[NPC] A Strange Man

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Narrator The Forgotten Sage
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Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:23 pm
<img src="images/npcs/man1.gif" align="right">A strange man approaches you, admiring the green stone recently distributed to you by the Castle Guards for your adventures. "Oh!" he yells excitedly, "that's a Farore's Wind! Very valuable indeed. It can be used to warp you back to your designated home any time you wish. How lucky you are to possess such a toy! You know, if you ever visit a Temple or Shrine of the Goddesses outside of North Castle, there you can reset your Farore's Wind temporarily to warp you to that place by attuning your stone to that site."

"I'm so jealous..."
weienw Level 8
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Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 12:32 am
Arco peels back the wrapping of the item the castle guard gave him while on the bridge. His eyes observe the gem dimly. It's not long before the Sheikah begins to listen to what the man is shouting about.

"Oh. Thanks for the information." He replies once the other takes a breath.

He eyes it for another minute. So valuable, yet I got this for free? But a vagabond--particularly one raised in a moneymaking gang--is not one to argue about charity. Arco re-wraps the item poorly with his calloused fingers and hides it away in a cloak pocket.

STR 2 - DEF 3 (+ Arm. 12) - AGI 6 - INT 3 - SPI 1 - SPL: 18 - HP: 31
pendejochy Level 6
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Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 12:35 am
A strange man approaches you, admiring the green stone recently distributed to you by the Castle Guards for your adventures. "Oh!" he yells excitedly, "that's a Farore's Wind! Very valuable indeed. It can be used to warp you back to your designated home any time you wish. How lucky you are to possess such a toy! You know, if you ever visit a Temple or Shrine of the Goddesses outside of North Castle, there you can reset your Farore's Wind temporarily to warp you to that place by attuning your stone to that site."

"I'm so jealous..."
"Really this is very rale and valueble? Well, I'll tell you what: if i find another one of these, I'll make sure to find you so we can talk business."
Pende Bloodmoss
gorjak Level 6
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Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 3:34 pm
While marching about boredly staring at the item given to him by the Castle Guard,Leon hears the strange man and exclaims,"That is good information!I should remember this...".

Then he asks,"I suppose I should try it,but where?And would it work in dungeons?".
bgrugby Level 3
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Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:56 pm
Rugger looks at Farore's Wind and cannot believe that such a seemingly worthless gem has that power.

"Well it will be most useful. However you should not be jealous. Jealousy leads to hate which is something I know all to well."
Rugger Cole...UPDATED
Master Goron Level 8
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Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 8:37 pm
Grenada takes the stone from the guard and gazes deep into its core. His eyes fixated, he only partially notices his surroundings. The green gem's sparkle amazes him and he knows what he wants to do with it. After looking around for something hard enough to penetrate the object, he turns around and you hear a 'poot!' followed by a few hard taps. Gazing around his body Deku nut is visible in his hand, and he's using it to beat a hole into the beautious gem. After 3 minutes, he had finally succeeded and then after digging a small rope from his pocket he looped it through and tied it behind his neck. After holding it to the sky he deposits the stone under his robe. He gives a smile, throws the deku nut into the sky and shoots a second one towards it. As the seeds collide, a bright flash fills the sky, expanding to reach every viewable corner in the area.

Turning to the strange man, he says: "Don't be jealous, it's not that great anyway."

STR- 3 DEF- 17 AGI- 5 INT- 1 SPL- 1 SPL- 7 HP- 41
Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 11:57 am
Alpha turned his head towards the man. "I know what it is," he said, not in anger or malice, but with a sort of sorrow about events long past. His head lowered as he walked away from the man. But then Alpha turned back, showing the man a sorrowful eye from beneath his dark cloak.

"Do not be jealous. Be happy that you will never need to use one yourself. Your life is simple, so rejoice in that fact." The man's thoughts turned inwards upon hearing this. When he came back to reality a single second later, no trace remained of Alpha having ever been there...
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
weienw Level 8
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Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 6:04 pm
OOC: Hey Alpha, welcome to Hyrule! Great post and writing, I like how you've given us so much character in only a couple paragraphs.

Anyway, I thought I'd mention a thing or two now, since someone will do so eventually. Basically, try to refrain from controlling other characters, even the NPC's (though especially for player characters)--we call it "god-modding." More information over in the Ornery Cuckoo Tav (Town Square > OC Tavern > "RP Help"). Even though you barely did any at all (only made the guy think, not much harm in that), the rule of thumb is that the less, the better. Thanks!

Again, welcome! Looking forward to see some neat stuff in Alpha's Profile.

STR 2 - DEF 3 (+ Arm. 12) - AGI 6 - INT 3 - SPI 1 - SPL: 18 - HP: 31
shadowlink13 Level 9
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Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:19 pm
Darilan smiles toward the strange man. He claps the greens stone in his hands. "This could end up saving my life some day. Thankfully it hasn't come to that."

He feels a bit of disappointment when he hears Alpha's reply. Having the Farore's wind stones was an honor. "Sir," he says, "we have these because we are defenders of Hyrule. Simple life does not compare."

DEF 12
SPL: 27
HP: 33

[NPC] The Ravenclaw Twins
Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 9:49 am
From behind Darilan comes a voice. Though it seems nothing is there, the voice was clear and concise, definately not a figment of one's imagination. Only a Sheikah can accomplish this.
"Yes we are the defenders of Hyrule - a dangerous and difficult task. That man does not have to risk his life daily. If the need arose, then he would hopefully have the bravery to take up the sword and aid us. But that need has not come yet, and he should rejoice, for he has the priveledge of living a life without the burden of death and war..." With that, the voice, and the man it belonged to, fades away like a soft summer breeze.
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
ArthurDent Level 3
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Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 1:54 pm
Well, now we know what that does...
Now, are the roads to any other towns safe?
Arthur Dent
"Knowledge is power, but omniscience is debilitating. So It Is Written, And Thus It Is So."
"Six by Nine. Forty-two. That's it."
--Douglas Adams
shadowlink13 Level 9
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Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:04 pm
"I am afraid we only have access to Ruto and Rauru Towns. But once the drunken mayor of Ruto allows us to destroy Gohma and other monsters in the North-South Passage, we will be able to travel to Saria Town.

DEF 12
SPL: 27
HP: 33

[NPC] The Ravenclaw Twins
ArthurDent Level 3
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Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:07 pm
Hmmm... A Gohma? My cousin told me rumors of such... They are only vulnerable in the eyes, I think...
Arthur Dent
"Knowledge is power, but omniscience is debilitating. So It Is Written, And Thus It Is So."
"Six by Nine. Forty-two. That's it."
--Douglas Adams
Alpha Level 14
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Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 2:37 pm
"Yes, I have heard these same rumors myself. It would definately be to our advantage to have a long range weapon when we are finally allowed to fight it. Then we could attack its eye from a distance."
Evil beware the dimness of night,
Of the blackness from whence you came.
In the shadows lies your greatest plight:
For the darkness is my domain.


STR-1; DEF-12; AGI-7; INT-5; SPI-6; SPL-48; HP-56
shadowlink13 Level 9
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Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 5:15 pm
"I am covered for the long ranged weapon. I think I will go and buy some of those gloves that can give the projectile more damaging force."

DEF 12
SPL: 27
HP: 33

[NPC] The Ravenclaw Twins