also at the barbeque we were supposed to bring bags with 5 things about ourselves *looks around behind himself inconspicuously* My bad! and this guy had a Panda stuffed doll thing, so we made him explain why. His reply... "Ummm... Pandas, aren't racist. See, they're black and white!"


From Major League:

Pedro: "Jesus, I like him very much but he no help me with curveballs."

Harris: "Are you trying to tell me Jesus Christ can't hit a curveball?"


A conversation between a 3-year-old and I... (The 3-year-old is my friend's little bro, and these take place when I was at her house)

*kid thorws his half-eaten sandwitch on the ground*
Me: Why'd you do that?
Kid: My stomach can't eat anymore!!!


*kid falls on couch after playing tag*
Kid: I'm so tired, I could sleep!
Me: *laughs* Well that's not too unusual, is it?
Kid: Yeah, accually, it is for me.

And also something I said in school...

*I reciece school newspaper* *I roll newspaper up*
Me:Hey, Sebastian! Look! Now I have something to hit my brother with!!!
Sebastian:*laughs WAAAAY too much*

Darth Wyndisis

Oh, here's one.

Marching band practice awhile ago.
Director (up in the stands w/ a mega-phone): Make sure you count your steps so you can get to your spot on time.
Student (standing behind me): That's not what your mom said last night!


Oh, that's terrible... but hilarious.

Darth Wyndisis

I laughed more than I played when we marched through it following that comment. ;D


Hold your ground! Hold your ground! Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers, I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me.       A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friendsand break all bonds of fellowship,  but it is not this day.                         An hour of wolves and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!!!                    

               -Aragorn King Elessar-

TP Zelda

School of Rock:

Mr. Shneebly: What makes u mad the most? U.

Forgot his name: No allowence.

Mr. Shneebly: I didn't get no allowence today, so know I'm really ticked off!


Here's one:

Don: Hey, Napoleon. Where did you go last summer again?

Napoleon: I told you I spent it with my uncle in Alaska, hunting wolverines.

Don: Did you shoot any?

Napoleon: Yes, like, fifty of 'em! They were trying to attack my cousins! What the heck would you do in a situation like that?

Don: What kind of gun did you use?

Napoleon: A freakin' twelve-gauge! What do you think!?

Advanceshipping and Rion had better be Chuck Norris approved.

TP Zelda


Darth Wyndisis

"You know I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile?"