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zelda vi: majora's mask

You have no horse, no Ocarina of Time, and you're lost in a warped dimension where the moon's about to fall, what do you do? Simple, you grab this great guide to Majora's Mask, the only guide you'll need to conquer the four dungeons of Termina and stop that evil Mask of Majora!

[The Mask of Majora] One day, while traveling through the woods with his horse Epona, Link encountered a mischievous creature called Stalkid. Stalkid distracted Link and then along with his evil fairy partner, stole Epona and the Ocarina of Time and dissapeared through a portal. Link gave chase and soon found himself in a new world where the denizens despair that their moon is about to fall. Link is inspired and sets out to save the world and discover the mystery behind Majora's Mask.

Majora's Mask is the first Zelda of the Millenium and definitely a unique gaming experience. You'll find that every section of the game, from the expansive Clocktown, to the innovative Scheduler, to the exciting Goron Races, makes this game truly and achievement by Nintendo. Majora's Mask has reached both sides of the Pacific, and with it brought a massive group of frenzied gamers trying to avoid the fall of the moon.

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