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zelda iv: link's awakening
walkthroughs - eagle's tower

I must say, if every game has the hardest dungeon, this would be that dungeon. The Eagle's Tower is split into four floors and take logic to beat. So lemme show you my logic, although it might be a little off. But hey, if it gtes you from point A to point B, who really cares right? There are two things you need to remember. 1. If you fall down a hole you'll fall to a lower floor and 2. If you drop the ball down a hole, go back to where you found it for a new one. Weirdly, this dungeon has no main room. Yah I know you're all disapointed but enough chit chat, let's get it on!

Go right twice until you get to the room with the two Like Likes. Kill them and grab your key. Now go through the door. Go up the stairs, up, and grab the ball. Put it next to the left exit and run over to the chain. Pull it and run to the ball, pick it up, and vamoose. Use the ball to destroy the pillar, don't worry if it falls in the pit, just go back to the last room for it. Leave the ball, jump over the pit heading down, and go down again. Hit the Crystal Switch and go back for your ball. Use it on the pillar you pass. Now for the hard part, go back to the Crystal Switch and toss it over fence. Now say "bye bye"... it's gonna be a while before you see it again.

Go up past where you smashed the first pillar and toss the two horse heads so they stand up. Grab the Map out of the chest that appears and go down the stairs. Mad dash past the Beamos and go down. Go past the Stalfos and Like Likes and around back that first set of stairs you went up. Get the Mirror Sheidl out of the chest. Hit the Crystal Switch and go back to the room with the second pillar you destroyed. Go down, hit the Crystal switch, go back up and jump down the LOWER LEFT pit. You SHOULD land on a raised block "walkway". Go up the stairs and jump on the right raised walkway. Follow it to the chest and door (heading left). Get the Stone Beak out of the chest and go up the stairs. Equip your Bow and Arrow and go down. Shoot two arrows at the Cyclops to kill it and get yourself a new key. Go right.

Remember these guys? Make them all the same suit and make the chest appear. Now go right again. Get your ball, say "hi", go left and toss it over the rail-guarded pit. Go back up from where you fought the Cyclops and gio in the revolving door. Equip your shield and hide by the locked door. When all the tiles stop, go through the now-opened. Bomb the wall on the bottom in between the two torches. Go dow, bomb another wall and hookshot onto the chest to cross the chasm. Grab your ball and go up. Smash the pillar and toss it BACK OVER the rail-guarded pit. Now jump down, yes, DOWN the chasm and just go left and back up the stairs. Grab your ball and go through the revolving door. Put the ball in the corner by the closed door and equip your shield. When the barrage ends, pick up the ball and destroy the last pillar. Now watch the sequence of the tower sinking.

Go back to where you got the Mirror Shield. Stay on the blocks and hit the switch, go down (make sure you raised the blocks). Open the locked block and go up the stairs. Now jump over the left side and go up the stairs. Go up and left. Finally the mid-boss fight! It's The Died Piper. Get it? Oh forget it. To get rid of this boss, destroy all of his bats in one round. Now go up, push the blocks together and get the boss key. Go back to the boss door, open it, and go up the stairs. Use the Hookshot on the block to cross the halway. Now go down and up the stairs. Ready for the Eagle?

Eagle Hard, hard boss. If you fall off the tower you have to start again, so have your wits about! The Eagel has three main modes of attack, 1. fly by, 2. Dive bomb, 3. Sweep away. Sweep away will knock you off unless you are practically underneath him and have your shield up at all times. There is no best way to kill it, because it uses random attacks. The best way to dispose of it is top be able to recognize its attacks and how it begins! If your un low on healt you can leave and go jump on Goombas for free hearts. Beat him? Great job! Onto Turtle Rock.

Hyrule Adventures 2! Stop playing Zelda. Start living it!

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