Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:37 pm
OOC: FYI, this is long. Good luck reading it all at once.
It had been a long time since he had left his clues scattered throughout the land. He hated what he was about to do…but he knew it had to be done. Ever since the visions…
His eyes watered with tears as the memory, unbidden, flowed back into his mind. He had become accustomed to living here now; it was going to pain him to leave. It would hurt to leave behind his allies. Even if they were about one hundred years his junior, he had still come to respect and care about many of them.
But this was for the best. They were on the move again, and now no one around him was safe. He had spoken to the others; they too had begun making preparations to go into hiding again. Hyrule was a large place, after all, and these people had become quite adept at making themselves invisible to the world’s eye.
He silently looked skyward, thanking the spirit of his comrade for giving them the warning. Unfortunately, the very thought of his friend caused the vision he’d been sent to return to his eyes. Every detail was the same as when he had first observed it…
…every painful detail…
A peaceful calm covered the entire area. The forest animals scurried to and fro, searching the ground and trees for any nuts, berries, or prey to feed upon.
That calm was not meant to last.
A rushing wind slammed into the area, scattering the creatures in its wake. At the center of the gust was a middle-aged Rito, soaring through the trees at speeds that most Sheikah would find hard to match. And yet the Sheikah chasing him matched it. Barely, but it was being done.
Horohn zipped around the trees in his path with incredible grace, flapping his pearl-white wings faster than a hummingbird. His brown eyes glanced back several times, and no matter how fast he was going, they still managed to catch the rustle of his pursuers, a glimpse of his predators…
A sight of the Hakiems tribe. They wanted to take him and kill him, and as the Golden Rito, that was something he could not afford to have happen.
And so he flew faster – faster – faster still! Faster than his wings had ever carried him as he struggled to escape the all-seeing eyes of one very evil Zora…
“What isss taking them ssso long?” an angry voice hissed. Its owner was cloaked in his typical pitch-black robe, with the symbol of the Hakiems tribe decorating its back. The only visible part of the speaker’s body was the lower half of his face, from which jutted a pointy blue chin and a bluish nose.
One of the Hakiems standing in front of him, a woman stayed in her kneeling posture. Hair as white as snow flowed to her waist, and though he could not see the hard lines on her face, he knew the light blue eyes were also coldly serious. “Fear not, Lord Zaboorak. I am certain Master Karunik is closing in on the Golden Rito at this very moment.”
Zaboorak turned from her and turned his gaze towards the forest that they had tracked Horohn to. “I am certain that he isss, General Kypra. I jussst hope he remembersss my warningsss…the Golden Rito may well be the youngessst of the Golden Onesss, but with hisss youth comesss ssspeed. Karunik will have to work quickly to capture the fool.”
Horohn dropped towards the forest floor as he heard, rather than saw, a flurry of Sheikah daggers driving through the air towards him. He risked a single glance back at the man who had managed to keep up with him. “Oh no…wings of Valoo…” His wings suddenly flapped even harder than before, pushing beyond their limits. ‘That’s the guy Zaris showed me…Karunik!’ Zaris had shown him the memories of his last fight with Zaboorak, and Karunik’s red hazy figure had stood out as someone he wanted to avoid. Horohn was a Rito that specialized in speed, not physical might. He couldn’t hold his own against the stronger Hakiems, especially their leader!
Then a new barrage of darts flew at him from the right. He instinctively dove to the left – ‘Ow!’ – his mind screamed as he flew straight into the trunk of a tree. Though his head was suddenly throbbing, it worked well enough to tell him that he couldn’t afford to stop. His beak suddenly burned as he tore through the bark and broke past the Hakiems waiting there. His eyes darted back for a second, spotting a series of nets that would have captured him for certain if he had not veered off his course.
But a glance to the right revealed that his luck had run out. A booted foot swung from above him, pitching him to the ground. He bounced for a second, then his wings instinctively stretched outward, catching the wind and raising him skyward again. ‘Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow!’ His head pounding from impact with tree, foot, ground, and several more trees, Horohn continued his desperate flight.
Karunik brought his leg down hard on the Rito’s skull, and he stopped for a second to rest. ’That got him.’ His assumption was soon proved wrong as he watched his prey spring back from the ground and continue flying as fast as before. “Son of the Shadows! I thought Zaboorak said he wasn’t a fighter –" The Sheikah sighed as the reason became painfully obvious. “That Goldforce Power of his…that must be it…”
“Master Karunik!” The leader of the Hakiems turned to see Squad Terakk, the team he’d personally selected to chase down the Golden Rito, kneeling before him. Well, most of them kneeled. The squad leader’s face burned with annoyance at having allowed Horohn to get away, and refused to waste time bowing while their quarry fled.
‘Good,’ Karunik thought proudly. ‘He remains focused even in the face of his superiors. An important trait for an assassin.’ He quickly took on a pose suggesting frustration. “Segnin, go! Your powers will prove most useful in clipping that Rito’s wings!”
With a quick salute, Segnin burst out of the group’s sight. “I’ll push him towards the lake!” Then he was gone, no longer sensed even by the Hakiems. Karunik turned back to the squadron. “You heard your leader! Get into your positions and prepare to capture that Rito!” The Hakiems rose, saluted, and leapt off into the woods. Karunik chuckled. “It won’t be long now.” Then he too was gone.
Horohn kept going as fast as his wings would carry him. Finally he allowed himself to risk a quick look above the trees…and at last a wave of hope swept over him. ‘The ocean…it’s so close! Once I reach it, there’s no way the Hakiems can follow me!’ But he quickly shoved this jubilation aside, knowing that he needed to focus on his goal, that source of his hope, rather than the hope itself.
Unbeknownst to the Rito, Segnin did not need to try to catch up to the Rito. Horohn heard a loud crash to his side, and turned his gaze in that direction. Shock came over him as the Hakiem suddenly just appeared upon the tree he was soaring past. Horohn’s face took on a look of astonishment as the Sheikah held out his hands. “Rohtric Esarck!” A bolt of lightning ripped through the wind and tore into the Rito, throwing him against another tree. It snapped in two, but still Horohn fearfully flew onward.
Segnin leapt to the ground and managed to avoid the collapsing oak. He ran a young hand through his spiky blond hair and shook his head in amazement. “Good grief! He can actually move after that? That Goldforce thingy must be really strong!” He clapped his hands together and cried, “Rohtric Seerse!” With a burst of energy the Sheikah literally transformed back into a lightning bolt, soaring off in the direction Horohn had headed.
Horohn suddenly jerked upward as sparks ran through the air. The electrical blast surged past him and struck the ground, reverting back into the form of Segnin. “Rohtric Esarck!” But the Rito was ready for him this time. “Goldforce Power Beam!” The electrical shockwave was encompassed by the blast from the three triangles that appeared before the Rito.
Segnin almost didn’t react in time – almost. “Rohtric Seerse!” A flash of light later and he was a bolt screaming away from the impact of the energy. But not even lightning was fast enough to avoid the explosion that followed. Horohn turned tail and fled again even as the near-unconscious Sheikah body hit the dirt. A grin appeared on his face as, in his last moments, he saw the direction the Rito headed in. ‘I got him…’
Horohn had no way of knowing how dangerous the lake water he now flew over was.
Zaboorak’s head jerked up, and a dark golden aura surrounded him. ‘He’sss usssed it…’ The Zora turned from his post, with a wave relinquishing command of the area to Kypra…
Dozens of Sheikah suddenly exploded from the woods surrounding the lake, causing Horohn to gasp in fear. ‘I can’t fight against all these Hakiems!’ He dove down towards the water while they continued to climb upward, but soon realized his mistake. From out of the water, lifted by ropes the Hakiems carried, rose an enormous net. The Hakiems lifted the net with them as the leapt from one side of the lake to the other, successfully entangling the Rito within it. The net crashed back into the lake as the Hakiems landed and let go, taking Horohn with it.
Zaboorak emerged from the woods, Karunik at his side. “Excellent work, Karunik. The Hakiemsss have done a fine job today.” The leading Sheikah nodded in agreement. The Zora continued, “Now it isss time for me to go and retrieve what isss rightfully mine.”
The Zora dove into the water, allowing its currents to guide him to the place where the net was slowly sinking deeper and deeper. ‘There it isss…my Power!’ He swam right up to it, seeing the Horohn continued, to his credit, to hold his breath. Zaboorak merely laughed. “How are you, Horohn?” his voice rang through the lake. “I hope you will not mind my taking of what belongsss to me!”
Instantly a thought penetrated the Zora’s skull. ‘Where is she!’ Zaboorak was taken aback. Horohn had only been the Golden Rito for a few years now, but it appeared he had already mastered using it to telepathically transfer images and thoughts to another Golden One. ‘Impressive, Horohn,’ he thought back. ‘But who isss thisss ssshe you refer to?’
Anger flooded the Rito’s eyes. ‘You know who! Where is Calla!?!’ A winged arm somehow reached through the netting and gripped the Zora’s neck tightly. ‘WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER!!!’
Zaboorak waved his concerns away. ‘Temper, temper! You needn’t fear for your daughter’sss sssafety, Horohn. Ssshe was only kidnapped to expossse you.’ A smirk appeared on the Zora’s face as he reached up and squeezed the Rito’s hand, crushing it in his grasp. ‘Ssshe isss sssafe at the Hakiemsss’ basses. I haven’t hurt her, nor will I; even if I had any desssire to, the Hakiemsss would not allow it. Ssshe hasss done nothing to hurt them, ssso they refussse to allow harm to come to her. Ssso noble, aren’t they?’
‘More noble than you could ever dream of being.’
‘Quite true, Golden Rito,’ Zaboorak laughed out loud. ‘I haven’t dreamt of being noble for centuriesss, and I have no intention of ever doing ssso again!’ He mimicked Horohn’s earlier move and grasped the Rito’s neck. With a sharp squeeze the Rito’s mouth was forced open, releasing all air within his lungs. ‘And now, Horohn, why don’t I ssshow you how harsh I can be! I won’t even finisssh you off myssself; the water can do that for me.’
Horohn’s eyes widened as he was forced to breath in the water of the lake. Darkness covered his eyes, and his eyelids slowly drooped closed as his body relaxed. Only one thought remained in his head:
‘Oh, Calla…’
His eyes suddenly jerked open again, filled with a golden light. The glow poured out from his body, and with a shining fist he reached up and gripped the Zora’s arm, squeezing until he felt the bones shattering and heard Zaboorak’s pained cry. His foe’s shocked thoughts came into his brain, but he ignored them. The Golden energy burst through the webbing around him, and the light pulled him upward and out of his intended tomb. With over a hundred Hakiems gasping in startled fright, his voice emerged again: “Goldforce Power Wave!”
The blast took out almost every Hakiem present. The quickest avoided it by leaping into the water, below the plane of the attack, but even they were thrown back as the shockwave sprayed water out for miles. Zaboorak suddenly burst upward, angered to a point that was normally reserved for his frustration over Zaris. A golden blaze shot out from his body, burning away his robe as his skin and eyes became black as the night. “Alright, you want to play tough? Goldforce Power Beam!”
Karunik emerged from the water, staring incredulously at his boss. ‘Horohn has more than enough time to avoid it! Why does Lord Zaboorak waste so much energy on an attack?’ But to his surprise, the Rito did not move. The beam quickly enveloped him, and when the attack faded away, all that was left was a smoking figure high in the sky.
‘What’s wrong, Zaboorak?’ Horohn’s voice invaded Zaboorak’s mind again. ‘Weren’t expecting that, were you?’ High, high above, the Rito’s wings stopped flapping, allowing him to glide on the wind. His head fell, and a sigh emerged from his beak. ‘I see that I can never truly outrun you…but I’ve come to the realization that I don’t have to anymore. Farewell, Zaboorak, and may you die very, very soon. I can’t wait to see how you suffer in the afterlife.’ Zaboorak thought that he was finished, but his mouth soon dropped wide open. ‘My fellow Golden Ones…farewell.’ Horohn had used the Goldforce to send the information of his attack to all the other Golden Ones; now that they’d been warned, they would return to hide again. It would be years before Zaboorak could locate them.
At the thought, Horohn grinned. He closed his eyes, never to open them again.
From below, Zaboorak gazed upward as the light of the Golden Rito’s attack shone outward. A massive eruption of energy ripped through the air, and the Zora knew that Horohn’s body was no more. But the light continued to shine. ‘No! I can’t get the Goldforce from down here. That means it will –’
The Goldforce exploded.
Beams of light flew out in all directions before abruptly turning and plunging towards the earth like meteors. ‘The Goldforce is seeking out a new owner!’ As the beams touched down on the ground, they were absorbed into it, disappearing without a trace.
One beam dove straight towards the lake where the survivors sat. Zaboorak tucked his arms in to take on the form of an arrow, diving straight towards it. But not near fast enough. “If I can just touch a portion of it…then all of it shall come straight to me!
"Goldforce Power – Zora!” The whirlpools of energy shot out behind him, propelling him forward like a rocket. He reached out as its glow passed within five feet of him…and then vanished.
Around them all, the final beams were taken into the earth, where the Goldforce Power would remain until a new person capable of holding its power was found.
Zaboorak plowed into the ground as he hit, getting mouthful after mouthful of dirt crammed into him. Karunik ran over to him. “Lord Zaboorak, are you alright?”
The Zora slowly rose to his knees, panting angrily and spitting out dirt. He lifted one fist, then smashed it into the ground. Karunik leapt away as if he had expected the reaction, while the dirt that he had been standing on gave way to the force behind Zaboorak’s rage and collapsed into a giant pit. “I ALMOST HAD IT!!!” The finned fists continued to slam into the earth, quickly forming an enormous crater. When the evil Zora had finally calmed down, the lake was gone, and for miles around the forest had collapsed in on itself. Tree trunks littered the area by the time the remaining forces, led by Kypra, arrived.
Standing in the midst of the wreckage, Karunik sighed at the destruction. True, he was grateful that the damage had been on such a small scale – a few square miles of forest was miniscule compared to normal – but Zaboorak would most certainly be furious for the next few days. “Kypra,” he said quietly, “we’ve failed again. The Power managed to escape us; Horohn committed suicide and Lord Zaboorak was unable to retrieve it.”
The woman folded her arms in annoyance. Karunik almost laughed at the sight; failure wasn’t something the elderly woman took well. “So what now, Master Karunik?”
“The Rito Goldforce is gone now; it will take months, perhaps years, before we can locate it again. It will search for a Rito that can contain its awesome strength, and in the meantime we must focus our energy on learning the whereabouts of the other Powers.” He turned back to where the Zora slowly stood. “And get another robe for Zaboorak; he’s burned up another one.”
“His fifth this month.”
“True, true. Then find Segnin. He is to be commended for luring the Rito into our trap, even if it did end up failing. Even if that wasn’t the case, I know General Dessil would not be happy if his apprentice was lost. Then send more Hakiems out in search of that blasted Ukedra again. Sooner or later, that Deku will be unable to slip through our traps. It might calm Lord Zaboorak down if we could get a hold of the Deku Goldforce to replace the Rito’s."
Kypra nodded and jumped to a nearby mound of uprooted tree roots. She then turned back. “What about his daughter, Calla?”
Karunik considered for a moment. “Inform her of her father’s death, and then make preparations for her release back into civilization.” A thought suddenly struck him, and a smile formed. “But hold off on that. The tactic worked so well, there’s a chance it could be used again. I have plans to make,” he added as he walked off.
Back in Hyrule, Zaris heard the Rito’s final thoughts, and saw the last images the Goldforce sent him. And that very night he began composing his riddles.
Zaris, the Golden Sheikah, bearer of the Sheikah Goldforce, leader of the fight against Zaboorak, and teacher of both Alpha and Shada, shook off the dark memories that had enveloped him. He had already told Irisos that he had left. No reason for that to be a lie any longer.
“Master!” comes an angered yell. Alpha bolts into the cave, followed closely by the other adventurers. Along the way, he has explained the significance of Alpha Morrid – that was the name of the first Golden Sheikah. Before Zaboorak had begun attacking the Golden Ones, they had remained in solitude, unaware of the others’ presences, so the only ones who could have known of Alpha Morrid were those who had been trained to be, or who were, the Golden Sheikah.
“Master! Explain this!” he calls as he exits the sunlight. In his outstretched hand he holds the papers containing the riddle that he and his companions have been collecting for the past few days. As his eyes adjust, though, he realizes that Master Zaris is not there. In fact, it seems as though no one has been in the cave for hours.
All that awaits them inside is one final note, held by a rock in the center of the small table where Zaris has often been seen sitting. Alpha slowly walks forward and reads it. Silently, his hand begins to shake as he noticeably gulps. He hands it to Shada, who does not read it aloud, but does hold it where everyone else can see it clearly.
“We’ll never find him now, will we Key?” Shada says, breaking the silence that has come over the group.
Alpha merely nods. “There’s nothing we can do now, except pray that the goddesses protect him.” Though he is willing to obey Zaris’ command, he truly wants to ignore it like Zaris had told them he would. But at the moment…Alpha feels helpless. So instead he prays for someone else to make the suggestion of searching for Zaris again. It may be impossible, but there might be a chance.
‘Someone…just say something…I don’t have the strength to do it myself…’

It had been a long time since he had left his clues scattered throughout the land. He hated what he was about to do…but he knew it had to be done. Ever since the visions…
His eyes watered with tears as the memory, unbidden, flowed back into his mind. He had become accustomed to living here now; it was going to pain him to leave. It would hurt to leave behind his allies. Even if they were about one hundred years his junior, he had still come to respect and care about many of them.
But this was for the best. They were on the move again, and now no one around him was safe. He had spoken to the others; they too had begun making preparations to go into hiding again. Hyrule was a large place, after all, and these people had become quite adept at making themselves invisible to the world’s eye.
He silently looked skyward, thanking the spirit of his comrade for giving them the warning. Unfortunately, the very thought of his friend caused the vision he’d been sent to return to his eyes. Every detail was the same as when he had first observed it…
…every painful detail…
A peaceful calm covered the entire area. The forest animals scurried to and fro, searching the ground and trees for any nuts, berries, or prey to feed upon.
That calm was not meant to last.
A rushing wind slammed into the area, scattering the creatures in its wake. At the center of the gust was a middle-aged Rito, soaring through the trees at speeds that most Sheikah would find hard to match. And yet the Sheikah chasing him matched it. Barely, but it was being done.
Horohn zipped around the trees in his path with incredible grace, flapping his pearl-white wings faster than a hummingbird. His brown eyes glanced back several times, and no matter how fast he was going, they still managed to catch the rustle of his pursuers, a glimpse of his predators…
A sight of the Hakiems tribe. They wanted to take him and kill him, and as the Golden Rito, that was something he could not afford to have happen.
And so he flew faster – faster – faster still! Faster than his wings had ever carried him as he struggled to escape the all-seeing eyes of one very evil Zora…
“What isss taking them ssso long?” an angry voice hissed. Its owner was cloaked in his typical pitch-black robe, with the symbol of the Hakiems tribe decorating its back. The only visible part of the speaker’s body was the lower half of his face, from which jutted a pointy blue chin and a bluish nose.
One of the Hakiems standing in front of him, a woman stayed in her kneeling posture. Hair as white as snow flowed to her waist, and though he could not see the hard lines on her face, he knew the light blue eyes were also coldly serious. “Fear not, Lord Zaboorak. I am certain Master Karunik is closing in on the Golden Rito at this very moment.”
Zaboorak turned from her and turned his gaze towards the forest that they had tracked Horohn to. “I am certain that he isss, General Kypra. I jussst hope he remembersss my warningsss…the Golden Rito may well be the youngessst of the Golden Onesss, but with hisss youth comesss ssspeed. Karunik will have to work quickly to capture the fool.”
Horohn dropped towards the forest floor as he heard, rather than saw, a flurry of Sheikah daggers driving through the air towards him. He risked a single glance back at the man who had managed to keep up with him. “Oh no…wings of Valoo…” His wings suddenly flapped even harder than before, pushing beyond their limits. ‘That’s the guy Zaris showed me…Karunik!’ Zaris had shown him the memories of his last fight with Zaboorak, and Karunik’s red hazy figure had stood out as someone he wanted to avoid. Horohn was a Rito that specialized in speed, not physical might. He couldn’t hold his own against the stronger Hakiems, especially their leader!
Then a new barrage of darts flew at him from the right. He instinctively dove to the left – ‘Ow!’ – his mind screamed as he flew straight into the trunk of a tree. Though his head was suddenly throbbing, it worked well enough to tell him that he couldn’t afford to stop. His beak suddenly burned as he tore through the bark and broke past the Hakiems waiting there. His eyes darted back for a second, spotting a series of nets that would have captured him for certain if he had not veered off his course.
But a glance to the right revealed that his luck had run out. A booted foot swung from above him, pitching him to the ground. He bounced for a second, then his wings instinctively stretched outward, catching the wind and raising him skyward again. ‘Ow-ow-ow-ow-ow-ow!’ His head pounding from impact with tree, foot, ground, and several more trees, Horohn continued his desperate flight.
Karunik brought his leg down hard on the Rito’s skull, and he stopped for a second to rest. ’That got him.’ His assumption was soon proved wrong as he watched his prey spring back from the ground and continue flying as fast as before. “Son of the Shadows! I thought Zaboorak said he wasn’t a fighter –" The Sheikah sighed as the reason became painfully obvious. “That Goldforce Power of his…that must be it…”
“Master Karunik!” The leader of the Hakiems turned to see Squad Terakk, the team he’d personally selected to chase down the Golden Rito, kneeling before him. Well, most of them kneeled. The squad leader’s face burned with annoyance at having allowed Horohn to get away, and refused to waste time bowing while their quarry fled.
‘Good,’ Karunik thought proudly. ‘He remains focused even in the face of his superiors. An important trait for an assassin.’ He quickly took on a pose suggesting frustration. “Segnin, go! Your powers will prove most useful in clipping that Rito’s wings!”
With a quick salute, Segnin burst out of the group’s sight. “I’ll push him towards the lake!” Then he was gone, no longer sensed even by the Hakiems. Karunik turned back to the squadron. “You heard your leader! Get into your positions and prepare to capture that Rito!” The Hakiems rose, saluted, and leapt off into the woods. Karunik chuckled. “It won’t be long now.” Then he too was gone.
Horohn kept going as fast as his wings would carry him. Finally he allowed himself to risk a quick look above the trees…and at last a wave of hope swept over him. ‘The ocean…it’s so close! Once I reach it, there’s no way the Hakiems can follow me!’ But he quickly shoved this jubilation aside, knowing that he needed to focus on his goal, that source of his hope, rather than the hope itself.
Unbeknownst to the Rito, Segnin did not need to try to catch up to the Rito. Horohn heard a loud crash to his side, and turned his gaze in that direction. Shock came over him as the Hakiem suddenly just appeared upon the tree he was soaring past. Horohn’s face took on a look of astonishment as the Sheikah held out his hands. “Rohtric Esarck!” A bolt of lightning ripped through the wind and tore into the Rito, throwing him against another tree. It snapped in two, but still Horohn fearfully flew onward.
Segnin leapt to the ground and managed to avoid the collapsing oak. He ran a young hand through his spiky blond hair and shook his head in amazement. “Good grief! He can actually move after that? That Goldforce thingy must be really strong!” He clapped his hands together and cried, “Rohtric Seerse!” With a burst of energy the Sheikah literally transformed back into a lightning bolt, soaring off in the direction Horohn had headed.
Horohn suddenly jerked upward as sparks ran through the air. The electrical blast surged past him and struck the ground, reverting back into the form of Segnin. “Rohtric Esarck!” But the Rito was ready for him this time. “Goldforce Power Beam!” The electrical shockwave was encompassed by the blast from the three triangles that appeared before the Rito.
Segnin almost didn’t react in time – almost. “Rohtric Seerse!” A flash of light later and he was a bolt screaming away from the impact of the energy. But not even lightning was fast enough to avoid the explosion that followed. Horohn turned tail and fled again even as the near-unconscious Sheikah body hit the dirt. A grin appeared on his face as, in his last moments, he saw the direction the Rito headed in. ‘I got him…’
Horohn had no way of knowing how dangerous the lake water he now flew over was.
Zaboorak’s head jerked up, and a dark golden aura surrounded him. ‘He’sss usssed it…’ The Zora turned from his post, with a wave relinquishing command of the area to Kypra…
Dozens of Sheikah suddenly exploded from the woods surrounding the lake, causing Horohn to gasp in fear. ‘I can’t fight against all these Hakiems!’ He dove down towards the water while they continued to climb upward, but soon realized his mistake. From out of the water, lifted by ropes the Hakiems carried, rose an enormous net. The Hakiems lifted the net with them as the leapt from one side of the lake to the other, successfully entangling the Rito within it. The net crashed back into the lake as the Hakiems landed and let go, taking Horohn with it.
Zaboorak emerged from the woods, Karunik at his side. “Excellent work, Karunik. The Hakiemsss have done a fine job today.” The leading Sheikah nodded in agreement. The Zora continued, “Now it isss time for me to go and retrieve what isss rightfully mine.”
The Zora dove into the water, allowing its currents to guide him to the place where the net was slowly sinking deeper and deeper. ‘There it isss…my Power!’ He swam right up to it, seeing the Horohn continued, to his credit, to hold his breath. Zaboorak merely laughed. “How are you, Horohn?” his voice rang through the lake. “I hope you will not mind my taking of what belongsss to me!”
Instantly a thought penetrated the Zora’s skull. ‘Where is she!’ Zaboorak was taken aback. Horohn had only been the Golden Rito for a few years now, but it appeared he had already mastered using it to telepathically transfer images and thoughts to another Golden One. ‘Impressive, Horohn,’ he thought back. ‘But who isss thisss ssshe you refer to?’
Anger flooded the Rito’s eyes. ‘You know who! Where is Calla!?!’ A winged arm somehow reached through the netting and gripped the Zora’s neck tightly. ‘WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER!!!’
Zaboorak waved his concerns away. ‘Temper, temper! You needn’t fear for your daughter’sss sssafety, Horohn. Ssshe was only kidnapped to expossse you.’ A smirk appeared on the Zora’s face as he reached up and squeezed the Rito’s hand, crushing it in his grasp. ‘Ssshe isss sssafe at the Hakiemsss’ basses. I haven’t hurt her, nor will I; even if I had any desssire to, the Hakiemsss would not allow it. Ssshe hasss done nothing to hurt them, ssso they refussse to allow harm to come to her. Ssso noble, aren’t they?’
‘More noble than you could ever dream of being.’
‘Quite true, Golden Rito,’ Zaboorak laughed out loud. ‘I haven’t dreamt of being noble for centuriesss, and I have no intention of ever doing ssso again!’ He mimicked Horohn’s earlier move and grasped the Rito’s neck. With a sharp squeeze the Rito’s mouth was forced open, releasing all air within his lungs. ‘And now, Horohn, why don’t I ssshow you how harsh I can be! I won’t even finisssh you off myssself; the water can do that for me.’
Horohn’s eyes widened as he was forced to breath in the water of the lake. Darkness covered his eyes, and his eyelids slowly drooped closed as his body relaxed. Only one thought remained in his head:
‘Oh, Calla…’
His eyes suddenly jerked open again, filled with a golden light. The glow poured out from his body, and with a shining fist he reached up and gripped the Zora’s arm, squeezing until he felt the bones shattering and heard Zaboorak’s pained cry. His foe’s shocked thoughts came into his brain, but he ignored them. The Golden energy burst through the webbing around him, and the light pulled him upward and out of his intended tomb. With over a hundred Hakiems gasping in startled fright, his voice emerged again: “Goldforce Power Wave!”
The blast took out almost every Hakiem present. The quickest avoided it by leaping into the water, below the plane of the attack, but even they were thrown back as the shockwave sprayed water out for miles. Zaboorak suddenly burst upward, angered to a point that was normally reserved for his frustration over Zaris. A golden blaze shot out from his body, burning away his robe as his skin and eyes became black as the night. “Alright, you want to play tough? Goldforce Power Beam!”
Karunik emerged from the water, staring incredulously at his boss. ‘Horohn has more than enough time to avoid it! Why does Lord Zaboorak waste so much energy on an attack?’ But to his surprise, the Rito did not move. The beam quickly enveloped him, and when the attack faded away, all that was left was a smoking figure high in the sky.
‘What’s wrong, Zaboorak?’ Horohn’s voice invaded Zaboorak’s mind again. ‘Weren’t expecting that, were you?’ High, high above, the Rito’s wings stopped flapping, allowing him to glide on the wind. His head fell, and a sigh emerged from his beak. ‘I see that I can never truly outrun you…but I’ve come to the realization that I don’t have to anymore. Farewell, Zaboorak, and may you die very, very soon. I can’t wait to see how you suffer in the afterlife.’ Zaboorak thought that he was finished, but his mouth soon dropped wide open. ‘My fellow Golden Ones…farewell.’ Horohn had used the Goldforce to send the information of his attack to all the other Golden Ones; now that they’d been warned, they would return to hide again. It would be years before Zaboorak could locate them.
At the thought, Horohn grinned. He closed his eyes, never to open them again.
From below, Zaboorak gazed upward as the light of the Golden Rito’s attack shone outward. A massive eruption of energy ripped through the air, and the Zora knew that Horohn’s body was no more. But the light continued to shine. ‘No! I can’t get the Goldforce from down here. That means it will –’
The Goldforce exploded.
Beams of light flew out in all directions before abruptly turning and plunging towards the earth like meteors. ‘The Goldforce is seeking out a new owner!’ As the beams touched down on the ground, they were absorbed into it, disappearing without a trace.
One beam dove straight towards the lake where the survivors sat. Zaboorak tucked his arms in to take on the form of an arrow, diving straight towards it. But not near fast enough. “If I can just touch a portion of it…then all of it shall come straight to me!
"Goldforce Power – Zora!” The whirlpools of energy shot out behind him, propelling him forward like a rocket. He reached out as its glow passed within five feet of him…and then vanished.
Around them all, the final beams were taken into the earth, where the Goldforce Power would remain until a new person capable of holding its power was found.
Zaboorak plowed into the ground as he hit, getting mouthful after mouthful of dirt crammed into him. Karunik ran over to him. “Lord Zaboorak, are you alright?”
The Zora slowly rose to his knees, panting angrily and spitting out dirt. He lifted one fist, then smashed it into the ground. Karunik leapt away as if he had expected the reaction, while the dirt that he had been standing on gave way to the force behind Zaboorak’s rage and collapsed into a giant pit. “I ALMOST HAD IT!!!” The finned fists continued to slam into the earth, quickly forming an enormous crater. When the evil Zora had finally calmed down, the lake was gone, and for miles around the forest had collapsed in on itself. Tree trunks littered the area by the time the remaining forces, led by Kypra, arrived.
Standing in the midst of the wreckage, Karunik sighed at the destruction. True, he was grateful that the damage had been on such a small scale – a few square miles of forest was miniscule compared to normal – but Zaboorak would most certainly be furious for the next few days. “Kypra,” he said quietly, “we’ve failed again. The Power managed to escape us; Horohn committed suicide and Lord Zaboorak was unable to retrieve it.”
The woman folded her arms in annoyance. Karunik almost laughed at the sight; failure wasn’t something the elderly woman took well. “So what now, Master Karunik?”
“The Rito Goldforce is gone now; it will take months, perhaps years, before we can locate it again. It will search for a Rito that can contain its awesome strength, and in the meantime we must focus our energy on learning the whereabouts of the other Powers.” He turned back to where the Zora slowly stood. “And get another robe for Zaboorak; he’s burned up another one.”
“His fifth this month.”
“True, true. Then find Segnin. He is to be commended for luring the Rito into our trap, even if it did end up failing. Even if that wasn’t the case, I know General Dessil would not be happy if his apprentice was lost. Then send more Hakiems out in search of that blasted Ukedra again. Sooner or later, that Deku will be unable to slip through our traps. It might calm Lord Zaboorak down if we could get a hold of the Deku Goldforce to replace the Rito’s."
Kypra nodded and jumped to a nearby mound of uprooted tree roots. She then turned back. “What about his daughter, Calla?”
Karunik considered for a moment. “Inform her of her father’s death, and then make preparations for her release back into civilization.” A thought suddenly struck him, and a smile formed. “But hold off on that. The tactic worked so well, there’s a chance it could be used again. I have plans to make,” he added as he walked off.
Back in Hyrule, Zaris heard the Rito’s final thoughts, and saw the last images the Goldforce sent him. And that very night he began composing his riddles.
Zaris, the Golden Sheikah, bearer of the Sheikah Goldforce, leader of the fight against Zaboorak, and teacher of both Alpha and Shada, shook off the dark memories that had enveloped him. He had already told Irisos that he had left. No reason for that to be a lie any longer.
“Master!” comes an angered yell. Alpha bolts into the cave, followed closely by the other adventurers. Along the way, he has explained the significance of Alpha Morrid – that was the name of the first Golden Sheikah. Before Zaboorak had begun attacking the Golden Ones, they had remained in solitude, unaware of the others’ presences, so the only ones who could have known of Alpha Morrid were those who had been trained to be, or who were, the Golden Sheikah.
“Master! Explain this!” he calls as he exits the sunlight. In his outstretched hand he holds the papers containing the riddle that he and his companions have been collecting for the past few days. As his eyes adjust, though, he realizes that Master Zaris is not there. In fact, it seems as though no one has been in the cave for hours.
All that awaits them inside is one final note, held by a rock in the center of the small table where Zaris has often been seen sitting. Alpha slowly walks forward and reads it. Silently, his hand begins to shake as he noticeably gulps. He hands it to Shada, who does not read it aloud, but does hold it where everyone else can see it clearly.
A good deal of space exists between these lines and the final paragraph of the poem:‘My students, allies, and friends, one and all:
I must say my farewells. Though I’ve had a ball,
I fear I will lead you to your demise.
This way seems best to my old, wiser eyes.
Shada and Alpha, do not try me find,
Your wits and your skills cannot match with mine.
I return to hiding, for I recently learned
That the Hakiems have at last returned.
Zaboorak sought me for so many years
But he has confirmed my darkest of fears.
While he finally chose to give me a break
He looked for the others, their lives to take.
Horohn, our ally, the Rito of Gold,
Fell to the Zora in battles untold.
But Horohn's last thought says that his Goldforce
Has escaped and hid, to wait out its course.
The Goron, Fairy, and Zora he bares;
The remaining seven are his only cares.
But Rito is lost, and I again flee.
I fear he'll seek the last five over me.
Deku, Gerudo, and Human remain;
Hylian and Kokiri are the same.
Now they too will hide, and there they ought stay
To stop Zaboorak from getting his way.
But if you must seek the Goldforce Powers,
Head for those five, who in darkest hours
Shall aid us all in the fight against he
Who betrayed our kind, from whom we still flee.’
Alpha slowly walks back to the entrance of the cave, going straight past his fellow adventures. Night is just falling, he notices, and the moon is slowly rising over the land of Hyrule. As the wind blows through his cape, he gazes out at the landscape as a chill, not from the night air but from the destroyed peace that he had learned to cherish.‘Heeding my warning, I know that you should.
But expect it? I can't, as ignore it I would.
Now my last riddle: Seek you where I lie?
Look where you're closest to beyond the eye!’
“We’ll never find him now, will we Key?” Shada says, breaking the silence that has come over the group.
Alpha merely nods. “There’s nothing we can do now, except pray that the goddesses protect him.” Though he is willing to obey Zaris’ command, he truly wants to ignore it like Zaris had told them he would. But at the moment…Alpha feels helpless. So instead he prays for someone else to make the suggestion of searching for Zaris again. It may be impossible, but there might be a chance.
‘Someone…just say something…I don’t have the strength to do it myself…’
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.
STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56