Hi no Seijin
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"Whoa, be careful" Rose said as the man bumped into her. Then she noticed that he seemed a bit troubled. "Are you okay sir?"
STR 3; DEF/AC 21 (includes AGI); AGI 5; INT 3; SPI 2; HP 62; SPL 20
Damage from Sword: 8 (12 with Dual Wield L1); Damage from Bow: 4
"I don't like seeing people get hurt for no reason. That's why I joined the Tarm Army. To protect the people of Holodrum. Nobility, commoners, human, Hylian, Goron, Deku, man, woman, young, and old. It doesn't matter as long as I'm able to protect them."-- Rose Hillmound
Level 3
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Rugger still feeling dizzy, tried to recollect himself but was finding it a difficult vernture. "I am terribly sorry miss, I must not have seen you, I apologize." Rugger then grabbed the womans arm to help her up and as soon as he touched her, the white light returned and everything was back to normal.
He helped the young woman to his feet, and then looked back at the group he just left. "There is something about that group...something evil" he mumbled to himself but he noticed the girl heard him. He turned to the woman again.
"Again I am terribly sorry, miss?"
Last edited by bgrugby on Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Level 14
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"Shame," said Orpheous, to himself. "I thought I could finally actually have a nice comverstation with Rugger Cole, but bird feathers, I am outaluck again."
Orpheous thought to himself, what did he mean by something evil.
OOC: Orpheous is an ammature mind reader.
Hi no Seijin
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Rose allowed herself to be picked up by the strange man. "Don't worry about it," she said after the man apologized to her. The part about a certain group in the cafe being evil disturbed her. "Here, follow me. I know some people here who might be of some help." She led the way back to Dogura's table. "Back already," she said to the samurai and Rito. "I think this man might know something that would interest you."
STR 3; DEF/AC 21 (includes AGI); AGI 5; INT 3; SPI 2; HP 62; SPL 20
Damage from Sword: 8 (12 with Dual Wield L1); Damage from Bow: 4
"I don't like seeing people get hurt for no reason. That's why I joined the Tarm Army. To protect the people of Holodrum. Nobility, commoners, human, Hylian, Goron, Deku, man, woman, young, and old. It doesn't matter as long as I'm able to protect them."-- Rose Hillmound
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He had no idea what was going on, he was still trying to figure out what just happened and now he was in front of a new group of strangers. Yet they felt different then the ones he was previously with.
"Excuse me, I do not know what is going on here, would someone please explain to me? Who are all of you? And do you know whom that group of their is?" Rugger casually pointed to where he was previously. "By the way, my name is Rugger Cole."
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Dogura, who sat slumped at the table, suddenly sat up, seeing the stranger. He was a bit smaller than Dogura, but of broad stature. He had a growing beard, and apparently knew something the samurai didn't. "Welcome back Ms.Hillmound." Dogura greeted, as did Darkin. Darkin nodded as the man mentioned his name. "I think I've heard of you before. I hang around with a few Knights, and you aren't too popular with them." Dogura elbowed his feathered friend. "Darkin, thats impolite." Dogura turned back to the man, and slightly smiled. "Welcome Rugger Cole. I'm Dogura.
Perhaps I'll tell you my last name when we're better aquainted." It then occured to the samurai that Rugger was not properly introduced to everyone. "I see you've been accompanied by Ms.Hillmound. She's an Ex General, and a formidable opponent." Darkin leaned across the table to shake hands with Rugger as well. "My name is Darkin. I'm an experienced mage, and I'm friends with Dogura here."Dogura shook hands with him, and eagerly awaited what he had to say. "Now tell me Rugger, what is it that troubles you?"
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Rugger was still very much confused but took the man's hand. Yet the question raced through his mind 'What troubles you? What troubles you? Every damned thing troubles me, just when I think I know who I am thrown in a complete 360. What is happening to me now. What do the Goddesses have planned for me now?' Rugger remained calm though and thought for a moment.
"That group that sits over yonder. I have had vision...no not a vision. I do not know what it is but whatever it is it tells me that they are not to be trusted and evil. Of course, I only know them by name as I have been gone from this land for a long time but I felt something about them. Now tell me this sir, what the Hell do you want from me?"
Last edited by bgrugby on Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Level 14
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Orpheous sat there, still in Rugger's mind. But in the same since, if was like being shirtless, he was only half-way into the mind. He was to boggled about why he would be called evil.
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The dusty heat beats against the Sheikah's back as he slowly meanders across the area known by all as Tantari Desert. 'So hot . . . I feel like I'm going to burn apart . . .' A smile forms on his face, beneath the pitch black hood covering his face, and from beneath his sizzling dark black cape comes a light step as he sighs in relief. 'It's been too long since I've felt this wondrous feeling. It's far too cold in Hyrule . . .' Tantari, known as the hotter of the two deserts of Northwest Hyrule, is the exception to this rule, and for that the Sheikah is glad.
But Alpha is still mortal, unfortunately, and therefore is begin to grow thirsty after a long trek through the desert. The Sheikah is returning from the Ruto Mountains - ironically, some of the coldest regions in this part of Hyrule, he thinks as the memory of the chilly mountaintops make him shiver even in this heat - and had been too impatient to wait for one of the Cartel's caravans to return him. But because he has been traveling from Ruto all day, his meager supply of water is severely depleted. 'Mental note for next time: a plastic cup of water is not enough for crossing a mountain range, a desert, and the fields that follow. Next time take two from the bar.'
But fortune smiles upon him this day - for once in his life. There before him stands the tall building of which he has heard about often, and even seen once or twice during caravan rides. Tantari Cafe, apparently a favorite spot of Dogura seeing as how often the Hylian has told his Sheikah ally to stop by for a bite to eat. 'Might as well see if all Dogura's been telling me is actually correct,' he thinks as his smile turns to a smirk. Who knows? Perhaps the Sheikah is there even now.
Quietly entering the cafe, Alpha is both a little surprised and a little amused to find his eyes landing on Dogura almost immediately. And there are Darkin and Rose as well . . . along with a man whom he is certain he has never met, but seems to exude a certain sense of familiarity. 'Very odd,' Alpha thinks to himself. His memory is nearly perfect as a result of his training with Master Zaris, and he can't seem to match a name to the face. Strolling over, though, his memory is instantly jogged as the name flows past his ears:
". . . Rugger Cole . . ."
" The Rugger Cole, is it?" Alpha asks as he finally reaches the area. "I remember when I first arrived back in Hyrule, I heard quite a few tales about you. Some good . . . some bad." He nods in greeting to his normal companions, and ends with a nod to Rugger himself. "I am called Alpha. A pleasure to finally meet you in person. What's this I overheard as I was approaching you?"
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
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When this man Alpha approached and began saying how much he has heard of him. He looked at the others quickly, hoping that no one else would pry further into his past. 'I am not sure whats worse being famous or infamous.' He then grabbed Alpha's hand and shook it.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, sir, I am sure I know of which stories you speak of. I am not that same person anymore though. Now then as I was saying," Rugger motioned for him to sit down. "Don't want others to hear or those who think they can read lips or minds to overhear. That group over there, there is something about them, something inheritantly evil about them. And this crue here seems interested in that information and I do not yet know why."
Level 14
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When Alpha had entered, Sante Fe, from Rent started playing through Orpheous' head. And to prevent it from going into Rugger's mind. He stopped the connection.
Hi no Seijin
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Rose nodded to Dogura, Darkin, and Rugger. Before she could answer any of the questions the latter had asked, Alpha came. She also nodded in greeting to the Sheikah. Once Alpha has introduced him to the former Hylian Knight, she said, "I'm interested in what you think of these people because I don't like people hurting others for no reason. If they're up to no good, then I want to know so I can stop them. I think the same can be said for the rest of us, but I'm not them."
STR 3; DEF/AC 21 (includes AGI); AGI 5; INT 3; SPI 2; HP 62; SPL 20
Damage from Sword: 8 (12 with Dual Wield L1); Damage from Bow: 4
"I don't like seeing people get hurt for no reason. That's why I joined the Tarm Army. To protect the people of Holodrum. Nobility, commoners, human, Hylian, Goron, Deku, man, woman, young, and old. It doesn't matter as long as I'm able to protect them."-- Rose Hillmound
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The man leaned in closer to the table, he began to whisper.
"I used to be a Commander of the Hylian Knights. Alas I disgraced myself. Granted I performed many great deeds but I have also be poisoned by darkness. I have spent many years away finding myself and I know who is truely good and who is truely evil. And the gentlemen over there, while they may claim to be good or neutral, their hearts are pitch black. That is what I saw."
Rugger then leaned back and awaited any responses or questions from the group.
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Dogura was perplexed. Rugger, this may be bit of a let down but... I as well have a tainted soul. While I do look out for the good in things, I cannot help what resides inside me. Now, know that a tainted soul is much different from a tainted heart. If its their heart that exists for evil, then they either overuse black magic, or simply exist to create problems." Darkin nodded to this, and whispered something in Dogura's ear. Dogura chuckled to this, and responded, "I don't think this man is going to kill me because of something I cannot controll." The group proceeded to speak with Rugger about the issue, when the doors swung open, and a few waiters appeared, delivering food to their corresponding table. The food was well prepared, and delivered swiftly.
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Worru ate his food quickly, though he wasn't hungry. Ryk had excellent hearing, if people were talking about something he was interesting to him. Those people are talking about us...And that one guy...Rugger Cole...Seems to call us evil...
STR 2 DEF 13 AGI 6 INT 1 SPI 1 HP 61 SPL 29