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Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess
Walkthrough — V. Breaking the Ice and Saving a Prince

Jump the gate where you fought for Colin, and ride north into Lanayru Province. When you enter the area, you'll turn into the Wolf once again. Along the path to Hyrule Castle, you'll pick up Ilia's scent. Head to the Castle, where you'll enter Castle Town, where ilia is likely located. Run around the town, following the scent, until you descend into an alley where the scent leads into a bar, Telma's Tavern.

You'll end up in Telma's Tavern, with Ilia, and Telma standing over a young Zora boy. He looks unconscious, and you hear that he passed out. The people are upset, because something is stopping the water from Lake Hylia. There are a bunch of Soldiers gathered in the back of the tavern, with a map to Lake Hylia. Examine the map to find the path you need to take. Exit the Town and head to Lake Hylia, using your map as the guide. Eventually you'll find yourself at the Great Bridge of Hylia, which spans over the Lake.

The enemies seem to be getting craftier as you progress. A Twilit Goblin leaps out from the other side of the bridge, holding a bow. He will shoot a fire arrow, and igniting the inky black goo all over the bridge, which is actually oil! The bridge catches fire behind and front of you, and is advancing rapidly. Run ahead and you will find some boxes. Push one to the wall, and climb onto it, and leap off of the bridge, and into Lake Hylia.

You will find that something has disturbed the source of the water that flows into the Lake, Zora's Domain. Walk towards the spirits to spot a Twilit Goblin near a patch of hawk grass. It'll sue the grass to summon a giant Twilit Kargaroc. Defeat the Goblin by taking out both, then Midna will take control of the bird and you'll all fly up the desiccated River bed.

Here you'll take control of the bird, and playing dodge-em's with various stalactites, wooden structures, and archers. Once at the top of the river, the bird will drop you and fly off. Continue up river, walking along the Ice. You will come to a spot where Keese are plentiful. After destroying a few of them (because they are a bother) you will come to a spot where you can lock onto Midna, and jump from spot to spot to get to the top of the massive frozen waterfalls. Be careful of the ledges you just jumped to having a stalactite dropped on you, which will knock you to the ground below and eat up many a heart.

Nevertheless, at the top of the falls you'll finally make it to the Zora Throne Room. Use your senses to spot that all the Zora frozen in the ice below. Some Shadow Beings drop down, and you will have to destroy them. Now, you have a portal here, so you can warp directly to the Throne Room. Midna tells you to go find something that can melt the ice. Remember the molten rock from Death Mountain? Now is the time to use it. Warp there, and speak to Midna about it.

Now, warp back to Zora's Domain with the rock. The ice will melt, and the Zora's will be freed. Also, the Lake and town regain their water supply. As you leave, the ghost of the Zora Queen, Rutela, will speak to you. She thanks you, and asks you to rescue her son, the Zora prince in Telma's Tavern. She says if you do, she'll give you something that will surely help.

Back in Lake Hylia, head in the cave to meet Lanayru, the fourth and last Light Spirit. You know what that means: Insect Time. Hunt down and destroy the insects around the Lake, and then summon another Twilit Kargaroc with some Hawk Grass to fly back up the river. Along the way are several flying shadow insects, which you'll need to dispatch. Make your way towards the throne room, collecting all the Tears of Light along the way, until you've collected all of the insects marked on your map, even though your Vessel is missing one. Midna pops up, and is confused. She says there should be one more, and looks at the map. There will be one last spot marker on it. Go to that spot, and get ready for a mini boss.

MINI-BOSS: Shadow Insect Queen

The final Insect will be swarming around some small particles floating in the water. Approach it to fight it. It's huge, and ugly. Wait for it to swoop down. Side jump, and then lock on and press [A] to jump onto it, and rip it apart with your teeth. Repeat this process to get the last tear, and return to human form. Lanayru will thank you and there'll be a brief but very interesting cut-scene. Use the Cannon House on the water to get back up to the land above the Lake.
Return to Castle Town and Telma's Tavern, and you'll meet up with Ilia and Telma. Telma will explain that there is a shaman in Kakariko that can help the Zora prince, Ralis. Meanwhile, Ilia has completely lost her memory for some unexplained reason, and she doesn't know who you are. They ask you to escort them to Kakariko because the guards flaked out.

Guide the cart with Ilia and the Zora prince safely to Kakariko, not terribly difficult, but it will require quick reflexes. There will be monsters with fire arrows who will light the cart on fire, and you must use the Gale Boomerang to blow it out. You cannot ignore the monsters this time. It's not necessary to destroy them, but they are a huge pain.

When you get to Kakariko, there will be a cut scene of everyone arriving safely, and them putting Ralis in a bed at the Hotel. Telma flirts with Link, and then leaves to talk to Renando. Suddenly, Rutela will appear in front of you, and guide you directly to the Zora Grave in the cemetery. Anyways, behind the Grave there is a water-filed grove. Across the water there is an oddly shaped tombstone, where the King apparently died as well. Rutela asks you to help her son, and to tell him that she loves him, and not to grieve over her death. Under the grave is Zora Armor which gives you the ability to breathe underwater, and swim freely! It's really cool looking, and will be necessary to continue.

Return to Kakariko and head into Barnes' Bomb Shop and buy some Water Bombs. You'll be needing those very soon. Then, head back to Lake Hylia and use the Iron Boots and Zora Armor to sink into the massive holes in the lakebed, where the appropriately named Lakebed Temple awaits. To enter it, drop a water bomb on the water jet on the ground, which will float a bomb up to the boulder blocking the Temple entrance. The bomb will explode, opening the way to the Temple. Head inside.

Hyrule Adventures 2! Stop playing Zelda. Start living it!

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