The Forgotten Sage
Joined: Experience: 281
Class: Scholar // Scribe
: 3986
TP: 0
Quest: A Caravaneer's Quandary
<img src="images/npcs/goronmerchant1.gif" align="right">A Goron Merchant looks amiss as he sits in the middle of the Town Square, muttering quitely to himself, "Ohhh... the Boss is gonna kill me..."
Seeing you walk up to him, he perks up a bit. "Hey!" he exclaims, "you look like one of those new able-bodied adventurrrerrrs flocking to Norrrth Castle. I need a favorrr... the axle on my wagon brrroke, and now my carrravan is stopped. To get it rrrepairrred I need some Superrr Strrrong Deku Wood from the Thicket east of herrre.
"If you can get me some, I'll make you an honorrrarrry memberrr of the Gorrro-Gorrro Carrrtel and give you access to the Carrravans Quarrrterrr, which offerrrs quick trrransporrrt to both Rrraurrru and Rrruto Town! Plus we have a Bomb Shop! How can you rrresist?"
Level 3
Joined: Experience: 139
Class: Grunt//Dragoon
: 71
TP: 0
Rugger lifts up his hood and looks at the Goron.
"So you need some Deku Wood, you say? Well my friend, I will help you and I will obtain this wood that you need. No reward is necessary. Of course I will probably need some help as I am sure it will be dangerous to go alone."
Level 2
Joined: Experience: 83
Class: Vagabond
: 19
TP: 0
Crambert walks over and stands beside Rugger
I will join you on this quest Rugger, I heard that you needed some help and well here I am. Together we could get all of the wood that you need, but we should Find more people to join us on this quest, because it could be very dangerous.
Level 6
Joined: Experience: 298
Class: Scholar
: 135
TP: 0
Pende the robed, long necked Deku hears the conversation and hops over to the goron and his friends.
'Why did I hop like a silly little Deku? How will I ever be loved by a human if I don't even act like one?'
Pende raised his neck to eye level with the others to make his robe look like it had a body in it, even though one could see his true body underneath the robe, and spoke with his neck swaying side to side ever so silghtly.
"I would like to help as well. One needs all the help they can get to find Super Strong deku Wood."
Level 9
Joined: Experience: 752
Class: Scholar // Scribe
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TP: 0
"Well, I just told the carpenter I would go and get him some Deku wood, so I figure, why not get you some?"
Level 3
Joined: Experience: 139
Class: Grunt//Dragoon
: 71
TP: 0
Rugger walks up to the Goron again and nods to him.
"Here my friend, I have brought you some Deku wood. I hope it is the kind you need. I am not sure if it is enough but I know that my comrades should also be bringing you some."
Level 9
Joined: Experience: 752
Class: Scholar // Scribe
: 599
TP: 0
The Goron seems nicer than the carpenter, so why not give him some wood first? "Here you are," Darilan says as he lets the bundle of wood fall from his arms. He takes out a handkerchief and rubs his forehead. "Phew," that was a lot of work.
The Forgotten Sage
Joined: Experience: 281
Class: Scholar // Scribe
: 3986
TP: 0
The Goron squeals with delight, "Oh, thank you verrry much frrriends! Herrre, please accept membership into the Gorrro-Gorrro Carrrtel as my thanks. You can now use the Carrravans to trrravel to other points on ourrr trrrade rrroutes!"
As he fits the wood into the correct spot, and prepares to leave, the axel snaps once more. "Drrrat!" he groans.
Rugger and Darilan have each earned one talent point.
Level 8
Joined: Experience: 696
Class: Vagabond // Bard
: 545
TP: 0
Arco sluggishly weaves his way to the Goron and voices a traditional Goronic salutation in the deepest voice he can manage (hard to get their attention otherwise, he found).
He considers hugging the Goron Should I? while thinking about the request (quite a mental feat for a Sheikah like him). No hug. Yes help. Finally, he speaks up in a drawl polished by 20 years of Gorons cocking their earholes at him and saying, "Whaarr?":
"Frrriend Gorrr'on. Trrrue, thurrr's no r-resisting! I'll fetch you some, from thurr, 'was heading to the thicket anyway."
He rearranges his coat before turning to move away.
STR 2 - DEF 3 (+ Arm. 12) - AGI 6 - INT 3 - SPI 1 - SPL: 18 - HP: 31
Level 8
Joined: Experience: 696
Class: Vagabond // Bard
: 545
TP: 0
OOC: Hope that the double post is alright. Just seems strange to combine these two, though *grin*. Question--is there any need to subtract the wood from our inventories?
Somehow Arco managed to tie his bundle of wood to his back. Carrying it to the Goron as such, he pulls a string that hangs to his side, undoing the knot and dropping his load on the street. In doing so, he almost topples forward, but pushing himself back upwards, he gathers his faggots and pushes them towards the Goron. His eye contact drifts up towards the sky as he recites in monotone:
"Heerrr, frrriend Gorrron. Some grrreat wood from the east. Hope it suits yourrr prrroject."
He turns to get a better look at the weathervane of a nearby building. He prepares to walk away but stops, not really knowing why. Oops. Forgot.
"You'rre verrry welcome," he says in afterthought. Like his last word, Arco sort of hangs around the area, staring dully at the other people crowding through the square.
STR 2 - DEF 3 (+ Arm. 12) - AGI 6 - INT 3 - SPI 1 - SPL: 18 - HP: 31
Level 6
Joined: Experience: 298
Class: Scholar
: 135
TP: 0
"Alright, Mr. Goron. I have retrived some deku wood just like you wanted. You may have it. Now i belive you said if I brought you this, I would become an honorary member of the goro-Goro cartel? bombs are such facinating things."
Pende gives the Goron some Deku wood for the membership card.
The Forgotten Sage
Joined: Experience: 281
Class: Scholar // Scribe
: 3986
TP: 0
The Goron squeals with delight, "Oh, thank you verrry much frrriends! Herrre, please accept membership into the Gorrro-Gorrro Carrrtel as my thanks. You can now use the Carrravans to trrravel to other points on ourrr trrrade rrroutes!"
As he fits the wood into the correct spot, and prepares to leave, the axel snaps once more. "Drrrat!" he groans.
Arco and Pende have each earned one talent point.
Level 8
Joined: Experience: 663
Class: Scholar///Cleric
: 862
TP: 0
"I see your axel broke, here I have some Deku wood you can have."
Denning UPDATED-5/4/07-Marin Data
STR 1 DEF 12 AGI 4 INT 3 SPI 3 Will power=8 SPL 30 HP 33
The Forgotten Sage
Joined: Experience: 281
Class: Scholar // Scribe
: 3986
TP: 0
The Goron squeals with delight, "Oh, thank you verrry much frrriends! Herrre, please accept membership into the Gorrro-Gorrro Carrrtel as my thanks. You can now use the Carrravans to trrravel to other points on ourrr trrrade rrroutes!"
As he fits the wood into the correct spot, and prepares to leave, the axel snaps once more. "Drrrat!" he groans.
Marin has earned one talent point.
Level 6
Joined: Experience: 277
Class: Grunt//Vassal
: 267
TP: 0
"Hmm,I see your axel is broken,"Leon muses as he marches by."Well,I have a couple of wood here.Feel free to use them."he said cheerfully,dropping the wood while swiping away the beads of sweat on his forehead,panting."Took about three hours to get back here,"he muttered as he sat down on a nearby bench.