Force of Gold
Part 1 (
Flight From Death) may be found in Area (d10)
Part 2 (
A Glimpse at the Enemy) may be found in Area (f17)
Part 3 (
Depths of Darkness) may be found in Area (f17)
Meeting With the Master
Part 4 (
Sand Exile) may be found in Area (p21)
Medicine for Calla
The Assassin
Part 5 (
Growing Aggression) may be found in the Rauru Town Trade Quarter
Part 6 (
Ruins of Power) may be found in Area (p10)
Part 7 (
Informant) may be found in the North Castle Temple Quarter
Part 8 (
Castle Liberation) may be found in the North Castle Courtyard
Castle Pursuit
Castle Guardians
Alpha finally arrived at his destination. As Alpha Morrid had been the first of the Golden Sheikah, only Alpha and Zaris had the information that the final riddle had contained. However, Zaris was nowhere to be found. A note left on the table explained that Zaris had received a vision from Horohn, the Golden Rito, saying that the Hakiems had returned. While they had not gotten the Rito Goldforce, Horohn had died, and now Zaris felt it best that he leave. The final two lines of the poem seemed to indicate where that hiding place was, but it was more challenging than any of the riddles they had found before.
Alpha despaired at the thought of the peace he had come to cherish vanishing, but his friends soon managed to return his determination to him, and they decided to meet in a few days to discuss what should be done and ponder the note Zaris had left them.
The meeting was called together, and before it had even officially begun the group came across several good and sensible interpretations for the last riddle Master Zaris had left them. For a long, moonlit night, they talked about the Hakiems, the Golden Ones, and themselves, growing the bond that each one held with the others. Those that came to this meeting were Link, Kasei, Arco, Grenada, Blank, Rose, Victor, Cloud, Raven, Denning, Tayro, Azador, Dogura, Alex, and Nogare. They would need a strengthened bond soon enough. . .
. . . For they were all soon captured in a Hakiems ambush. Awakening in the Hakiems' hideout alongside Darilan, but without Alpha, the group managed to escape their cells and make their way up to a Hakiems' Trial Area, where they battled the mutated squid Dyquis. Upon its defeat, they were confronted by a mysterious woman, who granted them the Arctic Seeds and the location of the key to Alpha's cell. But when they at last entered the area designated as the Main Prison, they met the guard: an enormous boar, the Kroperg. The group managed to defeat it, but after freeing Alpha they found themselves surrounded by Hakiems, and were forced to flee into the Void. There, everyone managed to get back to Hyrule safely - except for Alpha and Calla, for the Sheikah suffered from a strange attack before he could pass through. Just before falling unconscious, he opened a new portal and they escaped.
Alpha awoke in the cave dwelling of a Gerudo, Koura, who had saved both he and Calla from a vicious sandstorm of Parapa Desert. But Calla had obtained a deadly illness, and the Gerudo, an exile of Parapa Village, needed to return to her home town to get medicine for the Rito. Gathering his friends together, he asked some of them to accompany Koura and get the medicine. They managed to get into the village and obtain the medicine with little difficulty, and quickly headed back south.
At the same time, the Sheikah sent some of them off to go find Shada, and inform her of the fact that he had made it out alright. Blank and Alex opted for this duty, and found her sitting in Rauru Town. Just as she was told that they had located Alpha, the Deku Yukie, friend of Ukedra - the Golden Deku - came flying around the corner being chased by a few Hakiems. The group was aided by Sovelis and Aria before the mercenaries were defeated. With Yukie joining them, the group returned to the desert to rendezvous with the others.
They did indeed meet the others in the desert, but not where expected. An Assassin attacked the medicine group in order to return Koura, who had broken her exileship by returning to Parapa Village, to the leading Gerudo of the town. Every member of the group was forced to work together and unleash their greatest of abilities before the Assassin finally admitted defeat and fled. His last words told the group the name he went by: Wraith.
In search of Master Zaris near the lighthouse of Parapa, Koura led the group to the ancient ruins of the Shrine of Spirit that lay near there. However, instead of the Golden Sheikah they were attacked by Xamnial the Beastmaster, who had tracked them with help from Coby. Unleashing several of Zaboorak's many creations and a few of his own abilities, he soon brought the group to its knees before Koura unleashed a power like few had ever seen: the Gerudo Goldforce. Xamnial was defeated, and Coby left with his body. Koura and the rest of the group immediately headed out of the desert and back into Hyrule.
After a week in North Castle, both Shada and Rose managed to attract the attention of the Royal Elite Remnant, the replacement group for the now-disbanded REF, by asking various people about Wraith. During this time, Pyralin joined the group as well. Taken to see the RER's leader, General Noval, the group accompanied Noval to see his informant on such matters, Gorodo. There it was decided that this Wraith was actually an impostor, masquerading as the true Wraith for unknown reasons. As they departed, a new member of the RER appeared in the shop, dying from wounds inflicted by the Hakiems Tribe - who had just stormed North Castle.
The group hurried to the Castle, using Noval's immense knowledge to sneak into the castle grounds and free two other members of the Hylian Knights, Colonel Horren Veldam and General Kamas Lion. With these two powerful warrior supplementing their group, they proceeded towards the throne room where the King and Princess were being held - only to have several of the members cut off from the main group when Impostor Wraith, who would be revealed to be named Alik, ambushed Alpha and a few companions nearby him.
While Alpha's group gave chase after the assassin, Noval's group continued to the throne room, and were forced to split again to seek out a pair of keys to open up the throne room door. Veldam's group encounter Sovelis in the library, before meeting up with Karsis the Suggestor in the Triforce Chamber - a room lacking the Triforce - while Noval and Lion met up with Sheena and Haru Veilmist before fighting Segnin Tamayal in the outer gardens. Defeating the two allowed them to finally enter the throne room, where they found the Royal Family under the watchful eye of General Laxin of the Hakiems Tribe. The group, rejoined by those who had pursued Alik, was forced to battle the Hakiems, Zaboorak - through possession spells first on Councilor Yaen Allconus and later King Harkinian himself - and the treacherous Sovelis, and only succeeded after Noval revealed himself as the Golden Hylian.
When the battle ended, Alik's employer, the wizard Idarz killed Laxin to prevent the secrets of Wraith from being discovered, and he later appeared before Zaboorak to warn him about allowing Wraith's identity to be revealed. With their defeat, however, Zaboorak's attention was divided by the inevitable revenge-driven assault on the Castle . . .