Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
As you walk through the Courtyard of the North Castle, you hear fireworks going off. Bright flashes fill the air, as if to announce some big event you didn't know about. Which is a pretty good description, actually.
Approaching the source of the fireworks, you see a grand party going on. Fireworks continue to shoot skyward, and children are throwing confetti off of nearby balconies while couples dance to a catchy tune. The band playing the music seems to be having a great time as well.
But the center of attention is an enormous cake, about twenty layers worth! A single enormous candle rises out of the top, burning fiercely even as the wind tries - but miraculously fails - to blow it out. Surrounding the base of the cake is a group of Hylian knights, guarding the largest cake most people have ever seen. But they too seem to have the spirit of partying within them. These guards stand at ease, jovially chatting while they each have their own piece of cake.
Also there, however, sits none other than the hated one, the green-clad freak, the bane of all wallets on the Great Sea - Tingle. Fortunately, you see that there is a group of knights standing over him, watching every move he makes. And he seems to be making many moves, deftly cutting pieces of cake and handing it off to the guards, who distribute it to the crowd.
Quest: Take the Cake
As you look at the cake, one of the guards cheerfully approaches you. "A happy birthday, isn't it good adventurer?" Seeing your confusion, he laughs. "Oh, you didn't know? Today is the one-year anniversary of all the great Hyrule Adventurers! It's been a whole 365 days since most of our present-day heroes began their journeys! So for the next week, King Harkinian II has decreed a celebration shall be held!"
He holds out a piece of the birthday cake to you. Will you take it?
OOC: Yes indeed! It's been exactly one year and... eight minutes since Jack, aka the Narrator, opened up HA2 to the public. It's been a ton of fun sharing this year with everyone, from the veterans of HA1 to the newcomers to TDC. Accept your present, and continue to celebrate!
P.S. This quest will only be up for one week; then it shall be locked. So hurry and finish it!
Level 8
Joined: Experience: 663
Class: Scholar///Cleric
: 862
TP: 0
Royal Guard wrote:
Also there, however, sits none other than the hated one, the green-clad freak, the bane of all wallets on the Great Sea - Tingle.
OOC: Haha! Well said, RG!
IC: In clock, Denning approches. He sees the cake, and his stomach rumbles for good food. He hasnt eaten anything well prepared in months.
"Sure, I'll have some!"
Denning takes the cake and scarfs it down.
Denning UPDATED-5/4/07-Marin Data
STR 1 DEF 12 AGI 4 INT 3 SPI 3 Will power=8 SPL 30 HP 33
Level 14
Joined: Experience: 2362
Class: Scholar//Mage
: 4043
TP: 1
Alpha calmly accepts the cake, then abandons all pretense of manners and dumps it down his throat. He guiltily looks around, wondering if anyone saw his obsession with cake momentarily come through. After a moment, though, he wonders why he cares. So, with a big grin, he walks off to try and see if he can get some more.
OOC: Happy birthday HA2!!!
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 227
Class: Grunt//Vassal
: 1
TP: 0
shure! im in the mood for cake.
eats slice of cake. mmm. this is the best cake if ever had!
Cloaked Figure 1's
Race: Hylan
Alignment: Order
Weapons: Deku 1-h Sword;
Deku Shield
Items: Bow;
STR 8 (3+5)
Cloaked Figure 2's
Race: Hylan
Alignment: Order
Class: Scholar
Weapon:Deku Staff
Armor: Tunic
STR 10(1+9)
DEF 12(10+2)
INT 6(3+3 Race Bonus)
HP 20
Train boomerang l1
Train bow l1
Nogare, son of Greyblade
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1397
Class: Grunt/Vassal
: 233
TP: 4
OOC: Wow! At first, zI though the cake was for my birthday, lol, but I guess Jack made it in good timeing! I salute you, Jack! Oh, abnd Link909, you spelled mode and sure wrong. But who cares?! I anm happy anyway.
IC: Nogare was travelling in the fields when he heard the fireworks. He thought to himself There mus be something important happening. I should see what's going on...
And when he did, the guard then offered him the cake. He had never tasted cake before, and was hesitant at first, being that his father had taught him to only trust worthy people, but the guard urged him on. "Come on, knight. There is more to life than being a knight; there are times to smile to. Come on. Even the captain is eating some!" Nogare turned and say captain Collonius eating faster than he had even seen a sheikah move. He raised his brow, and finally agreed. When he took his first bite, there would be no stopping him from taking his second... third... tenth...
But gthat was when he could feel that his muscle is his arm wasn't there anymore. He needed to stop. But it was so good.  He slowly grabbed another piece, even though his gloves were still on, and ate more...
fifteen pieces..... thirty....
Then that was the last he remembered...
OOC: This is cool. But what flavour is it? And, since it's a quest, do we get TPs from this. I would like that...
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
Well. It had seemed like a perfectly ordinary piece of birthday cake, hadn't it? However, somewhere between your gullet and colon, the unique chemical properties of this celebratory dessert react strongly with your digestive fluids. Within moments the concentrated single-point-talentrotoxins are released from the cake's complex carbohydrates and ripple throughout your body.
In layman's terms, you've got the TINGLES ALL OVER!
And then, when the feeling passes, you magically feel that you have a new capacity to learn and to improve yourself.
The celebration continues, inviting more and more people to come and join in the festivities.
Good call, Nogare. Denning, Alpha, link909, and Nogare each receive 1 TP.
Level 11
Joined: Experience: 1286
Class: Grunt//Nomad
: 949
TP: 7
Blank sees the cake, but fails to notice the tingling sensation flowing through his fellow adventurers as they scoff down their portions. Hungry as ever, and always in a good mood for cake, the nomad steps up to the knight and takes a piece. Consuming it slowly, he absorbs all of the flavour and nods in a satisfaction upon completion.
It's good cake, I can say that much.
OOC: A full year. That is one exciting anniversary. Here's to another fun one
A Collection of Profiles
Str :6 Def :17 Agi :4 Int :4 Spi : 1
Physical Damage Escape Rate : 17 + 2 (DEF + Agi) = 19
Spl :12 HP :51
Willpower :9
1H Deku Sword DMG : 5 + 6(Str) = 11
Dual Wield DMG [1H Deku Sword] : 11(1H Deku Sword DMG) X 2(L3 Dual Wield) = 22
FIRE DMG : 10 + 4 + 1 (Level + INT+ Grunt Base) = 15
Red Fury
Level 6
Joined: Experience: 253
Class: Vagabond// Thief
: 222
TP: 1
Seeing the festivities Raven approaches the crowd and thinks of how many heavy rupees they must be carrying jsut waiting for someone like him to help lighten their loads. However, curiousity gets the better of him and he works his way swiftly through the crowd to the cause of all the excitement and celebration.
Once he gets there he cannot believe what he sees - for in front of him is the largest cake that he has ever seen and reckons that anyone else has either. As he stares at the great height of the cake, he almost leaps over the cake in fright as a voice of a Hylian knight belows from behind him.
'Sorry 'bout that.' He says realising he had surprised the Sheikah. 'Just wonderin' if you would like some cake?'
Raven looks at the knights hand and sees that he held a plate with a large slice of the the cake on it. (Although compared to the cake itself is was rather small.) He thinks about it and says 'No, but thanks.' and the knight turns away. As he does Raven taps him on the shoulder, the knight quickly turns round and says in a jovial tone 'Changed your mind did you?' but then realises that there's nobody there. He wonders where the Sheikah had gone to but just shrugged he shoulders and went to take the slice for himself but he grabbed nothing but air. He looked down and realised that the plate and the cake it was carrying had gone. 'Hey!' he says as he looks around him for any sign of the shiekah seeing no sign of him he sighs and goes back towards the 20 tier cake.
Meanwhile, Raven stands at the back of the steadily growing crowd and takes a large bite out of a slice of the cake. 'Enjoying your cake?' Says a familiar voice.
Raven takes his time to reply to so he can finish his cake. 'What are you doing here?' He said, malice dripping off of each word. He doesn't bother to turn round he knows who it is.
'Is than any way to speak to an old friend?' Comes the reply.
'That was a long time ago.' He said and hung his head.
'Oh, come on now. We both know that we closer than most friends.' There was a pause and then 'Don't we?' whispered directly into his ear.
Raven spun round swinging his plate at his "old friend". There was the sound of breaking ceramic as the plate smashed on impact, followed by the sound of fleeing footfalls as Raven took flight.
Brushing the smaller shards of the plate off a bandaged arm - designed to protect against such blunt blows- watching as Raven runs. 'Fight or flight. I will take you back.'
STR 2 - DEF 11 - AGI 6 - INT 3 - SPI 1 - SPL: 5 - HP: 30
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 227
Class: Grunt//Vassal
: 1
TP: 0
I am in shuch GOOD mood, that someties i eat 40 slices if cake, if there is cake there.
some one pushes him, making him drop his plate.
ops. its all my falt. il clean it up.
Last edited by link909 on Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Cloaked Figure 1's
Race: Hylan
Alignment: Order
Weapons: Deku 1-h Sword;
Deku Shield
Items: Bow;
STR 8 (3+5)
Cloaked Figure 2's
Race: Hylan
Alignment: Order
Class: Scholar
Weapon:Deku Staff
Armor: Tunic
STR 10(1+9)
DEF 12(10+2)
INT 6(3+3 Race Bonus)
HP 20
Train boomerang l1
Train bow l1
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
Well. It had seemed like a perfectly ordinary piece of birthday cake, hadn't it? However, somewhere between your gullet and colon, the unique chemical properties of this celebratory dessert react strongly with your digestive fluids. Within moments the concentrated single-point-talentrotoxins are released from the cake's complex carbohydrates and ripple throughout your body.
In layman's terms, you've got the TINGLES ALL OVER!
And then, when the feeling passes, you magically feel that you have a new capacity to learn and to improve yourself.
The celebration continues, inviting more and more people to come and join in the festivities.
Blank and Raven each receive 1 TP.
Level 5
Joined: Experience: 227
Class: Grunt//Vassal
: 1
TP: 0
In layman's terms, you've got the TINGLES ALL OVER!
lol bad joke,but that is fuuny.
sits down and waches fireworks
Cloaked Figure 1's
Race: Hylan
Alignment: Order
Weapons: Deku 1-h Sword;
Deku Shield
Items: Bow;
STR 8 (3+5)
Cloaked Figure 2's
Race: Hylan
Alignment: Order
Class: Scholar
Weapon:Deku Staff
Armor: Tunic
STR 10(1+9)
DEF 12(10+2)
INT 6(3+3 Race Bonus)
HP 20
Train boomerang l1
Train bow l1
Level 18
Joined: Experience: 3353
Class: Boss//Final Boss
: 587
TP: 5
kasei is travelling the castle grounds, and sees a party, he wonders what it is about, then finds the aniversary sighn. he then enters the party, and celebrates with everyone else, having a piece of cake, then two, then three... eventually, kasei notices zori, an old freind of his, enjoying the festivities, kasei wants to join him, but he had somewhere to go...
OOC: yeah, kasei LOVES cake.
Nogare, son of Greyblade wrote: Nogare turned and say captain Collonius eating faster than he had even seen a sheikah move.
ya wanna bet?
immune to poison
"What does it feel like to be so...alive?" ~Kasei
Stats Inert-See profile
Level 9
Joined: Experience: 861
Class: Vagabond/Bard
: 738
TP: 3
For the umpteenth time since he first began his adventure in Hyrule, Victor was walking through the Courtyard when he spotted an enormous crowd gathered nearby. His curiousity piqued, the Bard walked over to the celebration and made his way through the crowd, noticing many familiar faces partying amongst the throngs of people. Suddenly, he noticed the large cake, and stopped in his tracks. The people around him were all eating slices of the cake.
He couldn't stand cake.
However, when the guard offered him a slice, Victor reluctantly took it, not wanting to be rude. He quietly thanked the man and looked over the piece of cake. Deciding to give it a chance, the Bard dug in. It wasn't bad, but nothing to get as excited as some of the others had. Mediocre, at best. Still, he managed to finish off his slice...
"Tis music that soothes the savage beast, but the dagger that causes long slumbers."
Lying are ruins of silver and gold,
Lying are ruins of edifice old.
Hidden in the sands of a cooler sun
Waiting is a Wisdom meant only for one...
-- Here's a link to it. Sign-ups are closed!
STR = 2 DEF = 15 AGI = 3 INT = 6 SPI = 1 SPL = 20 HP = 61 WILL = 9 Dagger DMG = 7 Boom DMG = 6 Spell DMG = 17
RIP Onogoron: Jul 1, 2009 - Jul 1, 2009 - Jul 4, 2009 - ...
Royal Guard
Protector of the Realm
Joined: Experience: 1732
Class: Grunt // Vassal
: 1778
TP: 69
Well. It had seemed like a perfectly ordinary piece of birthday cake, hadn't it? However, somewhere between your gullet and colon, the unique chemical properties of this celebratory dessert react strongly with your digestive fluids. Within moments the concentrated single-point-talentrotoxins are released from the cake's complex carbohydrates and ripple throughout your body.
In layman's terms, you've got the TINGLES ALL OVER!
And then, when the feeling passes, you magically feel that you have a new capacity to learn and to improve yourself.
The celebration continues, inviting more and more people to come and join in the festivities.
Kasei and Victor each receive 1 TP.
Level 9
Joined: Experience: 752
Class: Scholar // Scribe
: 599
TP: 0
Darilans parents always told him as a child to not take food from strangers, especially ones who wore their underpants outside their cloths. But, by listening to the chatter around, he learns that this was a special event. Never mind who is serving. No one is dropping dead from eathing the cake either. He decides he better calm down and enjoy himself, so he takes a piece of cake.