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zelda vi: majora's mask
ocarina songs

After retrieving the Ocarina of Time from Stalkid, you'll have an array of Songs to learn from the denizens of Termina. Along with the ten normal songs you learn, there are two secret songs which along you to speed up and slow down time. Listed below is the song, the score of the songs, and the details of what the song does.

Song of Time
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The Song of Time is different from the Song of Time in the first game. Instead of teleporting blue blocks, the Song returns Link to the beginning of the first day.

Song of Healing
< > v < > v

The Song of Healing can be learned from the Mask Salesman after you have found the Ocarina and teleported back three days for the first time.

Epona's Song
^ < > ^ < >

Epona's song does exactly what it did in OoT, it calls Epona so you can ride her around Termina. Romani will teach you this song if you promise to save the ranch from aliens and complete her target range.

Song of Soaring
v < ^ v < ^

The Song of Soaring allows you to warp to any Owl Statue that you have "opened" by slashing open its wings. To learn it, talk to the owl perched at the top of the waterfall near the Deku Palace.

Song of Storms
A v ^ A v ^

Use this song to call the rain. To get it, use the Captain's Hat to order Stalkids to smash open a grave. Inside is Flat the Younger's crypt and an Iron Knuckle. Defeat the Iron Knuckle to free Flat and he'll teach you this song. use it in the river source in Ikana Village.

Wake Sonata
^ < ^ < A > A

The Monkey at Deku Palace will teach you this song when you go into his prison through the east side of the castle. Use it to open Woodfall from its watery resting place.

Goron Lullaby
A > < A > < > A

The frozen Goron on Snowhead will begin this song for you, but you'll need that whining, crying Goron baby to finish it. You need it to open the Goron Dungeon.

Sea Roar Bossa Nova
< ^ < > v < >

The Sea Roar Bossa Nova (nice name) is needed to summon the Giant Turtle that allows you access to the Zora Dungeon (play it for Lulu as Mikau). The Seven Zora "babies" will form the score of the song when they hatch.

Elegy of Emptiness
> < > v > ^ <

After beating the king and his two toadies at Ikana Castle, the king will teach you this song so you can create a "clone" of yourself for regular form and each of the three masked forms.

Order to Oath
> v A v > ^

The most important song in the game allows Link to summon the four Guardians of Termina to hold up the Moon and disallow it from destroying the world. This song only works when you have all four Guardian Masks from the four dungeons.

Song of Double Time
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Use this song to jump ahead twelve hours, useful if you can't wait for a certain event.

Inverted Song of Time
>, A, >, v, A, >

Use this song to slow down time by one half the normal speed. Useful when traversing a dungeon.

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